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The Present Indefinite and Continuous Tenses

I. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous Tense.
1. Alice (take, not) the bus to school every day. She usually (walk) instead. (Take, you) the bus to get to school every day, or (walk, you)? 2. It (rain, not) right now. The sun (shine). (Rain, it) a lot here? 3. Right now I (look) at the
board. (I, see) some words on the blackboard. 4. I (need) to call my parents today and tell them about my new apartment. They can't call me because they (know, not) my new telephone number. 5. The tea is good. I (like) it. What
kind is it? I (prefer) tea to coffee. How about you? 6. Right now the children (be) at the beach. They (have) a good
time. They (have) a beach ball and they (play) with it. They (like) to play catch. Their parents (sunbathe). They (try)
to get a tan. They (listen) to some music on a transistor radio. They also (hear) the sound of sea gulls and the sound
of the waves. 7. Right now I (think) about sea gulls and waves. I (think) that sea gulls are beautiful birds. 8. Sam is
at the library. He (sit) at a table. He (write) a composition. He (use) a dictionary to look up the spelling of some
words. The dictionary (belong, not) to him. It (belong) to his roommate. Sam (look) up words in the dictionary
because he (want) to make sure that he doesn't have any misspelled words in his paper.
9. A: Which colour (prefer, you), red or blue?
B: I (like) blue better than red. Why?
A: According to this magazine article I (read) right now, people who (prefer) blue to red (be) calm and (value)
honesty and loyalty, in their friends. A preference for the colour red (mean) that a person (be) aggressive and (love)
B: Oh? That (sound) like a bunch of nonsense to me.
10. A: (Believe, you) in flying saucers?
B: What (talk, you) about?
A: You know, spaceships from outer space with alien creatures aboard.
B: In my opinion, flying saucers (exist) only in people's imagination.
11. Janice: What (write, you) in your notebook?
Diane: I (make) notes about questions I want to ask the teacher.
Janice: (Prepare, you, always) so thoroughly for every class?
Diane: I (try, always) to.
12. Bob: Jack really makes me angry!
Sue: Why?
Bob: Well, for one thing, he (interrupt, always) me. I can barely get a whole sentence out of my mouth.
Sue: Is that all?
Bob: No. He (ask, always) me to do his homework for him. I have enough homework of my own without doing
his homework too!
13. Mother: Susie! Get your fingers out of the dessert! What (do, you)?
Susie: I (taste) the cake. It (taste) good.
Mother: Well, you'll just have to wait until dinnertime. You can have some then.
14. This morning it (rain). I can see Janet from my window. She (stand) at the corner of 5th and Pine. She (hold) her
umbrella over her head. She (wait) for the bus. 15. Right now I (look) at Janet. She (look) angry. I wonder what's the
matter. She (have) a frown on her face. She certainly (have, not) any fun right now. 16. I can't afford that thing. It
(cost) too much. 17. I (own, not) an umbrella. I (wear) a waterproof hat on rainy days. 18. The house is in a mess,
because we've got the workmen in. The plumber (put) in a new bath, the electricians (rewire) the system, and the
carpenter (build) us some new bookshelves. 19. You (hear) the wind? It (blow) very strongly tonight. 20. You (see)
my car keys anywhere? - No, I (look) for them but I (not see) them. 21. Why you (walk) so fast today? You (walk,
usually) quite slowly. - I (hurry) because I (meet) my mother at 4 o'clock and she (not like) to be kept waiting. 22.
You (recognize) that man? - I (think) I have seen him before but I (not remember) his name. 23. Look at that crowd.
I (wonder) what they (wait) for. 24. Stop! You (not see) the notice? - I (see) it but I can't read it because I (not wear)
my glasses. What it (say)? - It (say), "These premises are patrolled by guard dogs." 25. You (need) another blanket
or you (feel) warm enough? 26. It (save) time if I (take) the path through the wood? - No, it (not matter) which path
you take. 27. I (save) up because I (go) abroad in July. 28. I (think) it is a pity you don't take more exercise. You
(get) fat. 29. The plane that you (look) at now just (take) off for Paris. 30. Tom never (do) any work in the garden; he
always (work) on his car. - What he (do) in his car now? - I (think) he (polish) it. 31. That film (come) to the local
cinema next week. You (want) to see it? 32. How Peter (get) on at school? - Very well. He (seem) to like the life. 33.
Why Mrs Pitt (look) so angry? - Mr Pitt (smoke) a cigarette and (drop) the ash on the carpet. 34. This is our
itinerary. We (leave) home on the 8th, (arrive) in Paris on the 9th, (spend) the day in Paris, and (set) out that night
for Venice. -That (sound) most interesting. You must tell me all about it when you (get) back. 35. This story is about
a boy who (make) friends with a snake which he (find) in his garden. Then he (go) away but he (not forget) the
snake and some years later he (return) and (look) for it. He (find) the snake who (recognize) its old friend and (coil)
round him affectionally. But, unfortunately, the snake is by now a full-grown boa-constrictor and its embrace (kill)

the poor boy. - The snake (feel) sorry about this? - I (not know). The story (end) here. 36. How you (end) a letter that
(begin), "Dear Sir"? - I always (put), "Yours truly", but Tom (prefer) "Yours faithfully". 37. What the word
"catastrophe" (mean)? - It (mean) "disaster". 38. What you (wait) for? - I (wait) for the shop to open. - But it (not
open) till 9.00. - I (know) but I (want) to be early as their sale (start) today. 39. Why you (smoke) a cigar, Mrs Pitt?
You (not smoke) cigars as a rule. - I (smoke) it because I (want) the ash. This book (say) that cigar ash mixed with
oil (remove) heat stains from wood. 40. Who (own) this umbrella? - I (not know). Everybody (use) it but nobody
(know) who (own) it.
II. Put each verb in brackets into either the present simple or the present continuous.
Dear Aunt Jean,
I (1 just write) to tell you how much I (2 appreciate) the money you sent me, and to tell you how I (3 get on) in my
first term at university. Actually, I (4 really enjoy) myself! I (5 study) quite hard as well, but at the moment I (6
spend) a lot of time just making friends. I (7 still stay) with my friend Sue, and I (8 look for) somewhere of my own
to live. Only a few of the first-year students (9 live) in college here, and I (10 seem) to be spending a lot of time
travelling backwards and forwards. I (11 go) to lectures every morning, and most afternoons I (12 study) in the
library. In fact I (13 write) this letter instead of an essay on Hamlet. I (14 think) I'll buy some new clothes with the
money you sent. Everything (15 cost) a lot here, and I (16 save) to buy a winter coat. It (17 get) really cold here in
the evenings. I now (18 know) some other students and generally speaking we (19 have) quite a good time socially!
I (20 also learn) to drive. See you soon.
III. Translate into English.
1. . , . 2. . . 3. , . - . 4. ? -
. . 5. . . 6.
. , . 7. ? - ,
. - ? - . 8. .
. 9. . . 10. -.
. 11. ? - . . - ? -
. . 12. . . 13.
? - . . 14. ? -
. 15. ? - 200 . 16. ? -
. 17. . . 18. -
. ? 19. ?- , . 20.
, . . 21. -
, . 22. . . 23. -
? - . 24. . . 25. . .
26. . . 27. ? - .
. 28. . . 29. .
. 30. ?- . 31. 8 . 7.30. 32. ? - ,
. 33. ? . 34. ? - . 35. . . 36. ? . 3? ? - . 38. ? - . 39. ? - . 40. ? -
. 41. ? 42. ?-
. 43. . 44. . . 45. ? - a. 46.
? . 47. ? . 48. . . 49. ? - .
. 50. ? - . , . 51. ? - ,
. 52. . . 53. , ? - , . . 54. ? ? 55. , . 56.
, . 57. 8 14 . 58. ? - . 59. ? - .
60. , . 61. , ? - , . 62. ? - , . . -

? ? - . . 63. 10
. , . 64. ,
The Past Indefinite and the Past Continuous Tenses
I. Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous Tense.
1. I (hear, not) the thunder during the storm last night because I (sleep). 2. It was beautiful yesterday when we went
for a walk in the park. The sun (shine). A cool breeze (blow). The birds (sing). 3. My brother and sister (argue) about
something when I (walk) into the room. 4. I (get) a package in the mail. When I (open) it, I (find) a surprise. 5.
Stanley (climb) the stairs when he (trip) and (fall). Luckily, he (hurt, not) himself. 6. While Mrs Emerson (read) the
little boy a story, he (fall) asleep, so she (close) the book and quietly (tiptoe) out of the room. 7. I really (enjoy) my
vacation last January. While it (snow) in Iowa, the sun (shine) in Florida. While you (shovel) snow in Iowa, I (lie) on
the beach in Florida. 8. It was my first day of class. I (find, finally) the right room. The room (be, already) full of
students. On one side of the room, students (talk, busily) to each other in Spanish. Other students (speak) Japanese,
and some (converse) in Arabic. It (sound) like the United Nations. Some of the students, however, (sit, just) quietly
by themselves. I (choose) an empty seat in the last row and (sit) down. In a few minutes, the teacher (walk) into the
room and all the multilingual conversation (stop). 9. When I (arrive) she (have) lunch. She (apologize) for starting
without me but said that she always (lunch) at 12.30.10. He (wear, always) a raincoat and (carry) an umbrella when
he walked to the office. 11. I (share) a flat with him when we were students. He (complain, always) about my untidyness. 12. He suddenly (realize) that he (travel) in the wrong direction. 13. He (play) the guitar outside her house
when someone opened the window and (throw) out a bucket of water. 14. I (open, just) the letter when the wind
(blow) it out of my hand. 15. The burglar (open) the safe when he (hear) footsteps. He immediately (put) out his
torch and (crawl) under the bed. 16. The boys (play) cards when they (hear) their father's step. They immediately
(hide) the cards and (take) out their lesson books. 17. He (not allow) us to go out in the boat yesterday as a strong
wind (blow). 18. The traffic (make) so much noise that I couldn't hear what he (say). 19. She (stand) at the bus-stop.
I asked her what bus she (wait) for. 20. When I (hear) his knock I (go) to the door and (open) it, but I (not recognize)
him at first because I (not wear) my glasses. 21. While the guests (dance) thieves (break) into the house and (steal) a
lot of fur coats. 22. She was very extravagant. She always (buy) herself new clothes. 23. Her mother often (tell) her
that she (spend) too much money but she never (listen). 24. Mr Smith never (wake) up in time in the mornings and
always (get) into trouble for being late; so one day he (go) to town and (buy) an alarm clock. To get home he (have)
to go through a field where a bad-tempered bull usually (graze). This bull normally (not chase) people unless something (make) him angry. Unfortunately, as Mr Smith (cross) the field, his alarm clock (go) off. This (annoy) the bull,
who immediately (begin) to chase Mr Smith. Mr Smith (carry) an open umbrella as it(rain) slightly. He (throw) the
umbrella to the ground and (run) away as fast as he could. The bull (stop) and (begin) to attack the umbrella. While
he (do) this Mr Smith escaped. 25. Why you (interrupt) me just now? I (have) a very interesting conversation with
Mr Pitt. 26. As they (walk) along the road they (hear) a car coming behind them. Tom (turn) round and (hold) up his
hand. The car (stop). 27. While he (make) his speech the minister suddenly (feel) faint. But someone (bring) him a
glass of water and after a few minutes he (be able) to continue. 28. I (see) you yesterday from the bus. Why you
(use) a stick? - I (use) a stick because I had hurt my leg that morning falling off a horse. - Whose horse you (ride)?
29. How you (damage) your car so badly? - I (run) into a lamp-post yesterday. - I suppose you (drive) too quickly or
were not looking where you (go). 30. I just (write) a cheque when I (remember) that I (have) nothing in the bank. 31.
He (say) that he (build) himself a house and that he (think) it would be ready in two years. 32. Why you (lend) him
that book? I (read, still) it. - I'm sorry. I (not know) that you (read, still) it. 33. You (hear) what she just (say)? - No, I
(listen, not). I (think) about something else. 34. Why you (not be) at the meeting? - I (wait) for an overseas call from
my family. 35. I'm sure you met Carol Jones at the party last night. - I don't remember her. What (wear, she)? 36.
How (break, you) your arm? - I (slip) on the ice while I (cross) the street in front of the dorm. 37. Peter and Ann
(decide) to redecorate their sitting-room themselves. They (choose) cream paint for the woodwork and apricot for
the walls. When John (look) in to see how they (get) on, Ann (mix) the paint, and Peter (wash) down the walls. They
(be) glad to see John and (ask) if he (do) anything special that day. He hastily (reply) he (go) to the theatre and (go)
away at once, because he (know) they (look) for someone to help them. They (begin) painting, but (find) the walls
(be) too wet. While they (wait) for the walls to dry, Ann (remember) she (have) a phone call to make. Peter (start)
painting while she (telephone), and (do) a whole wall before Ann (come) back. He (grumble) that she always (telephone). Ann (retort) that Peter always (complain). They (work) in silence for some time. Just as they (start) the third
wall, the doorbell (ring). It (be) a friend of Peter's who (want) to know if Peter (play) golf the following weekend.
He (stay) talking to Peter in the hall while Ann (go) on painting. At last he (leave). Peter (return), expecting Ann to
say something about friends who (come) and (waste) valuable time talking about golf. But Ann nobly (say) nothing.
Then Peter (think) he would do the ceiling. He just (climb) the step ladder when the doorbell (ring) again. Ann (say)
she (get) tired of interruptions but (go) and (open) the door. It (be) the postman with a letter from her aunt Mary,
saying she (come) to spend the weekend with them and (arrive) that evening at 6.30. 38. We (not get) much sleep
last night because the people next door (have) a noisy party. I (ring) up the landlord and (say) that his tenants (make)

too much noise. He (point out) that it (be) Saturday and that people in his house often (have) parties on Saturday
nights. 39. What you (do) before you (get) this job? - I (work) for Brown and Company. - And how long you (stay)
with them? - I (stay) for about six months. I (leave) because they always (go) on strike. It (become) quite monotonous. 40. How you (break) your leg? - I (fall) off a ladder when I (put) up curtains. The worst of it (be) that it (be)
just before the holidays and I (go) away, (had planned to go away) - So you (not go) away? - No, of course not. I
(cancel) my bookings and (spend) the holiday hobbling about at home.
II. Translate from Russian into English.
1. , . 2. . ? 3. 10 , . 4.
. , . 5. , . 6.
? - , . . . 7.
? - . - ? - . ,
. 8. , . . 9.
. , . 10. , -,
. 11. , , ,
. . 12. , ? 13.
, . 14. , ? 15. , ? - . 16. 5 ? - ,
. . 17.
, . 18. . 19. . 20.
? - . 21.
? - . 22. , . 23.
? - . 24. 10 ,
. 25. , . 26. ,
. 27. . 28.
, . 29. . . 30.
, , . 31.
? 32. . 33. -
? - . 34. ? - . 35.
? - . 36. .
37. ? 38. ? 39.
, . 40. ? -
, . 41. ? - . 42.
? - . 43. , . 44. ,
. 45. ? - . 46. ? - . 47. ? 48. . 49.
, . 50. ,
? - , , . 51. ,
. 52. ? - . 53. ? . 54. , . 55.
, . 56. . . 57. ? -
. 58. ? - . 59. ?
, . 60. ? - . 61.
The Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous Tenses
I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous or Past Indefinite.
1. I (buy) a new house last year, but I (not sell) my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses. 2. When Ann
(be) on her way to the station it (begin) to rain. Ann (run) back to her flat for her umbrella, but this (make) her late
for her train. 3. I'm sorry I'm late, (you, wait) long? 4. At 7 a.m. Charles (ring) Peter and (say), "I'm going fishing,
Peter. Would you like to come?" "But it's so early," (say) Peter. "I (not have) breakfast yet. Why you (not tell) me
last night?" 5. Tom (meet) Paul at lunch time and (say), "I (not see) you at the bus stop this morning. You (miss) the
bus?" "I (not miss) it," (reply) Paul. "I (not miss) a bus for years. But this morning George (give) me a lift." 6. Those
two men (stand) outside the house for over two hours. Do you think we should call the police? 7. Ann (go) to Canada six months ago. She (work) in Canada for a while and then (go) to the United States. 8. You look tired. I think

you (work) too hard lately and you (not/get) enough fresh air and exercise. 9. Peter (try) to come in quietly but his
mother (hear) him and (call) out, "Where you (be)? Your supper (be) in the oven for an hour." 10. "Annie's clothes
are very dirty. What (she/do.)?" "She (play) in the garden." 11. Mary (be) in Japan for two years. She is working
there and likes it very much. - How she (go)? - She (go) by air. 12. Bill usually has breakfast at 8.00. Yesterday at
8.30 Peter (meet) Bill and (offer) him an apple. "No, thanks," (say) Bill. "I just (have) breakfast." 13. I (read) his
books when I was at school. I (enjoy) them very much. 14. The clock is slow. - It isn't slow, it (stop). 15. He (not
smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give it up. 16. The actors (arrive) yesterday and (start) rehearsals early this
morning. 17. It (be) cold this year. I wonder when it is going to get warmer. 18. You (lock) the door before you
(leave) the house? 19. You (wear) your hair long when you were at school? -Yes, my mother (insist) on it. But when
I (leave) school I (cut) my hair and (wear) it short ever since. 20. Sally and her boyfriend Peter (go out) together
since last whiter. 21. The concert (begin) at 2.30 and (last) for two hours. Everyone (enjoy) it very much. 22. We
(miss) the bus. Now we'll have to walk. 23. He (break) his leg in a skiing accident last year. 24. Mr Count (work) as
a cashier for twenty-five years. Then he (retire) and (go) to live in the country. 25. You (be) here before? - Yes, I
(spend) my holidays here last year. - You (have) a good time? - No, it never (stop) raining. 26. Where is Tom? - I
(not see) him today, but he (tell) Mary that he'd be in for dinner. 27. Where you (find) this knife? - I (find) it in the
garden. - Why you (not leave) it there? 28. I (lose) my black gloves. You (see) them anywhere? - I'm afraid I ....
When you last (wear) them? - I (wear) them at the theatre. - Perhaps you (leave) them at the theatre. 29. He (leave)
the house at 8.00. - Where he (go)? - I (not see) where he (go). 30. Why you (not bring) me the letters for signature?
You (not type) them yet? 31. Tom: You (sunbathe)? Mary: Don't be ridiculous! It (rain) all day. 32. You (finish)
checking the accounts? - No, not quite. I (do) about half so far. 33. How you (get) that scar? - I (get) it in a car accident a year ago. 34. I (make) cakes. That is why my hands are all covered with flour. 35. I (not know) that you
(know) Mrs Pitt. How long you (know) her? - I (know) her for ten years. 36. You (hear) his speech on the radio last
night? - Yes, I ... - What you (think) of it? 37. I (not know) that you (be) here. You (be) here long? - Yes, I (be) here
two months. - You (be) to the Cathedral? - Yes, I (go) there last Sunday. 38. You ever (try) to give up smoking? Yes, I (try) last year, but then I (find) that I was getting fat so I (start) again. 39. Peter: You (telephone) for ages. You
not nearly (finish)? Jack: I (not get) through yet. I (try) to get our Paris office but the line (be) engaged all morning.
40. You (see) today's paper? - No, anything interesting (happen)? - Yes, two convicted murderers (escape) from the
prison down the road.
II. Put each verb in brackets into the past simple, the present perfect, or the present perfect continuous.
It was announced in London this morning that the British Oil Corporation (1)...has discovered ...(discover) oil under
the sea near the Welsh coast. The company, which (2 drill) for oil in the area since 2001, (3 find) small amounts of
oil near Swansea last month, and since then (4 discover) larger amounts under the seabed nearby. Last year the
government (5 lend) over 50,000,000 to BOC, and (6 give) permission for the company to build an oil refinery and
other facilities in South Wales. The reaction of local people to today's news (7 be) mixed so far. Local MPs (8 already welcome) the news, pointing out that the oil industry will bring badly needed jobs to the area. But local residents are worried about the danger of pollution. 'Nobody (9 ask) us yet what we want,' said Ann Griffiths, leader of
the Keep Out The Oil Campaign. 'Look what (10 happen) when they (11 find) oil in Scotland in the 1960s. The oil
companies (12 get) rich, not the local people. BOC (13 not tell) us the truth about what this is going to mean for our
people.' A BOC spokesman later (14 refuse) to comment. Meanwhile local campaigners (15 ask) the government to
hold an inquiry.
III. Translate from Russian into English.
1. . . 2. ? . . . 3. .
. 4. ? - . . 5. .
? - 1985 . 6. ? -
. 7. , . 8.
. 9. ? - .
10. ? - , . 11. ? - . 12. . . 13. ?- , . , . 14. ? - . 15. , . 16. . - . . 17. , . 18. ? - . 19. . - . 20. ? - " ." .
? - . 21. ? . -
. 22. , . 23. -

? - . - ? - . . 24.
. ? - . . , . 25. , . - , . . 26. - . , , . 27. ? -
. . 28. , . . 29. .
, . 30. , . . 31.
? . 32. . . 33. ? - , . 34. ? - . - ? - . 35.
, . 36. ? - .
15 . 37. , .
. 38. , . 39.
? - , . 40. ? - .
41. ? - .- , ? - ,
. 42. ? - ,
. - ? - , , . 43. , .
? 44. . . 45. , ? - , . 46. ? - . . 47. ? - , . 48. ,
? - , . 49. ;
. 50. . . 51.
; . 52. ? -
, . .
Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous
I. Complete the sentences using the correct tense forms.
1. Mr and Mrs Davis were in an airplane. They were very nervous as the plane took off because they (never, fly) before. 2. "Why you (be) so angry when I (see) you yesterday?" "Oh, I (just, have) a big argument with my parents." 3.
I (try) contacting my pen pal when I (be) in the United States, but she (change) her address and no one (know)
where she (move) to. 4. I (stand) there for nearly half an hour when I (realize) I (be) at the wrong bus stop. 5. He
(be) very nervous when he first (drive) in Britain because he (not, drive) on the left before. 6. When I (hear) his
voice on the phone, I (know) I (speak) to him before. Then I (remember) I (already, meet) him. I also (remember)
that I (not, like) him very much. 7. I'm really sorry I (be) so late last night. -That's OK. We (not, wait) long. 8. Robert
(move) from Manchester to London in 1988. - How long he (live) in Manchester? 9. We (just, start) lunch when the
telephone (ring). 10. Andrew was late for school yesterday. When he (get) to the classroom, the lesson (start). 11.
They (wait) until everyone (be) ready and then they (start) the meeting. 12. (you, catch) the train yesterday? - No, it
(already, leave) when we (get) to the station. 13. Andrew (do) the test before, so he (find) it very easy. 14. I (not,
laugh) at the joke because I (hear) it before. 15. When I (find) my wallet I (discover) that some-body (take) the
credit cards out of it. 16. I (feel) cold because I (stand) outside for over two hours. 17. I (play) tennis so I (feel) hot
and sticky. 18. The children's hair was wet because they (swim) in the sea. 19. I (not, feel) well for weeks before I
finally (go) to see the doctor. 20. They (not, eat) when I (go) to see them. They (just, finish) their dinner. 21. I
(invite) Ann to dinner last night but she couldn't come. She (already, arrange) to do something else. 22. I was very
pleased to see Nora again after such a long time. I (not, see) her for five years. 23. They (drive) for about half an
hour when they (realize) they (be) lost. 24. The house (be) very quiet when I got home. Everybody (go) to bed. 25.
There (be) a car by the side of the road. It (break) down and the driver (try) to repair it. So we (stop) to see if we
could help. 26. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He (look) for his cigarette lighter. 27. We (walk) along
the road for about 20 minutes when a car (stop) and the driver (offer) us a lift. 28. When I (arrive), everyone (sit)
round the table with their mouths full. They (eat). 29. When I (arrive) Ann (wait) for me. She was rather annoyed
with me because I (be) late and she (wait) for a long time. 30. Class (begin, already) by the time I (get) there, so I
(take, quietly) a seat in the back. 31. I (see, never) any of Picasso's paintings before I (visit) the art museum. 32.
Yesterday at a restaurant, I (see) Pam Donnelly, an old friend of mine. I (see, not) her in years. At first, I (recognize,
not) her because she (lose) at least fifty pounds. 33. It is midnight. I (study) for five straight hours. No wonder I'm
getting tired. 34. It was midnight. I (study) for five straight hours. No wonder I was getting tired. 35. Wake up! You
(sleep) long enough. It's time to get up. 36. At least two hundred people (wait) in line to buy tickets to the game.
Some of them (stand) in line for more than four hours. We (decide) not to try to get tickets for ourselves. 37. He (be)
a newspaper reporter before he (become) a businessman. 38. I (feel) a little better after I (take) the medicine. 39. It
(rain) hard, but by the time the class (be) over, the rain (stop). 40. Ann (listen) to loud rock music when her friends

(arrive) but (turn) it off so all of them could study together. When they (finish), she (turn) it back on, and they
(dance) and (sing) for two hours now.
II. Translate from Russian into English.
1. , . , 9 . 2. .
. 3. . . , . 4.
, , . 5. ,
, . 6. ? - ,
. . 7. ; ,
. 8. . . 9. , ,
. 10. , . 11.
, . 12. , ,
. 13. , . 14.
, . 15. . , , . 16. , . . . 17. ,
. 18. , . 19. ,
, . 20. .
. 21. 5 .
. , . , . 22. , . 23. , ,
. 24. . , .
Ways of expressing future actions
I. Complete the sentences using will or going to and the verbs in brackets.
1. What can I do this evening? I know! I (go) and see Sue.2. "Would you like to come to my house this evening?"
"Yes, all right. I (come) at 9 o'clock." 3. I don't feel very well. I think I (faint). 4. "It's Simon's birthday soon. I've decided to buy him the new Blues Brothers record." "Oh, he doesn't like the Blues Brothers any more," "Oh, really?
Well, I (get) him something to wear." 5. Oh, no! Look at those cars! They (crash)! 6. "I could lend you some money
if you like." "Could you? I (pay) you back on Friday." 7. "Why did you buy this flour?" "I (make) some bread." 8.
"Could you get me a glass of water?" "Certainly. I (get) you one. Would you like some ice in it?" 9. I arranged to
borrow some money because I (buy) a motorcycle tomorrow. 10. "Could someone please open the window?" "I (do)
it." 11. "I (wear) a dark suit to the wedding reception. How about you?" "I'm not sure." 12. "What are your vacation
plans?" "I (spend) two weeks on a Greek island." 13."Hi, Josh. I hear that you (move) into a new apartment." "That's
right. Sara and I found a great apartment on 45th Street." "I (help) you on moving day if you like." 14. "So you (get)
married." "That's right. On September 22nd." "My congratulations." 15. "If you can wait just a few minutes, I (walk)
to the meeting with you." "Okay. I (meet) you by the elevator." 16. "Can you give Ed a message for me?" "Sure. I
probably (see) him at the meeting this evening." 17. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" "I (be) an astronaut" 18. "What's all this paint for? You (paint) your house?" "No, we (paint) my mother's house." 19. "Let's make
something easy for dinner. Got any ideas?" "I (make) some hamburgers. Why don't you make a salad?" "Sounds
good." 20. "Excuse me, waiter! This isn't what I ordered. I ordered a chicken sandwich." "Sorry, sir, I (take) this
back and get your sandwich." 21. "Did you remember to book seats?" "Oh no, I forgot. I (telephone) for them now."
22. "You (buy) meat?" "No, I (not eat) meat any more. I (eat) vegetables." 23. "Look what I've just bought at an
auction!" "What an extraordinary thing! Where you (put) it?" 24. "You (open) the door for me, please?" "Yes,
certainly." 25. "You (do) the washing-up tonight?" "No, I think it can wait till tomorrow." 26. "You (lend) me your
season ticket?" "No, I (not lend) it to you. It is against the law." 27. I haven't bought any cigarettes because I (give)
up smoking. 28. "There's the phone again. Take no notice." "You (not answer) it?" 29. That boat's full of water. It
(sink)! 30. You aren't wearing your climbing boots. You (not climb) the mountain with the others? 31. "You (lend)
me your fishing rod?" "Yes, of course. Where you (fish)?" 32. "You (eat) any more of this, or I (tell) the waiter to
take it away?" 33. "You (bath) your dog?" "Yes, you (help) me?" 34. Five French sailors (sail) round the world on a
catamaran. They hope that they (complete) their trip in only 79 days. If they succeed, they (set) a new world record.
Jean Dubois told our reporter, "It (be) an easy journey. Our worst problem probably (be) seasickness." 35. John has
to go to the airport to catch a plane. He hasn't got a car:
John: Alan, can you take me to the airport this evening?
Alan: Of course I (take) you. I'd be delighted. Later that day Eric offers to take John to the airport.
John, do you want me to take you to the airport?

No, thanks, Eric. Alan (take) me.
36. He: Where we (spend) the night?
Cardiff. I've booked us in at the Angel Hotel. Why do you ask?
That's another thirty miles away. We (run) out of petrol before we get there. I (stop) at the next fillingstation. Half an hour later.
The road goes on forever.
We (get) stuck. The car's stopping. We (have) to walk.
Come on then. Perhaps someone (give) us a lift.
Not a filling-station in sight and look at those black clouds. It (rain).
Look! A car's coming. I (wave) to the driver.
Oh good! He's slowing down. He (stop).
37. Janet: Someone told me that you and the family (go) and live in Alaska. Is it true?
Graham: Yes, it is. I (work) for a building company.
That (be) interesting.
Graham: I hope so. It (be) something different. It certainly (be) a bit colder than London.
When you (leave)?
Graham: On the tenth of next month. We (be) there in three weeks.
Oh, so it (not be) long now. Jerry and I (be) sad to see you go.
Graham: Oh, we (be) back some time. We (not be) there forever. And you can always come to Alaska and see us.
Well, that isn't a bad idea. We (visit) my sister in Vancouver next summer.
Graham: Oh, that's great. We (see) you next summer then.
38. A: Why is Carlos wearing a suit and tie? He usually wears jeans to class.
He (give) a speech at the faculty lunch today.
Really? What he (speak) about?
About university study in his country.
II. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Indefinite, the Present Continuous or the Simple Present.
1. I am sure that I (recognize) him. 2. Look! I've broken the teapot. What Mrs Pitt (say)? - She (not mind); she never
liked that one. 3. There (be) a big meeting here tomorrow. 4. We (have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to
come? 5. The concert this evening (start) at 7.30. 6. I (not go) away for my holidays next month because I haven't
got enough money. You (go) away? 7. He has cut my hair too short. - Don't worry; it (grow) again very quickly. 8.
Ann, we (go) to town. You (come) with us? 9. What time the next train (leave)? 10. Where you (meet) them? - I
(meet) them at midnight in the middle of the wood. 11. He (not forget) to come. 12. The art exhibition (open) on 3
May and (finish) on 15 July. 13. George, is it true that you (get) married next week? 14. I wonder if he (succeed). 15.
I (know) the result in a week. 16. Perhaps he (arrive) in time for lunch. 17. I wonder how many of us still (be) here
next year. 18. Newspaper announcement: The President (drive) along the High Street in an open carriage. 19. You
(do) anything tonight? - Yes, I (go) to my carpentry class. 20. Announcement: Mr Pitt (present) the prizes. 21. The
Queen (give) a garden party next week. You (go)? 22. Notice: The management (not be) responsible for articles left
on the seats. 23. What we (do) now? - Wait. 24. My grandparents (celebrate) their golden wedding next week. 25.
We (go) to the cinema? - Let's. 26. What we (do) with all the food that's left over? 27. When you (hear) the re-sult? I (not hear) for another week. 28. I (not have) to do any cooking for a month. I'm going to a hotel. 29. I (put) more
salt in the stew? - Please do. 30. I (go) to the dentist tomorrow. Mr Pitt (take) my class. 31. There's someone at the
door. - Is there? Oh, I (see) who it is. 32. I'm a bit cold. I think I (put on) a sweater. 33. I (catch) the 6.30 plane
tomorrow. - Where you (leave) your car? - I (not take) the car. 34. You (turn) off the TV, please? No one is watch-ing
it. 35. Where you (go) for your next holiday? - I don't know yet but we probably (go) to Spain. 36. We (have) a
drink with Peter tonight. It's his last night; he (leave) tomorrow. 37. I (see) my bank manager tomorrow. I'm going to
ask him for a loan but I expect he (refuse). 38. I probably (come) to London some time next month. I (give) you a
ring nearer the time and tell you when I (come). 39. We'd better leave a message for Jack. Otherwise he (not know)
where we've gone. - All right. I (leave) a note on his table. 40. Where you (meet) Tom? - We (meet) at Covent
Garden. He (take) me to see the Magic Flute.
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Continuous or the Simple Future.
1. I'll call for her at 7. - No, don't; she still (have) breakfast then. 2. You've just missed the last train! - Never mind. I
(walk). 3. You ask him. It's no good my asking him. He (not do) anything I say. 4. He says he (meet) us at the bus
stop, but Im sure he (forget) to do it. 5. Don't ring now; she (watch) her favourite TV programme. -All right. I (ring)
at 8.30. 6. Mother: I'm so grateful for the help you've given Jack; I hope you (be) able to go on helping him. Teacher:
I'm afraid I (not teach) him next term because I only teach the fifth form and he (be) in the sixth. 7. School boy (in

school dining hall): The last week of our last term! I wonder what we (do) this time next year. Friend: Well, we (not
eat) school dinners anyway. That's one comfort. 8. I'd like to double-glaze the bedroom windows. - All right. I (get)
the materials at once and we (do) it this weekend. 9. You (have) lunch with me on the 24th? - I'd love to, but I'm afraid
I (do) my exam then. 10. We (meet) him at the station?-Oh, he (not come) by train. He never comes by train. 11. Wait
a bit. Don't drink your tea. The milkman (come) in a minute. 12. I (work) for Mr Pitt next week as his own secretary
(be) away. 13. You (have) something to drink, won't you? 14. Why did you take his razor? He (look) for it everywhere
tomorrow. 15. I've fished that river every year for the last fifteen years. - Well, nobody (fish) it next year. The water's
been polluted. All the fish are dead. 16. I don't feel well enough to go to the station to meet him.- I (meet) him for you.
But how I (recognize) him? - He's small and fair, and he (wear) a black and white school cap. 17. I hope you (do) well
in the race tomorrow. I (think) of you. 18. You've left the light on. - Oh, so I have. I (go) and turn it off. 19. I've just
been appointed assistant at the local library. - Then you (work) under my sister. She is head librarian there. 20. I want
to post this letter but I don't want to go out in the rain - (post) it for you. I (go) out anyway as I have to take the dog for
a walk. 21. The prima ballerina is ill so I expect her understudy (dance) instead. 22. This time next Monday I (sit) in a
Paris cafe reading Le Figaro. - You (not read). You (look) at all the pretty girls. 23. I (cook) any fish you catch, but I
(not clean) them. You'll have to do that yourself. 24. It is nearly autumn; soon the leaves (change) colour. 25. Mother
(on phone): My son has just burnt his hand very badly. Doctor; I (come) at once. 26. My son will be in the sixth form
next year. - That means that old Adder (teach) him mathematics. 27. I (not show) you any films this time. The
projector's broken down. 28. Housewife: This time next week I (not wash) up the breakfast things. I (have) breakfast
in bed in a luxury hotel. 29. Customer in restaurant: Waiter, this plate is dirty. Waiter: I'm sorry, sir. I (bring) you
another. 30. I (not wear) glasses when you see me next. I (wear) contact lenses. You probably (not recognize) me. 31.
You (use) your typewriter tomorrow evening? - No, you can take it. 32. Guest: May I use your phone to ring for a
taxi? Hostess: Oh, there's no need for that; my son (drive) you home. 33. Come on deck; we (enter) harbour in a few
minutes. 34. Are you nearly ready? Our guests (arrive) any minute.
When and If sentences (When I doIf I do...)
I. Put the verbs into the correct tense forms.
1. If you drop that bottle, it (break) 2. He (not write) to you unless you (write) to him. 3. You (understand) when you
(be) older. 4. I (believe) it when I (see) it. 5. You (be) able to drive after you (have) another five lessons. 6. Unless
he (run), he (not catch) the train. 7. He (lend) it to you if you (ask) him. 8. If petrol pump attendants (go) on strike,
we (not have) any petrol. 9. He (be) offended if you (not invite) him. 10. She (have) $ 6000 a year when she (be)
twenty. 11. If you (leave) your roller skates on the path someone (fall) over them. If they (fall) over them and hurt
themselves they (sue) you. 12. What your father (say) when he (hear) about this accident? He (not say) much but
he (not lend) me the car again. 13. You've been a good child, and when we (get) home I (give) you a sweet. 14. My
father (be) furious when he (see) what you have done. 15. As soon as I (hear) from him, I (let) you know. 16. The lift
(not start) until you (press) that button. 17. I (stay) in bed till the clock (strike) seven. 18. As soon as the holidays
(begin) this beach (become) very crowded. 19. Don't count on a salary increase before you actually (get) it. 20. I
(pay) you when I (get) my cheque. 21. If it (rain) this evening I (not go) out. 22. Before Tom (go) to bed, he always
(brush) his teeth. 23. Before Tom (go) to bed later tonight, he (write) a letter to his girlfriend. 24. After I (get) home
from school every afternoon, I (drink) a cup of tea. 25. Janet (meet) me at the airport when my train (arrive) tomorrow. 26. When I (be) in New York next week, I (stay) at the Park Plaza Hotel. 27. Cindy and I (go) to the beach tomorrow if the weather (be) warm and sunny. 28. Jack (watch) a football game on TV right now. As soon as the game
(be) over, he (cut) the grass in the back yard. 29. As soon as I (get) home every day, my children always (run) to the
door to meet me. 30. I (go) to New York often. When I (be) in New York, I usually (see) a Broadway play. 31. If I
(not study) tonight, I (not pass) my chemistry exam. 32. I think he (get) the job. I (be) surprised if he (not get) it. 33.
I hope to be there by 10.30. But if I (not be) there, don't wait for me. 34. We (not start) dinner until Jack (arrive). 35.
Please don't touch anything before the police (come). 36. You (be) lonely without me while I (be) away? 37. Before
you (leave), don't forget to shut the windows. 38. Everyone (be) surprised if he (pass) the examination. 39. If I
(need) any help, I (ask) you. 40. Come on! Hurry up! Ann (be) annoyed if we (be) late. 41. After I (do) the shopping,
I (come) straight back home. 42. Im going to watch a TV program at nine. Before I (watch) that program, I (write)
a letter to my parents. 43. I'm going to eat lunch at 12.30. After I (eat), I probably (take) a nap. 44. I'm sure it will
stop raining soon. As soon as the rain (stop), I (walk) to the drugstore to get some film. 45. Tomorrow I'm going to
leave for home. When I (arrive) at the airport, my whole family (wait) for me. 46. When I (get) up tomorrow
morning, the sun (shine), the birds (sing), and my roommate still (lie) in bed fast asleep. 47. How can I get in touch
with you while you (be) out of town? I (stay) at the Pilgrim Hotel. You can reach me there. 48. After Ali (return)
to his country next month, he (start) working at the Ministry of Agriculture. 49. Relax. The plumber is on his way.
He (be) here before there (be) a flood in the kitchen. Let's just keep mopping up the water the best we can.
50. A: How long you (stay) in this country?
B: I (plan) to be here for about one more year. I (hope) to graduate a year from this June.

A: What you (do) after you (leave)?
B: I (return) home and (get) a job. How about you?
A: I (be) here for at least two more years before I (return) home and (get) a job.
51. Heat the oil till it (begin) to smoke. 52. You drive first, and when you (be) tired, I (take) over. 53. We (send) you
the goods as soon as we (receive) your cheque. 54 .The plane (not take off) till the fog (lift). 55. When you (do) the
bedrooms, remember to sweep under the beds. 56. He (save) 500 a year. By the time he (retire) he (save) 20,000.
57. When you (read) the book, leave it in the hospital for someone else to read.
II. Translate from Russian into English.
1. , . 2. ,
. 3. , . 4. ,
, . 5. , . 6. ,
. 7. , . 8. . 9.
, . 10. , . 11. , . 12. , . 13. , ? - . 14.
, . 15. , . 16.
, . 17. , . 18. ,
. 19. , . 20.
, . 21. , .
22. , . 23. , . 24.
- , . 25. , . 26. , . 27.
, . 28. , .
29. , ? , . 30. ,
. 31. ? - . - ? - , . -
? - . , . 32. . "" . - ? - , . ?- . - . , . - . - ? - . ? -
. 33. , ? - , . - ? ? -
. 34. . -
? - . - ?- , , .
. 35. ? - , . 36.
? - , . 37. - ? - , . 38.
? - , . 39.
? - 8 . - ? - . - ? - 10 . 40. ? - . - ? -10 . ? - . - ? - . - ? - . - . 41. ? - , . - ? - . - ? -
. - , . - . 42. ? - . - ? - . . - ! - ? - . . , . .


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