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Guava Leaves:

Diabetes Studies conducted at the Yakult Central Institute

in Japan show that guava leaf tea reduces alpha-glucosidease
enzyme activity which in turn lowers blood sugar levels. And
it also prevents sucrose and maltose from being absorbed into
the body thus helping to lower blood sugar levels and helping
with weight loss. People who drink guava leaf tea over a 12
week period have lower blood sugar levels plus it does all
this without increasing insulin production Great!
Digestion Digestion is enhanced because guava leaf tea
promotes digestive enzyme production. And it also has a
powerful antibacterial agent that kills bacteria in the lining
of the gut and stops proliferation of toxic enzymes by
bacteria. Guava leaves are great for food poisoning and
diarrhea in general plus it soothes away vomiting and nausea.
Antioxidant Guava leaves are full of powerful antioxidants
such as Vitamin C and quercetin that scavenge away free
radicals, boost the immune system, thus helping to slow the
aging process and prevent debilitating diseases such as
cardiovascular disease, cancer, arthritis, macular
degeneration, and strokes.
Sperm Production Many studies show that guava leaf tea has
the ability to increase sperm production thus helping with
Toothache, Sore Throats, & Gum Disease Fresh guava leaves
are well known for eliminating toothache pain, healing gum and
mouth sores, and sore throats when used as a gargle. Guava
leaves contain powerful antibacterial agents the protect the
teeth and gums, and in some areas of the world guava leaves
are used in toothpaste and also for breath fresheners, and
there is an old saying A guava leaf a day keeps the dentist
away. Plus the leaves can also be made into a natural paste
for brushing on the teeth and gums.

Lower Cholesterol Studies show that people who drink guava

leaf tea for 3 months have a reduction in LDL or bad
cholesterol and triglycerides without lowering good
cholesterol, plus the leaves are a great liver tonic.
Prostate Cancer Guava leaves work well for prostate cancer
and enlargement and more studies being done at this time.
Antibacterial Action Guava leaves contain powerful
antibacterial compounds that work well for healing of skin
infections and even surgical wounds plus it dries wounds,
helps with inflammation, and prevents further infections.
Guava leaf paste works well for acne and can be use in face
washes and guava tea can help with ear infections.
Allergies Guava leaves prevent the process of histamine
release basically all the allergic reactions are blocked by
compounds found in guava leaves.
Weight Loss Guava leaves prevent complex starches from being
converted into sugars thus promoting weight loss. Carbs must
be broken down in the liver for use by the body and guava
leaves prevent carbohydrate transition to usable compounds.
Bronchitis Guava leaf tea has the ability to treat
bronchitis by opening up the lungs, loosing mucus, and
soothing coughs.

Lemon leaf is sedative and antispasmodic.Those who suffer from
insomnia, nervousness, and palpitation should soak five to seven
leaves of lemon in a teacup of hot water and allow it to infuse for
15 minutes. The dosage is one cup two times daily.
Lemon leaf will serve as a good and better alternative to Valium and
other synthetic sedatives,which by the way, have side effects.To get
maximum result from lemon leaf, take the preparation daily for at
least one month.Do not expect that your insomnia or nervousness
would disappear overnight.
For migraine headache and asthma, soak two handfuls [a handful is
the amount of dried or fresh lemon leaves you can hold within your
fist] of fresh lemon leaves in one bottle (beer bottle) of hot
water. Allow it infuse for 10 minutes.Drink two cups every night for
two weeks.
This applies more particular to asthma patients. lemon leaf is also
good for worms. For this prepare as for migraine and asthma above.
The dosage is three cups every night for one week.

Antiviral properties:It is effective against several viral strains such as:
Common cold, Epstein Bar (EBV), HIV-AIDS, Warts viruses,
Herpes Simplex virus etc.
Antimicrobial / Biocidal action :It is effective and applied against bacterial infections
such as:-Dental Caries/Toothache Infection, Syphilis, Typhoid,
and Urinary Tract Infection.
Anti inflammatory properties :The bark leafs and the root can be used in several
inflammatory disorders like: - Rheumatism, Joint Pain, Oedema,
and Arthritis.
Cancer preventing property :It provides protection against tumours, Prostate cancer,
Skin cancer etc. and also it has got the Radio protective
Nervous Disorders :The Malunggay or
nervine disorders
spasmodic pain in
such as the Root,
this regard.

the Moringa has the proven results for the

like Epilepsy, Hysteria, Headache and for
stomach .The various parts of the plants
Gum, Bark, Leave ,Pods all are use full in

Immunomodulatory effect:The Auto-Immune disorders like Lupus erythematosus and

rheumatic arthritis, Asthma can be successfully alleviated by
the consumption of the Seeds and the seed oil.
Circulatory system :The leave curry and the dry powders may give complete
Endocrine disorders :All the Leave, Fruits, Seed, Oil, Gums are diuretic. All
parts have the therapeutic properties to be used in the
endocrine disorders like Thyroid, Hepatorenal and Diabetes for

Reproductive system :The fruit, root, bark and gum are abortifacient .The leave
promote lactation. Root, bark are aphrodisiac, Seed oil
normalises the prostate function .The bark if properly used
has the female contraceptive property.

Avocado is a tree. The fruit, a popular food, is a good source
of potassium and vitamin D. The fruit, leaves, and seeds are
used to make medicine.
Avocado fruit is used to lower cholesterol levels, to increase
sexual desire, and to stimulate menstrual flow. Some of the
oils in avocado (chemists call these oils the unsaponifiable
fractions) are used to treat osteoarthritis. The seeds,
leaves, and bark are used for dysentery and diarrhea.
Avocado oil is applied directly to the skin to soothe and heal
skin and to treat thickening (sclerosis) of the skin, gum
infections (pyorrhea), and arthritis. Avocado oil is used in
combination with vitamin B12 for a skin condition
called psoriasis. The fruit pulp is used topically to
promote hair growth and speed wound healing. The seeds,
leaves, and bark are used to relieve toothache.


Alleviates pain stemming from arthritis, joint and back problems, and

Prevents urinary tract infections - Guyabano is known for its vitamin C

content (77% daily value per cup). Vitamin C can help to decrease the amount of
harmful bacteria that may be present in the urinary tract.
Migraine and headache relief Guyabano contains riboflavin, which could

help with headaches.

May help with anemia Soursop (guyabano) is rich in iron, which could help

with iron deficiency anemia.

Prevents constipation - Before Rich in fiber, guyabano is one of the many

foods to choose if you suffer from constipation.

Bone health Guyabano contains copper, a mineral promoting the

absorption of bone-benefiting calcium.

Prevents leg cramps Potassium in the fruit could help prevent leg cramps.
Boosts energy levels Along with vitamin C, guyabano is known to be rich
in B vitamins as well. B vitamins are known to help increase energy levels.

Lagundi Leaves

Lagundi is also known for its analgesic effect that helps alleviate pain and
discomfort. Other traditional benefits that are derived from the use of
Lagundi are as follows:
Relief of asthma & pharyngitis
Recommended relief of rheumatism, dyspepsia, boils, diarrhea
Treatment of cough, colds, fever and flu and other
bronchopulmonary disorders
Alleviate symptoms of Chicken Pox
Removal of worms, and boils

TAWA-TAWA IS good for Dengue. If it does not totally cure the epidemic disease, at least it helps
prevent or delay the effects of Dengue, that is, it lowers the platelet count of the patient's blood.

Tawa-tawa, also known as gatas-gatas, is scientifically known as Euphorbia hirta.

Its uses is not only for treating dengue fever. It can also be used to relieve a variety of illnesses.
1. Antibacterial/Antimicrobial. Its plant ethanol extracts are found to inhibit bacterial growth.
Also effective against amoeba and fungal infection. Prepare 25 grams plant per two cups water.
Boil for three minutes. Take three to five cups a day.
2. Antiasthmatic. The herb is good for asthmatic persons. It breaks up mucus and relaxes
spasm. It is combined with bronchial sedatives in inhaler preparation. Keep one teaspoon of
leaves per cup of water for ten minutes. Take three to four glasses a day.
3. Antidiuretic. Drinking coffee and alcoholic beverages promotes excretion of body fluids,
diuretic effect. Rapid loss of body fluids is also experienced by person suffering from diarrhea or
loose bowel movement. Too much dehydration can be fatal.
Gatas-gatas has antidiuretic effect. It contains active extracts of phytochemical tannins and
flavonoids that promote water adsorption and electrolyte re-absorption. Preparation is similar to
4. Anthelmintic effect. Tawa-tawa is an effective worm killer and dewormer. Preparation is same
as antibacterial.
5. Antihypertensive. It counteracts high blood pressure by inhibiting the activity of angiotensin
converting enzyme and increasing urine output and electrolytes. Keep one to three teaspoons of
leaves in one cup water for five minutes. Drink two glasses as tonic.
6. Sedative. Helps in treating anxiety. Mode of application is the same as antibacterial.
7. Antidysentery. Dysentery is an infection of the intestines marked by severe diarrhea. Taking
in small quantities calm the digestive system but large doses has purgative effect. Keep one
teaspoon leaves in one cup water for ten minutes. Take four glasses a day.
8. Antispasmodic. It contains shikinic acid and choline that are responsible for stopping early
and late stage allergy. Preparation is similar to antibacterial.
9. Treatment of skin diseases. Good for treatment of sores, boils, warts, fungi and open
wounds. Treating open wounds will turn skin to bluish black. Apply fresh latex to sores, boils,
warts, fungi and open wounds. Sprinkle dried or fresh powdered leaves as wound dressings.
10. Galactagogue. A breast milk stimulant. Massage fresh latex to breast to increase milk flow.
Root decoction maybe taken. Preparation is same as antibacterial.

Talbos ng Kamote or a Sweet Potato Tops

These green leafy tops have the highest content of total polyphenolic,
among other commercial vegetables studied. It has excellent source of antioxidative compounds mainly, polyphenolic which protects the human body
from oxidative stress associated with many diseases, including cancer and
cardio vascular diseases. It is a good source of protein, minerals, dietary
fiber and nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorous,
sulfur, iron and zinc.

Health Benefits of Talbos ng Kamote:

Diabetes treatment

Promotes good health

Lowers blood sugar and cholesterol

Regulates good bowel movements

Destroys bacteria and inhibit fungi

Papaya leaves

Papaya Leaves contain powerful healing

compounds that are very important for great
health and vitality... and for curing cancer and
dengue fever.
Indigestion-Heartburn - Papaya Leaves are great for getting rid
of invading bacteria that cause upset stomach problems because
they contain karpain which kills bacteria. And it contains lots of
papain, protease enzyme, and amylase enzyme which help to breaks
down proteins, carbs, and sooth the GI tract... and helps with acid
Papaya Leaves reduce inflammation of the stomach lining and heal
gastric ulcers by killing H. pylori bacteria. And Papaya Leaf tea

soothes away colon inflammation from IBS and other inflammatory

bowel diseases.

Break Down Wheat Gluten - Papaya Leaves have the ability to

break down wheat gluten making it easy to digest.

Cancer - Papaya Leaves have a milky sap thats great for

preventing and killing cancer cells because it contains acetogenin.

Clavo huasca
Main Actions (in order):
aphrodisiac, analgesic (pain-reliever), digestive stimulant, febrifuge (reduces fever),
Main Uses:
1. as a female aphrodisiac for pre-menopausal women
2. for muscle pain and aches
3. as a digestive aid to calm the stomach, increase appetite, and expel intestinal
4. as a male aphrodisiac and for erectile function
5. as a general tonic (tones, balances, strengthens overall body functions)
Other Properties/Actions Documented by Traditional Use:
analgesic (pain-reliever), aphrodisiac, anti-rheumatic, carminative (expels gas), digestive
stimulant, muscle relaxant, tonic (tones, balances, strengthens overall body functions

Taro o Gabi leaves

Taro, which belongs to the plant family Araceae, is longstalked, huge-leaved plant growing in marshy regions.

Sometimes the plant is called Elephants Ear plant as the

cordate leaves growing up to 50 cm. long, resemble the
elephants ear. It is an herbaceous plant and the 1.2 m. long
stalks spring from the underground fleshy corn that may have
suckers and stolons among the roots. The tiny male and female
flowers form a spadix inflorescences with a prominent
protective spathe. The leaves and the starchy corns are eaten
as food as they are rich in vitamins and minerals. It is grown
in cultivated soil, and near swamps or marshland.


Leprosy and tuberculosis.

Being styptic, it stops the flow of blood and this
action helps to arrest arterial hemorrhage.


Alopecia or hair loss.

Laxative, piles and for stings of wasps and other


Ampalaya leaves:

Ampalaya leaves and fruits are excellent sources of Vitamin B, iron,

calcium, and phosphorus. It is also rich in beta carotene.
Ampalaya is used as herbal treatment for diabetes, HIV, coughs, skin
diseases, sterility in women, parasiticide, antipyretic and as purgative
among others.
Health benefits from ampalaya leaves.
Powered leaves used as astringent to treat haemorrhoids and piles
Sap or juice of leaves used to treat skin problems such as eczema,
acne, psoriasis, leprosy and scabies
Pounded leaves used to treat for burns and scald

Infusion of leaves used to treat fever

Infusion used to treat various stomach problems and to improve
Poultice of leaves used to treat headache
Infusion of leaves used as mouthwash to treat tooth ache and other
mouth problems

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