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pg 6


President Sirleaf Signs

Off On Budget for


pg 7



pg 7


What does James Debbahs

Lawmakers cite Executive failure to solicit
the needed signatures of lawmakers in
order to extend session by six weeks

26-man squad contain

after days of speculation?

VOL 9 NO.132






I urge the President and other officials to take a page from my book. I voluntarily resigned from public service, remained
in Liberia, submitted to two concurrent audits and continue to avail myself of any process consistent with the laws of our
country. In this my guilt or innocence will be decided!-Atty. Samuel K. Woods, former Minister of Public Works

Politics- pg. 5















These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market
in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the
commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department, Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia

Page 2 | Frontpage


Samwar S. Fallah,

Monroviaxposed by the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus,

the health sector is one of the worse in terms of
providing services to the Liberian people. The John
F. Kennedy medical Center is ill-equipped as well as
other hospitals and medical facilities across the country and
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has limited time to revamp
a sector that in the view of many, has already collapsed
although some last ditch projects in the works aims to change
the perception and conclusions of many skeptics.
The countdown to the end of the tenure of President Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf is now only several months away and by
2017 following the completion of her second term of office,
Sirleaf will be known to have spent 12 unbroken years at the
helm of power in Liberia.
Twelve years in power is sufficient time to change a country
but while Sirleaf supporters will be tempted to compare
her 12-year rule with that of the longest ruling political
party in Liberias history, the Grand True Whig Party (TWP),
the positives are countless under the Sirleaf regime which
should be used by the Liberian leader to leave a lasting mark
in terms of Liberias growth and development.
International goodwill both financial, material and in many
other forms has been overwhelming one of the highest ever
in the history of the country.
Sectors such as health, infrastructure and education are
amongst some of the highest recipients of donations.
In 2006 in her inaugural address President Sirleaf promised
to revitalize the health sector when she said Yet, we are
humbled and awed by the enormity of the challenges
that lie ahead to heal our nations wounds, redefine and
strengthen its purpose, make democracy a living and
effective experiment, promote economic growth, create jobs,
revitalize our health and educational facilities and services,
and quicken the pace of social progress and individual
prosperity in this country.
Following her inauguration and the level of breakdown in
the countrys health sector as a consequence of the prolong
civil war, international donations were high with a Pool Fund
established where donors have been making contributions
in addition to the allotment of millions by the sector through
the national budget.
On the international level, the Health Pool Fund is providing
millions in support to the health sector through programs
including funding to Malaria, tuberculosis and dealing with
other diseases.

Data from the Ministry of Health indicates that in 2008, total

health and social welfare expenditure reached over US$100
million (or US$29 per person), or 15 percent of GDP.
The report describes as an unprecedented level of
expenditure for Liberia and in line with the West and Central
Africa Region average in 2006 (US$ 28 per person (WHO).
Also, according to statistics from the Liberia Health Pool
Fund, as reported by the National Health Accounts (NHA)
data, Total Health Expenditure (THE) in FY 2007 was US$
100.5 million. Preliminary 2009 NHA data indicates that
THE increased to US$ 179 million, an increase of 78% in just
2 years.
At the close of FY 2010, total of all commitments made to

But with less than two years remaining, the challenge

for the administration in mustering the courage and
raising the hopes of many already resigned to the
notion that the sector has been left for dead, will
be key. However amid the growing perceptions that
a sector with massive donors funding since 2006
but little to show in terms of results, is mired in dire
straits, realistic forecast of an administration on
the way out offers what some say is a very limited
window of opportunity to resuscitate what is easily
the most important prospect of a lasting legacy for
the Unity Party-led government.

the Health Sector Pool Fund exceeded US$ 40 million and the
total amount of contributions received was US$ 24 million,
the NHA report further indicates.
Despite millions pumped into the health sector, it remains
awful with medical services unavailable to Liberians in many
parts of the country. In Monrovia, major health facilities are
ill-equipped including the referral John F. Kennedy medical
Redemption hospital is unable to cater to the population
of Bushrod Island before serving beyond that location. The
Liberian population is susceptible to common diseases such
as malaria, typhoid and others.
The Chinese constructed the Jackson F. Doe memorial
Hospital in Tappita, Nimba County but the facility in spite
of government funding has taken a private trend with the
average Liberian unable to afford a medical bill at the facility.
Health facilities around Liberia are in poor condition with no
adequate supply of medicines leaving patients at the peril of
Senior government officials all travel abroad for medical
treatment when the local facilities are in ruins.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Ebola shame
In numerous reports, there are boast of improvement in
the health sector but the outbreak of Ebola exposed the
governments inability to ensure that the sector is ready and
can withstand any test.
When Ebola struck, many doctors, nurses and other medical
workers left the medical facilities for fear of contracting the
virus because they were not prepared to do so.
The Government was forced to further expose the population
to deaths when it shut down all medical facilities. President
Sirleaf defended that Ebola was an unknown enemy which
the country did not know how to handle but besides Ebola,
Liberians still find it difficult to get good medical care.
Nurses in some instances diagnose people wrongly and
overall, officials are aware that the local health system is not
People suffering from other illness ere shunned when Ebola
overwhelmed the country and seem unimaginable to handle.
Liberians have been expressing their district and
unhappiness over the manner in which the health sector let
the population down during the outbreak.
Many Liberians believe that the JFK has turned a death trap,
unable to treat people suffering from common diseases,
where deaths of those admitted for treatment are announced
on a daily basis. People have to commute over eight hours
to the Jackson F. Doe Memorial Hospital in Tappita, Nimba
County to seek medical attention.
In August of this year Representative Edward Forh (CDC
district # 15 Montserrado County) sued the John F. Kennedy
Medical hospital seeking US$10M in damages for the death
of his daughter. It was reported that the lawmakers daughter
died in his arms from an asthmatic attack during the heat of
the Ebola outbreak after she was allegedly refused admission
at the JFK.
The lawsuit listed Edward Forh as representative of
the Forh family versus the administration of the John
F. Kennedy Hospital and named first defendant Munah
Tarpeh deputy administrator , 2nd defendant Tannie Sneh
nursing supervisor, 3rd defendant, Mary Howard Nyaguie
administrator, 4th defendant Korto Dorbor Intern, 5th
defendant Dr. Billy Johnson Chief Medical Officer.

With Ebola gone, there has been no change in the level of

improvements in the health sector and President Sirleaf has
a huge task to made changes in the sector for the better as
she leaves power in less than two years.
For the immediate future, the President according to Dr.
Clarence Moniba, head of the development unit at the
ministry of state for presidential affairs is eyeing several
projects in the sector that could go a long way in ensuring
that she leaves a respectable legacy in the sector left for dead.
Key among those said to be lined up is a US$20-25 million
plan to relocate the dilapidated Redemption Hospital to a
new location, probably in the Caldwell area and keep the
current location as a small medical center, and a similar
renovation work of the JFK hospital as well as a progressive
plan to jumpstart a Health Workforce Program which aims to
increase capacity of nurses, midwifery and doctors.
Plans are also said to be in the works to renovate and J.J.
Dossen Hospital in Harper, Maryland County and construct
a new hospital closer to the Tubman University while
maintaining the current one as a small clinic.
But with less than two years remaining, the challenge for
the administration in mustering the courage and raising the
hopes of many already resigned to the notion that the sector
has been left for dead, will be key. However amid the growing
perceptions that a sector with massive donors funding since
2006 but little to show in terms of results, is mired in dire
straits, realistic forecast of an administration on the way out
offers what some say is a very limited window of opportunity
to resuscitate what is easily the most important prospect of a
lasting legacy for the Unity Party-led government.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Page 3


Act of Choosing Our leaders over the years have brought this country much sorrows
By: Reverend Dr. Kortu K. Brown, First Vice President of Liberia Council of Churches (LCC) ; Contributing Writer

ELECTRICITY IS ESSENTIAL to humans. In this 21st

century and digital world, everything is heavily
reliant on electricity.
THIS IS WHY it comes as a surprise to people who
have never visited third world countries like Liberia
when they are told that Monrovia does not have a
reliable supply of electricity. They then wonder
how the city looks at nightfall.
LIBERIANS HAVE ENDURED for too long the issue
of lack of electricity as many who can afford rely
on private generators while others have no option
but to sleep in complete darkness. Students have
to study using candles. Outside Monrovia, others
see the moonlight as a good source of light.
operations due to the money spent on the purchase
of petrol products on a daily basis.
BASED ON THE difficulties, when President Sirleaf
promised upon her inauguration in 2006 that she
would have restored electricity to Monrovia in six
months, thousands danced and celebrated to the
promise of Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, a promise
which contributed to her election.
FROM 2006, INSTEAD of beginning a long term
plan such as the rehabilitation of the Mount Coffee
Hydro dam, Madam Sirleaf opted for short term
Small Light Today, Big Light Tomorrow program.
GENERATORS WERE USED by the Liberia Electricity
Corporation to provide electricity to Monrovia and
immediate environs but that has only made little
impact in solving the electricity problem.
ELECTRICITY IS RATIONED to the extent that
many businesses prefer using a generator while
some opt for the LEC power as an alternative to the
WITH LARGE NUMBER of Liberians unable to go to
school during the civil war, running adult literacy
classes at night is difficult.
CRIMINALITY IS ALSO high in darkness and there
are several other negative consequences associated
with the lack of reliable electricity.
provide small and unreliable light to the residents
of Monrovia and immediate environs for the first
six years, told the Liberians that the time is short
for doing many of what she had promised.
AGAIN, SHE WAS given another six years by the
Liberian people, with the population hoping that
this time she will make the difference.
FOUR YEARS INTO the second term of office, there
are signs of improvement with the rehabilitation of
the Mount Coffee Dam now underway.
THIS IS WELCOMING and should be completed in
timeDecember 2016to bring electricity relief
to the people.
MADAM PRESIDENT, THE Liberian people are tired
of darkness and need this big light by the latest
December 2016. Government should do all it can to
ensure that the ongoing hydro project is not halted
or delayed.
THE HYDRO MUST be the same as other promised
projects such as revitalization of health care, which
has turned a fiasco, improvement in education
which nowhere to be seen and other unfulfilled

pening Statement of Moderation by Reverend Dr.

Kortu K. Brown, First Vice President of Liberia
Council of Churches (LCC)
Revisiting the
Coherence and Coordination Debate: Sustaining
Collective Peace-building in Liberia Workshop Organized
by African Center for the Constructive Resolution Disputes
(ACCORD) from South Africa in Collaboration with the Peacebuilding Office at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Republic of
In introducing this session, the organizers have argued
that Liberia will host general and presidential elections in
2017, which the current administration under President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has affirmed will be one that will
assure ordinary Liberians and the international community
that Liberia is on the path of being politically stable.
Constitutionally, President Sirleaf cannot run in 2017 due to
presidential term limits and this could open up a potentially
invigorating or stimulating environment as there will be
no incumbent seeking re-election. Such scenarios in other
fragile states in Africa have tended to raise the stakes among
political competitors and if such competition is not properly
managed, there is always a high risk of tensions turning into
National Elections in Liberia are as old as the nation-state
itself. The first formal election for President was held on
October 5, 1847. Governor Joseph Jenkins Roberts, of the
Pro-Administration Party defeated Samuel Benedict of the
Anti-Administration Party to become the first President
of the Republic of Liberia. Since then, according to records
available there have been about 50 (fifty) Presidential
elections in Liberia to include the 2011 vote which ushered
in the second-term of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. On the
other hand, there has been about 52 Legislative elections
to include the 2014 Senatorial By-elections. [Records also
showed that Liberia has had about 18 (eighteen) national
referendum since the Independence referendum was held
on October 27, 1846 to decide on the independence of the
According to Black Law Dictionary, Election is the act of
a party casting votes to elect an individual for some type
of position. Elections may involve a public or private vote
depending on the position.
The Business Dictionary states that An election is a formal
decision-making process by which a population chooses
an individual to hold public office.[1] Elections have been
the usual mechanism by which modern representative
democracy has operated since the 17th century.[1] Elections
may fill offices in the legislature, sometimes in the executive
and judiciary, and for regional and local government. This
process is also used in many other private and business
organizations, from clubs to voluntary associations and
The act of choosing our leaders over the years have
brought this country much sorrows. This has led to disunity,
disintegration, coups, civil wars, etc. In October 2005, the
first post-civil-war elections were held to end 15-years of
fratricidal conflict.
The Elections in 2017 are crucial because historically, Liberia,
in 73 (seventy-three) years should see the transfer of power
from one elected President to another elected President.
The last time this happened was when President Edwin
Barclay, who led the country from 1930-1944, presided over
Presidential elections in which he was not a Candidate and
former Senator and Associate Justice William V.S. Tubman,
from his party, won, becoming the 18th President of Liberia.
The current president faces the similar challenge. This is a
special moment in our history that we cant work any less for
because our country is poised to make history and make it
in a big way!!!
MESSAGING: The message we send out about the 2017
elections will help drive the results and significantly

contribute to peace and stability. Liberia is entering a

new epoch in democratic governance. We are gradually
consolidating our democratic gains through the holding of
regular elections at both the Presidential and Legislative
levels. If we are positive in our messaging and we need to
be we will be able to rally the country to see the historical
importance of these elections and their impact, globally.
This session, therefore, focus on the 2017 elections is
suggested to analyze lessons and good practices that can be
drawn from the management of political tensions that have
been triggered by elections in many fragile states in Africa.
The session should reflect on strategies already in place
and those that can be developed in order to contribute to a
peaceful pre and post electioneering period.
Some of the key questions include according to the organizers
1. What are some of the important policy and/or institutional
frameworks that need to be (or have been) put in place to
ensure that the elections are seen to be free and fair?
2. What needs to be (or has been) done to reduce the
likelihood of political tensions that can stoke violence?
Difficulties with elections
According to elections experts, problems that prevent an
election from being "free and fair" take various forms:
1. Lack of open political debate or an informed electorate
2. Unfair rules
3 Interference with campaigns
4. Tampering with the election mechanism
5. Cheating at the polls or tallying of election results, etc.
We need to ensure that the electorate is properly informed.
For example when we debate Generation Change, are we
speaking from facts or mere emotional considerations? Our
first President, Joseph Jenkins Roberts was 38 years old when
he became president in October 1847. Our next president,
Stephen Allen Benson was 40. Daniel B. Warner was 50 while
James S. Payne was 43. Edward J. Royes, 55; Charles D.B. King,
44 while Tubman was 49, Tolbert, 58 and Taylor 49. The
oldest persons to probably be elected President of Liberia
were Alfred F. Russell, 74, G. W. Gibson, 68 followed by Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf at 67. So we need to ensure that our public
presentations are properly researched to avoid misleading
the public resulting into making the wrong decisions.
In addition to the points listed above, I also believe that we
1. Avoid promotion of divisiveness during these elections
2. Eschew the politics of unfair personal attacks and promote
a real agenda for transformation i.e. fighting hunger, poverty;
accessing light, water, etc.
3. Work to reduce tension amongst political actors
4. Ensure that the election is NOT taken for granted so that
the peace is NOT taken for granted
5. Consider whether we are asking people to lead us or people
are asking us to lead us
The focus of the 2017 elections should be the Liberian
people and the very serious challenges they face. So we must
prioritize civic and voters education to ensure a level playing
These challenges can impact on the peace of any country, our
biggest commodity for stability. As we explore the role of the
international and local actors leading up to the 2017 elections
and how it may impact on the peace-building processes, we
call on all of us to join this debate as Speakers allowed 10
minutes each, take the podium to enlighten our minds on the
possibilities and challenges of the 2017 elections, after which
there will be plenary reactions. Remember, 2017 maybe a
new car without a driver, like some say. Lets work to ensure
that we can find the right driver to take us to where we as a
people want to go.
May God guide and bless our country, Liberia!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Page 4 | Frontpage

The Reader's Page


Send your letters and comments to:








Jesse Fahngon-Metropolitan State University
The provisions of electricity n water supply to its
citizens are not milestones achievements. These are
BASIC and the simply utilities a government can make
available to its citizens. The FORMER n LATTER are not
legacy items, my friends.

Esther Richards -Pikesville, Maryland

Forgive me for being such a sceptic, but I have lost
all hope of seeing electricity on Duport Road, right in
Paynesville. It is so depressing to sit and watch how
development occurs in Liberia. Duport Road (Du River
side), is a small but very growing community, which
has seen road, light, water schools, clinic development
just pass right by them and go on to Zubah town,
ELWA community, etc. I can't imagine this happening,
but it did. We are tired of pleading with the relevant
authorities to help us out. These utility companies have
used friendship to run a few poles to accommodate
their friends and relatives. Even the road project which
was started has been abandoned. It is as if some people
are not entitled while others have it all. I just want it to
be known that we are entitled to these developments
and shoud not just be passed by. Someday, we will see
the manifestation of our dream.
George K. Fahnbulleh
Mt. Coffee is a white elephant, which at nearly $500
million will not even meet the needs of Monrovia.
For that price we could have built one of the Rwanda
style projects in EVERY COUNTY.
Rwanda completed an Africa's first utility scale solar
project in 13 months: from signature to connection,
for only 23.1 Million USD. You can read about it here:
"Rwandas doing a number of things right. I mean
one, security. It is a place where people can trust their
PPAs for 25 years. [For] geo-political stability, Rwanda
probably is the most attractive place in east Africa. And
Rwandas regulatory framework - no corruption. It is a
very, very transparent system,
Lorenzo D Gartor-First Assembly of God
'To run is not necessarily to arrive', making a political
promise and fulling it is another thing, in most cases the
fulfilment part relies on the sincerity of the promisor,
and the last I check.......................

Eric Massoud-St. Peter Claver's High School

This should have ben priority number one from the
beginning more like 'Big Light Now' and small light
later' as oppose to making the increment of Law makers
pay a priority. And what about Bassa? Buchanan is in
darkness. The second largest city in the country ..

Peterson Kortuwah
"President Sirleaf is racing against time to fulfill her
promise to the Liberian people and protect her legacy."
At this point, the question of legacy is off the table;
rather, it is now a matter of investigating, auditing,
and prosecuting this failed administration on charges
of Economic Crimes committed against the Liberian

DISCLAIMER: The comments expressed here are

those of our online readers and bloggers and do no
represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

The Editor,

evolutionary ideologues, uncompromising stalwarts,

proponents of justice, adherents to partys discipline,
massescrats, deep-thinking militants, cadres and comrades,
with profound and philosophical inclination, the invincible
and incomparable Vanguard Student Unification Party (SUP) extends
warmest revolutionary salutation to you from the most conscious
pinnacle of justice, equality, and freedom.
Since 1970 up to present, the Student Unification Party (SUP) remains
a monumental emblem and an unsurpassed insignia of the peoples
struggle in Liberia. It is unarguably and visibly plain that even after
44 years of consistent advocacy, SUP remains a shining beacon of
hope for many Liberians. This sacrosanct political movement is
driven by revolutionary principles and values that are dogmatically
tied to massescracy.
As a result of our steadfast commitment and historical vow to always
defend and protect the disadvantaged, underprivileged, and neglected
in society, we are again duty-bound and beholden to elevate few
critical issues that are very poisonous and alarming to the survival of
our people. Whatever affects any citizen of this country, affects SUP
as well. It is our principal obligation to vehemently oppose injustice,
nepotism, elitism, autocracy, inequality, corruption, and all forms of
societal ills.
The Vanguard Student Unification Party attention has been drawn to
prevailing injustices in Liberia. The sharp sword of injustice continues
to permeate our societyas impunity takes center stage. Selective
justice is a way of life in our country evident by existing realities. With
heavy heart, SUP is calling on national government to ensure JUSTICE
prevails in the following cases:
1. The late Shaki Kamara (16 years of age) who was shot on August
20, 2014 during a riot between unarmed civilians of West Point
Township and a contingent of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL).
2. The trafficked Liberian Girls who were sexually enslaved and
cruelly abused in Lebanon between 2012 to 2015.
3. The late Fred Thompson who died in July 2015 during the landgrab dispute in Butaw, Sinoe County.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said Injustice anywhere is a threat to
justice everywhere. SUP wants to use this medium to call on the
International Community, specifically the United Nations, African
Union, European Union, ECOWAS, United States Government, Mano
River Union, Carter Center, and Global Witness to ensure culprits of
these grave human rights abuses and butcheries are brought to face
the full weight of the law. They must not go with impunity this time
Our collective victory over the deadly Ebola Virus Disease can only
become a proud national achievement if lifeless SHAKI gets justice.
Comrade Shaki will only rest peacefully in his lonely vault when
justice prevails. We remain ever disturbed about the degrading and
mortifying condition of our sisters who were sexually abused for
years in Lebanon by callous creatures of abnormal identities.
It is time for women to rise up and protect the rights of these young
girls who were exploited as a result of extreme poverty. The long
journey to put an end to human trafficking, rape, sexual exploitation,
and all forms of abuses against women in Liberia must begin with this
case. We must not abandon these girls whose pride and dignity have
been robbed by evil elements. SUP also demands impartial justice for
comrade Fred Thompson who died in cold blood in Sinoe County! We
categorically condemn ongoing land-grab in Liberia.
SUP strongly believes that JUSTICE must also prevail for slum dwellers
and those with powerless voices. It is unfortunate today that justice
is on sale in Liberia. We live in a country of equal citizenship, but
unequal opportunities. Our nation needs a paradigm shift in order
to guarantee a brighter tomorrow for all citizens especially peasants.
As one of the most historical months (October) in Liberia approaches,
the Central Committee of the Vanguard Student Unification Party
(SUP) hereby appoints the following committees to ensure a grand
45thAnniversary Celebration:

Anniversary Committee
1. Cde. Jerome Danguah Chairman
2. Cde. Mustapha S. Manobah Co-chair
3. Cde. Jerome Bernard Secretary
4. Cde. McArthur G. Dahnkuan Member
5. Cde. Theodosia Howard Member
6. Cde. Emmanuel K. Barnes Member
7. Cde. Amara Kamara Member
8. Cde. Emmerson Drobia Member
9. Cde. Eric Myers Member
10. Cde. Kanue Teegwiah Member
11. Cde. J. Jeremiah Testimony Barclay Member

Steering Committee
1. Vet. Benedict Williams
2. Vet. Joash T. Hodges
3. Vet. Malayah T. Chiyeo
4. Vet. Patrick Mbayo
5. Vet. Stephen R. Johnson
6. Vet. Darlington Smith
7. Vet. Augustus Panton
8. Vet. James S. Davis, II.
9. Vet. Janga A. Kowo
10. Vet. Michael Titoe
11. Vet. Dwana Bakongo Sesay
12. Vet. Bah-Wah Brownell
13. All Chairmen and Standard Bearers Emeritus

Advisory Committee
1. H. E. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan
2. Cllr. Tiawan S. Gongloe
3. Cllr. Samuel Kofi Woods
4. Cllr. Jerome Verdier
5. Prof. Alaric Togba
6. Hon. Cummany Wesseh
7. Hon. Eugene Fallah Kpakai
8. Hon. Geraldine Doe-Sheriff
9. Mr. John B. S. Davies
10. Mr. Wilmot Paye
11. Mr. Abdullai Kamara
12. Mr. Phillip Wesseh
13. Mr. Alphonso Socrates Nimene
The Party henceforth mandates all militants, veterans, and
sympathizers to accord these committees the fullest support they
need in order to host an extraordinary anniversary this year. As we
blissfully anticipate SUP at 45, we must never abandon the struggle
that was long-started by martyrs Michael G. S. Dolo, Frederick
Gobawolee, Swanzy Elliott, Irene Nimpson, Benedict Garlawolu,
Wuo Garbe Tappia, Tonia Richardson, Weewee Debah and other
revolutionaries. As we proudly march in the imprints of these fallen
heroes and heralds, our hope, courage, determination and fortitude
must always rise above the surge of reactionary forces.
It is often said in Swahili sisi si wengine mpaka haki huja meaning
we will not rest until justice comes.
Long live SUP, long live SUPISTS, long live massescracy, SUP will never
Done and issued on this 2nd Day of August A.D. 2015 by the mandate
of the Central Committee and Politburo concomitantly.
Signed: ___________________________________________________
Cde. Martin K. N. Kollie
Chairman on Information, Propaganda, Research, and Guidance, SUP
Approved: _________________________________________________
Cde. Nathan N. Kpao
Chairman, SUP


Rodney D. Sieh, Managing Editor, 0886-738-666;

Samwar S. Fallah, News Desk Chief, 0886-527
Gboko Stewart, Copy Editor 0886 484974
Danesius Marteh, Sports Editor, danesius., 0886236528
James-Emmanuel D. Cole, Jr, Graphics Designer
& Layout Editor,;
0886 211 390, 0777 027 030
Henry Karmo, Reporter, henry.karmo@
Bettie Johnson, Reporter, , / betty.johnson@

Al-varney Rogers, Reporter,, 0886-304498
Kennedy L. Yangian, Reporter, kennedy.yangian@ 0777296781
A. Macaulay Sombai, Sports Reporter, macaulay.sombai@, 077217428
Grand Bassa, Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, 0777432042
Bong County, Selma Lomax, selma.lomax@, 0886-484666
Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753,

Tuesday, September 1, 2015





I urge the President and other officials to take a page from my book. I voluntarily resigned
from public service, remained in Liberia, submitted to two concurrent audits and continue to
avail myself of any process consistent with the laws of our country. In this my guilt or innocence
will be decided!-Atty. Samuel K. Woods, former Minister of Public Works
being done to determined
what is happening at NOCAL
and will inform additional
action, one source explained.

Monroviaormer Public Works

Minister Samuel K.
Woods in response to
the call by President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for him
to take full responsibility
of events at the Ministry
of Public Works has called
on the president and other
officials of government to act
in similar manner as he did by
quitting from government.
government and said he
remains opened to all forms
of public scrutiny as he is
willing to prove his innocence
in any wrongdoing and is now
requesting President Sirleaf
and other officials to do the
Responding to the President
comments Woods said I
urge the President and other
officials to take a page from my
book. I voluntarily resigned
from public service, remained
in Liberia, submitted to
two concurrent audits and
continue to avail myself of any
process consistent with the
laws of our country. In this
my guilt or innocence will be
expressed that he fully agrees
with President Sirleaf for
taking responsibility for the
situation at NOCAL as head of
the government and he is also
accepting responsibility for
any wrong at the Ministry of
Public Works
I have not and will not

shy from any wrong that I

may have done as Minister
of Public Works. I have
repeatedly said both in
public and in private and in
my various communications
to the President that I stand
ready for any scrutiny. I
implore the Government of
Liberia to do what is right
for the Liberian People said

Woods is also challenging the

government of Liberia to take
him to court to enable him
answer to his stewardship at
the Public Works Ministry.
Said Woods I therefore
challenge the government
to do what is right, take
me to a court of competent
jurisdiction to answer for my
The human rights lawyer
indicated that he is grateful
that Liberia is reaching a point
where the culture of impunity
will be addressed by officials
accounting for their actions.
I am grateful that we are
reaching the point where
we can collectively end
impunity and ensure that
we account to the Liberian
People for our stewardship
both past and present. We
appear to be ushering the age
of accountability, declares
Recently Woods commenting
on the ongoing saga at NOCAL
where the entity is about to

lay off a number of employees

called on President Sirleaf
to take responsibility for the
Addressing a group of
women, Woods said "The
leadership of this country is
fully responsible and must
take responsibility of what's
happening at NOCAL, all the
things they are talking about
giving them severance pay
is not correctgiving those
guys money is not adequate,
it is insufficient and is limited
you cannot talk about an oil
company collapsing and you
are talking about retiring the
head of the entity and giving
him severance pay, how can
you give people money at
an Oil Company that has
Upon return to the country
from an official visit to
Tokyo, Japan, Madam Sirleaf
agreed with Woods, taking
responsibility for the NOCAL
saga but also called on Woods
to do same while serving as
head of Public Works Ministry.
I suspect that former
Minister Woods will be
things that happened under
his watch when it comes
to the problems we had at
public works, so the head
person takes responsibility
even though they may not
be directly responsible. That
is my response to that said
President Sirleaf.

Woods says he maintains his
position on NOCAL in spite
of the exchanges with the
The President, in her
recent address to the nation,
announced that the Head of
NOCAL will be honorably
retired and severance benefits
paid out. I disagree! I believe
that a full management
audit be conducted. This
procurement amongst others.
Liberians need to know why
a once potentially viable
entity has so spectacularly
collapsed said Woods.
Woods and President Sirleaf
on the NOCAL saga is raising
public eyebrows as to whether
relationship between the two
where the President heaped
praises on Woods at public
functions has severed.
The Executive Mansion did
not return calls seeking
response to Woods latest
within the executive mansion,
told FrontPageAfrica that
the president is neither
perturbed or disturbed by
the outburst of Mr. Woods.
Because as a leader she
knows exactly what it takes to
govern a country and is doing
just those things that are
required make sure NOCAL
is a viable again and that the
processes that are already


Press Statement On President
Ellen Johnsons Reponse
To My Comments On The
National Oil Company Of
Liberia (Nocal)
I fully agree and commend
President Ellen JohnsonSirleaf for her response to
my recent comments on the
National Oil Company of
Liberia intimating that she
takes responsibility for what
happens in all ministries
and agencies of the Liberian
Government and I should take
full responsibility for what
happened at the ministry
of Public Works during my
tenure, even if I was not
directly involved.
I have not and will not
shy from any wrong that I
may have done as Minister
of Public Works. I have
repeatedly said both in
public and in private and in
my various communications
to the President that I stand
ready for any scrutiny. I
implore the Government of
Liberia to do what is right
for the Liberian People: I
I am grateful that we are
reaching the point where we
can collectively end impunity
and ensure that we account
to the Liberian People for
our stewardship both past
and present. WE APPEAR TO
In my comments, I urged
the government to ensure
that all public officials - past
(including me) and present submit to similar processes
without discrimination. The
failure of our government
to exhaust this process
is a dereliction of duty.
and subject individuals in
government to collective
guilt. I will not be perturbed.
Liberians will seek justice
and demand what is right!
I maintain my position on

Page 5

The President, in her recent
address to the nation,
announced that the Head of
NOCAL will be honorably
retired and severance benefits
paid out. I disagree! I believe
that a full management
audit be conducted. This
procurement amongst others.
Liberians need to know why
a once potentially viable
entity has so spectacularly
The response, in the immediate
aftermath of what appears
to be the latest evidence of
the inexorable failure of a
national asset is inadequate,
is limited, is insufficient
and is disconcerting, if not
When the President openly
demand accountability, she
sends the wrong signal to a
public which now views our
government's actions with
much consternation and deep
mistrust. Information on the
situation at NOCAL was well
known to this administration
long time ago but it chose to
look the other way and do
The full scale of the
consequences of NOCAL's
decline must not be lost;
it must be brought to the
full view of the public and
address collateral damage
citizens and institutions. We
need to ensure that students
benefitting from NOCALs
Scholarship Programs are
given special consideration.
We need to deal with our
national human resource
deficit and therefore cannot
afford to let them become
victims of this imbroglio.
I, therefore, proposed that
the recommendation on
severance and retirement
until a full report on NOCAL
is submitted to the nation
through an independent
process. The Board bears
equal responsibility and
therefore may not be the
conduct a house cleaning
institutions in our country
including LACC, GAC, PPCC
should take the lead, move
in immediately and act
respective mandates.
I recommend that the National
Legislature take seize of the
situation at NOCAL and attend
to the public anxiety on this
grave national matter.
We eschew violence but
cannot deny the public right
to sustained peaceful protests
when provoked by the
indifference or insensitivity of
our government.

Page 6 | Frontpage


Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Please be assured that this action being taken by the board in no way suggests or insinuates that you or any senior
management officials have engaged in any wrongful act or malfeasance during your time with the institution.

Monroviahe Board of Directors

Liberia (NOCAL) has
clarified that the decision
to request the resignation
of the three Vice Presidents
from their positions at the oil
company does not suggest any
wrongful act or malfeasance
by the affected VPs during
their stint with NOCAL.
contained in a letter, a copy
of which is in the possession
of FrontPageAfrica (dated
August 25, 2015), sent to
Prof. Lamini Waritay, outgoing
vice president for Public
Affairs. The letter, signed by
acting board chairman Fred
Bass-Golokeh, explained the
background against which
Waritay and others have been
asked to resign from their
respective positions.
Please be assured that this
action being taken by the
board in no way suggests or
insinuates that you or any
senior management officials
have engaged in any wrongful
act or malfeasance during
your time with the institution.
letter is a follow-up to the

Henry Karmo (0886522495)

Sustainability Action Plan

(SAP) for the restructuring
of the National Oil Company
of Liberia (NOCAL) that was
recently approved by the

NOCAL Board of Directors, and

communicated to employees
of the institution, during
the General Staff Meeting
held on Friday, August 2015.

Consistent with the SAP,

we are hereby requesting
your resignation from your
position as Vice President for
Public Affairs with NOCAL.

The letter further emphasized

the elimination of your
position and all other future
job eliminations related to
the overall company-wide re-

organization plan are being

taken for the main purpose
of reducing personnel and
operation costs to ensure the
viability of the corporation
given the current oil price
In a nationwide address
last week President Sirleaf
announced a restructuring
plan for the ailing oil company
including the retirement of
some management officials
the President/CEO of NOCAL,
Dr. Randolph McClain.
restructuring of the Board of
Directors by retiring Mr. Fred
Bass-Golokeh and Madam
Jackie Khoury.
In the SAP, she directed
the Board to request the
resignation or dismissal of
three Vice Presidents (Mrs.
Vida Mensah, Pete Norman,
and Prof. Lamini Waritay).
Concerned about what he
considers an unfair blanket
blame game, Waritay issued
a statement of clarification,
disassociating himself from
any wrongdoing on his part
while at NOCAL in the past 18
vehemently rejected any
insinuation of wrongdoing
or impropriety at the entity
for which he should either
resign or be dismissed, and
challenged anyone to prove
the contrary.
Meanwhile, President Sirleaf
has announced that she is
taking full responsibility for
the situation at NOCAL.


Henry Karmo (0886522495)

Monroviaepresentative Bhofal
(CDCDistrict# 2 Maryland
County) has written
the House of Representatives
requesting the august body
to ensure the audit of several
but fell short to include the
National Legislature.
In the communication, Hon.
Chambers named the National
Oil Company of Liberia
(NOCAL), Liberty Gold Mine,
APM Terminals, The Liberian
Agriculture Company (LAC),
Arcelor Mittal (Mittal Steel),
Amlib, Putu Mining, Golden
Veroleum (Liberia) Atlantic
Resources Management and
Maryland oil Palm Plantations.
Rubber Corporation (CRC),
Ministry of Health, Ministry
of Labour, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Ministry of Education
and the Ministry of Justice,
amongst others.
The lawmaker said his
communication is a humble
request for the purpose
of reminding all Liberians
that championing the cause
of economic probity and
equitable social justice must
be a collective duty and

hallmark, and Liberians must

never be distracted.
Rep. Chambers said: Many
of us, if not all of us, share
the view that there are
unprecedented huge foreign
currently in the country with
little visible impact on the
socio-economic conditions of
the lives of the vast majority
of our people and the state.
He said that as it is the duty
of the Legislature to defend
the constitution and uphold
the public trust, he craves the
indulgence of his colleagues to
give his request consideration.
society organization have
called for the audit of the
legislature. Some members
of the legislature have been
accused by the Liberian Anti-

Corruption Commission of
misappropriating the County
Development Funds (CDFs).
Last year, the LACC indicted
the Speaker of the House of
Representatives Alex Tyler,
his deputy Hans Barchue
and another lawmaker Adolf
Lawrence for their alleged
role in the US$25,000 legal
fees saga.
Legislative sessions were
disrupted on January 12
and 20, 2015 by a group of
renegade lawmakers who
complained the speaker of
the House of Representatives
to Plenary asking him
(speaker) to recuse himself
from presiding over plenary
in order to face investigation
into a US$25,000 allegedly
received from the National oil
company of Liberia (NOCAL).

Lawmakers cite Executive failure to solicit the needed signatures

of lawmakers in order to extend session by six weeks
Henry Karmo (0886522495)

failed to hold session
Tuesday because of failure
by the Executive to solicit
the needed signatures of
lawmakers in order to extend
session by six weeks.
Article 32b of the Liberian
the President shall, on his/
her own initiative or upon
receipt of a certificate signed
by at least one-fourth of the
total membership of each
House, and by proclamation,
extend a regular session of
the Legislature beyond the

date for adjournment or call a

special extraordinary session
of that body to discuss or
act upon matters of national
emergency and concern.
When the extension or call is at
the request of the Legislature,
the proclamation shall be
issued not later than fortyeight hours after receipt of the
certificate by the President.
On Tuesday, both chambers
of the legislature were empty.
Sources at the Capitol told
FrontPageAfrica that the
Executive is finding it difficult
to get the required signature
to have a resolution signed
delaying the stay of the

President Sirleaf wrote the

Legislature last week to
extend its stay by six weeks
to ratify the loan agreement
with the European Union to
help the Liberia Electricity
Corporation and other bills
that the executive branch has
proposed for possible passage.
Meanwhile, FPA has gathered
that President Sirleaf liaison to
the legislature is still making
frantic efforts to gather the
needed signatures.
Sources hint that the sticky
issue of benefits is impeding
the Executive from gathering
the number of signature it

Tuesday, September 1, 2015



FREETOWN, Sierra Leone bola experts are

in Sierra Leone's
investigating a case
that emerged less than a week
after the country's last known
patient was discharged from
a hospital, a World Health
Organization spokeswoman
said Monday.
and contacts are traced, a
vaccination trial will also begin
in the northern Sierra Leone
area, WHO spokeswoman Dr.
Margaret Harris said.
"It's a step back and a
wasn't a surprise as it's near
the border with Guinea,"

where cases remain, said

Harris, adding that further
transmission can be stopped.
Samples from a 67-yearold woman's corpse tested
positive for Ebola, WHO
Margarette Lamunu said.
The woman, who died and
was safely buried Aug. 29,
was treated at home in Kafta
village, so more Ebola cases
are expected, Lamunu said.
Liberia had a similar situation.
A sample from a corpse tested
positive in late Juneafter the
country had been declared
Ebola-free in May. It was
quickly contained and Liberia
may again declare itself free
from Ebola transmissions this
week, Harris said.

Authorities decided weeks

ago to extend a vaccine trial
from Guinea to Sierra Leone,
Harris said.
The trial for the VSV-EBOV
- developed by Canada and
licensed to Merck - is done
where there is Ebola, she said.
Experts target contacts of the
infected, and contacts of those
contacts to create a buffer
zone around a case to prevent
its spread. Now that there
is a case, and once contacts
are traced, they will seek
participants and the trial will
begin in the area, Harris said.
The worst Ebola outbreak in
history has killed nearly 4,000
people in Sierra Leone and
more than 11,300 overall.


Page 7

Page 8 | Frontpage

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tuesday, September 1, 2015




For a Reputable Banking Institution

Our Client is looking to recruit for the Positions listed below.

Competitive Salary and benefits: Please send your resume or CV with cover letter and 3 references

to: deadline is September 10, 2015

Head, Human Capital

Country Head, Legal &


Legal Officer

Country Treasurer


Responsible for overseeing the HR activities and

processes, adapting and recommending necessary
changes to the Group policies whilst ensuring group
standards are maintained.
Ensure processes are in place for the continuous supply of
highly skilled and well motivated personnel.
Proactive people management as a strategic resource
function through provision of adequate training, effective
career development and succession planning within the
country subsidiary;
Propose and implement incentives that reward
individual/group value added initiatives to drive the
performance driven culture within the country;
Organize and supervise the Salary, payroll and staff
benefit administration within the region;
All other duties as assigned;
Liaise with the legal division in the Head Office to adapt
the legal policies of the bank while ensuring compliance to
all local legal and statutory requirements within the
Support the Compliance function and manage the legal
reporting of country subsidiaries of the banks various
businesses and functional areas;
Manage the provision of legal advice and input to the
country CEO, as well as the department heads;
Manage, establish and implement policy relating to local
matters impacting on the country subsidiary;
Manage, identify, evaluate legal and regulatory risk ;
Research and monitor in-country as well as international
legal and regulatory developments;
Manage and attend to negotiations and
discussion between internal parties as well as between the
bank and external parties and institutions;
Manage litigation on behalf of the subsidiary
Serve on relevant committees and represent the country
subsidiary on other related forum and protect its interest.
Drive KYC & EDD in every customers account & qualifying
transition to prevent money laundering and terrorist
financing in the UBA Group.
Provide AML/KYC Compliance counseling, advisory and
decision support services to the business units and
strategic resources functions;
Respond to business units enquiries on AML/CFT and
KYC issues.
Coordinate AML/KYC routine examination by the central
Prepare quarterly exceptions report to the management
team on the compliance status of the bank;
Manage Code of Ethics, Whistle Blowing Policy & Code of
Corporate Governance;
Supervisor and train on the job all other compliance staff

in the group through weekly meeting;
Manage the banks relationships with all government
regulatory authorities in relation to AML/KYC issues.

Responsible for full compliance with statutory and

regulatory legal requirements.
Responsible for overall reduction of debt recovery costs.
Responsible for effective and efficient management of
share registry in liaison with the
Group legal division.
Responsible for proper documentation of facilities granted
by the bank.
Offer legal advice and opinion to other bank units,
Monitors progress on external service providers and
feedback from branches and other bank Units,
Responsible for safe keeping of security document,
Development and Periodic Review of legal document,
effectively represent the bank with all third parties where
Plan, organize, direct, coordinate and control within the
country subsidiary the functions of Risk Measurement;
Reporting, Monitoring, and Control of Treasury &
Securities Department in line with the groups business
goals, objectives and divisional strategy. Monitor
compliance and set limits for Dealers, Obligors, Products
and other precautionary limits such Balance Sheet
Triggers within the region.
Obtain sufficient information on regular basis to assess all
the market risk exposures through standardize reporting
Develop the Hedge products for the subsidiary and its
Maximize return on investments by exploring available
instruments within the Banks Risk Exposure Guidelines;
Exchange income Generation from FX trading;
Currency trading on Account of the Banks customers;
Develop and implement an effective liquidity Management
Direct the management of foreign currency positions to
protect banks earning against adverse rate fluctuations,
Develop two way market capabilities for the affiliate to
facilitate funding flexibility;
All other duties as assigned.

Education and skills

A Bachelors degree in human

resources or related disciplines.
Resources Certification and MBA will
be an added advantage.

Minimum of 5 years experience
working in Human Resources

Minimum of First degree in Law and
membership of relevant legal
professional organization/bodies,

5 years legal experience of which a
minimum of 3 years are within a
banking environment with specific
reference to banking law & legislature
within the local operating

Page 9

The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) was established
by an Act of Legislature in September 2013 for
the purposes of assessing and collecting national
revenues as specified in the Revenue Code of Liberia
and other related laws; administering, accounting,
auditing, enforcing revenue collection laws and
regulations; and educating taxpayers to facilitate tax
and customs compliance.

The Liberia Revenue Authority now seeks to recruit

a competent, hardworking, and committed Liberian
with integrity for the below position:
1. Commissioner, Internal Audit

Applicants will be selected through a highly

competitive evaluation process.
Detail of the requirements can be obtained at:
Liberia Revenue Authority Social Media Pages
(Facebook ,Twitter and LinkedIn )

Interested individuals are advised that all

applicants should submit their resume Online
( via LRA job recruiting link (job

Minimum education level-first

degree in Law

Minimum experience-three(3) years
work experience in commercial,
conveyance and civil law.

Tertiary degree in any field,
Relevant certification will be an added

Job holder must have at least 7 years
working experience of each 7 must
have been in treasury area of the
banking industry.

Note: Every ToR downloaded has an opposite

corresponding link to submit related application/
resume for said job.
The deadline for application is on or before Monday,
September 14, 2015 at 5:00 pm
The LRA strongly encourages qualified females to

Note: This announcement and other LRA related

information are also available at
and Liberia Revenue Authority Facebook page.
A.Trokon Tarr
Communications, Media & Public Affairs /LRA

Page 10 | Frontpage

Monrovia resident
signed into law the
National Budget in the
amount of US$622,743,420 (six
hundred twenty two million
seven hundred forty three
thousand four hundred and
twenty United States Dollars)
for Fiscal Year 2015/2016.
The total resource envelope for
FY2015/16 is US$622.7 million
and is composed of US$473.7
million in revenue raised from
domestic sources (taxes and
non-tax revenue); US$66.2
million in grants; US$58.6
million in external borrowing;
and US$24.2 million in unspent
resources carried forward
from FY2014/15.
These resources will be used
to continue delivering critical
public services, and to fund
projects designed to effectively
development plan, as set out in
the Agenda for Transformation
(AfT) and the Economic
Stabilization and Recovery
Plan (ESRP).
Expenditure is split between
Expenditure, and US$106.8
million (17.2 percent) for
Public Sector Investment
Projects (PSIP).
Sectors with key roles in postEbola socioeconomic recovery
received the lions share of the
total envelope, a whopping
55 percent. These sectors

Tuesday, September 1, 2015



President Sirleaf Signs Off On Budget for FY2015/2016

include: Education (US$80

million), Security (nearly
US$96 million), Infrastructure
Development (US$9.4 million),
Health (US$75 million), and
Agriculture (US$6.47 million,
supplemented by US$121.9
million in development partner

represents a two percent
(US$12.5 million) decline
in total appropriations, as
compared to last Fiscal Years
US$635.2 million envelope,
the aforementioned sectors
increases. Education received
a 20 percent increase;

while Security received 14

percent more, to continue
preparations for the UNMIL
development the upgrade
of airports, roads and public
buildings warranted an 18
percent increment; while
Social Development received
20 percent more than its

say global female leaders

By: Magdalena Osumi (Staff Writer Courtesy of Japan Times)

resident Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf has assured 14
Liberian young ladies
who recently returned
home from Lebanon that
her administration would do
everything possible to ensure
that justice prevail and those
held accountable for their
ordeal face the full weight of
the law.
According to an Executive
Mansion release, the Liberian
leader was speaking on
Monday, August 31, 2015
in the cabinet room of her

Foreign Ministry office in

Monrovia when the 14 young
ladies who recently returned
to Liberia paid a courtesy call
on her to show appreciation
for governments efforts that
paved the way for their return
She informed the young ladies
they did not deserve the kinds
of treatment meted out to
them especially in light of the
circumstances under which
they were lured out of the
country in search of uncertain
greener pasture.
President Sirleaf assured that

the government through the

Minister of Gender, Children
and Social Protection would
work with them in identifying
areas of interest aimed at selfempowerment.
The Liberian chief executive
called on the young ladies to
exercise patience in view of
the usually long drawn out
judicial process. She was quick
to add that in respect of the
independence of that Branch
of Government it would be
wise to follow the process in
order for justice to be done.
Speaking on behalf of their

colleagues, three of the young

Sirleaf for her personal interest
in ensuring their successful
return and expressed the
hope that government would
accelerate the return of their
colleagues still trapped in
Lebanon. Contrary to media
speculations, all 14 young
ladies appear healthy while at
a safe location under witness
Women have made significant
achievements in all levels of
society but it is equally clear
that we are not there yet,

FY14/15 budget, as part of the

to critical needs in the area of
youth development (vocational
protection (cash transfers,
It is further noted that, while
the Health Sector continues
to enjoy the strong support
of our humanitarian and
development partners, in
response to the Ebola Virus
Disease Epidemic, Government
ownership of the recovery of
this sector through a US$75
million appropriation. This
marks a US$5 million (7
percent) increase in actual
appropriation over the US$70
million actually spent in that
sector in the last budget year.
also made in the Security,
and Social Services Sectors to
accommodate special needs.
Such support to the Education
Sector includes a US$5 million
supplement to the University
of Liberia, above its US$10
million appropriation for
FY14/15; US$1 million to the
Booker Washington Institute,
for renovation of several trade

Liberian President and Nobel

Peace Prize winner Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf said in Tokyo
Speaking on the first day of
the second World Assembly
for Women, Sirleaf, who was
awarded the prize in 2011 for
her work on womens rights
and peace-building, stressed
the need to continue tackling
all issues hindering womens
participation in society.
Advising that men should
observe the movement as an
opportunity and investment
for the benefit of societal and
national prosperity, Sirleaf
applauded the men who have
worked to help ensure womens
equal rights, opportunities and
participation in all fields.
She praised Prime Minister
Shinzo Abes commitment
engagement in society as
bringing focus to discussion
on the issues that are often
concern. It is a call to global
leaders to act with courage to
bring about a change, she said.
Abe earlier told the conference
that the Diet enacted a bill,
taking effect in April, to require
all companies to draw up and
submit a voluntary action
plan incorporating numerical
targets for promoting the
hiring of women and the
appointment of females to
executive positions. This is a
step forward to increase the
number of women to decisionmaking positions, he stressed.
Abe also called on companies
to implement policies and
measures to provide a sound
work-life balance, focusing
on efficiency and enabling
employees to lead fulfilled
lives. The greatest challenge
that Japan is facing is its
declining population due to
an aging society and falling
birthrate, he said.

shops on the campus; and US$1

million to Tubman University
in Maryland County, for the
construction of staff housing.
For infrastructure, the GantaYekepa
Project drew US$10 million,
received US$1.2 million. In
addition, US$2.4 goes toward
the expansion of electricity,
and US$44.3 toward road
construction and maintenance.
Another US$2 million was
appropriated to commence
work on the renovation of the
RIA terminal building.
The Beach Workers will
receive a total of US$1
million to continue their
seashore cleaning operation;
Governments investment in
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
(WASH) services; and US$10.9
million has been appropriated
for social services projects in
various districts around the
The Security Sector received
the largest share of such
additional support, amounting
to US$20 million, to support
the UNMIL Drawdown.

advancing womens presence
in the labor force have a
high participation ratio of
women and high birthrate,
he added, pointing out that
may be a solution to Japans
demographic growth.
According to a World Economic
Forum study on gender
equality, released in October,
Japan placed 104th among
142 assessed countries in
2014. Abe pledged to address
this and support female
entrepreneurs, saying that the
number of enterprises started
by women has decreased over
the past decade and accounted
for less than 20 percent of all
Empowered women benefit
everyone, in Japan and all
over the world, said Marillyn
Hewson, the President and
CEO of American global
company Lockheed Martin.
technical fields, she said,
untapped. Referring to her
own experience, she said: I
was often the only woman in
the room.
Hewson was last year named
the 21st most powerful woman
in the world by American
business magazine Forbes.
Leadership from the top
management, engagement of
women at all levels so they have
opportunities to develop their
skills, and an environment that
fosters success for all are the
three keys crucial to unlocking
womens potential, Hewson

Tuesday, September 1, 2015



Page 11

I Had
A Dismissed Deputy Minister Writes President Sirleaf

Madam President:

most respectfully present my compliments and wish to acknowledge

receipt of your communication, dated 21 August 2015, informing
that I have been relieved of the position of Deputy Minister for
International Cooperation and Economic Integration at the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs. Your communication informs that I should remain in
country and fully participate in the ongoing investigation by the Ministry
of Justice regarding the misuse of Japanese grant project funds, and
that I should turn over to the Ministry all Government properties in my
Your Excellency, I like to thank you for the time afforded me to serve
your government and our great Country in the positions of Assistant
Minister for Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Deputy Foreign Minister for
International Cooperation and Economic Integration. Let me inform that
I am in Liberia and have already met with the Justice Minister to provide
documentations about my role in the management of the Japanese funded
project at the Ministry. I did turn over all Government property to the
Ministry today, Tuesday, 25 August 2015.
I met the Minister of Justice on Saturday, 22 August 2015, based on
his request for me to avail myself for some discussion on the project
management. During that meeting, I explained all that I know about the
projects at the Ministry, and I presented all relevant documents regarding
the projects and the funds. I presented the project document and budget,
the internal audit report, and the detailed bank statements presented to
the Ministry.
I also presented a fraudulent letter through which Mr. Augustine Nyanplu,
Project Manager and Senior Desk Officer recruited by my predecessor,
sought to get an overdraft from the bank in an attempt to cover up
the depletion of the funds from the project account. Mr. Nyanplu, in a
treacherous and sinister letter, dated 9 April 2015, just one day after I
assumed full responsibility over the project, forged my signature, but
fortunately for me he missed it by using a different signature under my
name and title. I have attached all relevant documents conveyed to the
Justice Ministry for your kind perusal and record.
In retrospect, Madam President, prior to the end of my tenure at the
Ministry, I thought I would have had a chance to meet Your Excellency to
brief you about what I know of the Japanese funded project and the fraud
that is being investigated. However, since I did not have that opportunity,
I wish to provide you the below summary.
Your Excellency, you nominated me on 2 December 2014 after I had
completed my second post graduate degree in Development Policy at
the Australian National University. I returned to Liberia on 21 December
2014, got confirmed by the Senate on 19 March 2015, and subsequently
appointed by you on the same date. I officially took over the capacity
building project on 8 April 2015 after the bank received the change of
signatures to the account as requested by my predecessor on 6 April 2015.
An internal audit was conducted for the period June 2014 to December
2014 on the project before I assumed oversight responsibility.
The audit report was presented to Minister Ngafuan and my predecessor,
Mr. Shoniyin with copies to me and other Senior Managers in early April
2015. The report shows that there were very serious violations of both
the procurement and financial management laws of Liberia. Specifically,
the audit report among other things states the following:
The Department does not have established policy on the selection
of staff that should benefit from Top-up allowances, scratch cards and
There is no evidence to indicate monthly withholding on allowances;
aggregate allowances paid exceeded the approved budget for the period
June to December 2014;
Procurement of the project's vehicle valued US$ 49,000.00 did not go
through an approved procurement method; moreover, the payment check
was written in the name of Augustine Nyanplu, Senior Desk Officer (IECI);
The required PPCC procurement methods were not met for most of the
transactions carried out by the department;
Transactions were not routed through the main financial system;
they were not routed through Internal Audit Bureau for vetting, and
procurements are solely initiated and completed by the Department
without the intervention of the financial bureau of the Ministry of Foreign
We also noticed alterations on financial documents; while there were
some payments made that were not supported by receipts or invoices;
There is no register for fixed assets; moreover, assets are not coded for
Despite the serious violations of the procurement and financial
management laws of Liberia as contained in the Ministrys Internal
Audit Report, no punitive actions were taken against those responsible
for misappropriating the project fund. The Minister, for reasons yet to
be explained, chose not to avail the audits findings to Your Excellency.
He equally failed to take action against those responsible for misusing
the project fund. As then Deputy Minister, I could not have unilaterally
presented the report to your office, for such act would have contravened
the rules of reporting to your esteemed office.
It is important to note that while I was representing the Government in
New York in May 2015, my Special Assistant, Mr. Monie Momolu, informed
me that the internal audit report appeared in the media, and that Deputy
Minister Elias Babatonde Shoniyin had accused me of being the one who
leaked the audit report to the press. Since then, the audit report became
a matter of public debate around Monrovia and elsewhere. What is worth
noting is that the audit report was issued in the
Ministry and
shared with various officials at the Ministry
by the Internal
Audit Bureau, meaning
the report was not a classified document
and I was not the only official who received a copy of the report.
Madam President, you may come to discover that in order to prevent
fraud, abuse, waste and theft, we took series of actions to address the
control weaknesses identified as a result of the internal audit conducted
on the first year implementation of the Project at the Ministry. First, we
insisted and ensured that the Deputy Minister for Administration became
a signatory to the project account because it was not our statutory
mandate to manage funds at the Ministry. This was important because
it was my expectation that the Department of Administration would
ensure due diligence since my work was such a very busy one. Second,
we developed a policy guide on the project management, implementation
and reporting, instituted direct bank deposit of staff compensation under
the project, and created logs for staff attendance record system.
Third, we opted to pay all taxes on staff personal income under the
project to the Liberia Revenue Authority because during the first year of
implementation, all those who received income from the project did not
pay income tax to Government from April 2014 to March 2015. A check to

pay the tax arrears and current tax deductions to Government was with
the Internal Audit Bureau at the time we discovered that the requisite
funds in the bank had long disappeared before my assumption of duty
over the Department. The check for the taxes is currently with the Internal
Audit Bureau at the Ministry.
Fourth, during my tenure at the Department (8 April 2015 to 21 August
2015), the Ministrys procurement unit conducted all procurement
processes in line with the PCC and the PFM laws. All procurement was
done through the Procurement Unit at the Ministry, and all payments
were reviewed, cleared and endorsed by the Internal Audit Bureau prior
to concluding transactions. Fifth, we cooperated with the Department of
Administration on the coding of all assets for the project at the Ministry,
except that we could not code the project vehicle due to Deputy Minister
Shoniyins refusal to turn it over and have it labeled and coded.
The project vehicle is still in the possession of Mr. Shoniyin despite
calls by the Ministry of Commerce that all project assets should be used
for project implementation purposes, and marked with Japanese and
Liberian insignias. It can be recalled that Mr. Shoniyin refused to allow
the Japanese Ambassador use the project vehicle bought out of Japanese
grant during one of the Ambassadors visits. The vehicle rented for the
Ambassador broke down thus bringing a big shame and disgrace to the
Ministry, Government and Country. Notably, the Ministry of Commerce
and Industry raised issue about said vehicle during the meeting with
Your Excellency on Monday, 10 August 2015 when matters regarding the
full implementation of all Japanese grant projects were discussed with
ministries implementing said projects.
Last, we renovated and fully equipped the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Resource Center. About 100 staff of the Ministry have signed up for the
impending basic and advanced computer literacy programmes. The
Center would also be used to carry out internal training in writing,
research and documentation, and further address various capacity gaps
of staff at the Ministry.
It is important to inform you, Madam President, that the fraud being
investigated took place prior to my advent at the Ministry. The fraud
was uncovered due to the stringent anti-fraud measures we instituted
in addition to the ones stated supra. Although the internal auditors did
not detect the fraud during the audit as they relied on bank statements
provided them by my predecessor and the Project Manager appointed
by him, we got to know that the accounts were depleted when payments
vetted through the Procurement Unit and the Internal Audit Bureau, and
approved for vendors during the period May 2015 to July 2015 could not
be completed due to insufficient funds in the project account. Based on
the official bank statement obtained from the Afriland Bank, the funds
were virtually depleted before I took over the project.
The bank statement also reveals various anomalies. For instance, over
$1.6 million Liberian Dollars got withdrawn from the account prior to the
initial deposit of the project funds. Also there were several intermittent
deposits into the project account when the funds got depleted at several
intervals. How could deposits be made into a project account as though
the managers were operating a personal account? What were the sources
of funds deposited into the project account when indeed only the single
deposit of the first half of approved project funds remained the singular
funding source? Many other questions about the operation of the
project account remain unanswered; hence the need for a more robust
investigation so as to uncover what I consider a criminal syndicate.
Your Excellency, please permit me to throw light on the question of
leaking the fraud documents to the public as alleged by Deputy Minister
Shoniyin during his 14 August 2015 press conference. On Friday, 21 August
2015, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and I met, and he informed me that
he was extremely hurt by a story published in the Democrat newspaper
in which he was accused of being part of a fraud regarding the Japanese
capacity building grant at the Ministry specifically under the Department
of International Cooperation. Minister Ngafuan also informed that you
were angry about the widespread negative publicity of the fraud in the
media especially where your photograph had appeared in the media. He
intimated that it was likely that Your Excellency would take some action
on this especially against me as it was perceived that I had leaked the
information. He then urged me to use whatever strong connections I had
to provide Your Excellency full insight about my role in this premise.
I did not meet Your Excellency as advised by Hon. Ngafuan up to the time
you relieved me of the post. Interestingly also, I do not have any strong
connections that could have averted any decision Your Excellency would
take. In fact your letter is dated the same day; hence, not much could have
been done about this. My conviction was that the Minister, as head of the
Ministry, is fully armed with all relevant information about the fraud, and
could have provided you an informed and comprehensive picture in this
Madam President, for the record, it is the Ministry that officially published
the fraud information on its website on 7 August 2015, informing the
public that Mr. Augustine Nyanplu, the Project Manager recruited by my
predecessor, was on the run after it was discovered that funds which
should have been in the project account were depleted. The press release,
amongst others, calls for the arrest of Mr. Nyanplu. When this event
unfolded, I was on an official trip in New York where I led the Liberian
Delegation to the Intergovernmental Negotiations on the Post-2015
Development Agenda.
Your Excellency, the expected amounts in the project accounts are
estimated at $124,706. US (for the capacity building project), and
$53,400. US for the Monitoring and Evaluation project fund. After a
comprehensive bank statement has been received from the Afriland Bank
based on official request, it turned out that the capacity building project
account is in negative with a deficit of about $18 thousand US. The M&E
account only has less than $150. US. All the two projects accounts are
run in Liberian dollars. As a result of this fraud, the three staff (two in
the Ministers Office and one for the Japanese Projects Monitoring and
Evaluation) recruited under the projects cannot be paid. Indeed, this
situation is so embarrassing; hence those responsible for such fraud must
be held to account.
Once again, for the record, I have no involvement with the leakage of any
official information about the fraud. It was my former work colleague, Mr.
Elias Babatonde Shoniyin, who held a press conference on 14 August 2015
during which he accused me of being the one who had leaked information
about the fraud. He also displayed copy of a Liberian Dollar check valued
at about $3,000. US and accused me of double dipping.
I wish to inform and clarify that the check in question was issued me to
pre-finance my trips to Addis Ababa and New York from 11 July 2015
to 5 August 2015. The check was issued because my Daily Subsistent
Allowance (DSA) could not be processed and paid prior to my departure
for both trips that were back to back. I paid said check to the order of Mr.

Augustine Nyanplu who promised to send the funds to me in Addis Ababa.

Up to date, the check has never been liquidated, and I cannot confirm
where it is since Mr. Nyanplu is at large.
I wish to further clarify that the intent of pre-financing my trip was not
meant to fraud or cheat Government. I made this very clear to Minister
Ngafuan. My intention (as indicated in the Memo for the request) was
to repay the funds after my DSA would have been processed. This was
expedient because the delay of DSA should not undermine the effective
and efficacious representation of the Republic of Liberia.
Madam President, while in Addis Ababa, I intimated to some official
colleagues from the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, and
the Central Bank about the embarrassment I was going through due to
lack of funds wile in Exile on an official trip. On several of my official trips,
I had to use my ATM card to pay accommodation, transport and feeding
bills just to ensure that Government was adequately represented. It is so
sad that as we made patriotic and nationalistic efforts to represent our
great country, others were busy projecting us as unpatriotic agents.
However, our conscience remains our guide, and God Almighty remains
our ultimate judge. Our patriotism is reinforced by the unfounded
criticisms we get due to our commitment to serve our Mother Land.
Madam President, permit me to chronicle few of the tough and hard times
we faced during our service. As I write, some of my outstanding DSA,
dating back to June 2015 for approved official trips is still outstanding
as am repeatedly told it is being processed by the Ministry of Finance.
We more often than not represented Government using our personal
funds, and returned home before chasing after our DSA at the Ministry of
Finance and Development Planning.
For the record, I personally had to repair an old vehicle at the Ministry to
commute from home to office. Up to date, the Ministry is yet to reimburse
the funds I spent on the repair of the official vehicle despite its prior
approval for me to proceed as such. I can recall using my private vehicle
most times for official functions. These and many other things are some
of the tough and hard experiences we have had, and selfless sacrifices we
have made as a Government Official. However, we are grateful to God that
we played our role for Liberia so dearly and did with the highest level of
integrity, sincerity and commitment.
Your Excellency, in an attempt to defend my character and integrity, I
officially wrote Hon. Minister Ngafuan to allow me hold a press conference
to clarify issues about my role in the project management just as my
colleague was given the chance to hold a press conference, but my request
was denied. I therefore kept quite in order to preserve the pristine image
and integrity of the Ministry, the Government and the State. Prior to this, I
requested a Senior Management Meeting that would discuss issues about
the mismanagement of the project funds in an open and frank manner.
This request was also denied. Despite these, I kept quiet and worked
diligently for the Ministry and Government.
I made these efforts because I have built my reputation over the years. I
am a very strong advocate for societal transformation and change. I am
opposed to injustice, oppression and suppression of the weak and the
poor. I believe that all humans are equal and should be treated as such. I
believe that corruption is an enemy of societal progress, and am therefore
convinced that each dollar stolen from Government or the private sector
makes one Liberian poorer. I will continue to uphold the highest level of
integrity humanly possible. My parents taught me how to work hard and
earn an honest living. This value I will keep for the rest of my life.
Madam President, I love Liberia. I will therefore do nothing to undermine
the countrys development progress. I will forever remain committed
to the development and growth of Liberia. I am overly grateful for
the opportunity provided me by the Government and people of the
Republic of Liberia to serve first as Assistant Minister for Africa, Asia
and the Pacific, and later as the Deputy Foreign Minister for International
Cooperation and Economic Integration. We did a lot, we achieve a lot,
we learned a lot, and we look forward to serving our great country in
other meaningful ways we can for the rest of our life. I like to thank Your
Excellency for allowing me an opportunity to contribute to the rebuilding
and development of Liberia under your astute leadership. You are a great
leader; hence I remain your admirer.
Madam President, kindly permit me to reflect a bit on our fight against
corruption in Liberia. I am strongly convinced that the various anti-graft
and anti-corruption institutions and measures put in place under your
leadership are meant to curb and alleviate fraud, waste and abuse of
public and private resources. I therefore find it very troubling that some
public officials would be offended by the appearance of fraud and audit
reports in the public. I think all public officials need to be transparent,
accountable and open in their official dealings, and where necessary,
private life as well.
The Freedom of Information Law passed under Your Excellencys aegis
demands that public officials must provide information to the public
where and when necessary. The Whistle Blower Act also demands that
patriotic Liberians must provide information about corruption and fraud
when such acts occur in public and private institutions. Such patriotic
personalities (whistle blowers) must be fully protected. I therefore like
to use this medium to urge all public officials offended by the disclosure
of corrupt deals to divert their attention to preventing waste, abuse and
fraud so that our domestic resource base and fiscal space would be wider.
This will allow Government substantively invest in economic growth
sectors to spur development and reduce the widespread poverty in the
Madam President, let me once again thank you for the time you have
provided me to serve Liberia, especially by permitting me to lead
the countrys delegation at the various rounds of Intergovernmental
Negotiations on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. I strongly believe that
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will be signed by Heads of
State and Government at the impending UN Summit in September 2015
will propel inclusive and pro-poor growth and development in Liberia
over the next 15 years. It is my ardent hope that Liberia will domesticate
the SDGs sooner than later to achieve the best results by 2030. May God
continue to bless Liberia. Liberia First!
Finally, at Your Excellencys convenience, I would wish to be given an
opportunity to physically present further details of the summary narrative
provided herein. Please accept, Your Excellency, the renewed assurances
of my highest consideration and esteem.
Respectfully yours,

Thomas Kaydor, Jr.

Former Deputy Foreign Minister for International
Cooperation and Economic Integration


Page 12 | Frontpage


Liberians Optimistic About Victory Over Tunisia
A. Macaulay Sombai, sombaifrontpageafricaonline. com 0777217428

Monroviahe national football team of Liberia -the Lone Star is

expected to take on their Tunisian counterpart in the
qualifying round of the 2017 African Cup of Nations
tournament this Saturday and amid late preparation and
lack of big names in the squad, Liberians are still hopeful that the
Red, White and Blue can secure victory.
There is no George Weah, James Debbah or the big names that
once represented the country but Liberians still believe the
younger guys can make the fans happy.
FrontPageAfrica has been talking to some football enthusiasts in
Monrovia and its environs about Saturdays game.

who are determined to make the difference against the visitors

on Saturday and I pray that nothing would stop us from winning
against the North Africans at the end of the final whistle, she

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

George Pusah described Lone Star match against Tunisia as very
challenging but he is wishing victory for Lone Star at the end of
the day and expressed that a draw will be a good result as well.
Pusah also described the Lone Star scheduled encounter against
the North African as challenging based on the visitors current
standing in African football but not withstanding he is sure of
victory or a draw for the home side at the end of the day.



I am wishing my beloved country Liberia victory against the

visitors at the end of the match and I am urging the players to put
into use all of their soccer techniques with real pressure against
the visitors so that they will be able to seize the entire midfield
and deny them from making any dangerous move against the
home side.

Blessing Moore, a female fan is confident that the Lone Star will
win against Tunisia in Saturday 2017 Africa Cup of Nations clash.
Moore, a newspaper vendor said she is hopeful that Lone Star
would overpower her North African opponents through the
experience force of Anthony Laffor, Sekou Jabateh and defender
Teah Dennis.
Says Moore: I named these three players because they have been
doing well for our beloved national team and I know they along
with the other players will do all their best against Tunisia on
Saturday in order to give Liberia the first win in the competition
and I am calling on all Liberians to give our fullest support to the
Lone star on Saturday no matter what the situation might be.
She condemned Liberians that are of the belief that the Lone Star
will not win against Tunisia because the team lacks experience
players who could stand the force of the visitors.
I can assure my fellow Liberians that we have experience players

Mr. Mohammed Kamara believes that Lone Star scheduled match

against Tunisia would be tough and that Liberians should not
expect too much from Lone Star against their opponents on
Says Mr. Kamara: My reason of saying that we should not expect
too much from our national team is that we dont have the caliber
of players that I think could really help to make the difference
against our opponents but not with standing I am of the conviction
that the game would draw.
He urged Lone Star Head Coach James Dabah, members of his
technical staff and mainly the players to do all their best to deny
their opponents victory.
I am urging head coach Debah, members of his technical staff
to please put into proper use their coaching techniques against
the Tunisians opponent. Also to you the players please listen to
your coach and you must put into play all of your physical fitness,
talents, in the field of play against your opponents so that you will
be able to keep them confuse and under intense pressure in order
to deny them from scoring against you.



Bai Massaley called on all

Liberians not to be deterred
about Lone Star encounter
against Tunisia on Saturday
and said all should try their
best to visit the field on the day
of the game in order to give
their unflinching support to the
nation only pride.
Masseley explained that real
football fans are people that
are always ready to put the past
behind and support their side
to victory in the match to come
and he wants for all Liberians to
do the same for their national
team as they take on Tunisia.
To you my fellow Liberians I am encouraging us all not to
be deterred about our only national team as she prepare to
encounter Tunisia but we all should do all we can so that we can
gave them all of the support needed in order for them to conquer
their opponents at the end of the final whistle.

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Bettie K. Johnson/


Moses Zinnah, has
called on Mano River Union
countries to prioritize the
increase in food production
and take charge of agriculture
in their countries.
Dr. Zinnah spoke when the
Mano River Union held a two
day sub regional consultations
toward developing a strategy
to increase rice production in
the MRU.
Dr. Zinnah said if food system
is under control, the security
of the MRU countries will be
guaranteed. If you have food
system under control, you will
have peace.

He told the delegates of the

MRU that the meeting did not
come by surprise as the MRU
heads of states met to discuss
the increase in rice production.
Dr. Zinnah disclosed that
Africa spent $32 billion with
Liberia spending $200 million
in importing food products
He called for collaboration
among MRU countries in
ensuring that the importation
of rice reduces.
For his part, the senior
Agricultural specialist at World
Bank Dr. Abimbola Adubi said
enhancing the production of
yields should be prioritized by
MRU countries.
Its time that MRU take charge
of Africa because the only way

Africa can develop its food

security and job creation is
by investing in Agricultural
productivity of rice, increasing
yield for rice, strengthening
small scale farmers and
evaluation as core factors
for farmers to continue
Dr. Adubi said the MRU
countries should put in
strategies to stop losses and
come up with innovative
skills in order to stabilize the
production of rice.
He furthered recommended
that an action plan should be
worked out in 2 years so that
the importation of rice can be
Rice plays an important role
in the economies of the MRU
member states namely, Sierra
Leone, Liberia, Guinea, and
Cote DIvoire and is widely
consumed amongst both urban
and rural populations.
The contribution of rice to
Agricultural GDP in Sierra
Leone, Guinea, and Cote
DIvoire amounts to 35.5%,
32.9% and 9.9% respectively.
The program for increased rice
production within the MRU is

said to be as a result of decision

taken by MRU heads of states
on May 15, 2008 to formulate
a program for commercial
rice production which would
also contribute to poverty
reduction and food security in
the sub region.
The heads of states and
Governments agreed to utilize
the credit facility granted by
the World Bank within the
framework of West Africa
the support from Japanese
Government to fund the
WAAPP, according to its head
Cyrus Saygbe, is to increase
dissemination and adoption
of proven technologies in
ECOWAS countries in priority
areas for regions identified
in accordance with ECOWAS
Agricultural Policy.
He added that the consultation
is to contribute to the
development of the strategy of
increasing rain-fed and upland
rice production in the MRU

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Tuesday, September 1, 2015




Page 13






ighters from the al-Shabab militant Islamist group have

overrun an African Union military base in southern
Somalia, inflicting heavy casualties, witnesses have
told the BBC.
The militants said they have killed 70 AU soldiers at the Janale
base, 90km (55 miles) south-east of the capital.
AU forces say they are back in control after taking a "tactical
Al-Shabab, part of al-Qaeda, is battling the AU-backed
government for control of Somalia.
Residents said the attack started with a suicide car bombing
at the base's gate, followed by sustained gunfire which lasted
more than an hour.
They told the BBC Somali service that AU forces were seen
leaving the base, which is run by the Ugandan troops.
They said they counted the bodies of 20 AU soldiers and later
they saw more troops arriving at the base after the militants
had left with weapons.
The AU mission in Somalia (Amisom) says the situation is
complex and it does not yet have casualty figures.
The BBC's Mohamed Mualimu in the capital, Mogadishu, says
the situation in the area is very tense and few residents remain

undreds of migrants
have been protesting
outside a major
railway station in
the Hungarian capital after
police sealed off the terminal
to stop them travelling through
the EU.
Crowds chanted "Germany,
Germany" and waved train
tickets after being forced
to leave Keleti station in
Hungary is trying to restore
order and enforce EU rules,
officials said.
Meanwhile, German Chancellor
Angela Merkel has called for
the fair distribution of refugees
across Europe.
Austrian police said 3,650
migrants arrived in the
Austrian capital, Vienna, from
Hungary on Monday, with most



ope Francis is making it easier for women and doctors

to seek forgiveness for abortion, by allowing all priests
to forgive it.
In Catholicism, abortion is viewed as such a grave sin
that it can punished with excommunication.
In most countries, only a bishop can approve forgiveness for
abortion. They would then delegate an expert priest to hear the
The change is only for the coming Jubilee Year, beginning in
However, the rule relaxation will not affect Catholics in England,
Wales and Scotland as all priests there can already forgive
abortion without seeking permission from a bishop.
The Pope said many women who sought an abortion did so
because they "believe that they have no other option".
He added that he had "met so many women who bear in their
heart the scar of this agonising and painful decision".
The easing of the rules is being seen as a shift in Catholic Church
policy, reflecting the Pope's outspoken views on compassion
and mercy.
"'I have decided, notwithstanding anything to the contrary,
to allow all priests for the Jubilee Year to absolve of the sin of
abortion those who procure it and who also seek forgiveness,"
Pope Francis said.
Pope Francis is aware that the decision will not be welcomed by
traditionalists, says the BBC's David Willey.
However, in contrast to his predecessors, he regards compassion
and mercy as virtues that outclass all others.
The Jubilee Year runs from 8 December 2015 to 26 November
2016 and is seen as one of the Catholic Church's most important
It normally takes place every 25 years unless a pope declares an
extraordinary one to draw attention to a particular issue.
'Throw-away culture'
The Pope has previously denounced abortion as part of a throwaway culture.
"It is horrific even to think that there are children, victims of
abortion, who will never see the light of day," he said in 2014.
"Unfortunately, what is thrown away is not only food and
dispensable objects, but often human beings themselves, who
are discarded as unnecessary," he added.
Pope Francis has been viewed as progressive on other
controversial issues. In 2013, on the topic of homosexuality, he
said: "Who am I to judge?"

heading for Germany.

By Tuesday morning, about
1,400 people had arrived in
Munich, southern Germany,
after travelling through Austria
and more were expected.
Hungarian officials had earlier
appeared to abandon efforts
to register them under an EU
rule, known as the Dublin
Regulation, which says they
should seek asylum in the
first EU country they enter,
correspondents say.
This West African entered the
Spanish territory of Ceuta from
Morocco curled up next to a
car engine. Read the full story
congregated outside Keleti
station, in the east of the city,
as it was evacuated on Tuesday.
It was closed briefly but soon

reopened to non-migrant
passengers, with lines of police
preventing migrants from
going inside.
The BBC's Nick Thorpe in
Budapest says hundreds of
migrants are circling the area
trying to find a way through
the guarded entrances.
refugees to board trains on
Monday evening and early
on Tuesday seems to have
been a temporary one to ease
the growing pressure at the
station, he adds.
Many protesters complained
that they had paid hundreds of
euros for tickets to Austria or
One 20-year-old woman from
Aleppo, Syria, named only as
Marah, said her family had
bought six tickets for a train to



housands of Hillary
Clinton's emails while
US secretary of state
have been released,
including many that have been
censored after being deemed
Mrs Clinton, who is seeking
the Democratic nomination for
the 2016 presidential election,
has been under fire for using
a private computer server for
work emails while in office.
But she says no classified
information was sent or
However, 125 emails were
deemed confidential by the
State Department.
disclosed that Mrs Clinton
used a private server during
her time as Secretary of State
(2009-13) after journalists
requested copies of her
government emails.
Mrs Clinton's opponents have
accused her of putting US
security at risk by using an
unsecured computer system.
The presidential hopeful has
admitted that her decision
to use a private email server
at her New York home was a
She served as Secretary of
State in 2009-13.
Ratings affected
The State Department released
4,368 emails - totalling 7,121
pages - late on Monday.

Image caption An email

forwarded by Mrs Clinton's
adviser Jacob Sullivan on
Burma was published heavily
It said about 150 of the
messages had to be censored
information considered to be
One of the emails - sent in
November 2013 by Mrs
Clinton's then foreign policy
adviser Jacob Sullivan - was
published heavily redacted and
marked classified until 2025.
Mr Sullivan, who is now a
policy adviser for Mrs Clinton's
forwarded her boss the email
with the subject line: "No go on
Burma (Myanmar) travel."
In another email - from
September 2010 - Britain's

David Miliband admitted that

losing the Labour leadership
race to Ed Miliband was
"tough", adding: "When it's
your brother..."
State Department spokesman
Mark Toner was quoted by
AFP as saying the process of
re-evaluating the remaining
The emails were not marked
as classified at the time Mrs
Clinton sent or received
them. The vast majority of the
mundane matters of daily life
at workplace, including phone
messages and relays of daily
One particular email eliciting
laughs among the US political
reporter set is an email about
Gefilte fish, a traditional Jewish

"They should find a solution,"

she told Reuters. "We are
thousands here, where should
we go?"
The number of migrants
entering Europe has reached
record levels, with 107,500
arriving in July alone.
Latest figures show more than
239,000 people have arrived
in Greece this year and two
ferries are due to arrive near
Athens on Tuesday carrying
more than 4,000 migrants
from Greece's overwhelmed
eastern Aegean islands.
Germany expects to take in
800,000 migrants this year four times last year's total.
Nahles said the influx meant
between 240,000 and 460,000
more people could be entitled
to social benefits next year,
costing the state billions of
The German government has
already said it is suspending
the Dublin rule for Syrians who
have travelled to Germany.
After talks with the Spanish
prime minister on Tuesday, the
German chancellor repeated
calls for a unified approach.
Mrs Merkel said she had agreed
with PM Mariano Rajoy on the
need for registration centres
to be set up in Italy and Greece
with European co-operation.
Meanwhile Babar Baloch,
Central Europe spokesman
for the UN's refugee agency,
criticised "Europe's ad hoc
approach" to the crisis.

food eaten on the holiday

Image caption The emails often
discussed mundane or nonurgent matters
The Washington Post explains
that the Gefilte fish email
was about a shipment of the
product to Israel from the US
Mrs Clinton was trying to save
from a high tax.
Many of the emails show the
influence of Sidney Blumenthal,
an outside Clinton adviser.
In one email, Mr Blumenthal
describes former UK Liberal
Democrat leader Nick Clegg
as having "misplayed almost
every turn" and being full of
"inbred arrogance."
Associated Press says the

emails revealed that Mrs
Clinton and her aides were
acutely aware of the need to
protect sensitive information.
It says Mrs Clinton also
expressed frustration with the
State Department's treatment
of certain ordinary documents
as classified.
In one email, a State
Department IT staffer is trying
to determine why Mrs Clinton's
non-governmental email is
bouncing back.
More than a quarter of Mrs
Clinton's work emails have
now been released, after she
provided the State Department
documents last year.
Polls indicate that the email
scandal has affected Mrs
Clinton's ratings, though she
remains the frontrunner for
the Democratic nomination.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Page 14 | Frontpage


iberia coach James

Salinsa Debbah has
finally unveiled a 26man squad to face
Tunisia in a 2017 Africa Cup
of Nations qualifier at the
Antoinette Tubman Stadium
(ATS) on Saturday, two weeks
after his initial squad was
leaked to the media.
conference at the Liberia
Football Association (LFA)
headquarters and flanked by
deputy coach Kelvin Sebwe
on August 29, Debbah omitted
George Weah, Junior and
goalie Melvin King, who are
unattached but were part of
the team beaten 2-1 by Togo in
Lom on June 14.
Wilson of Felda United in the
Malaysian Super League and
midfielders Amadaiya Rennie
of SK Brann in the Norwegian
First Division, Theo Weeks
of Ermis Aradippou in the
Cypriot First Division and Abel
Gebor of KS Trbuni Puk in
the Albanian Superliga were
also in Lom but missed out
on Saturdays make or break

Nathaniel Sherman of Barrack

Sampson Giddings of FC
Fassell, Saylee Swen of LPRC
Oilers and Tommy Songo of
LISCR FC will compete for the
right to be in goal.
The quartet have been
present for their clubs in the
abbreviated national league
and are undergoing some
drills supervised by ex-Liberia
international Lucretius Togba,
who coached Oilers and Liberia
female national team in a 3-2
win over Algeria in the 2006
African womens under-20
championship round two in
Algiers on April 2, 2006.
performances could be used as
a gamble seed with LISCR top
of the six-team Group B on 25
points; Oilers are second on
18 points and Fassell are third
with 13 points after 10 games
BYC and Nimba United are
leveled on 16 points in Group
A but the Go Blue Boys are
second, courtesy of superior
goals difference, behind Caf
and Fifa match commissioner
Andy Quamies Watanga FC
with 17 points after 10 games
It is highly likely that Debbah
will chose Swen, having
criticized Sherman following
some poor performances in
the league unless the technical
staff decides to use the drawing
of lots, which eliminated Mali
from Group D of the 2015
Africa Cup of Nations finals
after The Eagles were tied
with Guinea on head-to-head
record, overall goal difference
and overall goals scored.
The draw took place on 29
January 2015.

LISCR defender Trokon Zeon

and Solomon Grimes of Nea


What does James Debbahs 26-man squad contain after days of speculation?
Danesius Marteh,

Salamis in the Cypriot First

Division were chosen.
But Zeon has been a Benjamin
or unable to break through
coach Cooper Sannahs team,
only playing against Sesay FC
in the LFA Cup (38 minutes)
and Keitrace FC (90 minutes),
where he partnered Friday
Bestman in central defense, in
the league.
Coincidentally, Grimes, who
was condemned by Debbah
for conceding the second
goal in Lom, has played two
matches (100 minutes) in the
new season, which started on
August 22. The 28-year-olds
Nea are second from bottom
on the 14-team table with two
defeats and a minus of four

Gizzie Tuncan Dorbor of

Hapoel Afula in the Israeli
Liga Leumit (second division),
Aloysius Simujla of Fassell and
unattached Adolphus Marshall
were selected.
Simujla has been a mainstay
in coach Matthew Julutwehs
squad while Dorbor has played
two matches (180 minutes) in
the new season, which started
on August 24. The 28-yearolds Afula are fourth on the
16-team table with four points.
The LFA has said Marshall
plays in Indonesia but has
been unable to name his club
just like King, whom it said,
plays in Oman. There has been
no competitive football in
Indonesia for close to a year
but LFA secretary-general
Alphonso Armah disclosed
that Marshall is undergoing a
trial in Portugal.

I recently requested the

Portuguese embassy in Ghana
to issue him entry visa to
enable him honor the invitation
extended him by Uniao
Futebol (UDV). He is presently
there as I write this comment,
Armah posted on facebook on
August 30.

Dirkir Glay of Gor Mahia in

Kenya, Teah Dennis of Al Ahli
in Jordan, Omega Roberts of FK
Donji Srem in the Serbian Prva
Liga (second division) and
Raymond Fanciah of Monrovia
Club Breweries were preferred
to fight for the
two starting positions.
Glay missed almost a quarter
of the season following a
December move from Thika
United due to work permit
but has been featuring under
Scottish coach Frank Nuttall
since his debut against Togo.
Gor lead the 16-team table with
59 points from 25 matches
with five draws and 18 wins
but there are five matches left
to end the season.
It is literally hard to determine
the current form of Dennis
as his clubs official website
is still under construction
and sources, like soccerway.
com, have no account of his
performance but may deserve
a recall since he pleased
Debbah in Lom.
Omega has been unable to play
for Srem, who are 11th placed
on the 16-team log with three
points after three draws since
the league started on August
Fanciah has not played a

the 1-1 draw with Guinea
in the 2016 African Nations
Championship first round,
second leg encounter on July 5
at the ATS. He has been in Accra
awaiting a Czech Republic visa
for a trial.

Patrick Gerhardt of Sarawak

in Malaysia, Anthony Laffor of
Mamelodi Sundowns in South
Africa, Sporo Somah of Sewe
Sports in the Ivory Coast, Zah
Kranger of Felda United in
Malaysia, Sekou Jabateh-Oliseh
of Al Gharafa in Qatar, Herron
Berrian of Olympiakos Volos
in the Greek Football League
(second division) and Murphy
Oscar Dorley of Monrovia
Club Breweries were preferred
over Weeks and Marcus
McCauley, who is a team mate
of Dennis.
Gerhardt and Kranger scored
three goals each as Sarawak
finished second from bottom
and Felda fifth placed on the
12-team table in Super Liga.
Berrian scored a goal in 10
appearances (668 minutes)
last season but the new season
is yet to start.
Laffor made 18 appearances
(960 minutes) last season with
three goals and has three caps
in the current season with
Sundowns eighth placed on the
16-team table.
Oscar, like Fanciah, has not
played a competitive match
since the 1-1 draw
with Guinea on July 5 at the
ATS. He has been in Accra
awaiting a Czech Republic visa
for a trial.
It is literally hard to determine

the current form of Somah, like

Dennis, as his club doesnt have
an official website and sources,
like, have no
account of his performance
but may deserve a recall as an
unused substitute in Lom.
without a club since Russias
CSKA Moscow ended his fiveyear deal on July 31.
He played the last of 12
competitive matches when
Kuban lost away to CSKA 1-0
on weekday 17, replacing
Romanias Gheorghe Bucur in
the 63rd minute on December
6, 2014.
In total, Jabateh-Oliseh played
for 739 minutes before he
was recalled from his loan
deal following the departure
of Ivory Coast striker Seydou
Doumbia to AS Roma in Italy
in the January transfer window
during the 2014/2015.
He recently completed his
Qataris deal with his transfer
value placed at US$1,082,865,
according to transfermarket.

(67 minutes) as Ponferradina

are eighth placed on the 22team table with three points
from two matches.
Doe brings a wealth of
experience to the team and his
17 goals from the just-ended
premier league season will
leave his fans asking why he
was not in Lom.
Johnson is one of the sharpest
of Debbahs contingent with 21
matches (1,441 minutes) in the
Allsvenskan (premier league)
with six goals.
His club is sixth placed with 40
points (11 wins, seven draw
and four defeats) on the 16team table.
Payes inclusion is at best
comical and at worst disgusting
as he is yet to score more than
10 goals in three seasons. Is he
a prolific striker?
One would have thought that
strikers Mohammed Varney
of LISCR or hardworking
Lamine Jabateh of BYC would
have been recruited for some
international experience or

William Jerbo of Ponferradina

in Spain, Francis Grandpa
Doe of NX Matrix in Malaysia,
Sam Johnson of Djurdargen
in Sweden, Sekou Conneh and
Mark Paye of BYC.
Jerbo scored his second
international goal against
Togo, a 23-yard screamer, in
four appearances.
He is on loan in the Segunda
Division (second division)
from Rio Ave where he made
14 appearances (698 minutes)
in the 2014/2015 season.
Jerbo has played two games

During the news conference,

Debbah and Sebwe regretted
the limited time they have to
work with the players.
According to Fifas coordinated
international match calendar
governing the release of players
(Fifa calendar) and approved
by its executive committee on
March 5, 2012, clubs should
release their players calledup for qualifying matches four
days to the match-day and 14
days for a final tournament.
The match calendar sets out
which dates can be used for

The coaches

see page 15

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


'official matches' and 'friendly

The current dates are late
March, early June, early
September, early October and
early November.
It also determines when
such as the Asian Cup, Copa
America, Gold Cup, European
Championship, Confederations
Cup and World Cup can take
The Oceanian and Africa Cup
of Nations finals are not listed
on the international match
Official matches have a release
period of four days, which
means that players can take
up to 4 days away from club
duties to partake in national
team duties.

If a player participates in an
official match on another
continent, the release period is
five days.
Friendly matches are deemed
less important and the release
period is 48 hours.
Fifa insists that official and
friendly matches should take
precedent over
domestic matches.
However, they state that
that take place outside of
the designated dates are
Do Debbah and Sebwe know
this or are they suggesting
that Tunisia coach Henryk
Kasperczak, who picked eight
players from Etoile du Sahel
due to the clubs fine form
in the Caf Confederation and

Tunisian Cups, has all the time

in this world to work with his
squad than them?
Debbah and Kelvin also listed
a litany of problems, including
financial support, affecting
But this is the same Debbah,
who posted on facebook that
Liberian football was dead
and on its way to interment
following the 2-0 defeat to
Lesotho in a 2015 Africa Cup of
Nations qualifier at the Setsoto
Stadium in Maseru on June 1,
Interestingly, Jabateh-Oliseh,
who scored an own at half time
(45+3) in his last international
match, is set to start on
So, did the game resurrect
following his appointment last

November after his monthlong training?

Debbah and LFA president
Musa Bility were in a war of
words for more than two weeks
after Salinsa criticized the late
arrival of the team, blamed on
allegation of kickbacks, and
the 6-1 humiliation Liberia
received from Nigeria in a 2013
Africa Cup of Nations qualifier
in Calabar, Cross River State on
October 13, 2012.
Does Debbah or Kelvin
wants us to believe that the
conditions with which former
coaches Kaetu Smith and
Thomas Kojo worked under
are different from their?
Wasnt Kojo told to bring
due to a lack of funds but it
later emerged that Bility told


By Edwin G. Genoway, Jr (231886458910)

wo Liberians broke
Winners Inc. when
million each yesterday from
the sports betting company,
Winner Inc.
Sylvester Wonnuah, 23, and
Eric Robinson, 30, became
afternoon when they cashed in

on their million dollar win.

Many Liberians, young and old,
have won sums ranging from
LD$300,000 to LD$10,000
from the company. However,
yesterdays wins set another
recordthe duo bet on a
LD$30 ticketa feat many has
not accomplished.
The duo is both employees
of the Liberia Agriculture

Company and earns US$85 per

For Eric Robinson, President
Sirleaf is to be praised for
allowing the betting company
gained a foothold in Liberia.
I tell mama Ellen thank you
for allowing Winners to come
to Liberia. I use only LD$30
and I am walking away with
LD$1Million, I am going to be

my own boss and build my

house, he expressed.
Eric explained that he was
the first to place his bet with
LD$30. He then showed the
winning bet to his colleague
who immediate had a keen
interest. After I cut my ticket,
I showed it to my friend and
brother Sylvester who also
took interest in the same
ticket. He took my ticket and
cut his and at last the both of us
have won LD$1million each,
he explained.
For his part, Sylvester said he
will continue to bet with the
sports betting company to
win more. I am speechless
and happy, and the greatest
thing about this is that Eric
is a referee and I am a player
and the both of us do things in
common, he explained.
The Broad Street Office of
Winners Incorporated was
a joyful scene as bystanders
watched to see Eric and
Sylvester walked away with
their LD$1Million each in rice
The General Manager of
Winners Incorporated, Inhab
Nseir welcomed the winners
and encouraged them to keep
Incorporated is always willing


Kojo that he didnt want the

indiscipline trio of Weeks, Doe
and Dioh Williams?
In his column on facebook on
July 16, 2013, Debbah said:
.Judging from the stats
[statistics] accumulated by the
present Lone Star team [over]
the last 7yrs (seven years), it is
widely accepted that this team
is no longer a prospects.
So why did he take the job and
is still inviting the same Doe,
Grimes, Laffor,
Weeks and Dorbor, who are
hitting their 30s and have been
playing together for more than
10 years under at least three
Why didnt Debbah start from
the grassroots as a pragmatic
and visionary coach?
No, all he is doing is to find
excuses for his incompetence
and or lack of results and
plead with the media, which he
effectively and efficiently used
against Bility and successive
coaches, to be patient.
He is right because finding
excuses is one of the hallmarks
of some of our public officials,
including President Ellen
Johnson-Sirleaf, who effectively
and efficiently used the
United States annual human
rights report against former
President Charles Taylor in her
political struggles but wants
to discuss the contents of the
report before it is released
against her government.
From all indications, Debbahs
team is a disaster in the
making and a draw should be
celebrated by all Liberians.
Will I be proven dead wrong???
Only time will tell!!!
to help government to provide
jobs for the young people. He
revealed there are agents in
most parts of the country.
He noted that though the
company welcomes Liberians
in the betting industry, he
however discourage underage
youths from betting.
He frowned on underage and
uniform students to not take
interest in the betting business
as the company have a strong
policy that prohibits underage
and uniform students.
We have a strong policy
that prohibits underage and
students wearing uniforms. If
you look at our tickets, we did
not hide it from anyone, it is
written in bold letters that only
people at age 18 and above
can bet. Any of our agents
that will do business with
children underage will feel
the full weight of the company,
this why before any of our
agent leaves from here they
sign an agreement to that, he
He described his company
as the best betting company
in Liberia that has open the
minds of the young people in
He said prior to Winners
coming to Liberia Liberians
never had interest in betting
or sports, saying Winners has
enable the young people to
interest in sport.

Page 15



he Blues are close

a shock deal
for the Reading
defender with deadlineday hopes of landing
marquee target John
Stones looking all but lost
Chelsea have agreed a
4m deal for Reading
defender Michael Hector,
Goal understands.
Hectors representatives
are currently discussing
personal terms in west
London ahead of a shock
deadline day move to



was the subject
of multiple bids
from the White
Hart Lane outfit and saw a
transfer request rejected
and has now hit out at
Baggies chairman Jeremy
Saido Berahino says he
will never play for West
Brom again following their
refusal to accept a bid from
The 22-year-old has seen a
transfer requested turned
down by the Baggies as
the striker looked to force
through a move to White
Hart Lane after two bids,
understood to be worth
18 million and 22m were



Forest winger
Michail Antonio and Hull
striker Nikica Jelavic and
completed loan deals for
Barcelona midfielder Alex
Song and Chelsea winger
Victor Moses.
Antonio, 25, has moved to the
Hammers for an undisclosed
fee, reported to be 7m, while
30-year-old Jelavic moves in a
transfer worth about 3m.
Song, 27, and Moses, 24, have
joined the club on season-long
loan deals.
Antonio has signed a four-year
deal with a further two-year


VOL 9 NO.132






Inside Sports


Liberians Optimistic About

Victory Over Tunisia
see page 12


see page 15




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