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Date of Submission :25th sept 2008


Submitted to : Submitted By:

Mrs. Aparna Goyal Name: Ratna Vishwanathan
Marketing Department Roll No: 408A01
Faculty Section A
MBA(HR) Class of 2010
Next to the People's Republic of China, India is the most populous country in the whole world. Around 1977, the population was 968
million, and in the 1981 census it crossed the 680 million level. In 1991, it was around 845 millions.

The total population of India as at 0:00 hours on 1st March 2001 stood at 1,027,015,247 persons. With this, India became only the
second country in the world after China to cross the one billion mark. The population of the country rose by 21.34 % between 1991 -
2001. The sex ratio (i.e., number of females per thousand males) of population was 933, rising from 927 as at the 1991 Census. Total
literacy rate was returned as 65.38%.

The increasing growth rate of population and the good state of nutrition and health are possible, thanks to various programmes. The
densely populated areas in the country are Bihar, Maharastra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and TamilNadu. On an average for India
, the density of population is 190 persons per and Chandigarh top the country in terms of density and Kerala is the most
densely populated state in the whole country.

To meet the menace of population explosion, which threatens all the economic and social growth, various schemes have been
introduced both by the states and the Central government . Programmes on family welfare, voluntary sterilization and temporary birth
control are carried on. Efforts are also on to eradicate malnutitirion in the whole of India.

The Indian population is a mixture of people having varied complexions, customs, features and physique, engaged in varied
occupations and speaking different languages. They comprise the tall Kashmiris to the sturdy peasants of Punjab, the dark-colored
ones of Andhra and Tamilnadu to the short statured Nagas.Their way of dressing and their diets vary widely, yet they maintain the
harmony of the one country, which is their

Birth rate 22.8 /1,000

Death rate 8.38 /1,000

Fertility rate 2.85 children /woman

Male Life Expectancy 63.25

Female Life Expectancy 64.77

Infant Mortality Rate 57.92 deaths/1,000 live births

Religious distribution of the Population

Religion % of Total population

Hindus 81.3%,
Muslims 12%
Christians 2.3%
Sikhs 1.9%,
Buddhists 2.5%
Jains 2.5%
Judaists 0.005 %


Female Sex Ratio

Grouping Particulars No of Women per 1000 Men
India 927
Overall Rural 939
Urban 894

State with Highest Female Sex Ratio Kerala 1036

UT with Highest Female Sex Ratio Pondicherry 979

State/Union Territory /District District Highest Female Sex Ratio Ratnagiri 1205

State with Lowest Female Sex Ratio Arunachal 859

UT with Lowest Female Sex Ratio Chandigarh 790
District with Lowest Female Sex Ratio Dibang Valley 788

Age -wise Population Distribution

Age Groups OVERALL( % )

Male Female Total
00-04 12.00 12.40 12.20
05-09 13.20 13.40 13.30
10-14 11.90 11.60 11.80
15-19 09.70 09.10 09.40
20-24 08.60 09.20 08.90
25-29 07.90 08.60 08.30
30-34 06.90 07.10 07.00
35-39 06.30 06.20 06.20
40-44 05.20 04.90 05.10
45-49 04.40 04.30 04.30
50-54 03.90 03.50 03.70
55-59 02.50 02.60 02.70
60-64 02.70 02.70 02.60
65-69 01.50 01.60 01.50
70-74 01.30 01.20 01.30
75-79 00.50 00.50 00.50
80 + 00.80 00.80 00.80

Rural / Urban Population Distribution

Male Female Total Male Female Total
12.60 12.90 12.70 10.40 11.00 10.70
13.70 13.70 13.70 11.70 12.20 11.90
12.10 11.60 11.90 11.40 11.70 11.50
09.50 08.08 09.20 10.30 10.10 10.20
08.20 08.90 08.50 09.90 10.00 09.90
07.70 08.30 08.00 08.70 09.50 09.10
06.60 06.90 06.70 07.70 07.60 07.60
06.10 06.00 06.00 07.10 06.70 06.90
05.00 04.90 05.00 05.80 04.90 05.40
04.30 04.30 04.30 04.60 04.10 04.40
03.90 03.60 03.80 03.70 03.20 03.50
02.50 02.70 02.60 02.40 02.40 02.40
02.90 02.80 02.90 02.20 02.30 02.30
01.60 01.60 01.60 01.30 01.40 01.30
01.40 01.30 01.30 01.00 01.01 01.00
00.50 00.50 00.50 00.40 00.50 00.40
00.80 00.80 00.80 00.60 00.70 00.60

Annual Exponential Growth Rates

Particulars States % growth

State with highest growth rate Nagaland 4.45
Union Territory with highest growth rate Delhi 4.15
District with highest growth rate Dhemaji (Assam) 7.30

State with lowest growth rate Kerala 1.34

Union Territory with lowest growth rate Lakshadweep 2.51
District with lowest growth rate Pathanamthitta (Kerala) 0.54
District with negative growth rate Lahaul & Spiti (Arunachal Pradesh) -0.25


Population Comparison


State with Highest Population Uttar Pradesh 139,112,287

Union Territory with Highest Population Delhi 9,420,644
District with Highest Population Greater Bombay (Maharashtra) 9,925,891

State with Lowest Population Sikkim 406,457

Union Territory with Lowest Population Lakshadweep 51,707
District with Lowest Population Yanam (Pondicherry) 20,297

Population Density Comparison


State with Highest Population Density West Bengal 767

UT with Highest Population Density Delhi 6,352
District with Highest Population Density Kolkatta 23,783

State with Lowest Population Density Arunachal Pradesh 10

UT with Lowest Population Density Andaman & Nicobar Islands 34
District with Lowest Population Density Lahaul And Spiti(Arunachal Pradesh) 2

Rural - Urban Population

State with highest proportion of Urban Population 46.1 Mizoram
UT with highest proportion of Urban Population 89.93 Delhi
District with highest proportion of Urban Population 100.00 Yanam in Pondicherry

State with lowest proportion of Urban Population 8.7 Himachal Pradesh

UT with lowest proportion of Urban Population 8.5 Dadra & Nagar Haveli
District with lowest proportion of Urban Population 0.00 Changlang -Arunachal Pradesh

STATISTICS Total (+) 21.34 %
Total Population Males (+) 20.93 %
Males 531,277,078 Females (+) 21.79 %
Females 495,738,169
Sex Ratio 933 Decadal Growth 1991 - 2001

2001 Population


Total Population 157,863,145

Total 15.42 %
Males 81,911,041
Males 15.47 %
Females 75,952,104
Females 15.36 %
Sex Ratio 927

Percentage of Population (0-6)

2001 Population (0 - 6 years)


Total 566,714,995 Total 65.38 %

Males 339,969,048 Males 75.85 %
Females 226,745,947 Females 54.16 %

Number of Literates % of Literates to Total Population


Provisional Population

India/States/Union Territories Males Females Total Sex Ratio

India 531,277,078 495,738,169 1,027,015,247 933
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 192,985 163,280 356,265 846
Andhra Pradesh 38,286,811 37,440,730 75,727,541 978
Arunachal Pradesh 573,951 517,166 1,091,117 901
Assam 13,787,799 12,850,608 26,638,407 932
Bihar 43,153,964 39,724,832 82,878,796 921
Chandigarh 508,224 392,690 900,914 773
Chatisgarh 10,452,426 10,343,530 20,795,956 990
Dadra and Nager Haveli 121,731 98,720 220,451 811
Daman and Diu 92,478 65,581 158,059 709
Delhi 7,570,890 6,212,086 13,782,976 821
Goa 685,617 658,381 1,343,998 960
Gujarat 26,344,053 24,252,939 50,596,992 921
Haryana 11,327,658 9,755,331 21,082,989 861
Himachal Pradesh 3,085,256 2,991,992 6,077,248 970
Jammu and Kashmir 1 5,300,574 4,769,343 0,069,917 900
Jharkhand 13,861,277 13,048,151 26,909,428 941
Karnataka 26,856,343 25,877,615 52,733,958 964
Kerala 15,468,664 16,369,955 31,838,619 1058
Lakshadweep 31,118 29,477 60,595 947
Madhya Pradesh 31,456,873 28,928,245 60,385,118 920
Maharastra 50,334,270 46,417,977 96,752,247 922
Manipur 1,207,338 1,181,296 2,388,634 978
Meghalaya 1,167,840 1,138,229 2,306,069 975
Mizoram 459,783 431,275 891,058 938
Nagaland 1,041,686 946,950 1,988,636 909
Orissa 18,612,340 18,094,580 36,706,920 972
Pondicherry 486,705 487,124 973,829 1001
Punjab 12,963,362 11,325,934 24,289,296 874
Rajasthan 29,381,657 27,091,465 56,473,122 922
Sikkhim 288,217 252,276 540,493 875
Tamilnadu 31,268,654 30,842,185 62,110,839 986
Tripura 1,636,138 1,555,030 3,191,168 950
Uttar Pradesh 87,466,301 78,586,558 166,052,859 898
Uttaranchal 4,316,401 4,163,161 8,479,562 964
West Bengal 41,487,694 38,733,477 80,221,171 934

Literacy Rates (in % )

Total Males Females 1991 Rate
INDIA 65.38 75.96 54.28 51.63 13.75
Andaman & Nicobar
81.18 86.07 75.29 73.02 8.17
Andhra Pradesh 61.11 70.85 51.17 44.09 17.02
Arunachal Pradesh 54.74 64.07 44.24 41.59 13.15
Assam 64.28 71.93 56.03 52.89 11.52
Bihar 47.53 60.32 33.57 37.49 10.04
Chandigargh 81.76 85.65 76.65 77.81 3.94
Chhatisgarh 65.18 77.86 52.40 42.91 22.27
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 60.03 73.32 42.99 40.71 19.33
Daman & Diu 81.09 88.40 70.37 71.20 9.89
Delhi 81.82 87.37 75.00 75.29 6.53
Goa 82.32 88.88 75.51 75.51 6.81
Gujarat 69.97 80.50 58.60 61.29 8.68
Haryana 68.59 79.25 56.31 55.85 12.74
Himachal Pradesh 77.13 86.02 68.08 63.86 13.27
Jammu & Kashmir 54.46 65.75 41.82 NA NA
Jharkhand 54.13 67.94 39.38 41.39 12.74
Karnataka 67.04 76.29 57.45 56.04 11.00
Kerala 90.92 94.20 87.86 89.81 1.11
Lakshadweep 87.52 93.15 81.56 81.78 5.74
Madhya Pradesh 64.11 76.80 50.28 44.67 19.41
Maharashtra 77.27 86.27 67.51 64.87 12.39
Manipur 68.87 77.87 59.70 59.89 8.97
Meghalaya 63.31 66.14 60.41 49.10 14.21
Mizoram 88.49 90.69 86.13 82.27 6.22
Nagaland 67.11 71.77 61.92 61.65 5.45
Orissa 63.61 75.95 50.97 49.09 14.52
Pondicherry 81.49 88.89 74.13 74.74 6.74
Punjab 69.95 75.63 63.55 58.51 11.45
Rajasthan 61.03 76.46 44.34 38.55 22.48
Sikkim 69.68 76.73 61.46 56.94 12.61
Tamil Nadu 73.47 82.33 64.55 62.66 10.81
Tripura 73.66 81.47 65.41 60.44 13.22
Uttar Pradesh 57.36 70.23 42.98 40.71 16.65
Uttaranchal 72.28 84.01 60.26 57.75 14.53
West Bengal 69.22 77.58 60.22 57.70 11.52

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