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Investment in 2010”

2010 may be the year of recovery from the worst economic crisis since the Great
Depression, but many unresolved issues remain within our economy. From
America’s high unemployment rate to the local political instability, how will all these
factors affect our business plan and investment decisions?

Based on the latest economic policy changes by the Malaysian government and the
Obama administration, Mr Kerk Loong Sing (our first speaker of the day) will share
with us the opportunities and dangers in our economic recovery from the perspec-
tive of an economist and researcher.

Coming from a journalism background, Mr Kerk uses his hard knock journalistic
skills to question the experts’ views and have gathered an abundance of data and
resources to support his exceptional interpretation of the economy. At the end of his
session, you will have a clear picture of what to expect of the economy that will be
crucial to setting your investment strategy for the year 2010.

And our second speaker of the day, Master Ooi Wai Loon will then share simple,
practical and proven feng shui tips of what you can do to enhance your wealth luck
at home to further secure your successes in 2010.




Mr. Kerk Loong Sing

Exco Member cum Chairman of Economic Studies Committee,
The Federation of Chinese Association Malaysia (FeCAM) or Hua
Exco Member cum Chariman of Agriculture Committee, The
Associated Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
Honorary Adviser, Persatuan Ru Shang Malaysia
Economic Development Adviser, Qifu, China
Economic Development Adviser, BinHu District Wuxi, China
Exco Member of Malaysian Chinese Economic Consultative
Appeared on numerous radio and T V stations as guest speaker
and economic analyst
Former GM cum Chairman of Editorial Committee,
Nanyang Siang Pao from the 80s till early 90s

Feng Shui Master Ooi Wai Loon

Founder and Principal Consultant of Ooi Wai Loon International
Feng Shui Consultancy, an International Feng Shui consulting firm.

Founder and Master Trainer of International Classical Feng Shui

Academy, which provides training to all walks of life from
individuals, corporation and professional Feng Shui practitioner.

Received his first Feng Shui exposure from his father at

the tender age of 12

Currently covers over 7 countries from individual to public listed

company, hotels, banks and international brand


OUR AGENDA First of all, let me provide you with some quick facts. We
8:00 am
are members of a networking group called BNI. BNI
Registration & Breakfast
8:45 am
(Business Network International) is the world’s largest
Welcome Speech & Introduction referral organization and it is the most successful busi-
9:00am ness and professional organization of its type in the
Session 1: Mr Kerk Loong Sing world.
Title: Rethinking Investment in 2010
Started in 1985 by our founder, Dr. Ivan Misner, there
are currently more than 5,200 Chapters in operation
Session 2: Master Ooi Wai Loon with over 110,000 members in over 40 countries. Every
Title: Riding the Golden Tiger in 2010 year, BNI members passed over 5 million business refer-
12:30 pm rals and this translated into over 8 Billion Ringgit in
Lunch business value being done between BNI members.
Entrance Fee:
The philosophy of BNI is based on the concept of GIVERS
RM100 GAIN. That is, if I give you business, you’d want to recip-
rocate that relationship by giving me business. BNI is
BNI Member:
RM90 about building trusting and long lasting relationship
(Inclusive of breakfast and lunch) amongst members and to refer business to each other. It
Please make payment to:
is about farming for business and not hunting amongst
“Armstrong Integrated Marketing Sdn Bhd” each other.
by cheque or cash.

Bank In Information: Our chapter, BNI United Chapter is currently one of the
Hong Leong Bank A/C: 00400025128 top chapters in Malaysia. We currently have more than
50 members and each representing a different business
Book your seat today! classification. In the last 5 months, we have transacted
For RSVP or more information,
more than RM3Million worth of businesses among mem-
please call 0122025547 bers. We meet on every Thursday morning 7am at
Ecogreen Restaurant, Bangunan Bakti Siti Hasmah.

Sponsored by:
Andrea Wong Agency
(Agency representing Prudential Assurance
Malaysia Berhad)

Organized by: Media partner:

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