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17.91 When 0.100 mol of CaC03 (s) and 0.

100 mol of CaO(s) are placed in an

evacuated sealed 1O.0-L container and heated to 385 K. P cO 2 = 0.220 atm
after equilibrium is established:
CaC03 (s) CaO(s) + CO2(g)
An additional 0.300 atm of CO2(g) is then pumped into the con- tainer. What
is the total mass (in g) of CaC03 after equilibrium is re-established?

18.187 Drinking water is often disinfected with chlorine gas, which hydrolyzes to form
hypochlorous acid (HCIO), a weak acid but poweIful disinfectant:
Cl2(aq) + 2H2O(l) ----+ HCIO(aq) + H30+(aq) + CI-(aq)
The fraction of HOCI in solution is defined as
[HOCI] + [OCI-]
(a) What is the fraction of HOCI at pH 7.00 (Ka of HCIO = 2.9 X 10- 8 )?
(b) What is the fraction at pH 10.OO?

22.59 A blast furnace uses Fe203 to produce 8400. t of Fe per day.

(a) What mass of CO2 is produced each day?
(b) Compare this amount of CO2 with that produced by 1.0 million automobiles, each
burning 5.0 gal of gasoline a day, Assume that gasoline has the formula C8H18 and a
density of 0.74 g/mL. and that it bums completely. (Note that U.S. gasoline consumption is
over 4 X 10 8 gal/day.)

22.80 The overall cell reaction for aluminum production is

2A1203 (in Na3AIF6) + 3C(graphite) ----+ 4Al(l) + 3CO(g)
(a) Assuming 100% efficiency, how many metric tons (t) of Al203 are consumed per metric
ton of Al produced?
(b) Assuming 100% efficiency, how many metric tons of the graphite anode are consumed
per metric ton of Al produced?
(c) Actual conditions in an aluminum plant require 1.89 t of Al203 and 0.45 t of graphite
per metric ton of AI. What is the percent yield of Al with respect to A1203 ?
(d) What is the percent yield of Al with respect to graphite?
(e) What volume of CO2 (in m 3 ) is produced per metric ton of Al at operating conditions
of 960. o C and exactly 1 atm?

14.140 Given the following information.

H+(g) + HzO(g) -- H 3 0+(g) till = -720 kJ
H+(g) + HzO(l) -- H 3 0+(aq) till = -1090 kJ
HzO(l) -- H 2 0(g) !!..H = 40.7kJ
calculate the heat of solution of the hydronium ion:
H 3 0+(g) H 3 0+(aq)

14.165 Carbon tetrachloride is made by passing Cl2 in the presence of a catalyst through
liquid CS2 near its boiling point. Disulfur dichloride (S2Cl2) also forms, in addition to the
by-products SCl2 and CCl3SCl. How many grams of CS2 reacted if excess Cl2 yielded 50.0
g of CC4 and 0.500 g of CCI3SCl? Is it possible to determine how much S2Cl2 and SCl2
also formed? Explain.

14.167 P4 is prepared by heating phosphate rock [principally Ca3(P04)2] with sand and
coke: Ca3(P04)2(S) + SiO2(s) + C(s) -- CaSi03 (s) + CO(g) + P4(g) [unbalanced]
How many kilograms of phosphate rock are needed to produce 315 mol of P4, assuming
that the conversion is 90 % efficient?

14.180 Copper(II) hydrogen arsenite (CuHAS03 ) is a green pigment once used in

wallpaper; in fact, forensic evidence suggests that Napoleon may have been poisoned by
arsenic from his wall-paper. In damp conditions, mold metabolizes this compound to
trimethylarsenic [(CH3)3As], a highly toxic gas.
(a) Calculate the mass percent of As in each compound.
(b) How much CuHAs0 3 must react to reach a toxic level in a room that measures 12.35 m
X 7.52 m X 2.98 m (arsenic is toxic at 0.50 mg/m 3 )?

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