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Appendix E

Asian Americans According to the U.S. Census Bureau

Part I

Organize statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau on Asian American diversity
using the matrix below. The Web site is available at

Statistic 1 of the Cultural Makeup column is provided for your reference.

Note: you will find only two statistics to place in the financial row.

Statistic 1 Statistic 2 Statistic 3

Cultural 13.1 million U.S. 943,000 who say they 33.4 million (projected
Makeup residents are Asian or are native Hawaiian and number) U.S. residents
Asian in combination other Pacific Islander or who will identify
with other races Native Hawaiian and themselves as Asian
Other Pacific Islander in alone in 2050
combination with one or
more races

Financial $52,018 income of 10.2% poverty rate in

households whose 2002 for those who
householders reported reported their race as
their race as either either Asian or native
Asian or native Hawaiian and other
Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander
Pacific Islander

Nationality A total of 2.7 million 95% The percentage of The largest Pacific
Asian American Asian and Pacific Islander groups are
residents are Islanders who live in Native Hawaiian
Chinese(excluding metropolitan areas (401,000) and Samoan
Taiwanese) in (133,000)
combination with one
or more other races or
Asian Group

Education 47% percentage of 87% The percentage of 16% The percentage of

Asians and Pacific Asians and Pacific Asians and Pacific
Islanders age 25 and Islanders 25 and over Islanders 25 and over
older with a Bachelor’s who are high school with an advanced
degree graduates degree

Career About 75% of Asian 105,300 The number of 89,000 non-Hispanic

and Pacific Islander physicians and surgeons Asian postsecondary
men age 16 and over who report Asian as teachers;43,000 chief
and 59% of women their only race and who executives;20,000
are in the civilian labor are not Hispanic lawyers; 3,000 news
force analyst; reporters and
correspondents; and
200 legislators.

Demographics 26% The percentage 7% are 65 or older at the 73% The percentage of
of Asians and Pacific other end of the age Asian and Pacific
Islanders who are spectrum. Islander households
under 18 made up of families.
Among these, nearly 2-
10 have five or more

Lifestyle 351,000 The number 8.3 million The number 2.0 million The number
of Asian American of foreign-born residents of people who speak
Military veterans in the United States’ Chinese at home. Next
who were born in Asia. to Spanish, Chinese is
Asian-born residents the most widely spoken
comprise 1/4th of the non-English language in
nation’s total foreign- the country. French and
born population. German rank a third and
fourth but Tagalong (1.2
million) ranks fifth.
Vietnamese (1.0 million)
sixth and Korean
(894,000) eighth. The
number of Vietnamese
speakers and the
number of Italian
speakers (in seventh)
are not statistically

Part II

Next, answer the following questions:

a. What do these statistics reveal about Asian diversity in America?

Just from looking at the statistics above, it is safe to assume that the
Asian diversity in America is great. Hispanics are one of the nation’s
largest but from the looks of the statistics, it seems as though both
Asians and Hispanic’s are similar is numbers.
b. What do you believe is the future of Asian diversity in America?
The future is one that will out number even the White American’s
because of their growing population. Diverse ethnicity is growing rapid
and in some ways, I do fear that White American’s may be out-
numbered and those of various ethnicity will take over. Nothing wrong
with it, yet it is almost like the Egyptians’ fear of being over taken by
the Isrealites.

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