Eaglet Volume 56 # 2 E-Book

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The Eaglet

The Official School Organ of the Ateneo Grade School

Volume 56 Issue 2 SY 2009 - 2010 ateneoeaglet@gmail.com

with young

This is the Grades 4 & 5

Issue of EAGLET
Building the
Fr. Norberto
maria Luza
bautista, SJ

Message from

the Headmaster
The Ateneo de Manila Grade School community
has, one of our core values in education, the
social involvement programs for our students and
As we start this new year 2010, we fondly remember faculty. For many years now, our students have
the past 3 years when we prepared for the joined the Bigay Puso programs – visiting the sick at
culmination of the sesquicentennial celebration of PGH and the prisoners at the Bilibid Prisons, building
the Ateneo de Manila University. This celebration is GK houses in Sitio Ruby, welcoming children from
most significant to our community considering that the public schools, sponsoring scholars, and
the Ateneo as we know now, started from a primary others. Our faculty have actively participated in
school of around 20-30 students taught by 10 Jesuits the University’s Ateneo Center for Educational
from the Aragon Province led by Fr. Jose Fernandez Development [ACED] by training public school
Cuevas, SJ. teachers and administrators. Every summer, they
also go to Bukidnon to train the parochial school
We dedicated year 2007 to celebrate Excellence; in teachers working in schools that are administered
2008, to deepen Spirituality; and in 2009, to build the by Jesuits in the Mission District.
I think our community also passed the test given to
I am happy to note that this Eaglet issue has continued us by Ondoy when we opened our school doors
the theme of last year’s “Building the Nation.” to over 2000 people stranded inside the campus
It emphasizes to all of us that this call and mission on that fateful day. We were able to feed, shelter
of every Atenean to love and serve our country our evacuees in our classrooms and in the Singson
demands a lifetime and passionate commitment. Hall, mobilized the Ondoy operations, visited
the survivors’ houses, and more. The AGSPAC
The 3 special themes cannot be taken independently successfully organized the Holy Guardian Angels
or separately in our human experience. Pursuing Scheme to help their co-parents cope with the
excellence devoid of spirituality and love for our disaster by supplying them the uniforms and school
country sounds narcissistic. Spirituality without service materials. On the other hand, the school, through
to others especially the poor is hypocrisy. And the help of our generous publishers, provided for
building the nation without competence brought the lost books to our boys. And in the aftermath
by excellence and deep Christian spirituality courts of Ondoy, we still were able to give Gift premiums
frustration and failure. taken from our half-a-million peso collection to our
affected personnel.
The 3 themes are inter-related with each other
for us to become effective agents of We have done what we were supposed to do, and
change and builders of hope we thank God for giving us the grace of service.
for our countrymen and The Mission continues and we ask for the graces
women. of hope and courage to pursue the call to build
our Nation.

•∞• Fr. Kit Bautista, SJ •∞•

Asst. Headmaster for Student Affairs’ Message
Although I am a child It's a song about how each of you despite
of the 80's , the MTV your limited capacities can do your share
generation, i confess in building our nation and our world . You
that i was not much may not be the lawmaker who can pass
of a Michael Jackson legislation to protect the marginalized.
fan. However since YOu may not be the businessman who
his death , i have can raise money for the poor. You may not
come to appreciate be the person whose responsibilities are of
the profound impact great consequence to many.
of Michael on many
generations of people But the fact that we are just students,
. gives us that opportunity to plant the
seeds of heroism in us . No less than Efren
Among the many Penaflorida reminded us of that there is a
songs that michael hero in each of us.
popularized i have
the oddest choice for So,while some of what we do today like
Mr. Jose P.. Salvador, Jr. a favorite song. It is winning sports competitions or staging
odd in the sense that plays may bear little or no significance to
not too many people the current challenges of our nation and
know that it is a song by michael. The song i have in mind is called the world, we find inspiration in Michael
" in our small way " let me share with you a portion of the lyrics that Jackson's song :
resonates with me :
Maybe you and I can't do great things.
Maybe you and i can't do great things. We may not change the world in one day
We may not change the world in one day But we still can change some things today
But we still can change some things today in our small way.
in our small way.

Rizal, 11 years old, at the Ateneo Municipal de Manila

A hundred and thirty seven years ago on June 10, 1872, a young 10-year old
boy from Calamba took the entrance examinations in the Ateneo composing
of Christian doctrine, arithmetic and reading. In his memoirs, the boy lamented
about his worries of being rejected because of his small stature but it was not
to be–the Ateneo accepted him and on that school year, the
Greatest Alumnus and the National Hero of
the Philippines enrolled in the Jesuit school.
- Rizal, the Ateneo, and excellence by Joe de Castro

∞§∞ Ms. Perez would like to thank
the following Grades 4 and 5
students for being part of this
sesquicentennial issue cover:
Koji Odal, Jerard Afable, Mikko
Canlas, Miggy Antiporda, Arvin
Almario, Cedric Lim, Diego
Francisco, Cesar Fabro, Don Juan,
Chino Manaloto, Matthew Limpin,
Miko Peralta and Carlos Lugtu.
Jiggy Jacinto for this photo. →

Have you made your “New Year Resolutions”? Have you been following it already?
In case you didn’t know, a “New Year Resolution” is something that you promise yourself to
do to make you a better person.
This New Year, 2010 is a year for us to change, to become a good person. That means
being independent, doing your chores and all the good qualities an Atenean is supposed to
have. To be a person for our people and our country.
Now, I’ll tell you something important: Be an even better person each day of the year
and you’ll have a brighter future.

Miko Peralta | 4-Maguindanao

Bughaw, Ventures & Eaglet Staff

Gr. 4 and 5

Best Wri
Miko Pe r
First row: Rafael Dimla|5-Pinaglabanan, Carlos Magtibay 4-Ati, Miko Peralta|4-Maguindanao,
Christian Menzon|5-Mendiola, Carl Pino|5-Pinaglabanan, Miguel Huerto|4-Maranaw,
Angelo Hernandez|4-Yakan
Second row: Nicky Solis|4-Yakan, Luigi Sallan |4-Yakan, Marcus Luna|5-Mactan,
Aaron Seechung|5-Mendiola, Lorenzo Vallente|4-Yakan,

Moderators: Mr. Irone Boquiron and Ms. Carmine Diaz





Carl Gelo

Marcus Christian Miguel

Enzo Luigi Miko Nicky

Miko Peralta 4-Maguindanao
“This Is It” the movie is basically a rehearsal for the real
concert but since Michael Jackson passed away, the real concert
was cancelled but footages of the practice was made into a mov-
ie. MJ is a humble musical entertainer and treats his co-workers in
the concert with respect. In this concert, he wanted to sing songs
his fans would like to hear. He’s songs in the concert convey mes-
sages of change. He is awesome because he is THE KING OF POP!

The Good:

-He danced great even if it was just pratice.

-All my favorite songs are the songs he sang for

The Bad: the concert.

-He didn’t do the moonwalk often. -He sang his old songs as well.

-There were many cuts in the songs because of course, -The music videos were creative.
it’s just his practices.
-There’s a new Thriller video there.

-The choreography was awesome!

Miko Peralta | 4-Maguindanao

The movie 2012 is about the “apocalypse” and a cause of

global warming. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and floods RATING:
are the natural disasters that took place and they look real be-
cause of its great effects. Adult supervision is needed because of
some language used and death scenes, but it is still a nice movie.
In the movie, there was also a family that was
also like the “stars” of the movie, the Curtis’. They
survived all the natural disasters. Amazing, isn’t it?
It is hard to explain the movie because many things
happened so I’ll just like to say, I loved the movie!
I recommend everyone to watch it, surely by
the end of the movie you’ll love Mother Nature.

The Good:
The Bad:
-the effects were so realistic.
-A lot of people had “drama-scenes,”
so it’s like a drama story. -The faith shown by the people to God was
-Often use of foul language.
-The movie showed the truth about global
The Chorus (Reviewed by all Members of Bughaw)

Director: Christophe Barratier

Main Characters: Clement Mathieu – Gerard Jugnot
Rachin – Francis Berleand
Chabert – Kaddou Tierad
Violette Morhange – Marie Bunel
Maxence – Jean Paul Bonnaire
Pierre Morhange – Jean-Baptiste Maunier
When: 2004
Where: France
The chorus is about a teacher who teaches music in a private school. However, this time, he
was teaching in a public school where children are delinquent and behavior is above their heads.
The class of Mr. Matthieu have their own way of distributing their teachers or the class by being
rowdy, noisy, rude and wild. However, as Mr. Matthieu entered this school, he was determined
that there is something good and great within these students. After finding that music is one thing
that is common to all, he begun teaching and helping them with their singing. However, con-
flict are there to ruin the whole of the story though in the end everything worked for the better.

-The children have beautiful voices.
-The teacher (Matthieu) is very inspiring.
-Scenes were funny, dramatic, shocking; a mix of everything.
-Acting of the different characters are all good.
-A movie for all ages.
-Almost the whole movie was done in one setting.
RATING: -The language is in French although there is an English subtitle.
Overall Rating:
We recommend this film for everyone’s enjoyment. We will appreciate our teachers
more and find out what hard work our teachers do for us.

Everyone seems to have waited long for this movie. I’ve watched all the Harry Potter film (from Sor-
For me, it was okay, while others say they didn’t like it. cerer’s Stone up to The Half-Blood Prince) but by far Half-
In a way, I didn’t like some parts too. At times the story Blood Prince is the best. The story is great although no ac-
pace was a bit fast and some scenes aren’t that funny like tion scenes were seen for the final battle of good and evil
the first movie. I’m not sure if it was worth the wait. Any- (from the book a battle was going on while Dumbledore
way, I give Transformer II Revenge of the Fallen a 3-star died) so it was a little bit boring in the end. Commenting
for the coolness of the robots and its cinematography. on the way the characters acted, they were really great, gave
each character its unique personality. I hope the last sequel
of the movie will be as good as this or maybe far the best.


Lorenzo Vallente | 4-Yakan

By Rafael Dimla|5-Pugad Lawin

AVATAR…. is a blockbuster movie all around the world.

Now, let me tell you my opinions, thoughts and the plot of the movie. It is about humans going to Pandora on the
year 2154, a moon of the Alpha Centauri Star System. All they want is to get very precious minerals from it. However,
there are creatures living in it called ‘’Na’vi” that worship a god/ess named ‘’Eywa’’. So, they made an Avatar for each
person that were assigned to meet those creatures. One of them is Jake Sully (Sam Worthington). In one mission, he
had to go around, take some samples of the planet and make peaceful relationship between them and the Na’vis. Unfor-
tunately (or fortunately for him), he got lost and were attacked by the wild animals of Pandora. Luckily, the daughter
of her clan’s chief, Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) saved him. As Jake met Neytiri, he wanted to befriend her. However, some
Na’vis caught him and so he was brought to Neytiri’s clan. Neytiri’s mother, Mo’at was interested of Jake so she told
Neytiri to teach Jake there culture and wand there ways to treat the nature. One is teaching him to fly with a gigantic
winged creature and riding a horse-like creature as there form of transportation. As Jake’s avatar sleeps, Jake then
goes back to being a human. As human, he gave important information about Pandora and its creatures to the force of
humans in Pandora. After months, Jake grew close to Neytiri, breaking the humans’ intentions and plans. Jake reveals
his ‘’betray’’ against the human forces in Pandora when the humans demolished the “TREE OF VOICES”, a very im-
portant place of Na’vis and Jake tried to destroy there truck. Dr. Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver), Jake, and some
companions argued that the tree that they demolished is very important for the Na’vi creatures. Jake and Dr. Augustine
were then given 1 hour to convince the Na’vis to leave where they are and go. When Jake and Dr. Augustine talked to
them and reveled there original intentions, they were sent to prison (Pandoran way) and called as a betrayer by Neytiri.

Moments have passed and Colonel Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang) disconnects Augustine and Jake from there
Avatar and was also sent to prison in there base and was considered as betrayer too. One woman pilot saved Au-
gustine and Jake and tried to escape. However, Quatrich hit Dr. Grace Augustine badly by his gun causing her to
death. The Na’vis tried to heal Dr. Augustine in the Tree Of Souls but Augustine’s last words were: “I AM WITH
EYWA NOW.” With the help of Neytiri and Tsu’tey (new leader of the clan), Jake assembles over 2000 Na’vis
and fight against the humans. Jake prays to Ey’wa in the Tree Of Souls to help him and the Na’vis fight to the up-
coming battle. Then the humans arrived. The battle started. Even the the wild creatures of Pandora joined in. At
last, the Pandorans won. They made humans go back to where they live and only some were chosen to stay. The
clan then made a ritual to permanently make Jake transfers Jake from his human body to his avatar body.

I watched it in 3D. I think, this was really intentionally made not for 3D because SOME were only in 3D. The positive
side is that it had wonderful effects and the story was nice. Although I expected too much. I would rate this movie with 4.5 stars.

*some information were from Wikipedia.org

“Diary of a Wimpy
Kid: Dog Days” is
about Greg’s sum-

“Diary of a Wimpy
Reviewed by: Miko Peralta | 4-Maguindanao Kid: The Last Straw” is
about Greg, his father,
I’ve only read the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”, “Rodrick Rules” and “The Last Straw” and Uncle Joe, the soccer
I can already say that this is the funniest series I’ve read. This book was made by an American team, Holly Hills, &
author and cartoonist Jeff Kinney. Spag Union Military
Greg Heffley, Frank Heffley, Susan Heffley, Manny Heffley, Rodrick Heffley, Fregley, Row-
ley Jefferson, Patty Farell, Holly Hills, Heather Hills, Chirag Gupta, The Whirley Street Kids,
Lenwood Heath, Alex Aruda, Archie Kelly, Trista, Bill Walter, The Snellas, Ward, Scotty
Douglas, Leland, Mr. Warren, Larry Larkin, Bryce Anderson, Fregley’s Mother, Mr. Gupta, “Diary of a Wimpy
Sweetie (Dog), Uncle Charlie, Gramma, Grandpa, Uncle Joe, Aunt Loretta, Aunt Brenda, Mr. Kid: Rodrick Rules”
Jefferson, Mrs. Jefferson, Rowley’s Grandfather. is about Greg, Ro-
drick, Greg’s Grand-
About the Books: father, the Mom
It’s basically Greg’s Journal with his adventures and comics. The first book was about Bucks program, a
the “Cheese Touch”, the school play and more about his start in Middle School. civil war battlefield,
“Rodrick Rules” is about the “Mom Bucks”, a talent show, Rodrick’s Band, and mostly and a talent show.
about Rodrick’s misadventures with Greg. Though how much they both hate each other, they
still are brothers.
“The Last Straw” is about how much Greg’s dad wants him to be more athletic, so his
dad signed him up for the soccer team. Then, his dad finds out about “Spag Union Military
Academy” and wants Greg to join to make him like a real good man. The book is also about “Diary of a Wimpy
love as Greg impresses Holly Hills because Greg has a crush on her. He tries to get her to Kid Do-It-Yourself
notice him but he always has obstacles and such. Book” (published af-
“Dog Days” is about Greg’s Summer Vacation. ter “Rodrick Rules”),
The “Do-It-Yourself Book” is an activity book for you to make your own journal. is an activity book
that features a blank
Overall: section encouraging
I love these books so much! They are funny, cool and AWESOME!!! readers to keep their
own journal in the
Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars style of the books.
Interview with the
Moses Afable Cantillion
Ateneo College AB European
Studies: Business Track Minor in
Hispanic Studies
1. Full name CA of 4-Kalinga
2. School graduated from AP and Filipino
3. Level/subject you are teaching “Ateneo has always been a home to
4. Why did you choose to be a teacher? me.”
5. What do you think about the Ateneans? I want to give back to Ateneo.
6. Motto in Life
“You miss 100% of the chances
Describe yourself in one word. you don’t take.”

Carlos Magtibay | 4 –Ati

Akela Jeska V. Sydiongco

Precious V. Pasia Ateneo De Manila University
Miriam College Science 4 and 5
CA of 4- T’Boli She loves it here.
Reading and Language Always wanted to teach ever since
Loves and likes to teach. she was a little girl.
Responsible. She enjoys sharing what she knows
and learning together with the boys.
“Aim High!”
“Always be open to things you
Angelo Hernandez | 4-Yakan can learn, continue improving
in things you’re already good
at and just never give up.”

Aaron Seechung | 5-Mendiola

Janna Margarite B. Pablo Emmanuelle R. Valerio

University of Sto. Tomas (UST) Ateneo De Manila University
Math 3 and 4 5-Corregidor, English
Because it was something I wanted Wants to take part in forming the
to do but more importantly I future leaders of our
want to help and inspire young country and world.
gentlemen. Hyperactive, inquisitive,
I think they are smart but can be assertive. :)
naughty sometimes.
“Shoot for the moon
“Always think positive and in because if you miss, you’ll still
everything that you do give
your best.”
tenacious be among the stars.”

Miko I. Peralta| 4-Maguindanao
Patricia Ana S. Valera
Ateneo de Manila University
CA of Prep-Mapagbigay
I chose to be a teacher because I love Ateneo’s New Teachers
children and because teaching is a work
of heart. :)
Ateneans are catalysts of change. :) What has life to offer me
When I grow old
"Fall in love, stay in love, and it will What’s there to look forward to
decide everything." -- Fr. Arrupe, beyond the biting cold
S.J. ‘Coz they say it’s difficult
Yes, stereotypical
You gotta be conventional,
Patient You can’t be so radical

So I sing this song to all of my age

For these are the questions
We’ve got to face
Dominique Felize Nario de Guzman For in this cycle that we call life
Miriam College We are the ones who are next in line.
Gr. 1-Mulawin
I want to help in shaping the minds of And we gotta work, we gotta feel,
young children, equipping them with let’s open our eyes and do whatever it takes.
enough knowledge &
experiences that would make
them great citzens!
Full of potentials and can
become great leaders!

“Choose a job that you love

and you’ll never have to
hardworking work a day in your life again.”

Liza Diane Bernal Jularbal

Miriam College
Gr. 1 Relief Teacher
I love kids & I want to help in molding
young minds. I was also inspired by
my teachers way back in GS & HS who
made a BIG difference in my life. Who
knows, maybe one day I can also make a
difference in our student’s life.
Ateneans have great minds!

“Be the change you want to see

in the world.”--Ghandi
Lakbay Aral ng Grade 4
Miko Peralta | 4-Maguindanao

The Field Trip was A-W-E-S-O-M-E! First, we went to “BOOM NA BOOM” where the
“Science Entertainment Center” and the “Crocodile Park” was.

Inside the “Science Entertainment Center”, we sat in columns by section and

listened to the speaker. She was talking about what science is and guidelines in the
“Science Entertainment Center”. Then, she asked everyone to hold each other’s
hands and shout “SUMO!” When we shouted, we felt electricity pass through us.
Pretty amazing! Then, we were allowed to look around the area.
There were so many interesting things there like the anti-gravity mirror, the ho-
logram, the skeleton on a bike (that represents your skeleton like riding a bike) and
many more.
After that, we went to another room which looked like a studio. First, we were
asked to go to the place where almost everything was green and sit on a carpet.
They asked us to act like we were flying high in the sky (including our class adviser,
Mrs. Paner and Mrs. Marivic Juan, our CPR for 4-Maguindanao). A camera was tap-
ping us. They asked us to act like we were going to crash. Then, the camera stopped
rolling and they told us to stop.
The host asked for four volunteers. Our Class President and others volunteered.
She asked them to sit on the four chairs in the green area. She covered them with a
green blanket except the head. Then, the camera started rolling again and music
started to play. She asked them to move their heads together with the music. After
the video, they went back to their seats.
Then a few minutes later, she said to get ready to watch a movie in the screen.
As we watched, we saw ourselves on a carpet flying and it looked like we were really
going to crash. Another scene was the four volunteers were dancing with a different
body to a song about “Sumo” the snack. (Some of those bodies looked like girls so
our class laughed so hard).
Next, we were brought to another room which looked like a recording studio.
First, the same lady asked for two volunteers. Mrs. Paner had to pick. Then, they had
to replace the voices in a show called Naruto which they picked to the volunteers’
voices. The volunteers were funny in saying the lines so it was pretty funny hearing my
classmate’s voice instead of Naruto’s. (^_^)
We went to “THE DARK ROOM” after. Probably, they called it the dark room
because the paintings on the walls were black. The only thing that wasn’t dark in the
room was a wall. It was painted white and there was a light facing it. I also saw a dif-
ferent kind of light on the ceiling.
Then, the tour guide told us to look at the wall at the back. When we looked,
there was a laser show. She asked us to clap our hands slowly, and then the laser
started to follow the beat. She then asked us to clap our hands very fast. After a
while, the laser started to follow the beat again.

Pictures are not allowed inside.

After that, she asked more volunteers to stand and lean on the white wall.
She turned off the lights. After a while, something flashed. She asked the volun-
teers to sit down. When they sat down, their shadows stayed at the wall (which
became green because of the flash). Finally, we left the “Science Entertain-
ment Center” and went to the “Crocodile Park”…..
First, I saw many statues of crocodiles then I saw a pool with real ones.
We sat on a bleacher in front of a place where they displayed animals. They
first showed a yellow snake. Then, they showed a brown eagle. After that, they
showed an orangutan. And finally, they showed small crocodiles. It was very
Next, we watched the crocodiles in the pool. They kept on moving around
and around. We also watched them swimming in the pool. People started to
feed them. Even my classmate fed them!
On another side, a person was on a tightrope walking above the pool
of crocodiles. And did you know he almost fell? But he was able to go back.
(Maybe he purposely meant to do it to catch attention).
After the show, I walked around and saw many more animals along the
way. It was almost lunch time so we left and went to Mall of Asia to eat lunch in
“Jollibee” was like the cafeteria! The whole store was closed for us, isn’t
that sweet? :)
After lunch we went to Manila post office. Pictures were not allowed so I’ll
just describe briefly what we did. First we bought our stamps for our post cards
to send to our parents. Then, we all lined up to send our post cards. After which
we had a tour around the building. Lastly, we all listened to a speaker who knew
so much about the Manila Post Office.
Next and last stop, the “Money Museum”…
We had to walk going there but it was also fun! When we were in the build-
ing, we watched a video about how they make money (pictures were’nt al-
lowed here as well). They gave us free time to go around the museum and see
the history of the museum. After that, we left going back to Ateneo.
While going back to school, I took a long nap and woke up arriving at
Ateneo. The day was long and tiring but this “Lakbay-Aral” was a sure hit to us.
We learned many things and enjoyed the day with our friends and teachers.
EAGLET asks...
Rafael Dimla | 5-Pinaglabanan

In your own words,

Nation building is....
“Jackson 5: Can’t stop
‘till you get enough
rocking with you!”
By: Raf Dimla|5-Pugad Lawin

Since the 1st day of school, we, the Grade 5 students were already looking forward to this Special Event:
The Class Night. Now, the long wait is over. Just last January 22-(23), we had our Class Night entitled: ‘’Jack-
son 5: Can’t stop till you get enough rocking with you’’. The program was really fun. The whole program was
facilitated by Mr. Boquiron and Mrs. Hipolito. The opening remarks were by Mr. Salvador (the AHSA). The
first dance number was by the Class Parent Representatives. They all danced “I Gotta Feeling”. Then the 1st 3
sections danced some MJ songs. Then the 1st game was played. The game is like Speed Staking but simpler and
the cups were plastic. After that, the next 4 sections also danced MJ songs. Next, the 2nd players of each sec-
tion played the game. They had to get 2 teaspoons: 1 to the boy who’s gonna be the first to play and the other
one to the second boy. The First boy should have a ping pong ball on top of his teaspoon, walk, go around the
cone then pass it to the next boy. The next boy should do it again until all the players are done. Then, Team C
(the next 3 sections)also danced some songs like “Smooth Criminal”. The last game was played and it was a
race. Each person will have to use jumping ropes to move then go around the cone then give to the next boy and
do the same things until they finish. Finally, the last 3 section danced “Thriller”, ”Bad” and “They Don’t Really
Care about us”. After the dance number, all the teachers danced “ABC”, girl teachers danced ‘’Single Ladies”
and guy teachers danced “The Way you Make me Feel” with Ms. Sydionco. And their last song was “Party All
the Time”. There were also awards like the Most Disciplined Class (5 Pugad Lawin). The 1st Place for the games
was 5-Intramuros. After the program, some students played Board Games, some even watched movies and most
of the people went GHOST HUNTING. However, we were not able to find ghosts. After that, we went back to
the classroom. Some slept already but most of us slept at 1:00,2:00,3:00 am and some didn’t even sleep at all.
Morning came and we had morning exercises. We stretched then fixed our things. After that, we all came home.
As a ‘’newbie’’ in a class night, I could say that this Class Night is a very fun one
and exciting. I hope, in the next years, our class night will be like this or even nicer.

Grade 5 CLASS NIGHT!!!

By: Miko I. Peralta | 4-Maguindanao First Floor Books
Are any of you excited to go to Ateneo Col-
lege? Well, I am! When I have assingments or proj-
ects to do in college, I might go to the new Rizal Li-
brary often and do it here. It is a very nice place to
study there. It has many useful books, internet so
that you can research about stuff and many more.
It is also a very beautiful place because of all it’s
fountains, plants and designs. It has been made around Enzo tossing a
the Library
Front Foyer of
the months of October and November and was finished and making a
on December. It has been designed with many natural
things which makes it a very wonderful eco-friendly place.

The library doesn’t only have books and com-

puters, but also CD’s and DVD’s as well! You get to
watch documentaries, blockbusters, educational and
entertainment in the viewing rooms!
There are so many rooms here to help
students study. There are big bookshelves with
over 30,000 books! There is also “Reference and Aaron and
Marcus ad
Information Services” were there are comput- miring t
ers, Wi-Fi, dictionaries, thesaurus and many other
reference books that help make studying easier.
Besides the books and such, there are also many beau-
tiful things in the library. There are paintings on the
walls of the building which are very amazing! There
are water fountains, exotic plants, big windows to
see a beautiful landscape of the garden and even
amazing formats of the bookshelves and computers. Books... ...Books...
There are chairs that are for group report meetings.

In my opinion, the Rizal Library will moti-

vate students in their study. The building was built
to help students for research. I wish that I would be
able to go to the Rizal Library when I go to college.

and MORE Books...

Second Floor..
Third Floor..
Fourth Floor..

Ca m e ra s on ever
Security room
hard-working students floor and
Valentine’s Day Miko Peralta | 4-Maguindanao

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, everyone! I hope everone is preparing cards for their loved ones! It is on February 14 as
everyone knows.
Valentine’s Day is also known as Saint Valentine’s Day. Saint Valentine was a bishop in Terni, Italy. He was impris-
oned and beheaded by the Roman Emperor Cladius II on AD 269. There are many stories of his that show why he is the
patron saint of people who love one another.
(Source: Geronimo Stilton Book # 23: Valentine’s Day Disaster)
Valentine’s Day is about showing love for others. You can give gifts to your friends, family and even enemies. But
more so, you can show your love with some gestures like having a big family hug!

Top 13 Heart Shaped Clouds

Cheesiest Things by Carl Pino | 5-Pugad Lawin

We sit under a giant tree

you can say to a girl! Watching the blue sky
You remember your first broken heart
by Josh Quimbo and Ice Rabonza And on my shoulder you cry

13.”Did your heart stop when I passed? (girl says “No”) Why did he leave you?
“Want me to pass here again?” Did he even know your name?
I bet he doesn’t know you
12. “If I can define love, I’d use your name.” Oh I know it’s such a shame

11. “Wnenever I see you, it feels like a big piano fell on me.” Now look, isn’t that great, Love?
A heart shaped cloud made for us to see
10. If you were a star and I was a telescope I’ll always watch you.” A perfect shape, a symbol of us
It was meant to be, you and me
9. “Are you an apple? ‘Caause your the apple of my eye.”
It reminded me of my first broken heart
8. “Can I have your number? ‘Cause I lost mine.” I couldn’t help but cry
I kiss your hair, your head on my shoulder
7. “Are you a Pokemon? ‘Cause I choose?” Now I’m sure love isn’t blind

6. “Are you a parking ticket? ‘Cause you have the word ‘fine’ on it? I’ll hold on forever
Don’t care what they say
5. “Are you a magnet? ‘Cause I’m attracted to you.” Though I’ll always be the illicit lover
It’s the part I’d gladly play
4. “Can I take a picture of you? So I can show Santa Claus what I want for

3. “If I rearrange the alphabet, I’ll put U and I together.”

2. Are you Jamaican? ‘Cause your ja’makin me crazy.”
mor ms
1. An angel tested me one day and erased my memory. The angel asked me
p o e
“Do you remember anything?” and I said your name was “I love you.”
love ing in
com res!!
e nt u
“Bigay Puso” mula sa Puso ng mga Atenista
What is the importance of Bigay-Puso to you?

Bobby Diro | 5 Mactan Carlos Relove | 5-Biyak na Bato Joaquin Carsi Cruz | 4-Maranaw

Sting Teopaco | 5-Pinaglabanan

Cisco Ortega | 4-Bagobo
Vincent Montero | 5-Pasong Tirad
Carlos Tiu | 4-Manobo
Carlo Acosta | 5-Biyak na Bato

Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege. John D. Rockefeller

Math and Spel
Last January 19, 2010, the classes of grade 4 had their Math and Spelling Contest. Some classes dominated the
event particulary the class of Ifugao and Maguindanao who won 3 major awards in Spelling and Math. These class-
es gave their best and easily worked their way to the top. though there are classes who lost, it’s okay, what’s impor-
tant is that we aknowledge the students who worked so hard for this event and we offer all of these for the greater glory of God.
-Luigi Sallan|4-Yakan

Gr. 4
Math Class Competition
1st Place: Maguindanao
2nd Place: Ifugao
3rd Place: Kalinga
1st Place: 4-Maguindanao 2nd Place: 4-Mangyan 3rd Place: 4-T’boli
Jabby B. Aurelio Renaeus Arlchristian D. Torres Saunder Czar A. Salazar
Mikhail Franco D. Bonnevie Joaquin Jaime F. Cadiz Ricardo Anton C. Sobrerinas
Konni-Kamil G. De los Reyes Arturo Miguel S. Cruz Albert C. tongson

Gr. 5
Math Class Competition
1st Place: 5-Kawit
2nd Place: 5-Pasong Tirad
3rd Place: 5-Intramuros

1st Place: 5-Pugad Lawin 2nd Place: 5-Mactan 3rd Place: 5-Kawit
Chicano, Andrew S., Gadianne, Julliam A., Cruz, Miguel Carlos M.,
Golez, Jed Zachary S., Pimentel, Javier Luis G., Dobles, Miguel Mari C.,
Sison, Fernando Raffaelo S. IV Sison, Jose Paolo T. Lao, Gian Anthony P.

lling Quiz Bee

Gr. 4
Spelling Class Competition
1st Place: Ifugao
2nd Place: Ati
3rd Place: Tausug

1st Place: 4-Ifugao 2nd Place: 4-Maguindanao 3rd Place: 4-Manobo

Daniel Raymond D. Del Rio Jose Rafael B. Reyes Paulo O. Sablaya

1st Place: 5-Bagumbayan 2nd Place:5- Malacanang 3rd Place: 5-EDSA

Ryan Aldrin F. Villanueva Jose Miguel T. Clutario Gabriel Antonio J. Juan

Spelling Class Competition
1st Place:5- Pasong Tirad
2nd Place: 5-Pugad Lawin
3rd Place: 5-Corregidor

eh B o n e s
ies t o t
tS or
These aren’t ordinary zombies,
Miko I. Peralta | 4-Maguindanao
they are human zombies! They
ing down the streets of Ayala Heights last October 31, 2009 at Halloween Night. They were the “Zom-
were walk-

bie Mob”. I’ll warn you, if you feel scared, please don’t look at these pictures, thank you, and enjoy! Mwa-hahahaha!

The True Hero
One day, there was a poor boy named Harry. He was lost
Once, there was a man named Charles Brown. He
in a big town called Rizal Village. While he was walking around, was going to visit his grandfather, Tom Brown in the cem-
he saw a weird sign saying, “Deadtree”. He was so curious about etery. He took a bus going to “Forever Green Memorial Park”.
Deadtree, he went inside. He didn’t know the horror that awaits him.
During his trip, the bus broke down. “Sorry for the incon-
While he was walking, he heard a noise. He looked back venience. I will just get some oil for the bus. Thank you for your
but saw nothing. Then, he heard murmuring. “Who’s there?” He patience.” The bus driver went out of his seat and got oil for the bus.
asked. “HELP!” He ran to the direction of the voice and saw “Oh great, I’m going to be late for work.” A business man said. “I’m
people hung on a half-broken wall. “Who tied you up?” Har- going to be late for a party.” A young girl said. Charles said noth-
ry asked. “LOOK BEHIND YOU!” They shouted. He looked ing. He got tired of everyone’s complaints. Suddenly, a very fast car
behind him and saw a tall man holding a knife which was drip- crashed into the bus. Everyone screamed in terror as the two vehi-
ping blood. He was so scared; he ran and vanished in the fog. cles collapsed and got destroyed. He fell from his seat and fainted.
The man followed him and ran faster. Then, they both vanished.
Charles woke up and saw the bus destroyed. No one was
Harry stopped to catch his breath then he saw the man there but him. He looked outside the window and saw the memorial
about to slice him in half. He closed his eyes and prayed and prayed park. “Here’s my stop. I wonder what happened to everyone…” As
and waited to be hit by the knife but he didn’t feel anything. He he was going out of the bus, he noticed that the people didn’t see
opened his eyes and saw a black dressed man punching the man them. “Hello everyone!” He said to the people. No one replied. “I
holding the knife. The killer got his gun and almost shot the black wonder what happened to everyone.” A girl said. “They act like I
man but he was too fast. Then the killer fell to the ground. After don’t exist.” He told himself. He went inside the park and went for
that, the man disappeared. The boy wanted to thank the man but to the grave of his grandfather. While he was walking, he saw many
went to the tied up people instead. As he was untying the people, people around his grandfather’s grave. “Why are there so many
they said, “Thank you, boy. You’re a true hero.” The boy thought people around my grandfather’s grave?” As he walked closer, he
about it then said, “No, the man who saved me was a true hero.” saw his name on a grave next to his grandfather. After that, he saw
a dove on his grave. Then an
angel said to him, “Come, fol-
low me.” He took the angel’s
hand and went up to heaven.
Mr. Boris
Marcus Luna | 5-Mactan

Boris Maloney just bought a new house but not knowing that he’ll be having annoting neigh-
bours. He only realized this the following mornings when his neighbours talk so loudy with each other and ev-
ery night when they watch television, full volume. He planned to move after a week of living in this new house
but checking his pockets, wallets and savings, he can’t afford to buy a new place, he doesn’t have enough money.
One day, he went to the supermarket to buy things and groceries. He forgot one thing before he left his house, he was
cooking his favourite fried chicken by the way, he left the stove open! Suddenly with an explosion and a bang, fire started to spread
all over the his house. It was on fire! Unfortunately, the fire station was very far from his place, if they would arrive, his house would be in ashes by then.
But luckily, with the help of his annoying neighbours, they all got their buckets, filled it up with water and put out the fire. When Boris arrived, he was
very depressed but he was also very thankful. He never knew that his neighbours will give time for this disaster and will be there in times of trouble.
Now he still lives in the same house, in the same neighbourhood. Even if at mornings everyone talks loudly and every night all televi-
sions are on full volume, he got used to it. At times, he even joins them in their conversations in the mornings and movie watching at night.

Stairs naw
Hotel elevator
erto | 4
on, almost Lorenzo V. Val
Miguel Hu the afterno nt back Been in an elev lente | 4-Y
s la te in is crowded yet ator before? di akan
It wa students w
e you’re the only d you ever feel lik
d e n ts w e re gone 2 in g s. As they One stormy da one there? wel e the elevator
all stu to g e t their th e y, a family of 5, l, this story will
to their cla
ssro o m ed that th went to this fa the mom, dad, why.
e st a ir s, they notic lk fa st the city, surrou
ncy hotel for va
cation. the ho
two boys and on
e girl,
n th a
went dow tried to w nded by trees an tel was located
w e re e n d less. they n se e in g stairs. “The Hollywoo d tall grasses ev
erywhere. It w
far from
stairs e y keep o d Tower Hotel.”
ru n y e t th saw a blur- 13th floor. they They were in an as called
then into a g down, they were the only on elevetor going
ti m e g o in d it for a hard outside, th es in the there. to the
On the 13th the wall, they ignore as they en suddenly th
e elevator shak
it was really po
on r everything will
ry picture ame cleare be alright, its ju es and stop. th
. th e n th e picture bec O n th eir 20th thunder struck st the storm.. th
en, without any
e dad said
while n th e stair s. n the hotel, direct warning,
kept on go
in g d o w f a lady. O Now the ghosts ly to the elevat
w a c le a r picture o fr o m it s of the family hu
nts elevator, sinc
or. No one got ou
t alive.
time, they
sa lood
e , it st a rt ed to cry b c id e d to e this is were th
ey died.
m de
their 25th ti re so scared so they
T h e y w e r is in their way.
eyes. w h a te v e the
d ignore run down
run fast an th ti m e to
n their 30 od, was la
however o it h n o b lo
stairs, the
picture, w
m a d e th em more sc H
hard. this a win-
ing really m ped out of

b o th ju a C
, so they looked
than before e y c a n and never
s fast as th ed at
dow, run a th s, th e y never look l o
a few mo n ence.
back. for o f th is sc ary experi

a painting l s
Christian Men

o t
w u
e m

e e
| 5-Mendiola

Jelo Hernandez and Mr. Boquiron | 4-Yakan

1. Q: Ano ang isda na nangangarate?

2. Q: Ano ang bullet proof na isda?

3. Q: ano ang hayop na hindi sigurado?


4. Q: Ano ang sasabihin ng isda sa isang

isda na matagl na hindi nagkikita?

5. Q: Ano ang mangyayari sa isda na nahati sa dalawa?

A:__________ S Andre Alvero
5-Pugad Lawin

6. Q: Ano ang sumasabog na hayop?


“I want to slip!”I said to my mom (who was eating a banana). I accidentally said “slip” when I meant “sleep”
but I thought it didn’t matter. “Wait first, Jon. I will get the mop.” My mom ran and mopped the floor. “Okay, you

may slip on the floor.” I think she meant, “Okay, you may sleep on the floor,” but I was confused. “What happened
to my bed to sleep on?” I asked. I think she heard it like “...happened to my bed on slip on,” because this happened:
“Oh, bed, okay.” She ran to my room and mopped my bed. I felt more confused. “I want to
sleep! Not slip!” I said. “Oh, why not you slip and sleep on the floor?” She asked. “No thanks,
I’ll just sleep on the couch.” When I walked in the living room, I slipped on a banana peel and
landed on the couch. I think my mom thought I said, “No thanks, I’ll just slip to the couch.”
Miko Peralta 4-Maguindanao

What’s your guess? Is the

boy really carrying the big
planet or not?
1. Tila-PIA! 2. Pating 3. Baka 4. Isda’t you?! 5. Tu-na 6. PAGONG! Miko Peralta | 4-Maguindanao
Miko Peralta 4-Maguindanao

Wait for me,

So beautiful!
Come on, you
Wait, for me,
got to see this!
Come on, Horton! Hermann!
We’re missing the

Where‘s the
sunset? You’re
so emo,
Horton! NOOOO!
You missed it,
Horton! No sunset!
more sunsets.

Wait, there’s a
sunset here!



Just kidding!

The “Math Contest” was a great victory for us, 4-Maguindanao. We won first place, both individual and the
whole class. Our math teacher, Mr. Dela Peña praticed our section and contestants very well. I’m also think that they
studied at home. And even if some failed Math, they did all there best for the contest. Congratulations!


5-Barasoain, indedd a noisy class at first. But when you get to meet them, they’ll be alot of fun. There is a va-
riety of students; smart, fun, shy, creative, and many more. Our class has tried many times to win contests, but have of-
ten failed but often we do succeed. Truly, there are many good qualities to be seen and recognized in this class.

5-Mendiola (Carlos Dimailig)

Hello! This is Carlo Dimailig of 5-Mendiola. This schoolyear is indeed a memorable and fantastic year with unexpected events
for our class.
Let me start on the month of September 2009. First of all, the AGS fair. As I recall about it, I was spending a lot of good times
with my friends; in the rides, playing basketball and by just staying inside the classroom. I do remember buying several goodies in several
booths inside the cafeteria. the next day was the traditional Salu-Salo. But surprisingly, many families were in their respective classroom.
After that rough experience, I believe that God has taught us an important lesson... to be aware about our environment,global warming
which we ignored that caused about the heavy downpour and destruction of homes during typhoon Ondoy. Another memorable experience
was the intramurals. Out of numerous awards given to our batch, our class only got the 1st runner-up in the sport volleyball for team A. In
swimming, only 7 were in advanced swimming out of 41 classmates. Then in basketball, Pugad Lawid won. When it comes to volleyball,
we pretty much survived our team A nd D but only team A was able to reach the finals. we were kind of disappointed, but like they say, “we
got to have the spirit of sportsmanship.” However in the early part of 2010, which soccer was our game for intramurals, we have 5 varsities
(Jaco, Paolo, Vince, Josh, Atom) in class, so we can have a little bit of chance. the next event is an event quite familiar to you: Class Night.
Well, fun activities happened, like presentation of the the classes and teachers and ghost-hunting. Honestly, sleeping in the classroom wasn’t
that great. First of all, I had to sleep on the cold pavement of our classroom since my sleeping bag was super thin. Next my classmates were
talking the whole night. Good thing, Mr. Aenelle was with us but without him it’s going to be a pandomonium. The next day was pack up and
going home. The final event is the Christmas party. When started the day with a mass. Inside the classroom there were mountains of food
and drinks we like like C2, Pepsi, Shakey’s and Mcdo. Well. after eating our vice-president, Francis Araneta, got to sing. After that num-
ber was our presentation but since Isaiah and I forgot to bring our speakers, our dance number was cancelled. after that was the gift giving.
Well, my partner gave me a name band. Others got cool gifts like a death note and a hamster. Finally, we had to clean up our classroom.
Now that’s how I and my classmates remember our schoolyear. This school year is really awesome with my classmates. How
about you, was your expereince cool too?
Nation Building Starts with ME!


Faith Service

Respect Cooperation

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