Ztr290 Testing of MCSR

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Testing of Magnetically Controlled Shunt Reactors

Leonid Kontorovych, Technical Director of ZTR PJSC, PH.D. in Engineering Sciences;

Igor Shyrokov, head of the department of reactors control systems development
Magnetically controlled shunt reactor (MCSR) is a complex of electrotechnical and electronic
equipment designed for compensation of power line reactive power and voltage stabilization at
the point of its connection. MCSR equipment includes:
1. Electromagnetic part (EMP) is similar to the powerful power transformer. It consists of at
least two windings: power winding (PW) and control winding (CtrW). Common design of EMP
includes three windings where compensation winding (CW), used for suppression of current
third harmonic and power supply of semiconductor converter (SC), is added to PW and CtrW.
2. Transformer with semiconductor converter unit (SRT) is connected to the station auxiliaries
or CW. SRT consists of power supply transformer (ST) and one or several semiconductor
converters (SC) located in separate tanks with transformer oil. SRT provides flow of rectified DC
biasing current through the CtrW.
3. Automatic control system (ACS) controls SC according to the algorithms which allow it to
keep the voltage at the point of MCSR connection at the set level or the flow of the set current
(power) through the reactor PW.
Testing of MCSR complex is performed in two stages. First stage testing of EMP, SRT and ACS
at the factory of origin. Second stage testing of MCSR complex at the substation after
mounting and connection to the grid.
Testing of EMP at the factory of origin
The scope and the techniques of low-voltage and high-voltage tests of MCSR EMP at the factory
are the same as for power transformers. There are acceptance tests, type tests and special tests
of MCSR EMP (tables 1, 2, 3).
Table 1 MCSR EMP acceptance tests
Type of test

Test technique

1. Checking of working drawings for compliance External examination and measuring by

with the requirements
measuring devices
2. Measurement of voltage ratio

IEC 60076-1 it.11.3

3. Checking of voltage vector group

IEC 60076-1 it.11.3

4. Measurement of winding DC resistance

IEC 60076-1 it.11.2

5. Measurement of impedance voltage and load- IEC 60076-1 it.11.4

losses at the modes PW-CW, PW-CtrW

1 | Testing of Magnetically Controlled Shunt Reactors

6. Measurement of no-load losses and current IEC 60076-1 it.11.5

including determination of the level of CtrW
7. Measurements of EMP parameters during rated Manufacturers technique
power absorption including load losses, harmonics
of PW current and measurement of vibration at
EMP tank walls
8. Dielectric tests

IEC 60076-3

9. Leakage test by pressure and vacuum

IEC 60076-1 it.11.8

Table 2 Type tests of MCSR EMP

Type of test

Test technique

1. Temperature rise test at rated power

IEC 60076-2

2. Impulse test

IEC 60076-3

3. EMP acoustic tests (combined with temperature IEC 60076-10

rise tests)

Table 3 Special tests of MCSR EMP (according to contract requirements)

Type of test

Test technique

1. Measurement of capacity among the windings IEC 60076-1

and between the ground and the windings
2. Measurement of insulation dissipation factor, IEC 60076-1
capacity of insulation system
3. Frequency response analysis (FRA)

IEC 60076-1

4. Dissolved gas analysis

As you can see in the tables the new type of MCSR testing is measurements of EMP parameters
during rated power absorption (table 1, it.7).
Testing with bringing MCSR EMP at rated power at factory is performed in mode of current
inductance-capacitance resonance with the usage as the source of AC voltage of low-cosine
synchronous generators with electric drive. The peculiarity of such generators is that they can
supply only active-inductive load. If there appears capacitive current in the stator windings
magnetic flux created by such windings coincides with the rotor magnetizing flux, generator will
self-excite and become uncontrolled. Test pattern is shown in figure 1.
2 | Testing of Magnetically Controlled Shunt Reactors

Using equipment shown in figure 1 the process of bringing of MCSR EMP into the mode of
rated power absorption is performed according to the following algorithm:
1. The operability of test pattern at no-load is checked. Thereto the rated voltage is supplied
from G1 generator through the matching transformer to PW, capacitor bank and biasing system
(SRT and ACS) are disconnected.
It checks the value of supplied voltage and EMP PW inductance with the IS measuring system.
After that G1 generator is disconnected.
2. The capacitor bank and the biasing system are connected. Initial biasing current which is
approx. 200 A is created in EMP CtrW with the help of ACS and SC of initial biasing supplied by
the auxiliaries.
At the same time control signals from ACS are signaled to the main SC, supplied from EMP CW,
and these signals move ACS thyristors into the diode mode.
3. G1 generator is turned on and through the matching transformer voltage is supplied to PW,
the value of this voltage is determined by the generator remanent voltage.
4. Voltage supplied to EMP PW is increased smoothly. At the same time the values of EMP PW
inductance, G1 generator current and EMP CtrW current are controlled all the time.

Figure 1 MCSR EMP test circuit diagram in the mode of rated power absorption
3 | Testing of Magnetically Controlled Shunt Reactors

In figure 1 are shown:

1 generator G1;
CB1, CB2, CB3 capacitor bank;
2 matching transformer;
3 high-voltage capacitor 50,039 pF 600 kV (Haefely);
4 IS-digital measuring system, type 2840 (Haefely);
5 tested EMP with PW, CtrW and CW windings of A, B, C phases;
6 SRT and ACS.
5. When EMP CtrW current reaches the value of 400 A, control signals for SC of initial biasing
are blocked and then SC of initial biasing is switched off. The further control of EMP CtrW
current is performed with the help of ACS and main SC.
6. Voltage supplied to EMP PW is increased smoothly. At the same time the values of EMP PW
inductance, G1 generator current and EMP CtrW current are controlled all the time.
When G1 generator current reaches the maximum value with the help of ACS the angle of SC
thyristor control is increased which leads to the decrease of generator current.
7. Actions described in it.6 are repeated until EMP reaches the mode of rated power
Figure 2 shows voltage-current characteristic of the elements of equipment fig.1 at G1
generator side during reaching of MCSR EMP of rated power absorption mode.

Figure 2 Voltage-current characteristic of the elements of equipment during the MCSR EMP
testing at the rated power absorption mode
4 | Testing of Magnetically Controlled Shunt Reactors

In figure 2 are shown:

1 voltage-current characteristic of capacitor banks;
2 voltage-current characteristic of MCSR EMP;
Ic current of capacitor banks;
Ig generator current;
In MCSR EMP rated current at the generator side.
MCSR EMP main parameters at the rated power absorption mode (PW voltage, PW current, PW
harmonic current, reactive power absorbed by EMP, EMP loss power) during the aboveindicated tests are registered by the digital measuring system.
During temperature rise test at rated power, other measuring devices can also be used for
measuring of active resistances and temperatures.
Testing of SC at the factory of origin
Acceptance tests, type tests and special tests of MCSR SC are performed at the factory of origin
(tables 4, 5, 6).
Table 4 MCSR SC acceptance tests
Type of test

Test technique

1. Checking of working drawings for compliance External examination and measuring by

with the requirements
measuring devices
2. SC tank leakage test

Manufacturers technique

3. Checking of SC insulation resistance against tank

Manufacturers technique

4. Testing of insulation with applied voltage

Manufacturers technique

Table 5 MCSR SC type tests

Type of test

Test technique

1. Control of control impulse form

Manufacturers technique

2. Checking of SC operation at rated voltage

Manufacturers technique

3. Checking of SC operation at rated current

Manufacturers technique

4. Temperature rise tests (combined with checking Manufacturers technique

of operation at rated current)
5 | Testing of Magnetically Controlled Shunt Reactors

Table 6 MCSR SC special tests

Type of test

Test technique

1. Checking of SC operation as part of MCSR

Manufacturers technique (table 1, it.7)
SC tank leakage test (table 4, it.2) is performed with the column of oil 2 m high over the cover
within 1 hour and with the oil temperature from + 10 up to + 60 .
Checking of SC insulation resistance against tank (table 4, it.3) is performed by measurement of
insulation between each converter bushing and tank grounding device. Measurements shall be
performed by megaohmmeter with the voltage of 500 V. The value of measured resistances
shall be not less than 100 M.
Testing of insulation (table 4, it.4) is performed by application within 1 minute of voltage 3 kV,
50 Hz between the tank and all the bushings of SC cover connected together.
Control of control impulses (table 5, it.1) is performed with the oscillograph connected to the
SC control terminals.
Checking of SC operation at rated voltage (table 5, it.2) is performed by connection to the SC
output of high active load, application to the SC power input of rated supply voltage and
control impulses, which correspond the SC maximum output voltage, to the control input.
Checking of SC operation at rated current (table 5, it.3) is performed by connection of activeinductive load at SC output, supply of voltage sufficient for SC thyristor activation at SC power
input and control impulses, which correspond the SC rated output current, to the control input.
Temperature rise tests (table 5, it.4) are performed by measurement of SC temperature at
particular points (thyristor case, radiator case of thyristor, different layers of oil etc.) during SC
operation with rated load current.
Testing of ACS at the factory of origin
Acceptance tests, type tests and special tests of MCSR ACS are performed at the factory of
origin (tables 7, 8, 9).
Table 7 MCSR ACS acceptance tests
Type of test

Test technique

1. Checking of working drawings for compliance External examination and measuring by

with the requirements
measuring devices
2. Checking of operation of measuring lines

Manufacturers technique

3. Checking of operation of control lines

Manufacturers technique

4. Checking of insulation resistance of electrically Manufacturers technique

separated circuits
6 | Testing of Magnetically Controlled Shunt Reactors

Table 8 MCSR ACS type tests

Type of test

Test technique

1. Checking of system algorithms and software

Manufacturers technique

Table 9 MCSR ACS special tests

Type of test

Test technique

1. Checking of ACS operation as part of MCSR Manufacturers technique

(table 1, it.7)
2. Testing of electromagnetic compatibility

IEC61000.4.2 - IEC 61000.4.6,

IEC 61000.4.11 - IEC 61000.4.14,
IEC 61000.4.16, IEC 61000.4.28
IEC 1000.4.9.95, IEC 1000.4.8.93

Checking of operation of measuring lines (table 7, it.2) is performed by transfer of model signals
from simulators of substation equipment to ACS inputs and control of the signal values at ACS
display equipment.
Checking of operation of control lines (table 7, it.3) is performed by measurement of ACS
command signals with standard measuring tools.
Checking of insulation resistance of electrically separated circuits (table 7, it.4) is perform by
measurement of resistance between them and also between them and the case with the help
of standard measuring tools.
Checking of system algorithms and software (table 8, it.1) is performed by transfer of test
signals from simulators of substation equipment to ACS inputs and control of the command
signal values at ACS outputs.
Testing of MCSR at Clients site
Second stage of MCSR tests is performed at electric power station (at Clients site) after
mounting and MCSR connection to the grid.
Operational program is agreed with the Client and the scope of tests is indicated in table 10.
Table 10 MSCR tests at site
Type of test

Test technique

1. Checking and correction (in case required) of the External examination

7 | Testing of Magnetically Controlled Shunt Reactors

schemes of primary and secondary connections of

MCSR elements
2. Checking of ACS and SRT operation without Manufacturers technique agreed with
application of voltage on MCSR PW
the Client
3. Checking of ACS and SRT operation with Manufacturers technique agreed with
application of voltage on MCSR PW
the Client
4. Checking of MCSR operation in the mode of Manufacturers technique agreed with
manual regulation
the Client
5. Checking of MCSR operation in automatic Manufacturers technique agreed with
modes, checking of MCSR dynamic characteristics
the Client
6. MCSR line operation for 72 hours

Manufacturers technique agreed with

the Client

During checking of ACS and SRT operation (table 10, it.2, it.3) SRT is disconnected from the
MCSR CtrW and is connected to active load. At the same time MCSR CtrW bushings are
Checking the operation of ACS and SRT, connected to the auxiliary network of the substation
(table 10, it.2), is performed by transmitting ACS control signals to the SRT and controlling
active load voltage at the SRT outlet.
Checking the operation of ACS and SRT, connected to the CW of the MCSR (table 10, it.3) is
performed at no-load operation mode of MCSR by transmitting ACS control signals to the SRT
and controlling active load voltage at the SRT outlet.
Checking of MSCR operation at manually regulated operational mode (table 10, it.4) is
performed in accordance with MCSR main connection diagram by transmitting ACS control
signals to SRT at the manual mode of current regulation of MCSR PW and by controlling main
MCSR parameters by means of ACS and other substation equipment. During the checkup there
have to be performed adjustment of magnitude of MSCR initial biasing current, testing of
blocking of MCSR energizing in case of initial biasing failure, registration of MCSR regulation
characteristics, testing of differential protection.
Checking of MSCR automated operational modes (table 10, it.5) is performed by transmitting
ACS control signals to SRT at the automatic mode of current regulation of MCSR PW (or MCSR
power) and at the automatic voltage regulation at the point of MCSR connection to the grid
and by controlling main MCSR parameters by means of ACS and other substation equipment.
Testing of MCSR dynamic characteristics (table 10, it.5) is performed by introducing step
changes of set value of regulated variable (voltage or current in PW) in the ACS. Step changes
are intended to switch MCSR into power gain mode (from no-load mode to rated power
absorption mode) or into power reduction mode (from rated power absorption mode to noload mode) with maximum operation speed. Oscillograms of voltages and currents in MCSR PW
and CtrW are recordered with the help of MCSR ACS and other substation equipment (e.g.
figures 3 and 4).

8 | Testing of Magnetically Controlled Shunt Reactors

MCSR line operation for 72 hours (table 10, it.6) is performed at standard automatic mode with
controlled values set by the Client (voltage at the point of MCSR connection to the grid or
MCSR current (power)). MCSR parameters are controlled by the means of ACS and other
substation equipment.
After successful operation within 72 hours MCSR is considered to be put into operation.

Figure 3 PW voltage, PW and CtrW current oscillgram during a three phase180 MVAr/500 kV
MCSR transfer from no-load mode to rated power absorption operation mode.

Figure 4 PW voltage, PW and CtrW current oscillgram during a three phase180 MVAr/500 kV
MCSR transfer from rated power absorption mode to no-load mode of operation.
9 | Testing of Magnetically Controlled Shunt Reactors

Testing methods described in this article are used at PJSC Zaporozhtransformator (Ukraine) for
more than 10 years and prove that magnetically controlled shunt reactors with voltage range
from 110 kV and up to 500 kV and power range from 25 MVAr up to 180 MVAr are reliable in

Copyright 2014 Zaporozhtransformator PJSC. The document, or parts thereof, should not be
copied, adapted, redistributed, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of
Zaporozhtransformator PJSC.
10 | Testing of Magnetically Controlled Shunt Reactors

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