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(5 – 7 July 2010)
th th

This conference will be launched at the House of Lords 5 July 2010 (Hosted by Baroness
Joyce Gould) and will be held at the University of Greenwich 6 – 7 July 2010.
th th

The conference is being organized by the University of Greenwich (School of Humanities

and Social Sciences) & ICAS (Institute for the Converging Arts and Sciences) in
collaboration with the Metropolitan Support Trust, UK Lesbian & Gay Immigration
Group, Michael Bell Associates Research & Consultancy, Metro Centre and Stonewall

The platform for this conference is the Over Not Out – The Housing and Homelessness
Issues Specific to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Asylum seekers (May 2009)
research (commissioned by Metropolitan Support Trust) A copy of the report is available

As the title suggests, this conference will explore the double jeopardy faced by LGBTI
(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex) Asylum Seekers and Refugees as a
result of: a home country’s position taken against any sexual orientation / gender identity
different from the prescribed norm - which at its worst is the result of active state,
religious, cultural, legal and political discrimination and criminalisation and at its least is
the result of institutional intolerance.

It is a double jeopardy, in the second instance, when the person claims asylum because
they are encountering high levels of homelessness, discrimination and exploitation due to
their sexuality or gender identity. For example, the Over Not Out Report highlights three
key findings of the research which are: 1. Support services for LGBT asylum seekers are
poor. 2. Homophobic and transphobic attitudes are causing homelessness and ill-health.
3. Hate crimes against LGBT asylum seekers are not being reported.

This conference will also examine the range of political/philosophical questions that
immediately come to bear: What does it mean to be a ‘citizen’ in the context of asylum
seeking? What does it mean to have to ‘prove’ your sexuality or gender to professionals
and experts as well as a hostile legal system? Or to have a Western gay lifestyle or gender
identity imposed upon an individual in fear of their life? What does it mean to deal with
Western ‘identity politics’ at a time when the very notion of identity and the political
movements expressing ‘alternative’ identities seem also to be undergoing a re-think in
terms of a postmodern / digital age economy? There is no doubt that digital technology
and social media have had a profound influence in raising awareness about the plight of
asylum seekers and refugees because it can transcend national borders. But how can it be
more for LGBTI individuals?

The aim of this conference is to provide a forum for the transfer of knowledge among
academics, legal practitioners, activists and voluntary and private sector service delivery
organisations in order to make a lasting impact in the areas of social policy and
international human rights

The conference will be organised around the two broad themes set out below:
First Jeopardy: Fleeing Persecution
A range of workshops and seminars exploring why people seek refugee status based on
their sexual orientation or gender and what the legal and political responses are to those

• The UN Convention Relating to Status of Refugees

• Homophobia and the universality of human rights

• The UN Convention against Torture

• The process of seeking asylum in the UK and elsewhere

• Discrimination and anti-gay violence around the world

• Response of LGBTI communities

• Impact of new technologies

• Media representations

• Raising Awareness

Second Jeopardy: Meeting the Needs of LGBTI Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Public and voluntary sector service providers in the UK are committed by law to policies
that promote equality and inclusion for all. We will present a series of workshops and
seminars exploring the extent to which the needs of LGBTI refugees and asylum seekers
are being met with particular reference to the political landscape of equality and
inclusion, not only within the UK but also further afield. We hope that this conference
will be a great opportunity to share best practice and ideas to improve the life chances
available for LGBTI asylum seekers and refugees.

• The Equality Bill

• Health care, physical, sexual & mental health needs

• Religion
• Housing and financial support

• Detention

• Support networks which includes Refugee Community Organisations

• Media Representation

• New Technologies

• Response of LGBTI communities

• Sexual exploitation

• The role of support organisations: Mainstream vs. Specialist

• The role of the Police regarding hate/race crime

Conference organizers welcome contributions from organizations and individuals for

research (completed and in development), seminars, workshops, round-tables and
presentations. Topics are not limited to those suggested above. It is intended that the
conference proceedings will be published.

Please submit proposals to no later than 16 th

April 2010

5 – 7 July 2010
th th

Please fill in this Proposal Form or download a Word doc or docx version from the ‘Call
for Papers’ link on the conference website
Format of proposed session: Presentation Workshop Case Study
(Please tick) Presentation Workshop
Report Report Round Table Other (please specify)
Round Table
Round Table
Name of main person responsible:
Names of others involved:
Brief description of content of session
(200-350 words for individuals or
350-500 words for groups). This
information will be used on the
website to help delegates choose their

Preferred length of session: 20 mins 30 mins 30 40 mins Other

(Please tick √) mins (Please specify) Other
(Please specify)
Equipment Required: Computer Computer Internet Video Video
(Please tick √) Computer
DVD DVD DVD Flip Chart Other
What to do next: Name this document using your first and last name, and email it
to:, on or before Friday 16 th

April 2010. Your proposal will be considered by the conference

reviewing committee and their decision sent to you by Tuesday 4 th

May 2010. Name this document using your first and last name,
and email it to:, on or before
Friday 16 April 2010. Your proposal will be considered by the

conference reviewing committee and their decision sent to you by

Tuesday 4 May 2010. Name this document using your first and

last name, and email it to:, on

or before Friday 16 April 2010. Your proposal will be considered

by the conference reviewing committee and their decision sent to

you by Tuesday 4 May 2010. Name this document using your

first and last name, and email it to:, on or before Friday 16 April

2010. Your proposal will be considered by the conference

reviewing committee and their decision sent to you by Tuesday 4th

May 2010. Name this document using your first and last name,
and email it to:, on or before
Friday 16 April 2010. Your proposal will be considered by the

conference reviewing committee and their decision sent to you by

Tuesday 4 May 2010. Name this document using your first and

last name, and email it to:, on

or before Friday 16 April 2010. Your proposal will be considered

by the conference reviewing committee and their decision sent to

you by Tuesday 4 May 2010.

If you require further information please contact Anne Cormack

Tel: +44 (0) 208331 8802/8800
Mob: 07779 012859

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