A Open Letter To Terrorists!

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Ohh! Terrorists! Change Your Attitudes and Targets!

Dear Terrorists,

I am glad and happy to introduce myself as a poor and innocent citizen living in India. I
had all along been thinking of writing this letter to you. But I don’t know where you all
live and how you all live in this earth. That seems to be a wonder for me. Because here
we start living with birth certificates got by bribing municipality health inspectors,
Family cards (ration cards), identity cards, address proofs, gas connections, passports,
pan cards, income tax returns, form 16’s, senior citizen concessions and finally our sons
or daughters struggle to get our death certificates to see that their legal heir status is

We live here peacefully in spite of all these tortures and difficulties. Now you are adding
another difficulty of bearing the risk of life in public places. We have born in this earth
by the grace of God and only by mere chance you born in one country, community,
religion, caste and with philosophies. Similarly, I have born merely by chance to my
parents belonging to one country, community, religion, caste and with our own
philosophies. As a human being we all know that peace of mind and joy is the most
essential thing for living, including the search for truth. I did not prefer to take birth in
the religion in which I born, I hope you also came to earth like that. Did you make any
application to take birth in this earth to any God? Definitely not, I hope.

Therefore we assume, who ever born in this earth, are all born out of happiness and by
the grace of God. It is our duty to make this world happier and keep going smoothly. But
your actions are all aimed at killing innocent people. Kindly stop this at once.

I am sure you are guided by stupid principles, ideologies, philosophies and leaders who
are useless to the core. No religion or God tell us to kill innocent people. Even the
governments punish citizens only on account of guilt. Kindly change your attitude. Help
in establishing a peaceful and beautiful world. Let people see you as a ‘Spiderman’ and
not as a ghost.

I have a suggestion for you. Kindly help Defense personnel, Police, CBI, Central
Exercise, Customs, Income tax departments etc., in weeding out or destroying political
criminals, social criminals, economic criminals, criminals engaged in drug trafficking,
criminals engaged in women trade, criminals engaged in foreign employment, criminals
engaged in looting/ grabbing government lands, criminals engaged in printing counterfeit
notes, rowdies, and fraudulent businessmen . Destroy these criminals for the betterment
of society, people will be happy and the general public will come in support of you. I am
not instigating you towards violence, my humble request is that please understand us- the
innocent citizens are not your target. My philosophy is democracy and non-violence. We
common men are not given license to hold guns to protect ourselves in India. The police
have the duty to protect us, but what is the ratio of police to population. Since you have
access to guns my humble request is to protect the general public from criminals of all
As you know, In India many cases of theft, murder, kidnaps, missing and crimes were not
investigated fully. The cases are filed in local police station, next it is transferred to state
CID, then on shouting by some politicians cases are transferred to CBI. When the CBI
investigated fully and about to bring the accused to surface the entire political scene
changed such that the cases are shelved, for political reasons of alliance or negotiations.
The number of pending cases in courts is the evidence for the same.

I am a believer of my God, I hope you are believer of your God, but one thing is sure,
you have not seen your God and I have not seen my God. Then why should one have
inimical thoughts on other simply because of difference in philosophies?
Let us be brothers and sisters.

My concluding point is that:

Bribing and corruption leads to hunger, starvation, poverty, slavery and prostitution.

Prostitution leads to dirty culture

Dirty culture leads to loss of faith in God.

Hence, if one wants to protect his religion and God, he has to destroy bribing and

People like me are powerless, innocent and can not do anything against this corrupt

Those who have power and weapons can do it, in the most democratic way.


Published on behalf of innocent citizens by; Prof. S.Padmanaban


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