Chapter 17

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1. The problems of accounting for investments involve measurement, recognition, and
disclosure. Investments are generally classified as either debt securities or equity
securities. Chapter 17 covers both temporary and long-term investments. The first
section presents accounting for debt securities; the second section covers accounting for
equity securities; and the remainder of the chapter presents the equity method of
accounting, disclosure requirements, impairments, and accounting for the transfer of
investment securities between categories.

Debt Securities
2. (S.O. 1)Debt Securities are instruments representing a creditor relationship with an
enterprise. Debt securities include U.S. government securities, municipal securities,
corporate bonds, convertible debt, commercial paper, and all securitized debt instruments.
*Note:All asterisked (*) items relate to material contained in the Appendix to the
3. Debt securities are grouped into the following three separate categories:

a. Held-to-maturity:Debt securities that the enterprise has the positive intent and ability to
hold to maturity.
b. Trading:Debt securities bought and held primarily for sale in the near term to generate
income on short-term price differences.
c. Available-for-sale:Debt securities not classified as held-to-maturity or trading securities.
Held-to-Maturity Debt Securities
4. Held-to-maturity debt securities are accounted for at amortized cost, not fair value. A Heldto Maturity Securities account is used to indicate the type of debt security purchased.

Available-for-Sale Debt Securities

5. Available-for-sale debt securities are reported at fair value. The unrealized gains and
losses related to changes in the fair value of available-for-sale debt securities are
recorded in an unrealized holding gain or loss account. This account is reported as other
comprehensive income and as a separate component of stockholders equity until

realized. A valuation account called Securities Fair Value Adjustment (Available-forSale) is used instead of debiting or crediting the Available-for-Sale Securities account to
enable the company to maintain a record of its amortized cost.
6. When an available-for-sale debt security is sold, the realized gain or loss is reported in
the Other Revenues and Gains section or the Other Expenses and Losses section of the
income statement.

Trading Securities
7. Trading securities are reported at fair value, with unrealized holding gains and losses
reported as part of net income. A holding gain or loss is the net change in the fair value
of a security from one period to another, exclusive of dividend or interest revenue recog nized but not received. A valuation account called Securities Fair Value Adjustment
(Trading) is used instead of debiting or crediting the Trading Securities account.

Amortization on Bond Investments

8. (S.O. 2)The effective-interest method is required to amortize premium or discount
unless some other methodsuch as the straight-line methodyields a similar result. The
effective-interest method is applied to bond investments in a fashion similar to that
described for bonds payable. The effective-interest rate or yield is computed at the time
of investment and is applied to its beginning carrying amount (book value) for each
interest period to compute interest revenue. The investment carrying amount is
increased by the amortized discount or decreased by the amortized premium in each

Equity Securities
9. (S.O. 3)Equity securities are described as securities representing ownership interest
such as common, preferred, or other capital stock. They also include rights to acquire or
dispose of ownership interests at an agreed upon or determinable price such as
warrants, rights, and call options or put options.
10. The degree to which one corporation (investor) acquires an interest in the common
stock of another corporation (investee) generally determines the accounting treatment
for the investment subsequent to acquisition. Investments by one corporation in the
common stock of another and the accounting method to be used can be classified
according to the percentage of the voting stock of the investee held by the investor:



a. Less than 20%

Fair Value Method

b. Between 20% and 50%

Equity Method

c. More than 50%

Consolidated Statements

Fair Value Method

11. When an investor has an interest of less than 20%, it is presumed that the investor has
little or no influence over the investee. If market prices are available, the investment is
valued and reported subsequent to acquisition using the fair value method. The fair
value method requires that companies classify equity securities at acquisition as
available-for-sale securities or trading securities.
12. When acquired, available-for-sale equity securities are recorded at cost. Net income
earned by the investee is not considered a proper basis for recognizing income from the
investment by the investor. Therefore, net income is not considered earned by the investor
until cash dividends are declared by the investee. The net unrealized gains and losses
related to changes in the fair value are recorded in an Unrealized Holding Gain or LossEquity account that is reported as a part of other comprehensive income and as
a separate component of stockholders equity until realized. The offsetting portion of the
entry is debited or credited to the valuation account, Securities Fair Value Adjustment
(Available for Sale).
13. The accounting entries to record trading equity securities are the same as for available-forsale equity securities except for recording the unrealized holding gain or loss. For trading
equity securities, the unrealized holding gain or loss is reported as part of net income.

Equity Method
14. (S.O. 4)When an investor has a holding interest of between 20% and 50% in an investee
corporation, the investor is generally deemed to exercise significant influence over
operating and financial policies of the investee. The FASB has also listed other factors to
consider in determining whether an investor can exercise significant influence over an
investee. In instances of significant influence, the investor is required to account for
the investment using the equity method.
15. Under the equity method the investments carrying amount is periodically increased
(decreased) by the investors proportionate share of the earnings (losses) of the investee
and decreased by all dividends received by the investor from the investee. The investor
must record as separate components the amount of ordinary and extraordinary income
as reported by the investee.
16. Under the equity method, if an investors share of the investees losses exceeds the
carrying amount of the investment, the investor should discontinue applying the equity
method and not recognize additional losses (unless the investors loss is not limited or if
return to profitability appears to be assured).

17. The following transactions illustrate the journal entries for an investment accounted for
under the equity method.

a. On 1/3/09 Workowski Corporation purchased 55,000 shares (26%) of Wendy Company at

a cost of $8 per share.
...............................................Investment in Wendy Company




b. At the end of 2009 Wendy Company reported net income of $350,000 (all ordinary).
Workowskis share is $91,000 ($350,000 x .26).
...............................................Investment in Wendy Company

Revenue from Investment

c. In early 2010, Wendy Company paid a $75,000 dividend. Workowskis share is $19,500
($75,000 X .26).

Investment in Wendy

d. Wendy Company reported a $215,000 net loss (all ordinary) in 2010. Workowskis share
is $55,900.
..................................................................Loss on Investment

Investment in Wendy

Consolidated Financial Statements

18. When one corporation (the parent) acquires a voting interest of more than 50% in
another corporation (the subsidiary), the investor corporation is deemed to have a
controlling interest. When the parent treats the subsidiary as an investment,
consolidated financial statements are generally prepared. The subject of when and
how to prepare consolidated financial statements is discussed extensively in advanced

Fair Value Option

19. Companies have the option to report most financial assets and liabilities at fair value,
with gains and losses reported in net income. The fair value option is only available at
the acquisition date or date incurred, and applies on a security-by-security basis. When
the fair value option in selected, it must be used for the life of the instrument.

20. When the fair value option is used for

a. Available-for-sale securities, gains and losses related to changes in fair value are
reported in net income (rather than as part of comprehensive income).
b. Equity method investments, the investor does not report it share of the investee income
or loss, rather, changes in the fair value of the investment are reported in net income.
Likewise, the receipt of dividends would be recorded as dividend revenue rather than as a
reduction of the investment account.
c. Financial liabilities, a company revalues its own liabilities, with gains and losses
reported in net income. That is, when the market price of a companys bonds declines,
the company will reduce the liability and record a gain in the income statement.
Impaired Investments
21. (S.O. 6)Each period every investment must be evaluated to determine if it has suffered
a loss in value that is other than temporary (an impairment). If an investment is
deemed impaired, the cost basis of the individual security is written down to a new cost
basis. The amount of the writedown is accounted for as a realized loss and, therefore,
included in net income.

Reclassification Adjustments
22. (S.O. 7)As indicated, unrealized holding gains and losses related to available-for-sale
securities are reported as part of other comprehensive income. The reporting of changes
in unrealized gains or losses in comprehensive income is straightforward unless securities
are sold during the yearthen a reclassification adjustment is necessary to ensure
that gains and losses are not counted twice.

Transfers Between Categories

23. (S.O. 8)Transfers between any of the investment categories are accounted for at fair
value. The text gives an illustration of measurement basis and how Stockholders Equity
and Net Income are impacted upon a transfer between investment categories.






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