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At present, crime is one of the main problems that affect the country negatively.
Peruvians feel totally insecure and they don't live in peace, since criminals
increasingly are increasing. Most worrying of all is that in recent years, crime is
practiced by a big percentage of minors (children and adolescents).
There are many reasons why children decide to commit a crime, such as
poverty and the need to get something. For many young people, who don't
receive a good education and values, to make easy money, getting paid for
committing a crime, is the main solution.
Another cause may be the vices. We often see in the news that young people
steal from their own parents or mug some business to get money and satisfy
their vices like drugs, alcohol or games. The latter has become a fashion. The
network games makes them addicted, and for this reason, young people steal
to get easy money and to spend more hours in internet booths or to buy some
offers in games.
"Young people are not born violent. This attitude is acquired by family problems
and because they seek refuge in bad friends and drugs. The very permissive or
very rigid parents form rebellious children", Ms. Rojas said, who also teaches at
the University Cesar Vallejo. To avoid increasing bad behaviors, the
psychologist suggested the authorities to attend the cases of physical abuse,
psychological abuse and sexual violence within families, because in these
environments grow many future juvenile criminals.
Behind every juvenile delinquent ,generally, there are old people that induce
them to take the wrong path. They use them to meet "orders" and finally, the
young man becomes daring and forms part of organized crime. They know that
the only punishment that they would receive is to be sent to a correctional
center, where then they will be free to continue committing crimes.
In my opinion, I think that the punishment for young criminals should be more
drastic and categorized according to the intensity of the crime. For minor crime
could be punished by community service, for less serious crime such as
robberies, vandalism, drug, etc .; according to my assessment, they should go

to a correctional center and re-educate them, because most of these young

people are not aware of their actions and act with immaturity. In the case of very
serious crimes such as murder, kidnapping, raping, etc; young criminals should
go to prison, as long as, they are greater than 16 years. These young people
have a very dangerous mindset, and if they commit a serious crime once, they
will commit these again. Even more if they are over 16, have more life
experience and are now a little more reasonable and they know the
consequences that will have his actions, therefore, they should be judged as
adults and punished like them, sending them to prison.
Paulo Sergio Capcha Hernandez

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