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Fall 2015 Newsletter

Table of Contents:
Summer Program
Highlights p. 1-4

Global Institute for

Secondary Educators

The Bridging Cultures


GS Summer Workshop
for HS students

Opportunities for Students

p. 4-5

Graduate Minor in
Global Studies
FLAS Fellowships

Recent Publications p. 6

Policy Briefs

Welcome Back Students and Faculty!

The Center for Global Studies extends a warm welcome to new and
returning faculty and students on the Illinois campus. The Center is
looking forward to a dynamic year of Global Studies programming,
academics and outreach. Through this quarterly publication, the
Center aims to keep faculty affiliates and the campus community
informed of the Centers activities to globalize the research, teaching
and outreach missions of the University of Illinois.

Summer Program Highlights

Global Institute for Secondary Educators

Professional Development
for Teachers p. 6

Choices Program
Workshops for
Secondary Teachers

Global Studies Library and

Resource Collections p. 7

Library Notes

The Center for Global
303 International Studies
910 S. Fifth Street, MC402
Champaign, Illinois

2015 Global Institute Participants

CGS is in its third year administering the Global Institute for Secondary Educators, a Study of the
U.S. Institute on behalf of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural
Affairs. This grant, competitively won by CGS in 2013, brings 20 secondary educators from 20
different countries to the University of Illinois for an institute on American history, culture, and
society each summer.
This intensive six-week Institute, The American Dream: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of a Cultural
Heritage, provides participating educators from around the globe with an interdisciplinary
examination of what many call Americas most enduring myth the American Dream. The
Institute includes informed lectures, pedagogy workshops, panels and discussions with educators,
government officials, and community residents, national study tours and local site visits, and
sustained engagement with the local community.
For more information visit:

Global Institute participants talk to Senator Durbins staff in Washington D.C. about educational
opportunity in the United States

The Bridging Cultures Initiative

The Bridging Cultures Initiative, a joint
program of the Center for Global Studies and
the Illinois-Northwestern African Studies
Consortium, provides a cohort of U.S.
secondary educators with cross-cultural,
international programming on educational
practice, pedagogy, and policy. Workshops
and other sessions are held jointly with the
cohort of visiting international secondary
educators from the Global Institute for
Secondary Educators.

Nine high school teachers from 6 states

participated in the 2015 Bridging Cultures teacher
professional development program

Global Institute international teachers and Bridging Cultures American teachers collaborate on curriculum and
lesson plans during a teacher workshop

Through close interaction with international teachers from around the globe, American
teachers participating in the Bridging Cultures Initiative had the opportunity to share their craft,
while gaining new understandings of cultural and educational practices in many other
countries that will enhance their ability to infuse their curriculum with multicultural
perspectives. The Global Institute teachers and Bridging Cultures teachers developed
relationships that will result in sustained collaboration that will impact their students in the
United States and abroad.

Global Studies Summer Workshop for High School Students: Sustainable Futures
In June, CGS welcomed 20 high
school students from around the
nation to campus for the third annual
Global Studies Summer Workshop.

(Left) Twenty high school students participated in the third

annual Center for Global Studies Summer Workshop

This intensive course for motivated

high school students offers a collegelevel interdisciplinary foundation in
environmental sustainability. The
course includes discussions with
University faculty and expert
practitioners, combining an
academic assessment of the
fundamental challenges of
sustainability with case-study
investigations of local practice.

The course was taught by Jonathan Tomkin,

Associate Director of the School of Earth, Society and
Environment (SESE), and included a mix of lectures
by Illinois faculty, group projects, and presentations.
SESE lecturer Robert Kanter led field visits for the
group to sites such as the Sustainable Student Farm,
restored prairie, and a local LEED-gold certified
building. Upon successful completion of the course,
students earned one Illinois credit (GLBL 199).

CGS is proud to offer this opportunity for high school

students to experience a taste of college-level
scholarship, earn college credit, and gain knowledge
on this vital global issue.
For more information visit:

Sustainable Futures students engaged in

research on sustainable water solutions


Graduate Minor in Global Studies

Interested in expanding your disciplinary and professional vision as well as your job
prospects? The Graduate Minor in Global Studies enables students to gain a deeper
understanding of the processes of globalization. The Minor builds on students disciplinary and
professional knowledge base to integrate their specialized skills within the broader intellectual,
and public policy demands of the challenges confronting the worlds populations. Please note
that a recent change in Graduate College policy on Graduate Minors is now effective. The
policy revision is as follows: It is at the discretion of the major degree department to
determine which, if any, of the courses used to fulfill the minor will also be used to fulfill
the requirements of the graduate major degree.
Questions? Visit our web site:

FLAS Fellowships
CGS is proud to support exceptional University of Illinois students engaged in studying less
commonly taught languages. CGS offers summer and academic year Foreign Language and
Area Studies (FLAS) fellowships to fund intensive language training in the United States and
abroad. The objective of the CGS FLAS program is to provide graduate and undergraduate
students of exceptional promise with the critical language and area studies skills they need to
enter the global workforce upon graduation.

The fellowship competition for summer 2016 and academic year 2016-17 FLAS fellowships
will open in October. For more information please visit:

We are proud to present CGS summer 2015 and academic year 2015-16 FLAS fellows.
Summer 2015 FLAS Fellows (6 Graduates and 5 Undergraduates):

Noelle Easterday (Graduate Student) studied Korean at the Middlebury College Intensive
School of Korean Language Study in Oakland, California.
Saniya Ghanoui (Graduate Student) studied Swedish at the Uppsala University International
Summer Session in Uppsala, Sweden.
Anita Greenfield (Graduate Student) studied Korean at the Seoul National University's Korean
Language Education Center in Seoul, South Korea.
Christine Kausal (Undergraduate Student) studied Portuguese at the Olinda Portuguese
Language School in Olinda, Brazil.
Kenneth Kliesner (Undergraduate Student) studied Portuguese at the Instituto Brasil Estados
Unidos in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Julian Pahre (Graduate Student) studied Japanese at the Kyoto Consortium for Japanese
Studies in Kyoto, Japan.
Theresa Pham (Undergraduate Student) studied Arabic at the University of Illinois Summer
Institute for Languages of the Muslim World.
David Rahimi (Graduate Student) studied Arabic at the University of Illinois Summer Institute
for Languages of the Muslim World.
Bara Saadah (Undergraduate Student) studied Arabic at the University of Illinois Summer
Institute for Languages of the Muslim World.
Morgan Shafter (Graduate Student) studied Uzbek at the University of Illinois Summer
Institute for Languages of the Muslim World.
Justin Tomczyk (Undergraduate Student) studied Russian at the School of Russian and Asian
Studies in Kiev, Ukraine.

Academic Year 2015-16 FLAS Fellows (16 Graduates and 5 Undergraduates):

Hilary Allen (Undergraduate Student) LAS Global Studies (Portuguese)

Elizabeth Bastian - (Graduate Student) Urban and Regional Planning (Arabic)
Kyle Carmack -(Graduate Student) School of Music (Hindi)
Lydia Catedral - (Graduate Student) Linguistics (Russian)
Noelle Easterday - (Graduate Student) Anthropology (Korean)
Anita Greenfield - (Graduate Student) Linguistics (Korean)
Karin Hodgin-Jones - (Graduate Student) Urban and Regional Planning (Hindi)
Marco Jaimes (Graduate Student) History (Czech)
Christine Kausal - (Undergraduate Student) LAS Global Studies (Portuguese)
Renee Keyvan - (Undergraduate Student) LAS Global Studies (Persian)
Stephanie Landblom - (Graduate Student) Linguistics (Hindi)
Natalie Lloyd - (Graduate Student) Education Policy, Organization and Leadership (Hindi)
Elizabeth Matsushita - (Graduate Student) History (Arabic)
Julian Pahre - (Graduate Student) East Asian Languages and Cultures (Japanese)
Theresa Pham- (Undergraduate Student) LAS Global Studies (Arabic)
Jancie Philippus - (Graduate Student) School of Music (Portuguese)
Victoria Prince - (Undergraduate Student) LAS Global Studies (Chinese)
David Rahimi - (Graduate Student) South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Arabic)
Adrienne Seely - (Graduate Student) Graduate School of Library & Information Science (Czech)
Jamison Watson - (Graduate Student) Agricultural and Biological Engineering (Chinese)
Megan White (Graduate Student) History (Japanese)

In response to the increasing significance of global issues, the Center for Global Studies
launched the quarterly Policy Brief series in the summer of 2008. In accordance with mission
of the Center, this publication seeks to address more fully issues of both local and international
concern for the campus community and other interested parties across the nation and
throughout the world. The complete archive of Policy Brief publications can be accessed on
the CGS website
Two new Policy Briefs were published this summer:

Policy Brief 12 - Building Partnerships: The Global Health Initiative and Njala University
Abstract: In 2013, the Global Health Initiative launched a program to develop an international
partnership around global health themes with the goal of fostering a long-term relationship
with an overseas institution that would create space for new interdisciplinary, interinstitutional research and teaching initiatives. This brief reports on their program and the
Policy Brief 13 - Scientific Animations Without Borders and Njala University
Abstract: Scientific Animators Without Borders, a University of Illinois initiative describes its
work to democratize the deployment of vital health care information to populations with
diverse languages and low literacy levels in Sierra Leone during the Ebola crisis of 2014-15.


CGS now offers Choices Program Workshops for Secondary Teachers

The Center for Global Studies is pleased to announce our new partnership with the Choices
Program, a non-profit organization based at Brown University that develops curricula on
current and historical international issues.

Choices materials incorporate the latest scholarship from Brown University and beyond to
draw connections between historical events and contemporary international issues. In each
unit, a central activity challenges students to consider multiple viewpoints on a contested issue.
Ultimately, students are expected to formulate persuasive arguments and express their own

In an effort to make these resources freely available to Illinois teachers, the Center for Global
Studies Outreach Coordinator, Jeremie Smith, a certified Choices trainer, conducts professional
development workshops for Illinois teachers at no cost to teachers or school districts. If you
are interested in scheduling a Choices Program Professional Development for your department
or district, please contact Jeremie Smith at


Remember to check out the Global Currents blog at
to keep up on the issues that are impacting the greater information society, and our corner of
the world. The blog highlights resources for upcoming events on a regular basis as well as
noting many of the issues that face us in the networked society. If you have an upcoming event
for which you would like to see resources gathered on the blog, let us know!

Uncover and discover your window to the world through information resources on our
homepage at The librarians office hours this
semester are 2:00-4:00 on Tuesdays and 9:00-11:00 on Fridays in room 306 of the
International Studies Building. Send your students or drop by and say hello yourself.

The Center for Global Studies is located on the campus of the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign in the International Studies Building. If you have a general inquiry, an item you
would like included in our quarterly newsletter, or would like to be added to our emailing list,
please send a message to the email address
CGS Staff:

Director - Edward A. Kolodziej -

Associate Director -Elizabeth Hanauer -

Outreach Coordinator Jeremie Smith

Global Studies Librarian Lynne Rudasill -

Office Manager Lynn Charters -

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