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Lesson Plan

A Lesson Plan for Kindergarten

Mahindra Rock

EDUC – 508U: Instructional Technology Integration

Tom Woodward
March 1, 2010

Honor Code: “I pledge that I have neither given nor received

unauthorized assistance during the completion of this work” Mahindra

Lesson Topic: Relative Location

Length of Lesson: 1 day 20-30 minutes depending on length of activity

Virginia Standards of Learning: From Geography K.3 – “The student will describe the
relative location of people, places, and things by using positional words, with emphasis
on near/far, above/below, left/right, and behind/in front.
Learning Objectives
Students Will:

• Explain the differences between near and far

• Describe location of people, places and things
• Distinguish between what is left and what is right
• Recognize what is behind and what is in front

Teaching and Learning Sequence

Introduction/Anticipatory Set
• Tell students that they are going to learn about location and how to use words to
describe location: up/down, above/below, left/right, and behind/in front.
• Begin by showing the Sesame Street Presentation.
• Then read Hop on Pop by Dr. Suess. Gather all students to the reading section of
the classroom where the students will sit and listen to the engaging, silly book.
• Next, begin a discussion about location using silly examples in the Dr. Seuss
book. “Pup is Up” “House on Mouse” etc.
• Continue discussion by using the students as examples. You will teach them the
position of themselves relative to other persons or objects, e.g., I am next to Joe;
Jean is in the middle of the circle. Sue is behind Jose`.
• Play a game of Simon Says using the location terms just discussed.
• Assess students with class worksheet and paper faces project ( paper plates and
project instructions will be sent home for homework)

Lesson Development
• Explain to students that they are going to learn about location and how to use
words to describe location: up/down, above/below, left/right, and behind/front.
• Gather the children in the reading section of the classroom where the students will
listen to the engaging, story, Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss. Not only do the rhyming
words encourage reading but they also depict silly characters in different
• Begin a discussion about different locations, and using positional words to
describe those different locations. Use some of the examples in Dr. Suess.
“Where is Pup?” “Pup is up!” “Where is Brown” “Mr. Brown is out of town”
Lead into a discussion describing different locations of some of the students. You
can have them standing or sitting. “Dawn is behind Joe” “Jen is near the door”
“I am next to Kate” “Look up” “Look down”..ect.
• Next have the students stand up beside their desk chairs to play a quick game of
“Simon Says”
• Explain the rules and play using relative location phrases. “Simon says put your
hands behind your back.” “Simon says put your right hand on your right hip”
“Simon says sit down” “Simon says put your hands above your head”…ect.
• Continue this game to ensure comprehension. Spend more time playing,
discussing and describing if needed.

• End the lesson by having the children sit back in their seats to complete a
worksheet using correct location.
Homework Project: Due the following week, they will do a self-portrait and “map”
the relative locations of facial features using paper plates, paper, crayons, paint, and
yarn – whatever materials are available.


Formative: Observe students during the Simon Says activity and walk around during the
completion of their worksheet. After playing Simon Says, are they correctly positioning
themselves and using terms correctly? If they are then I am on track with the lesson. If
not then I will need to re-evaluate the lesson and re-teach the next day using a different

Summative: Each student will independently do a self-portrait using paper plates, paper,
crayons, paint and yarn or whatever materials that they have available. Students will be
asked to correctly map the relative locations of facial features. They will need to
complete the project one week from the dated lesson for a grade.

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