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Cable 8:

Spring 2010
The P.L.U.G.E.
W A S H I N G T O N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y F E B R U A R Y 2 0 0 9

Cable 8 promotes higher education

 Inside the

 The Mix
By Raquel Marcelo Pullman and WSU com- (or Ki), a local 8th grade
 Always on munities. This year, for student at Lincoln Middle
the Movie Cheers filled the control the Cougar Outreach Pro- School.
room at 3 p.m., as the
 Video Under-
three-hour live telethon Ki is an at-risk child. He
concluded Thursday, recently lost his mother
 Wazzu Cribs February 18. The Cou- to cancer, and his father
gar Vision Telethon was also is struggling with
 Studio 41
a collaborative event fatal medical problems
 Art Beat with all members of Ca- from his time served in
ble 8; the promotions the military.
 Short Shorts team, special projects,
producers and directors. Cable 8 staff host the live Ki lives in Albion with
 The Morning
telethon for community his father. The only way
The telethon was part of member in Studio A. for Ki to get into Pullman
the Cougar Vision Out- and to school is through a
reach Program. This gram, Cable 8 worked to- school bus.
program is designed to gether to promote higher
promote higher educa- education by starting a See “Cougar Vision”
tion and to help bridge higher education fund for Page 4
the gap between the Kwina Schaible-Bliesner,

Short Shorts introduces a new comic relief

By Tim Dowling the content to appeal vari- influenced by a combina-
ous audiences,” Travis tion of humors.
As a new Cable 8 season Logan, producer and direc-
begins, one show is sure tor of the show said. Logan said he was influ-
to keep your attention. enced by a hit show on
Short Shorts is one of three Cartoon Network.
Check out the newly fea- comedies in the lineup.
tured show Short Shorts, What separates this show “Me and my good friend
a “comedy sketch show from others, is its creativ- Jerry Peterson were
that varies from anything ity and originality. The
from short fast paced See “Show” Page 4
quick, random scenes that
clips to multiple minute the show will employ are
sketches for flexibility in

Senior Spotlight: Nick Tasche

By Elizabeth Teitzel On top of Co-directing your story.”
“Its all about making the show, Tasche spends
your visions into real- many hours behind the While Tasche’s assign-
ity,” senior Nick camera. ments remain local for
Tasche said. now, he has hopes of
“My responsibilities in- moving to California and
clude coming up with working in Los Angels
This is the mindset that ideas for the show, coor- when he is older.
has led him to maintain dinating with other peo-
“Senior Spotlight” the position of co- ple to figure out how we Nick encourages stu-
highlights a senior director and original are going to pull to- dents to get involved
who has made out- creator of the Cable 8 gether a show. I also set with as much hands on
standing contributions show Studio 41. up interviews, figure out experience as they can.
to Cable 8. filming and audio, and
coordinate with the other “Don’t be afraid to take
“Having passion and
director to edit after on the responsibility,”
dedication are just two
filming,” Tasche said. Tasche said. “Getting
key elements into pro-
into a staff position and
“The only way you ducing a good show. It
Cable 8 offers students take something on. The
is the creativity behind
can succeed and hands on experience. only way you can suc-
the show that makes it
They allow students to ceed and learn by taking
learn is by taking successful,” Tasche
check out equipment and on the responsibility!”
said. “This is my favor-
on the provide them with the
ite part of being a pro-
resources they need to
responsibility !” ducer.”
be successful during the
- Nick Tasche entire production proc-
Although creativity
may be the starting
point for the shows suc-
“One of my favorite
cess, there is much
things about Cable 8 is
more work that goes in
that they allow us to
to it.
check out equipment and
give you the tools you
need to fulfill an assign-
Nick Tasche ment,” Tasche said.
Director and “You get to take the
original creator equipment out of the
of Studio 41 studio and tape. Going
out to location to film
adds a unique angle to

T HE P .L.U.G.E.

After Hours returns to the lineup

By Dayna Kathan tor Erik Strom said. ideas that bring a whole
“Making students laugh new feeling to the
“The time off
Looking for a little is my goal.” show. Both director
comic relief on those and producer of After the air has
dull Pullman week Producer Erin Dunn Hours are thrilled about allowed the
nights? You are in says the comedic genre the reappearance of the
luck! After being off air of After Hours can be show. cast members
for a few years the hi- compared to that of Sat- and producers
larious sketch comedy urday Night Live. Dunn enjoys working
show After Hours has with behind the scenes to revamp the
returned to the Cable 8 The time off the air has production, while show.”
lineup. allowed the producers Strom enjoys watching
and cast members to the final production and - Producer Erin
The show is written by “revamp the show, by the laughs that the Dunn
college students and bringing a versatile cast show brings.
therefore is geared to- of new talent, and en-
ward college student ergy,” Dunn said. “I The taping for After
humor. want to get people inter- Hours has begun and
ested in watching the will air every other
“We take funny situa- show, now that it is back week night at 10:45
tions that happen in on the air.” p.m. They will be shar-
Pullman as well as on ing the time slot with
television and bring The new cast members another comedy show
them together to make and crew have brought Short Shorts. Be sure to
students laugh,” Direc- new personalities and tune in!

Alumni Outreach
By Danielle Gilbertson “I helped put together promotions and general chan-
more student involvement nel identification.”
Alumni of WSU and for-
with the shows”, Payne
mer Vice President of Ca- said. “My senior year we Payne said the creation of Ca-
ble 8 Productions, Jeff brought the program to- ble 8 Productions would not
Payne helped facilitate the gether to be a real channel have happened without the
true existence of Cable 8 with promotions and staff. freedom to try new things
Productions. We created a layer of or-
ganization. We started air See “Alumni” Page 5

Cougar Vision support for community member

Continued from Page nities that we all had, The special projects
1 and hopefully, with team produced a very
this fund he will be moving package about
The bus runs on a very able to. Ki and his family.
specific schedule, and it
doesn’t allow Ki the Through sponsorship It brought tears to the
opportunity to partici- and donations during eyes of many members
pate in after school ac- the telethon and at the of Cable 8 and tele-
tivities. Compton Union Build- thon volunteers. Pro-
Ki has overcome many ing, we have raised ducers and directors,
obstacles and will en- more than $550 for led by Michael De-
Cable 8 raised more counter many more, but Ki’s higher education Terra, vice-president
than $550 for Pullman they haven’t deterred fund. We are still of television, created
community member Ki, Ki from acting like a awaiting the final deci- an amazing set for the
and his higher education normal 14-year-old, sion from US Bank telethon.
fund through sponsor- and living his life. regarding corporate
ship and the telethon sponsorship. People couldn’t be-
hosted in the Compton His dad’s dream, is for lieve that the telethon
Union Building. Ki to continue his edu- The promotions team was taped In Studio A.
cation after high produced the telethon, The telethon was suc-
school, and we at Cable but it would not have cessful because every-
8 would like to see that been possible without one in Cable 8 came
too. We want Ki to the help from every together, which was a
have the same opportu- department in Cable 8. great thing to witness.

Show Short Shorts premiers first season

Continued from that often parody “I want it to be a big
“I want it to be a
page 1 popular culture. Short success, catch peo-
big success, catch Shorts will be done ple’s attention and
inspired by the show with real actors which inspire people to
people’s attention Robot Chicken. We will give the show a come out and want
and inspire people thought if we could more involved feel, to get involved with
do this humor with resembling something the show. I want to
to come out and
real people, it would more like Saturday leave a legacy”.
want to get be funny and the fast Night Live.
pace would keep peo- To check out Short
involved with the
ple’s attention,” Logan is hoping Shorts and other Ca-
show.” Logan said. Short Shorts will re- ble 8 programs tune
main at WSU after he in to channel 8 every
-Travis Logan Robot Chicken is done has graduated. week night from 7 –
in clay animation and 11 p.m.
features short sketches

T HE P .L.U.G.E.

Alumni gives guidance and support

Continued from Page 3 dent of Production for Com- they have gained valuable
cast International. experience and they have
in the program.
been exposed to real world “While
“We knew we had to do a “My experience with pro- things.”
show every single week, so duction in Cable 8 has al- working with
we pushed ourselves to do lowed me to become more Payne is working to build a Cable 8 my
as much as we could. I en- creative with my career to- networking program for
courage students to produce day, Payne said.” While WSU students. He wants to mission was to
as many shows as you can. working with Cable 8 my be a resource for future do my best
My team got into the pat- mission was to do my best cougs.
tern of producing shows and to get the most out of it.” and to get the
every week. This prepared “I want to provide real world most out of
me for the real world of Payne focused specifically feedback from my real world
production,” Payne said. experience,” Payne said. it.” - Jeff
on creative production.
Payne gained experience in “I played close attention to
directing shows, producing real T.V. and tried to emu-
shows, and working with late the style, editing tech-
audio editing, which led niques, and the content of
him to pursue a career in these shows,” Payne said.
Hollywood with E- “You need to learn to be able
Entertainment. Payne had to mimic what you see if you
the opportunity to oversee want to continue this produc-
productions as Vice Presi- tion in the real world. When
WSU students come down
here to Hollywood I know

Alumni: Cable 8 wants to hear from you!

Send us a brief explanation Send entries to Danielle Gilbertson Email:
about how Cable 8 helped at Cable 8 Productions Cable8Produc-
prepare you for the real
Edwards R. Murrow College of Communica-
world, and your experi- tion
ence that you have gained Washington State University
working with Cable 8. Pullman, WA 99164-2520
Phone: (509) 335-5219

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