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Database Rrojects in Access for Advanced Level 4 ’ Julian Mott and lan Rendell to use this book Ideas for projects Part One - The Development of a System 1 The Pass-It Driving School 2 Getting started 3 Setting up the tables 4 Entering the data 5 Defining the relationships 6 Select queries 7 Further queries 8 Setting up multi-table queries 9 Setting up forms using the Form Wizard 10 Working in Form Design View 11 Taking form designer further 12, Setting up reports 18 Further reports 14 Macros: 15 Adding a switchboard 16 Using SubForms 17 Setting up search and sort options 18 Calculations in reports 119 Using action queries 20 Finishing touches Part two - Documenting a system 21 Documenting a system Part three - 50 Access tricks and tips Part four ~ Appendices 1 Access glossary 2 Access toolbars 8 Keyboard shorteuts in Access 4 Coursework specifications and requirements of the difforent exam boards Index E E Introduction a ‘The book's aed primarily at students studying the A/S and A levels in ICT offered by AQA, OCR and Edexcel. The book offers advice and support materials for the ‘atical component ofthe specification, making candidates aware of analysing, ‘designing, implementing, testing and evaluating solutions to problems using the ‘advanced fealures ofa software package. The book, however, could also prove usetl for students studying AVS and A levels in Computing where a software package solution to an ICT system can be offered as an ‘iterative approach to a programming solution. ‘The materials and approach used in the book might also be applicable to students an ‘many courses in further and higher education where a study af databases through Wierosott Access is necessary. BC ice iced ‘The folowing advice is intended only for guidance. Teachers should use this in ‘onjncton withthe Specification and Examiners’ Reports to ensure the correct ‘eatures are being used appropriately Use ofthese features alone does not guarantee high marks. It is davm to how the student uses them to solve an ICT problem and documents the solution. A evel Droects in Microsoft Access are likely to clude some ofthe following features: imple ingut masks and data validation; select and parameter queries; data entry using fly customised forms; lst boxes or combo boxes to facitate data entry; output fly tailored to user requirements; ‘macros to automate commonly used features; 2a switchboard, _subfots to display information in related tables; aa e REEDED

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