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This chapter presents the results of the research conducted in the fifthgrade
students of SD Negeri 2 SroyoKaranganyar in the academic year of 2013/2014. The
research is aimed to identify whether the use of animation video as teaching media
could improve students vocabulary mastery and how the situations when the use of
animation video is implemented in the class. The result of the research is elaborated
into two sections: research findings and discussion.
1. Situation before the Research
Before conducting the research, there is a step called pre-research. In this
step, pre-observationwas held to identify the class situation of fifth grade.The
English teacher and some students also were interviewed to collect data from
teacher and students point of view.After that, questionnaire was distributed to the
20 students to identify their problems in vocabulary mastery and English class. At
the end, pre-test was conducted to gain the students achievement before the
Considering the pre-research results, it was identified that the students
vocabulary mastery needed to be improved. In addition, the class situation also
was not conducive. The situation before research is summarized in the Table 4.1.
Table 4.1 Situation before the Research
The Problems
A) Vocabulary Mastery
1) The students had
The students obtained difficulty in grasping the meaning of
some English words, indicated by: (a) Most of the students
difficulty in grasping
misinterpreted when answering the teachers question related to
the meaning
the meaning of words; (b) There were so many incorrect
answers in exercise; and (c) They hard remembered the meaning
of words which were given at the previous time.
2) The students could
The students obtained difficulty in spelling the words, indicated
notspell the words
by: (a) When they were asked to spell the words, they wrote
them incorrectly; and (b) Some of them made mistakes in
arranging jumbled letters into the proper words
3) The students were not
Most of the students tended to pronounce word based on its



able to pronouncethe
words correctly
4) The students had
difficulty in using the
words in simple
1) The students werenot
interested with learning

2) Students did activities

which has no relation
to the lesson.

3) Some students were

passive in teaching
learning process.
4) There were some
students who often ask
to go to the toilet

written form.
Most of the students could not use words in appropriate context,
indicated by: (a) The students could not make a simple sentence
using the words they have got before; and (b) There were so
many incorrect answers in the exercise
B) Classroom Situation
Most of the students were not interested with English learning
activities, indicated by: (a) They looked bored in the classroom;
(b) They looked sleepy during the teaching learning process;
and (c) Most of the students frequently laid their head down on
the table.
Most of the students kept on maintaining their activity which
has no relation to the lesson, such as playing their writing
equipment, drawing something in their book, having
conversation with the next friends, or walking and running in
the class. It made the class so noisy.
They just kept silent and were not confident to give comment or
answer the teachers questions.
Many students frequently pretended they had felt to need to go
to the bathroom.

As shown in the Table 4.1, the students vocabulary mastery before the
research are described in several indicators. The first indicator is meaning.The
students had difficulties in grasping and remembering the meaning of some
English words. Sometimes, they felt familiar to the words, but could not state the
meaning properly.






lupa(FP asked about the meaning of some words that had been taught in the
previous meeting. FP pointed some students to answer but they couldnt answer
because they did not remember it) (Pre- Observation Note on Thursday,









Akuseringsalahnuliskatanya,,lhagakhafalog(Just a little bit, Miss. I often made

mistake in writing the words because I didnt memorize them well)(Preinterview, Novita, 05/09/2013).When they were asked to spell the words, they
wrote them incorrectly.Students were confused to memorize the proper spelling
because the writing system of English word is different from the pronunciation.
The third indicator is pronunciation. The students obtained difficulties in
pronouncing some English words. Most of them tended to pronounce word based















jadimerekamengucapkannyasesuaidengantulisannyagimana(They often made

mistakes in pronouncing the word whereas Ive taught it to them one by one.
Maybe because they werent familiar with English words, so they pronounced it
based on its written form)(Pre-interview, English teacher, 05/09/2013).
They also often made mistakes in using the words to make simple sentence.
When writing simple sentences, they had difficulty to arrange the words in
proper sentences.Some of them needed long times to choose words in building
English sentence on the whiteboard.



sudahdicontohkanoleh FP. Ketikamerekadimintauntukmenuliskankalimatnya di




untukmembuatkalimat..Merekamengeluhdenganmengatakan, Bingung, Miss,

gak tau BahasaInggrisnyaapa(They also made mistakes in making simple
sentences. When they were asked to write their sentences on the whiteboard, they
looked confused so they needed long time to make sentences. They said I am


confused Miss, I dont know whats the English word of it) (Pre-Observation
Note, 05/09/2013).
In addition, the English class before research was also described in several
situations.First, the students were not interested to the lesson. It could be seen
from their behaviors when joining the lesson. They looked bored, sleepy and
frequently laid down their head to the table. In the interview result, some
students said that they were bored with English lesson because the teacher taught
monotonously. Besides, some of them did non-academic activity such as
chatting, drawing in their books or walking in the classroom instead of paying
attention to the teachers explanation.
Moreover, the students were passive in teaching and learning
activities.They just kept silent and were not confident to give comment, ask
questions or answer the teachers questions. When the teacher asked them to do
task in their books, some of the students did not directly do it. They only waited
and looked at their friends task. There were also some students who often ask to
go to the toilet. They pretended they had felt to need to go to the bathroom but
actually they just wanted to go out from the classroom.






engerjakan(Then, FP gave chance for students who want to write their answers
on the whiteboard. Some students didnt want to come forward and asked their
friends to do it) (Pre-Observation Note, 05/09/2013).
Considering the teachers answers in interview result, I found that the
students had low motivation in joining English class. This condition made their
concentration decrease. As the effect, the students English scores were lower
than passing grade. It was appropriate with the FPs expression (English teacher)








ng English in this school was difficult because it was the first foreign language
that had been studied by them. They thought that English is difficult and not
important. So in my opinion, their motivation in studying English was still low)
(pre-interview, English teacher, 05/09/2013).
To identify the problems in vocabulary mastery and in joining English class
that were obtained by the students, I distributed the questionnaire to them. The
result of the questionnaire was in line with my observation. The result as shown
in Table 4.2 revealed that most of students agreed that English is a difficult
subject.It also could be seen that most of the students had low motivation in
joining English class. Most of them also obtained difficulties in grasping the
meaning, spelling, pronouncing, and using the words.
Table 4.2 Result of Questionnaire

The aspect/problem


The students who agreed that English is difficult.

The students who thought that their English scores
werent good enough
Having difficulty in grasping the meaning
Having difficulty in pronouncing some English words
Having difficulty in spelling some English words
Having difficulty in using the words
The students who thought that their motivation in joining
English class were low.


After finding the problems obtained by the students in English class, I

conducted a pre-test. This pre-test was doneto identify thestudents achievement
in mastering English, vocabulary in this case.The pre-test was conducted on
November 20th 2013.The result strengthened the description of the


studentsproblems in following the lesson. Result of pre-test is summarized

brieflyin the Table 4.3
Table 4.3 Result of Pre- Test
Word use
Mean Score Pre-Test

Mean Score

The mean score was 4.46, while the passing grade for English was 7.0. It
could be identified that the students had lower score than the passinggrade.
Taken from the pre-research results, the causes of the problem were
emerged from the students and the teacher.The teacher had not utilize teaching
media in learning process. During preliminary observation, the teacher still
manually wrote the words and the meaning on the whiteboard, afterward,
insisted the students to pronounce it. The teaching learning process mostly took
place in the classroom using whiteboard instead of using laptop, LCD or
projector. The teacher also used teacher-centered method, in this caseteacher was
presenter and students were listeners. The teacher only usedLembarKerjaSiswa
(LKS) and textbook as the source of material.This condition made the students
lazy to pay attention to the lesson and had a perception that English is a boring
Considering the facts above, animation video was elected as a media
toovercome such the problems in vocabulary teaching. Through animation video,
the teacher would get benefits of an enjoyable classroom situation.Animation
video in this research was used as media in conveying the materials to make the
students interested with the lesson and learn vocabulary easily. By applying
animation video, it can serve many advantages in helping the students to learn


new vocabulary. Animation video presents material in a way that students are
being entertained. Students can easily grasp and memorize the meaning of the
words while watching the motion picture. In addition, animation video presents
subtitles which enable student to read how to spell the words correctly.
Animation video also enables students to listen and imitate the pronunciation
which are pronounced by native speaker so it can support their better
pronunciation. Animation video also provides the students with words in easy
English sentences, so it is easier to understand. Children, therefore, can learn
how to make a simple sentence in a pleasing situation. Students were expected to
learn by listening, watching, and doing learning activity using animation video.
Considering the problems and causes above, I would utilizeanimation
video as a proposed solution. By using it, I expected to improvetheir vocabulary
mastery, their English class situation become moreenjoyable and their
achievement inEnglish lesson, vocabulary in this case.
2. The Implementation of the Research
This part presents the implementation of the research. The schedule of the
research and the summary of the research procedure aredrawn in Table 4.4 and
Table 4.5
Table 4.4The Schedule of the Research
Cycle 1

Cycle 2

April 7th , 2014
1st meeting
April 14th , 2014
2nd meeting
16th , 2014
3 meeting
April 21st , 2014
Test 1
May 12th , 2014
1st meeting
May 14th, 2014
2nd meeting
Table 4.5The Summary
May 19th , 2014
3rd meeting
Process of the Research
May 26th , 2014
V of SD Negeri 2 Sroyo
a) Transportations
b) Professions
1) Students vocabulary mastery was still low
2) The class situation needed to be improved.
Animation Video



n of the
Cycle 1

Cycle 2


1. Pre-observation:observing the teaching learning process.

2. Interview: interviewing the teacher and some students.
3. Questionnaire: distributing questionnaire to 20 students.
4. . Pre-test: conducting pre-test to 20 students.
This research was implemented in two cycles. 1st cycle: 4 meetings; 2nd
cycle: 4 meetings.
1) Meeting 1
Activities :
Playing a video, identifying the meaning, explaining the spelling,
Sound On and Vision Off activity, repeating, Silent Viewing activity,
explainingsentences, giving exercise individually
2) Meeting 2
Activities :
Playing a video, identifying the meaning,explaining the spelling,
Sound On and Vision Off activity, repeating, Silent Viewing activity,
explainingsentences, giving exercise in group
3) Meeting 3
Activities :
Playing a video, identifying the meaning, explaining the spelling,
Sound On and Vision Off activity, repeating, Silent Viewing activity,
explaining sentences, giving exercise individually
4) Meeting 4
The students did test 1
1) Meeting 1
Activities :
Playing a video, identifying the meaning, presenting the spelling,
guessingthe words, repeating and drilling, Silent Viewing activity,
playing the video to give examples of sentences, explaining
sentences, asking the students to write sentences in pair
2) Meeting 2
Activities :
Playing a video, identifying the meaning, presenting the spelling,
giving spelling exercise, repeating and drilling, conducting a game in
pair (pronunciation), playing a video, explainingsentences, asking
students to write sentences individually
3) Meeting 3
Activities :
Playing a video, identifying the meaning, presenting the spelling,
repeating and drilling, giving exercise in pair (meaning, spelling,
pronunciation), playing a video, explaining sentences, giving
exercise individually (word use)
4) Meeting 4
The students did post-test.
There were improvements in the students vocabulary mastery and
classroom situation became more conductive to study. It was indicated
by the reduced intensity of the problems after research.


From Table 4.4 and 4.5, it could be identifiedthat the problems were about
the students low vocabulary mastery and the classroomsituation. As the solution,
animationvideo was chosento solve the problems. There were two cycles
conducted in this research. The first cycle consisted of four meetings and the
second cycle also consisted of four meetings. In the last meeting in every cycle, I
conducted post-test. The findings were drawn at the end of the research to make
reflection.Reflection was held to identify whether the studentsvocabulary
mastery improved or not.
Every cycle in this research consisted of series of steps, namely identifying
the problems, planning the action, implementing the action, observing or
monitoring the action, evaluating and reflecting the result of the observation, and
revising the plan.
a. Cycle 1
There were several stages within the first cycle. The first step before
conducting any action was planning the action. This was done by preparing
lesson plans and materials. Next, all that had been planned was implemented
in the class. During the implementation process, I collaboratively with the
English teacher (FP) observed the class situation and studentsbehaviours.
From the observation notes, I evaluated and reflected the action results. By
considering the evaluation and reflection, it could be decided whether the
research was continued to cycle two or not. The summary of cycle 1 is
presented in Table 4.6.
Table 4.6The Summary of Cycle 1
Cycle 1

1) Students vocabulary mastery was still low
2) The class situation needed to be improved.
Animation Video
In cycle 1, there were four meetings
Preparing laptop, projector, speaker, photograph, video collections,
materials, lesson plans, students exercises and posttests.




Meeting 1
1) Playing animation video of transportations to present the material.
2) Identifying the meaning of the words on the video.
3) Replaying the video to explain the right spellingof the words.
4) Playing the video without picture and asking students to write the
words from the video individually (Sound On and Vision Off)
5) Listening and following to the right pronunciation from the video.
6) Asking students to pronounce the words on the video individually
7) Explaining how to make simple sentences using the video.
8) Giving exercise individually (word use practice).
Meeting 2
1) Playing animation video of transportations (Active Viewing)
2) Identifying the meaning of the words on the video.
3) Replaying the video to explain the right spellingof the words.
4) Conducting Sound On and Vision Off Activity.
5) Listening and following to the right pronunciation from the video.
6) Conducting Silent Viewing activity.
7) Explaining how to make simple sentences using the video.
8) Asking students to translate and arrange words into a good sentence.
9) Giving exercise in group.
Meeting 3
1) Playing animation video of transportations (Active Viewing Activity)
2) Identifying the meaning of the words on the video.
3) Replaying the video to explain the right spelling of the words.
4) Conducting Sound On and Vision Off Activity.
5) Listening and following to the right pronunciation from the video.
6) Conducting Silent Viewing activity.
7) Explaining how to make simple sentences using the video.
8) Asking students to translate and arrange words into a good sentence.
9) Giving exerciseindividually.
Meeting 1
1) Students got new vocabularies from the video
2) Students were enthusiastic in the lesson
3) Students almost never asked permission to go to the bathroom
4) There was improvement in their meaning aspect
5) Some studentsdid other activities in the classroom.
6) Some students were still passive in teaching and learning process.
7) Some students were shy to pronounce the words individually.
8) Some students made mistakes in spelling, pronouncing and using
Meeting 2
1) Students got new vocabularies from the video.
2) There was improvement in their meaning aspect
3) Students followed teaching learning activities enthusiastically.
4) Students gave good responses to the teachers command.
5) Some students still made mistake in pronouncing the words.
6) Some students were still shy to pronounce the words individually.
7) Some students still careless in spelling the words.
8) Some students still made mistakes in making simple sentences.




9) There were some boys who werent responsibility in doing the

exercise in group.
Meeting 3
1) Students got new vocabularies from the video
2) There was improvement in their meaning and spelling ability.
3) Students followed teaching learning activities enthusiastically.
4) Students almost never asked permission to go to the bathroom.
5) Students gave good responses to the teachers command.
6) Some students still careless in pronouncing the words
7) Only a few students who did other activities in the classroom
8) There was a little improvement in their word use ability
a) The strengths:
- Students mentioned the meaning of the words correctly.
- Students were able to spell the words correctly.
- Most students were enthusiastic and enjoyed the learning process
- Students never asked permission to go to the toilet.
- Most of the students were actively involved in class activities.
b) The weaknesses
- Some students still made mistakes in pronouncing the words.
- Some students still could not use the words in making sentences.
- Doing exercise in group made some students just depended on
their friends because of many members in group.
- Some students were not confident in pronouncing individually.
- Few students still did other activities (walked and run) in the
Considering the reflection of cycle 1, the research was continued to cycle 2.
The students vocabulary mastery and classroom situation still needed to be
improved. The next actions focused on:
a) Improving students ability in pronouncing and using the words.
b) Improving students behaviours
c) Improving students self-confidence in pronouncing individually.
d) The group activities also would be changed into individual activities
since some of the students depended on the other group members.

The detail of table 4.6 is elaborated as follows.

1) Identifying the Problem
Before implementing the research, I held the pre-research.
Considering the pre-research results, some problems were encountered in
vocabulary mastery. The students problems in vocabulary mastery are:
(1) Students obtained difficulty in grasping the meaning of words; (2)
Students were not able to pronounce some English words; (3) Students
had difficulty in spelling some English words; (4) Students could not use
the words in appropriate context.


The other problem was the un-conducive classroom situation.

Considering the pre-observation notes, the studentswere not interested in
the learning process. It could be identified from their behaviours. They
looked bored and sleepy in the classroom. They also kept on maintaining
their activity which has no relation to the lesson such as chatting with
their friends, walking in the classroom and drawing in their book. The
students were too noisy during the lesson and not fully giving attention to
the teacher.They were also passive in teaching learning process. They just
kept silent and were not confident to give comment or answer the
teachers questions.When the teacher gave task, they did not directly do
it. They only waited and looked at their friends task. When they were
facing difficult words or questions, they were panic and trying to ask their
friends. Instead of doing their work, some of them were disturbing their
friends.Many students also frequently pretended they had felt to need to
go to the bathroom
2) Planning the Action
In planning section, lesson plans were prepared as teachers
guidance in teaching. This plan including some teaching activities using
animation video. There are three sections in lesson plan: opening, main
activities, and closing. Cycle one consisted four meetings. Each meeting
took 70 minutes. The action plan was implemented by me, while the
teacher observed the whole process during the learning process.
The list of learning activities using animation video in this research
is explained in detail in the Table 4.7.
Table 4.7 List of learning activities using animation video



addressed by
the activity



Teacher gives
brainstorming related to
the topic.

To grasp students interest

To focus their intention
To make the students active

B1, B2, B3,



Teacher plays video

without pausing

To introduce vocabularies

A1, A2, A3,

B1, B2, B4


Teacher and
studentsidentify the
meaning of the words on
the video

A1, B1, B2,

B3, B4


Teacher replay the video

to explain the right

To make students recognize

words related to the topic.
To improve meaning
To make students active in
teaching learning process
To improve spelling
To make students active in
teaching learning process


Teacher plays video

without picture and asks
students to write the
words from video

To improve meaning
To improve spelling
To make the students active

A1, A3, B1,

B2, B3, B4

To improve pronunciation
To train and give students
model how to pronounce
To improve pronunciation
To draw students selfconfidence in pronouncing.
To check the students
To train students how to use
the words in sentences
To improve the students
ability in using the words
To improve meaning
To improve spelling
To improve pronunciation
To improve using the words
To train students working in
To make the students active

A2, B1, B2,

B3, B4

To improve meaning
To improve spelling
To improve pronunciation
To improve word use
To make students aware of
what they have learnt

A1, A2, A3,

A4, B1, B2,



Teacher plays the video without sound and asks students to pronounce
the word individually


Teacher explains how to

make sentencesusing


Teacher gives exercises

in group and individually


Teacher reviews the

material and activities in
the class by playing the

A3, B1, B2,

B3, B4

A2, B1, B2,

B3, B4

A4, B1, B2,


A1, A2, A3,

A4, B1, B2,
B3, B4


Besides the list of activities using animation video, the progresses

are also proposed. Those are explained as in the Table 4.8.
Table 4.8List of problem indicators as being improved by the
learning activities using animation video
A. Indicators of


B. Indicators of


Students obtained difficulty in

grasping the meaning of the words.
Students were not able to pronounce
some English words correctly.
Students could not spell some English
words correctly.
Students were not able to use the
words in appropriate context.
Students werenot interested to the
learning activities.
Students kept on doing activities
which has no relation to the lesson,
such as playing, walking orchatting
Some students were passive in
teaching learning process.
There were some students who often
ask to go to the toilet

2, 3, 9, 10
2, 6, 7, 9, 10
2, 4, 5, 9, 10
8, 9, 10
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10
1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
9, 10
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10

In the planning step, I also prepared everything needed in the

action. They were: animation video materials related to the topic, lesson
plan as teachers guidance, students worksheet consisting of some tasks
and other thing related to the material, post-test, laptop, loudspeaker, and
projector.In this research, I chose two topics from the syllabus of the





Thosetopics would be taught by implementing animation videos.

3) Implementing the Action
The action plan was implemented by myself, Dian RizkiAriani. In
implementing the action, I used the lesson plan that had been prepared
before. The action consisted of three sections: opening, main activities,
and closing. Each of the section is described as follows


a) The First Meeting (Monday, 7th April 2014)

I and the teacher entered the class early to prepare the teaching
equipmentssuch asprojector, laptop, loudspeaker, and materials. I
connected the projector and the loudspeaker to the laptop then turned
it on. I checked everything related to my teaching plan when the
students had their first break.
(1) Opening
The first meeting was conducted on Monday, 7 th April 2014.
The lesson started at 09.30 a.m. After the bell rang, the students
entered the class. The class was very noisy because the students were
curious about the function of the laptop and the projector. They never
had it in their class before. When the teacher began to open the
lesson, the students became quieter. The teacher introduced me to the
students. Then, I took the class over her control. I opened the class by
saying greeting Good morning class. The students replied by
saying Good Morning, Miss.I checked the students attendance and
made short conversation with them to make warm situation.
Then, I began to lead the students to the topic. It was done by
brainstorming students knowledge and stimulating their ideas. I gave
some guiding questions about the topic, for example: Siapa yang
pernahnaikpesawat?; Siapa yang pernahnaikkereta?; Can you
mention kinds of transportation; Can a car fly; Does a bicycle has
engine; Does a plane belong to water transportation; Can you
mention kinds of land transportations; etc.The class situation became
noisy.All of the students answered my questions. After that, I told the
students about the topic of the material and the benefit of the lesson.
(2) Main Activity


I played animation videoentitled Transportations Vocabulary

from ELF Learningto introduce the words (Active Viewing). The
duration of this video was about three minutes. This video presented
8 transportations words (airplane, bus, car, helicopter, motorcycle,
ship, train and truck). The students watched it enthusiastically. After
playing the video, I trained the students to identify the words in the
video. For example Anak-anakkosakataapasaja yang ada di
dalamvideotadi? The students answered train, bus, airplane,
Miss. I played video again, paused in each picture and asked the
students what the picture was. For example, I paused Airplane
picture then asked the students Gambarapaini? Some students






Airplane, Miss. I said JadipesawatbahasaInggrisnya Airplane

atau Plane ya.I paused the video picture one by one and revised if
the students answers do not match with the picture.








Bagaimanacaramengejanya?.The students spelled it in Indonesian.

When I asked them to spell it in English, there were still some
incorrect spelling.Then Ireplayed the video part by part and
pointedout the spelling. The students watched and listened to the
video while seeing its spelling. After that, I gave some jumbled
letters on the whiteboard and asked the students to rearrange them
into good words related to the names of transportations.
To check their understanding about meaning and spelling, I
playedvideo without picture and asked students to write the words
and their meanings individually(Sound on and Vision off). Some of


them were confused and said that the videos sound was too fast. So
Ipaused it part by part. After the students finished, I asked some of
them to write their answers on the whiteboard and discussed it
Next,I played the video again and said, Students, now listen
to the video carefully and then try to repeat the sound. I asked
students to repeat the words from video. There werestill some
incorrect pronunciation when thestudents mentioned the words so
they should repeat again after they heard the correctpronunciation on
the video.After that, I played the video without sound and asked
students to pronounce the word in the video individually (Silent
Viewing).I gave a chance for the students who would be the
volunteer, but unfortunately they were shy. So I randomly chose
some students to pronounce in their seats. Iplayed the video again to
revise the students pronunciation if they made mistakes.
Next, I explained how to use the words in the sentences. I
showed the picture in video then made asimple sentence using the
word and explained it (Freeze Framing). In this meeting, I discussed
about simple present tense, such as: (1) She goes to school by
bicycle, (2) They go to market by bus, (3) He goes to office by car,
etc. When Iasked the students about their understanding, some of
them still looked confused. A student said Masihbingung Miss!.
Iexplained it again andinvited thestudents to write them in their
To check the students understanding about word use, I gave
exercise to them. They were asked to make 5 sentences using
transportations words. I gave time 10 minutes to do it individually.
While the students did the exercise, I walked around the classroom to


check and monitor the students activity. There were some students
who talkactive and couldnt answer the questions correctly. They also
made a noise and disturbed other friends when doing the exercise.
Because time was almost over, I asked them to take the exercise as a
(3) Closing
In this section, I reviewed the material and activities in the
class by playing the video again. After the time was out, I asked the
students whether they had question or not. There was no question. I
asked the students their feeling about the lesson and they said that the
lesson was interesting. I stated about the coming activity, the material
was still about transportations. I closed the lesson by thanking to the
students and saying good-bye.
b) The Second Meeting (Monday, 14th April 2014)
(1) Opening
The second meeting was conducted on Monday, 14th April
2014. The lesson started at 09.30 a.m. After the bell rang, the
students entered the class. When the students entered the classroom,
class situation became very noisy. I asked them to take their seats.
After the students got their seats and became quieter, I opened the
lesson by saying greeting. Then, I asked about their feeling and
checked the students attendance. There was no student absent. I also
checked the students readiness. In this meeting, I still continued the
material about names of transportations.
Before starting the lesson, I reviewed the previous lesson by
checking the students comprehension Do you still remember, what
we have learned yesterday? the students smiled and some of them







anak,masihingattidakdengan yang kitapelajarikemarin? Coba kalian

ingatingatlagi, kemarinkitatelahbelajarnama-namaalattransportatsi
yang adadisekitarkita. Nahsekarangsiapa yang bisamenyebutkan?
The students responded it by mentioning the names of transportations
that they still remembered. When I asked them to spell those words,
unfortunately, the students could not spell the English alphabet
correctly. Most of them spelled the letters in Indonesian. So I gave
example how to spell the letter then asked the whole class to repeat it
in many times.Then, each student should practice it by spelling their
own nick name one by one loudly.
On this occasion, I invited the students to discuss their
homework. To know the students achievement in doing homework, I
let some students to be volunteers in writing their answers. I checked
their answers and gave feedbacks.
(2) Main Activity
I played animation video entitled Vehicles Names from ELF
Learning (Active Viewing).The duration of this video was about
three minutes.This video presented 10 transportations words
(airplane, police car, dump truck, cargo ship, fire truck, sail boat,
submarine, subway, tractor and van). The students watched the video
seriously. After playing the video, I trained the students to identify
the words in the video.I paused the video part by part and revisedif
the students answers do not match with the picture.
Second, I replayed the video, paused in each picture and
trained the students how to spell the words correctly. The students
watched and listened to the video while seeing its spelling. Then I
gave some jumbled letters on the whiteboard and asked some


students to rearrange it into good words related to the names of

transportations. As the previous meeting, I conductedSound On and
Vision Off activity to check their understanding about the meaning
and the spelling of the words.
I played the video again and asked students to repeat the
words on the video. There werestill some incorrect pronunciation
when thestudents mentioning the words. Icorrected it by asking the
students to repeat again after they heard the correctpronunciation on
the video. Then Iplayed the video without sound and asked students
to pronounce the word on the video individually (Silent Viewing).
But some students were still shy to pronounce it in front of the class.
So I pointed some of them to do it. Irevised the students
pronunciation if they made mistakes.
Then I explained how to arrange the words in the sentences. I
showed the picture in video then made a simple sentence with the
word and explained it. In this meeting, I discussed about How
do/does ... go to ...?such as: (1) How do you go to school? I go to
school by bicycle, (2) How does she go to the market? She goes to
the market by bus, (3) How do they go to the office? They go to the
office by car, etc.After explaining, I gave them time to practice.
Iasked them to translate what I said into English and arranged it
became a good sentence.
I divided the class into 5 groups. Each group consisted of four
students. After that I replayed the video, paused one picture and
asked the students in groups had a discussion to identifythe word,
write the spelling and make 3 simple sentences using it. When the
students did the exercise in group, I walked around the classroom to
check and monitor the students activity. There were some students


especially the boys who talkactive and passive in their groups. After
they were finished, I asked each group delegation to write their
discussion result on the whiteboard.They were Adit, Rosa, Rizki,
Intanand Novita. I checked the answers on the whiteboard and
corrected some mistakes of the answers.
(3) Closing
In this section, I reviewed the material in the class by playing
the video. After that, I distributed the homework. The meeting was
closed by asking the students whether they enjoyed the lesson or not.
I also checked the students understanding. I asked them to study hard
then I left the class.

The Third Meeting (Wednesday, 16th April 2014)

(1) Opening
The third meeting was conducted on Wednesday, 16th April
2014. The lesson started at 09.30 a.m. As the previous meeting, I
started the class by greeting and checking the studentsattendances
and readiness in joining the class. Then, I reviewed the previous
material related to transportations. Iplayed an animation video
entitled Learn Vehicles Names by ELF learning. This video didnt
present caption and sound on each picture. I asked them to guess the
name of transportations on the video. The class situation became
noisy because all students answered the questions.After that, I asked
the students to collect their homework.
(2) Main Activity
I played the video entitled Animation Video for Kids - Learn
transport for kids(Active Viewing).The duration of the video was
about two minutes. This video presented9 transportations words


(bicycle, scooter, car, bus, truck, ambulance, train, boat andship).

After playing the video, I asked the students the meaning of some
words in Indonesian and they answeredactively because some words
were explained in the video.I checked their answer by playing the
After that, I replayed the video, paused in each picture and
trained the students how to spell the words correctly. The students
watched and listened to the video while seeing its spelling. Then I
gave some jumbled letters on the whiteboard and asked some students
to rearrange it into good words related to the names of
transportations. The next activity, I asked the students to listen to the
video without picture while wrote the spelling of it (Sound On and
Vision Off). I would pause in each word mentioned and asked the
students to write it. After that, I played the video and let the students
to check their answers based on the correct spellingon video.
Then I asked the students to repeat the words from the video.
I would pause them in each word mentioned in order that the students
could follow it. The video would be played repeatedly until the
studentscould pronounce words correctly. There were some
progresses in their pronunciation when thestudents mentioning the
words. After that, I played the video without sound and asked
students to pronounce the word in the video individually (Silent
Viewing). Igave chance for the students who would be volunteers.
There were eight students who raised their hands and said Sayamau
Miss! or SayayaMiss?. Then they pronounced in front of the class.
I revised the students pronunciation if they made mistakes.
I explained how to arrange the words in the sentences. In this
meeting, Ireviewed previous material about How do/does...go to...?


and Simple Present Tense such as: She goes to school by bicycle, etc.
I showed the picture in video one by one then made a simple
sentence with the word and explained it. After explaining, I gave
them time to practice. I asked them to translate what I said into
English and arrange itbecame a good sentence.
After that, I randomly chose the students to come forward
then I paused one picture and asked the student to pronounce, spell
and make a sentence based on the picture. Some of them did not want
tocome forward so I should persuade them first. Some students still
made mistakes in pronouncing the words. Theywere also confused to
make simple sentences because their lack of vocabularies. They often






iniudahbenerbelumkatanya? Miss ginibolehgak?I checked the

answers on the whiteboard and corrected the mistakes. When a
student did the exercise in front of the class, I asked the other
students to practice in their seats.

In this section, I reviewed the material by playing all
animation videos that had been used to teach transportations words.
After reviewing, I asked the students whether they had question or
not. There was no question. I asked the students their feeling about
the lesson and they said that the lesson was interesting. I stated about
the coming activity that they would have a test, Okay, time is
probably stop now, see you on nextMonday. Dont forget to learn the
materials at home because wewill have a test on next Monday.







namaalattransportasi.I closed the lesson by thanking to the

students and saying good-bye.

The Fourth Meeting (Monday, 21st April 2014)

(1) Opening
Monday, 21th April 2014 was planned as the Test 1. I entered
the class at 09.30 am. All of the students were present that day. I









studentsattendance and readiness in joining the class.

(2) Main Activity
In this meeting, students followed two kinds of test, written
and oral test. The topic of the test was related to the previous
material that had been discussed before. It was about names of
transportations. I distributed the students worksheet that helped by
the chief of the class and asked them to write their names, class, and
students number. I explained the instruction to do the testand asked
whether there was any question before starting the test. I also
explained that the test would be held in 70 minutes.
There were four parts of the test; first part was related to the
meaning of the words, the second part was spelling test, the third
part was pronunciation test and the last part was jumbled sentences
and making a correct sentence based on the word given. In the
thirdpart of the test, I invited the students to come forward one by
one. I recorded the students answer in pronouncing the words.
I controlled the students activities in doing the test. I
encountered some students were lookingat their friends paper. Then,
I reminded them to finish their test by themselves. The students
focused back to their test.


(3) Closing
The time was passed and there was five minutes left. I
reminded them to finish the test. When the time was up, I asked the
students to submit their paper. I closed the meeting by thanking and
saying good-bye to the students.
4) Observing or Monitoring the Action
In monitoring the implementation of animation video, I used test
and observation to the students as the consideration to make a decision
dealing with the next steps. The test was given in the form of post-test
and some exercises.The observation in this research was conducted
simultaneously when teaching and learning took place. The tools that
used in this observation were photographs and notes.
(a) First Meeting
When the students entered the classroom, they became excited
when they knew that they would be taught by a new teacher. They wanted
to know what I was going to do.When Iplayed the video, the students
watched the video seriously.The students were very enthusiastic to pay
attention because they were interested to the animation video which was
showed. Besides, there was no students ask permission to go to toilet as
they did before. It showed that most students attracted to the English
When I gave Sound On and Vision Off activity to check their
meaning and spelling ability, some of them said that the sound in the
video was too fast. So I paused each picture to make it slower. Then
Iasked students to repeat the words from video. I played the video
repeatedly in order that the students had more practices. But some
students were not brave to pronounce the words in front of the class. The


students were still confused to make sentences because their lack of







naikituBahasaInggrisnyaapa? Miss, pasartuBahasaInggrisnyaapa?So I

asked them to bring dictionary for the next meeting.
However, the students participation was still low. Not all of the
students were active during teaching and learning process. I encountered
that only some students dominated in answering my questions, like Rizki,
Winda, Novita, and Anggieven their answer still false. Some students did
not have bravery to take a part in learning process, they just kept
silent.Some students also still chatted or walkedin the classroom to look
at their friends answer when I asked them to do exercise.
(b) Second Meeting
In the meeting 2, I began the second meeting by reviewing the
previous lesson about some names of transportations. In the last question,
I asked the students how to spell those words. Mostly, students spelled the
letter by using Indonesian. When I asked them to spell it in English, the
students confused but they tried to answer it. I wrote the alphabet on the
whiteboard and gave the example how to spell them in English to the
students. To check the students understanding, Iinstructed them to spell
their own nick name in English. When one student spelled his nick name,
the other students paid attention to their friends answer and they could
make a correction in a good way when there was a mistake.
When I played the video, they watched it enthusiastically. Most of
them could recall the name of transportations on the video.They answered
my questions more actively than in the first meeting. But some students
were still shy to pronounce individually in Silent Viewing activity. They
were afraid if their answer wrong and being ridiculed by their friends.


The last section in the second meeting was conducted in group

activity. It took times to manage class situation, because some of them
wanted to change their group member. Besides, in group activity some
students did not do the task given, especially the boys. They depended on
their friends in answering the questions.
(c) Third Meeting
The third meetingwas almost similar to the first and second
meeting because there were no changes in teaching procedure. But in the
third meeting, the class situation could be more controlled. The number
of passive and talkactive students were less. The students were able to
answer the questions more correctly. Most of the students were able to
mention the names of the transportations that had been taught before.
I also noted some students still had difficulties in using the word
because their lack of vocabularies. They always asked to me about the
translation of words. However, most students were able to spell the words
better than before. More students were also able to interpret the meaning
of words. In addition, more students had improved in pronunciation
though some of them were still made mistakes.
(d) Forth Meeting
In the Test 1, all of the students were present. I opened the lesson,
then distributed the paper and explained the instructions. The class
situation became quiet. In the beginning of the test, most of students
worked seriously in their worksheet. When the students did their test, I
called the students one by one to answer the pronunciation test (Task 3). I
recorded their answer. After that, I walked around the class to control the
students activity. I found some students tried to discuss the answer and
disturb their friend. During the test, I reminded them to do the test
honestly and individually. Ten minutes before the time was up, I asked


the students to check their answers again. When the bell rang, the
students submitted their work.
5) Reflecting the Action
After analyzing the results of observation, research diary, students
worksheets, interview, questionnaire, and test 1 in the first cycle, I did
reflection in order to evaluate the learning process. The results showed
that there were some improvements of students vocabulary mastery and
class situation after doing the action.
The mean score of Test 1 was 7.14. It was better than the mean
score of the pre-test (4.46). In vocabulary indicators, there were
improvements from Pre-test to Test 1. The results of Pre-test and Test 1
are presented briefly in Table 4.9.
Table 4.9The Result of Pre-test and Test 1
The mean score of pre-test

Meaning (5.45)
Spelling (4.90)
Pronunciation (4.15)
Word use (3.35)

The mean score of Test 1


Meaning (7.85)
Spelling (7.35)
Pronunciation (6.90)
Word use (6.40)

There are some evaluations as the following points:

1. The strengths
a) The strengths in vocabulary mastery
1) Students were better in understanding the meaning of English
words. Meaning score (7.85) was higher than KKM (7.00).
2) Students made fewer mistake in spelling English words. The
score (7.35) was higher than KKM (7.00).


b) The strengths in class situation

1) Most of the students were enthusiastic in learning activities
2) Most of the students reduced their noise. They paid attention
to the teachers command.
3) Most of the students were more active in learning process.
4) Students never asked permission to go to the toilet.
2. The weaknesses
a) The weaknesses in vocabulary mastery
1) Some of them still made mistakes in pronouncing the words.
The achievement of pronunciation aspect (6.90) was still lower
than KKM (7.00).
2) Some of them still obtained difficulties in using the words. The
achievement of word use aspect (6.40) was still lower than
KKM (7.00).
b) The weaknesses in class situation
1) Sometimes, a few students still did other activities (walking
and running) in the classroom.
2) Doing exercise in group made some studentsjust depend on
their friends because of many members in each group.
3) A few students were still shy to pronounce the words
6) Revising the Plan
Considering the reflection in cycle 1, I decided to continue the
second cycle. There were some improvements in studentsvocabulary
mastery but I still found some weaknesses that occurred in the cycle 1
both about vocabulary mastery and class situation. The planning of
implementing animation video in teaching English vocabulary must be
revised to eliminate the weaknesses.
Therefore, I had revised my plan that would be conducted in the
second cycle. To solve the problem in pronunciation, I would make
drilling activity more effectively. I would conduct more pronunciation


activities to give significant improvement of students pronunciation and

their self-confidence in pronouncing the words individually. I also would
focus on the students who still had difficulties in pronouncing the words.
To solve the problem in using the words, I would give students more
practice using animation videoin order to enhance their word use ability. I
would use animation video to give examples of correct simple sentences.
I would optimize the use of animation video more than cycle 1.
To solve the un-academic activities during the lesson, I would give
more interestingactivitiesusing animation video to reduce spare time so
there would be no time for students to do un-academic activities in the
class. I would give more attention to all of students especially for passive
and naughty students. For example, I would point the passive students or
the students who always make a joke to read or answer the questions. To
improve their self-confidence in pronouncing the words and answering
the questions, I would give stars as rewards to the active students. To
solve the laziness in group activity, I would change the group activities
into pair activities sothe students would not depend on the other group
Cycle 2

Planning the Action

In this cycle, Iplanned to solve the problems appearing in the first
cycle. The preparation of the second cycle was principally not different
from the preparation of the first cycle. Before doing the second cycle, I
prepared the media that would beimplemented in the class such as
animation videos related to the topic, projector, laptop andspeaker. I
planned the research instrument consisting of the lesson plans, materials
and students worksheet.The post-test would be given in the end of the
cycle to find the improvement compared with the first cycle.


This cycle was conducted in four meetings. I used the different










Professions.The summary of research implementation in cycle 2 are

presented in Table 4.10
Table 4.10The Summary of Cycle 2
Cycle 2

In cycle 2, there were four meetings
Prepared laptop, projector, speaker, animation videos, materials,
lesson plans, students exercises, and posttest.
Meeting 1
Playing the video, identifying the meaning, presenting how to spell
the words correctly, asking the students to guess the name of
professions, repeating and drilling, asking students to pronounce the
words on the video, playing the video to give examples of sentences,
explaining the sentences on the video, asking the students to write
sentences in pair.
Meeting 2
Playing the video, identifying the meaning, presentinghow to spell
the words, playing the video without picture and asking students to
match the words with the picture on the worksheet, repeating and
drilling, playing a game in pair (pronunciation practice), playing the
video to give example of sentences, explaining the sentences on the
video, giving exercise individually (word use practice)
Meeting 3
Playing the video, identifying the meaning, playing the video to
present how to spell the words, repeating and drilling, giving
exercise in pair (meaning, spelling and pronunciation), playing the
video to give examples of sentences, explaining the sentences on the
video, giving exercise individually (word use practice).




Finding as
the whole


Meeting 1
- Students were able to translate English words into Indonesian.
- Most students were active in learning process since they were
interested to get the reward.
- There were only few students who still made errors in
pronouncing words
- They were more confident to pronounce individually
- Most students could spell English words correctly
- The students were enthusiastic and enjoyed every activities.
- There was an improvement in their word use aspect.
Meeting 2
- Students were able to translate English words into Indonesian.
- Most students were active in learning process.
- Most of students could pronounce words correctly.
- They seemed more active and responsibility in working in the
group because only two members in each group
- Most students could spell English words correctly
- The students were enthusiastic and enjoyed every activities.
- Most students paid much attention during TLP
- Reducing students mistake inusing the words.
Meeting 3
- They seemed more responsibility in working in the group
- The students were enthusiastic when they were asked to write
English words.
- They were more confident to pronounce individually
- Reducing students mistake in using the words.
- The improvement of students understanding about the
meaning of each words, even they could memorize better.
- Most of students could pronounce words correctly.
1. Most of the students were actively involved in class activities
2. Most students were enthusiastic and enjoyed TLP.
3. Students were able to grasp the meaning of the words.
4. Students were able to write the spelling correctly.
5. The students pronunciation ability improved than before
6. Students were able to make correct sentences
7. They seemed more active and responsibility in working in the
group because only two members in each group
8. Students vocabulary achievements were improved.
My findings after implemented the research in are as follows:
1. The improvement the students vocabulary mastery (meaning,
spelling, pronunciation and using).
2. The improvement of classroom situation.
3. The improvement of the students achievement.
4. The improvement of the students behaviors.

Implementing the Action


(a) The First Meeting (Monday, 12th May 2014)

(1) Opening
The first meeting of cycle 2 was conducted on Monday, 12th May
2014. The class was started on 9.30 a.m. Before starting the lesson, I
greeted them and told them the result of their Test 1. After that, I checked
the students attendance. There was no student absent. There were 20
students in that class. Then I checked the students readiness in joining
the class and made short conversation with them to make warm situation.
I told the students that I would give stars to the active students until two
next meetings. The student who had more than 10 stars would get best
score and a prize from me. The students were excited to this new reward.
Then, Itold about the topic and the benefit of the lesson.
After that, I did brainstorming by asking what profession that they








kalian?;Kenapakamuinginjadi (pekerjaan yang disebutsiswa)?; Siapa

yang inginmenjadidokter?. Some students participated actively in this
brainstorming section although most of them answered by using
(2) Main Activity
I played the animation video entitled Jobs and Occupations
Lesson-1 by to introduce the vocabularies (Active
Viewing). The duration of this video was about three minutes.This video
presented 12 professions words (bus driver, painter, police officer, barber,
butcher, teacher, carpenter, doctor, nurse, veterinarian, waitress and
mechanic). After playing the video, I trained the students to identify the
words in the video. For example Anak-anakkosakataapasaja yang ada
di dalamvideo tadi? I pointed some students to mention it. They
actively participated to answer the questions orally. The students who
could mention more than 5 words got a star from me.


I played video again, paused in each picture, and asked the

students what the picture was (Freeze Framing). For example, I paused
Butcher picture then asked Whats his profession? Some students







answered Butcher, Miss.I paused the video picture one by one and
revised the answer if the students answers do not match with the picture.
After explaining all words, I checked their understanding by pointing







PolisiBahasaInggrisnyaapa? dll.
After explaining the meaning, I gave another question How do
you spell Nurse in English? How do you spell Teacher in English? How
do you spell Doctor in English? Most of them tried to answer it. To
check their answers, Ireplayed the video. I paused in each picture and
trained the students how to spell the words correctly. They watched and
listened to the video while seeing its spelling. Then I gave some jumbled
letters on the whiteboard and asked the students to rearrange them into
good words related to the names of professions.
I told the students that they would still watch the animation video
about professions but in different type. The type of video which would be
played is the video without caption and sound on it. So, when I asked
what is this? the students guessed and answered it based on the picture
on the video (Freeze Framing and Prediction). I would pause in each
picture in order to make the students could guess it. It made the class
situation become so crowded because many students raised their hands.
So I randomly chose some of them to write the names of pictureswhich


wereshown on the video in front of the class. Then I asked the other
students to give comment to their friends answers.
I replayed the video and asked students to repeat the words. I
would pause in each word mentioned in order that the students could
follow it. Some of them had difficulties to pronounce veterinarian and
police officer.So I drilled it repeatedly until they could pronounce it
correctly. After that, I held Silent Viewing activity to check their
pronunciation. I played the video without sound, then paused each picture
and asked students to pronounce it individually. I pointed Anggi(A) to
pronounce the name of first picture in the video. I gave question What
picture is it?. After she mentioned it, I asked the other students to give
correction. Then I asked her to choose one of her friend to pronounce
second picture. Then I gave question to her friend as I did before What
picture is it?. I asked her to do the same thing as her friend did before.
The activity was done until all of the students had their turn to answer.
Then, Ireplayed the videoto give examples of correct sentences.
This video presentedsome simple sentences such as Hes a bus driver,
Shes a painter, Shes a teacher, etc. After playing the video, Iexplained
how to arrange the words in sentences. I showed the picture in video one
by one then gave some other examples with the word and explained it. In
this meeting, I discussed about personal pronouns, such as: (1) She is a
teacher, (2) They are mechanics, etc. When I asked the students about
their understanding, some of them still looked confused. I explained it
again by asking the students to answer the questions, Anak-anak,
cobalihatgambar di video ini, She is a nurse or he is a nurse? He is a
carpenter atau he are carpenters?.Most of the students were
enthusiastic in answering my questions.
To practice their understanding, I asked the students to work in
pair. The member of the group was chosen by me.I asked each group to


write a sentence based on the picture in the video in front of the class. For
example, I would pauseDoctor picture then I gave a clue Ibusaya so
each group must write My mother is a doctor or She is a doctor. After
giving some examples, I gave a chance to the groups who would be
volunteers. Some groups came forward and made their own sentences
even they still asked meGinikan, Miss?;Giniudahbetulbelum, Miss?I
asked the other groups to give comment about their friends answers.
(3) Closing
After giving rewards to the active students,I reviewed the lesson
by playing the video again. I asked whether there was any question or
not. There was no question. I asked to the students about their feeling
about the lesson and they said that the lesson was interesting. Then,
Idistributed a homework to them. I stated about the coming activity, the
material was still about the names of professions. Then, I closed the
lesson by thanking to the students and saying good-bye.
(b) Second Meeting (Wednesday, 14th May 2014)
(1) Opening
This meeting was conducted on Wednesday, 14th May 2014.I
started the class by greeting and asking their feeling on that day. Then I
checked the students attendance. There was no student absent. Then I
checked the students readiness in joining the class and prepared some
materials for the lesson. In this meeting, I still continued material about
professions. Before starting the lesson, Ireviewed the previous professions
words by checking the students comprehension. They actively
participated to answer the questions orally. After that, Idiscussed their
(2) Main Activity
I played an animation video entitled Occupations Vocabulary by
ELF Learningwithout pausing(Active Viewing).The duration of this video
was about two minutes.This video presented 11 professions words (actor,


baker, businessman, cashier, farmer, fireman, magician, musician, pilot,

singer, soccer player and waiter). After playing the video, I trained the
students to identify the words in the video. I asked Anakanakkosakataapasaja yang ada di dalamvideo tadi?. They actively
participated to answer the questions. Ichecked the students answers by
replaying the video. The student who could mention more than 7 words
got a star from me.I played the video again, paused in each picture and
asked the students what the picture was (Freeze Framing) to explain the
meaning. As the previous meeting, I checked their understanding by
giving some questions related to the meaning of words such as
PesulapBahasaInggrisnyaapa?; Businessman artinyaapa?; dll).
After that,I gave another question How do you spell Farmer in
English? Most of them could spell the words in English. To check their
answers, I replayed the video, paused in each picture and trained the
students how to spell the words correctly. The students watched and
listened to the video while seeing its spelling. Then I gave some jumbled
letters in the whiteboard and asked some students to rearrange them into
good words related to the names of professions.
After that, I distributed a worksheet.I explained the instruction to
do it. I would play the video without the picture then the studentswere
asked to match the words they heard with the picture on the worksheet.
The students did the worksheet seriously. I played the video twice. After
the student finished, I played the video to check the correct answers.
Iasked Who can write the answer on the whiteboard? Some students
were asked to be volunteers to write the spelling on the whiteboard. I gave
stars to the volunteers.
I then replayed the video again and asked students to repeat the
words. I would pause it in each word mentioned in order that the students
could follow it. The video would be played repeatedly until the students


could pronounce the words correctly. I also drilled each word repeatedly.
After that, I asked some students to repeat after the video. I pointed some
students who still got difficulties in pronouncing the words then I gave
some corrections by drilling the words.
Then I conducteda game to check their pronunciation. Iasked them
to work in pair. Each group has a performer and a student to guess it. The
performer came forward, then saw the name of picture in the video and
practiced it in front of the class then asked their partner to guess the name
of it. When a student practiced in front of the class, I asked their partner
by asking What is she? or What is he?.When Andika practiced
Farmer, I asked his partner What is he? Dina, his partner, could
answer the name, but she did not pronounce it correctly. The tolerance of
mistakes that made by each group was three times. Then, the other group
could grab it and had a chance to answer it. This game was played
Then, I played an animation video entitled Occupations Phrases
by ELF Learning to give examples of correct sentences. The duration of
this video was about three minutes. This video presented some simple
sentences such as an actor works in a theater, a baker works at the bakery,
etc. After that, I explained how to arrange the words in simple sentences. I
showed the picture in video one by one then gave some other examples
with the word and also explained the meaning. I explained about Simple
Present Tense (He/She + V1s/esand They/We/I/You + V1s/es).I showed the
picture in video one by one then made some examples using it and also
explained the meaning. I also asked the students to mention which one is
correct, Anak-anak, cobalihatgambar di video, what does she do? he
plays football or he play football? Most of the students were enthusiastic
in answering questions.


After explaining, I gave them time to practice. Iasked the students

to write some sentences about their family job (What is your fathers
job?, How old is he?, Where does he work?, What does your father do?).
After the students finished, I asked some students to write their sentences
on the whiteboard. I then invited the other students to give comment and
revision about their friends sentences.
(3) Closing
After giving rewards to the active students, I asked them to collect
their sentences and distributed a homework to the students. I reviewed the
lesson by playing the video again. I asked whether there was any question
or not. There was no question. I asked to the students about their feeling
about the lesson and they said that the lesson was interesting. Then,
Idistributed a homework to them. I stated about the coming activity, the
material was still about the names of professions. Then, I closed the lesson
by thanking to the students and saying good-bye.
(c) Third Meeting (Monday, 19th May 2014)
(1) Opening
This meeting was conducted on Monday, 19 th May 2014. I started
the class by greeting and asking about their feeling on that day. Then I
checked the students attendance. There was no student absent. There
were 20 students in that class. Then I checked the students readiness in
joining the class and prepared some materials for the lesson. In this
meeting, I still continued material about professions. Before starting the
lesson, I asked about what students did in the last meeting and also
reviewed the previous professions words by checking the students
comprehension. They actively participated to answer the questions orally.
After that, I discussed their homework and revised their mistakes in
answering it.
(2) Main Activity
I played an animation video entitled Learn about all Jobs and
Occupation by The duration of this video was about 3


minutes. This video presented 10 professions words (lifeguard, plumber,

scientist, tailor, photographer, actress, architect, chef, dentist, and
fisherman). I asked students to pay attention to the names of professionson
the video.After that, I asked the studentsabout the meaning of some words
in Indonesian and the students could answer it because it was presented in
the video.I trained the students to identify the words in the video. I played
the video again, paused in each picture and asked the students what the
picture was (Freeze Framing) to explain meaning.I checked their
understanding by giving some questions related to the meaning of words
such as ArsitekBahasaInggrisnyaapa?; Plumberartinyaapa?; dll).
After explaining the meaning, Iasked them to spell the English
word that mentioned by me.Most of them could spell the words in
English. To check their answers, I replayed the video to give the correct
spelling. I paused in each picture and trained the students how to spell the
words correctly. The students watched and listened to the video while
seeing its spelling. To check their understanding, I pointed some students
to write the word mentioned by me in the whiteboard.
I then replayed the video again and asked students to repeat the
words. I would pause them in each word mentioned in order to the
students could follow well. The video would be played repeatedly until
the students could pronounce the words correctly. After that, I pointed
some students to repeat after the video. Some of them still made mistakes
in pronouncing Architect and Scientist, so I played the video and drilled
those words repeatedly.
Then I asked the students to work in pair. The member of the
group were chosen by me.I explained the instruction that each group has
to do. I would play the video without picture (Sound On and Vision Off)
and each group must write the list of words that they catch from it. Each
group must choose who would be a writer and a reader. Thereader should


read the words loudly in front of the class and the writer should write the
spelling and meaning on the whiteboard. When a group presented their
work, other groups must pay attention. Because I would ask them about
how to read the words correctly. The answer was considered right when
the group could pronounce and spell the word correctly. Each correct
word would get one point while wrong answer would not get a point.
When all groups had answered, I counted the score. Group Blue became
the winner, then I gave them rewards and all students gave applause.
After that, I explained about how to make a sentence. First, I
played video entitled Jobs Vocabulary, Sentences Lesson, English for
Kidsto give examples of correct sentences. The duration of this video was
about four minutes. This video presented some simple sentences such as
Hes a dentist, He takes care of our teeth, etc. After that, I explained how
to arrange the vocabulary in simple sentences. I reviewed previous
materials about personal pronouns and Simple Present Tense. I showed
the picture in video one by one then gave some examples with the word
and also explained the meaning. Then I gave them an exercisethat should
be done individually. Iprepared some names of professions in Indonesian
and put them in a box. I askedeach studentsto come forward one by one
and take three papersthen make some sentences using them in their
worksheets.I walked around the class to help the students who had
difficulty to make sentences. After that, I asked some of them to write
and read their answers on the whiteboard. The student who could write
most correct sentences will be the winner. In the end of the lesson, I gave
the winner a reward to motivate others in learning English.
(3) Closing
Before closed the lesson, I reviewed the lesson and asked the
students whether they had any question or not. When I asked what they
felt about the lesson, they said that the lesson was interesting. The


students had become very crowded when I told that the next meeting was
for post-test. I asked the students to learn more about names of
professions. Suddenly, some students asked Miss, tesnyasamaseperti
kayak duluapaenggak?I gave brief description about the test until the
students understood. Then I closed the lesson by thanking the students
and saying good-bye.
(d) Forth Meeting (Monday, 26th May 2014)
(1) Opening
I entered the class and the students seemed ready to do the test
because in their bench there was not anything except pen, pencil, and
eraser. I opened the class by greeting them and checking the students
attendance and readiness before the test.
(2) Main Activity
I distributed the students worksheet and ensured allstudents got
it. Then I explained the instruction of each part of thetest. The students
seemed understand because the model of the test wassame at the previous
test. There were four parts of the test; first part test was test related to the
meaning of the words, the second part was spelling test, the third part
was pronunciation test and the last part was jumbled sentences and
making a correct sentence based on the word given. While the students
did the test, Icalled student one by one and recorded their answer about
pronunciationtest. I controlled the students activity and reminded them
todo the test honestly.
(3) Closing
The time was up, I asked the students to submit theirwork. I asked
the students feeling about the second test. They said that they could do it
because they studied hard at home. Iclosed the meeting and left the class.

Observing the Action

(a) First meeting


Before starting the lesson, I told the result of test 1 to the students
and asked the difficulties that they got in doing it. Most of them said that
they had difficulties at pronunciation and word use task. They were shy
to pronounce the words individually in front of the class. They were
afraid being laughed or ridiculed by their friends if they made mistakes.
To solve this problem, I announced that from this meeting I would give
stars as rewards to the active students. Students who had more than 10
stars would get best score and a prize from me. Most of them were
excited to this new reward. They were curious what prizes that they
would get from me.
I and the observer noted that in this meeting, the classroom was
noised by positive sounds that relevant to the teaching. Harming sounds
were reduced so much more. There were only few students (1-2 students)
who made harming sound in lower frequency than in cycle 1. There was
no student pretending as if they had need to go to the bathroom. Most of
the students were enthusiastic and interested in joining the lesson. The
reward made the students were active in learning process.
I also noted that students spellingability was improved. Most
students could make some simple sentences with few mistakes. There
was also increasing the number of students who were able to interpret the
meaning of words well, but few students still asked to the other friends or
opened their dictionary. In addition, most students pronounced the words
correctly and bravely although some of them still made mistakes. Some
of them tried to correct their friends pronunciation in a good way.
(b) Second meeting
In this meeting, the students showed their readiness in joining the
class. Before the bell rang, some students entered the class and asked
some questions about the topic had been discussed. When the bell rang,
the students sat down on their bench. The lesson began by reviewing the


previous material about names of professions. Most of them could

mention more than 7 names of professions correctly without opened their
dictionary. The students pronunciation seemed better than before. In
Silent Viewing Activity, most of the students could speak loudly.
However, some of them still did mispronunciation in the word Actor,
Pilot and Musician. In group activity, the students seemed more focused
and careful in answering question because the other group would grab the
chance when they made a mistake. The discussion session ran sportively
and they were more active because only two members in each group.
Since the aspect of word use should be increased in the second
cycle, I frequently explained the way of arranging the words into good
sentences. In this second meeting, I conducted an additionalactivity
which was expected to enhance the studentsunderstanding in the aspect
of word use. The students were asked to write some sentences about their
familys professions, in which the students werehoped to be able to
remember the way of using the wordsproperly. They did their task
seriously. The students also asked me to check their sentences in order
that they could get the best score.
In the second meeting, the class situation could be more
controlled. The boys talkative in the back did not make any noise
anymore. There were not only some students who dominated to answer
my questions, but all of the students were more active. When I asked the
students to become volunteers, some students raised their hand and
wanted to practice in front of the class. They paid attention when other
students practice in front of the class. Their interest also could be seen
when they gave applause to the winner.

Third meeting


In this meeting, I started the lesson by discussing their

homework. Most of them could get score more than 70. Then I played the
animation video without pausing. Some students watched the video while
actively repeating some words on the video. After that, I asked the
students about the meaning of some words in Indonesian. The students
answered the questionsconfidently.
After that, I asked the students to work in pair. I would play the
video without picture (Sound On and Vision Off) and asked each group to
note the words from the video as many as possible. The member of each
group were chosen based on students level ability. It aimed to make the
students to be active in discussion and they could help each other.Each of
groups had a writer and a reader. Although each of member has different
position in discussion, but all of the member should be active and work
together in doing the task. The first member is a writer who would write
thewords from the video. The second member is a reader who would read
their list of words in front of the class. Students enjoyed discussion in
group. They chose who would be a writer and a reader themselves.
In the group activity, they discussed and made correction in order
to answer correctly. I walked around the class to monitor the students
activity in discussion. The students also asked me to check their spelling
and pronunciation in order that their group could be the winner.Most
students pronounced and spelt the words correctly. The discussion
session ran sportively and they were more active because only two
members in each group. The other groups paid attention to their friends
answer and they could make corrections in a good way when there was a
mistake. They were confident in answering or giving their comments or
corrections. The discussion ended by giving a reward to the winner.
Then, I explained the way to make sentences. During the
explanation, the students paid attention well. In the middle of


explanation, the students interrupted and asked me to explain slower. I

explained once more and gave them time to ask.
After that, I gave them exercises that should be solved
individually. Iprepared some names of professions in Indonesian and put
them in a box. I askedeach studentto come forward one by one and take
three papersthen make somesentences using it in their worksheets.I
walked around the class to help the students who had difficulty to make
sentences. After that, I asked some of them to write and read their
answers on the whiteboard.Most students were more capable in arranging
simple sentences. There were only few mistakes in their works. In the
end of the lesson, the students counted the score in making sentences.I
gave the winner a reward to motivate others in learning English.
(d) Forth meeting
The forth meeting was used for post-test. The students showed
their readiness in the test. After opening the lesson, I explained the
instruction to do the test. The students understood the instruction and
they did the test seriously. The students were more calm and confident in
doing the post-test than the test 1.

Reflecting and Evaluating the Result

In the second cycle, I found improvements in some points:

a) The improvement of students vocabulary mastery

The first point was the students progress in meaning aspect.
Students could identify the meaning of the word without opening
their LKS or books. They could easily answer my questions related to
the previous lesson about the meaning of words. Second, the students
could spell the wordsorally or by writing them. The studentsalso
made fewer mistakes in pronouncing the words with correct and clear
pronunciation, they no longer pronounce based on the writing and it


could be said better than cycle 1. It is proved by increasing the

number of students who could pronounce certain words correctly. The
last was aspect of using the words. The students had more practices
so they could make sentencesusing the words that had learned more
correctly. It was shown by the students answer in exercises and their
worksheet which had only fewer mistakes.These improvements were
supported by the mean score of the test in the second cycle. In that
test the students got 7.90. It was better than the mean score of the test
in the first cycle that was only 7.14.
Table 4.11The Improvements of Students Mean Score from Test 1 to















Word Use




Mean Score


b) The strengths in class situation

Besides the improvement in their vocabulary mastery, the
classroom situation also showed the positive result in cycle 2. In
cycle 2, the students not only gave their attention inlearning process
but also were more active in class activity. They were enthusiastic
and competitive to answer my questions since they wanted to get
reward. They only made some noise when they had to discuss the task
from the teacher, so their noises were related to the learning
process.Moreover, the students were more confident in answering my
questionsorally or by writing them on the whiteboard. For example, a
student named DA who was usually reluctant to answer the question,
during cycle 2 she was more active.No one ridiculed their friends, but


they corrected the answer in good way. After conducting cycle 2, I

noted that the learning process could run well.
Considering the results above, it can be summarized that the
research implementation until cycle 2 improved students vocabulary
mastery and classroom situation. I decided to stop the cycle by following
1. All aspects on vocabulary mastery including meaning, spelling,
pronunciation, and word use improved and reached the KKM score.
2. The classroom situations were getting conducive and enjoyable.
3. I had problem with time of research, the school only permitted to
conduct the research for not more than twomonths since the school
would conduct a test semester in several future time.
3. Findings
The findings of the research were gathered from several sources of data.
They included pre-observation report, field notes, interviews, questionnaires,
research diaries, photograph, lesson plans, and the score of pre-test and posttests. The findings answered the research questions stated in chapter one. The
research findings were as follows: the improvement of the studentsvocabulary
mastery, the improvement of the situation in the English class when the
animation video was implemented and the improvement of students vocabulary
achievement. The finding of each meeting are summarized in Table 4.12


Table 4.12The Improvement of Each Meeting

Indicators before
The students
mastery was low
A. The students
1. Having
difficulties in
grasping the

Cycle 1

Cycle 2

Meeting 1
Pre-test mean

The students
could not
identify the
meaning of
English words.
They often
forgot what the
teacher taught in
the previous
Mean score of meaning in pre-test:
2. Having
Most of the
difficulties in
students could
not spell the
words. Students
wrote words just
like as they
Mean score of spelling in pre-test: 4.90

Meeting 2

Meeting 3

Test 1 mean score: 7.14

Students could
only translate
few words
which had

More students
were able to grasp
the meaning of the
words but some of
them still asked
their friends or
opened their LKS.

Most students
could translate
words correctly.

Mean score of meaning in test 1: 7.85

Students were
careless in
spelling the
words, so
there were

Most students
could spell simple
short words.

Some of the
students were able
to spell new
words but still
needed to be
repeated many

Mean score of spelling in test 1: 7.45

Meeting 1

Meeting 2

Meeting 3

Post-test mean score: 7.90

Students were
able to interpret
the meaning of
words, but few
students still
asked to the other

Most students
could translate
words correctly.

Most students
could identify
the meaning of
words correctly.

Mean score of meaning in post-test: 9.05

Students still
made mistakes in
writing words
which has many

Students were
more careful in
writing words
which has many

Most students
could spell
words correctly

Mean score of spelling in post-test: 7.95


3. Students were
not able to
English words

They tended to
pronounce words
based on the
written form.

Mean score of pronunciation in pretest: 4.15

4. Having
difficulties in
using the
words in

Most of the
could not arrange
simple English

Mean score of word use in pre-test:

The result of the
mean score: pretest, test 1 and
B. The
of classroom
1. The students

Some students
still made
mistakes in
the words.

Most students
could pronounce
words correctly,
butsome of them
still made

Mean score of pronunciation in test 1: 6.90

Most of them
incorrectly, for
example She
go to school
by bicycle,My
father he go to
office by bus,
They also
could not

More students
could arrange
simple English
although only a
few sentences that
they could arrange

Most students
had improvement
in usingthe words
although there
were still any

Students still
made mistakes in
words which
have many

Most students
could pronounce
words better than

Most students
were able to

Mean score of pronunciation in post-test: 7.35

The students
were able to write
simple sentences
well but still
asked to the

Most students
were more
capable in using
the words with
fewer mistakes.

Most students
were more
capable in
making simple
sentences with
fewer mistakes.

Mean score of word use in test 1: 6.40

Mean score of word use in post-test: 7.10

Mean score of test 1 is 7.20

Mean score of post-test is 7.86

Mean score of
pre-test is 4.46

Most of the
students felt

pronounced words
more correctly,
althoughsome of
them still made

More students

More students
were enthusiastic

More students
were, enthusiastic

Most students
looked happy to

More students
were enthusiastic

The students


the learning

bored, sleepy
and frequently
laid their head to
the table during
the learning
Some students
made noises by
playing and
chatting, even
they ignored


Students did
which had no
relation to the


Students were
passive in

They just kept

silent and were
not confident to
give comment or
answer the


There were
some students
who often ask
to go to the

Many students
pretended they
had felt to need
to go to the
bathroom. They
just wanted to
avoid the lesson.

enthusiastic and
interested in the
English class.

enthusiastic in
English class.

and interested in
the English class.

and interested in
the English class.

follow every
steps of TLP

and interested in
the English class.

Some students
could focus to
the lesson

Some students
could focus to the
lesson in long
time, but other
friend disturb
them by walking
in the class or
asking some
Some students
more active and
confident in
teaching learning
process, except in

Some boys usually

made noise and
played in the

There was a
reduction of
harming activity
in the classroom
with much sound
was relevant to
the lesson

There was a
reduction of
harming sounds
in the classroom
with much sound
was relevant to
the lesson

Most students
did not make
noises anymore
both by playing
or chatting

The students were

active and
confident in TLP
but some of them
were still shy to
individually in
front of the class,
they wanted to do
it in their seats.

Students were
more active and

Students were
more active and

Students were
more active and

There was no
students asked
permission to go
to toilet until the
end of lesson

There was no
students asked
permission to go
to toilet until the
end of lesson

There was no
students asked
permission to go
to toilet until the
end of lesson

There was no
students asked
permission to go
to toilet until the
end of lesson

There was no
students asked
permission to go
to toilet until the
end of lesson

The students
were more
active in TLP,
but they were
passive in
Silent Viewing
activity. They
were afraid
being laughed
or ridiculed by
their friends.
students did
not take a pee,
they stayed in
the class
anddid the
the teacher


The overall findings were summarized in the Table 4.13. They were
compared between before and after the research.
Table 4.13Summary of Research Findings

Before Action Research


Students had difficulty in

grasping the meaning of
some English words.
2. Students could not spell
of students
3. Students were not able to
pronounce some English
words correctly.
4. Students had difficulty in
using the words.
The mean score of pre-test: 4.46
The mean score of meaning
aspect: 5.45
The mean score of spelling
aspect: 4.90
pronunciation aspect: 4.15
The mean score of using
of students
the words aspect: 3.35

After Action Research


remember the words given easily
Students could spell the words
Students were able to pronounce
the words correctly.
Students could use the words in
simple sentences

1. Test 1
The mean score of Test 1: 7.14
The mean score of meaning
aspect: 7.85
The mean score of spelling
aspect: 7.35
The mean score of
pronunciation aspect: 6.90
The mean score of using the
words aspect: 6.40
2. Post-test
The mean score of post-test: 7.90
The mean score of meaning
aspect: 9.05
The mean score of spelling
aspect: 7.95
The mean score of
pronunciation aspect: 7.45
The mean score of using the
words aspect: 7.15


of class

The students were bored 1. The students are enthusiastic,

The students did non- 2. Students paid more attention to the
academic activities rather
researchers and focused on what
than focused on the lesson.
they had to do.
Students were passive in 3. They were more active and
teaching learning process
confident in teaching learning
There were some students 4. Students never asked permission
who often ask to go to the
to go to the toilet.

Considering the table 4.13 above, it can be seen that there are some
findings encountered in the research, which include:
a. The improvement of the students vocabulary mastery
Animation video improved the students vocabulary mastery. The
improvement showed that the students were able to grasp and memorize
the meaning or names of object. Before applying video, students often got
difficulties in recognizing and remembering words given to them.
Sometimes, they needed much time to answer teachers questions because
they must remember the words given first. However, after learning
vocabulary using animation video, the students found it easier to recognize
and memorize the meaning of the words since it not only showed the words
but also the picture of each word mentioned. They could directly see the
meaning of words shown on video. By this finding, it can be concluded that
in order to memorize the meaning of words easier, the students need
something real and clear to help them in visualizingthe words that they
learned. Then, animation video provided picture that represent the meaning
of the object. Before the research, the students had difficulties in
remembering the meaning of the words because there were no media which
helped them to visualize the meaning of the words. By using the media
such as animation video, the students couldgrasp and memorize the
meaning of the words easily.


The next problem that was improved is the ability of spelling the
words. Before applying video, the students were careless and made many
mistakes in writing words because they often wrote words as they heard.
After applying animation video, students became aware in writing.
Animation video contained captions that enable students to practice how to
correctly spell the words. They could watch the correct spellings shown on
video, keep them on their mind, and then write carefully on their books.
Teacher guided students by using Sound On and Vision Off activity
(teacher played the video without picture and asked students to note the
words they heard from the video individually). This treatment tried to
accompany them to pay attention to the spelling.
In addition, the students were able to pronouncethe words correctly.
Before the research, the students often mispronounced words.They also
tended to pronounce word based on its written form. It happened because
their teacher taught English pronunciation by acting as the model
pronouncing the words and asking the students to repeat after her. This
technique was less attractive. Besides, there was no guarantee that the way
she pronounced the words was correct, since she is not English
nativespeaker. Answering to this problem, animation video gave not only
visual but alsoaudio to the students. It can be a model of correct
pronunciation aswell. After they had been taught by using animation videos
several times, I found that the students had fewer mistakes in pronouncing
the words. By using thenarrator from the video, the students could directly
practice pronouncing words as they heard from the video. Teacher played
the videomany times so that the students had enough chance to befamiliar
with how to pronounce certain words by repeating after the video.
In addition, the students made fewer mistakes in word use. Before
this research, the students could not make a sentence correctly. They also








implemented in this research actually provided the students with easy

English sentences, so it was easier to understand. Using it, I could teach
them how to make a sentence.Iplayed the video and explained how to make
sentences like the examples on the video. Such condition gavethe impact to
familiarize how to use the words in the sentences. Students could easily
understand and memorize how to make sentences while enjoying the
motion picture.After that, I conducted some fun activities to practice their
Before the study, it was identified that students had low vocabulary
scores. The improvement of their vocabulary mastery could be seen from
the improvement of students scores. The mean score in pre-test was 4.46,
the mean score in test 1 was 7.14 and the mean score in post-test was
7.90.The improvement is illustrated by Graph 4.1.
Graph 4.1The Improvement of Students Mean Score

pre test
post test 1
post test 2


Referring to result of the pre-test and post-tests, the students mean

score was improved 10.65 %. The complete mean score was presented in
the Table 4.14.


Table 4.14The Improvement of Students Vocabulary Aspects

Test 1
M: Meaning S: Spelling P: Pronunciation WU: Word Use

10.65 %
3.10 %

Considering the Graph 4.1 and Table 4.14above, the students had a
good achievement at the test in the second cycle. Their score increased
from cycle one to cycle two. From the explanation, it can be identified that
the students got improved their vocabulary mastery. It was shown by the
score they achieved.
b. The improvement of the classroom situation
The situation of English class during the teaching and learning
improved after I applied the animation video. Comparing to the class
situation before the research, there were some positive progresses. The
students were firstly bored with English learning activities and more
interested in minding their own business in the class. They were also passive
in teaching learning process. But then, they paid more attention to the
lesson. The use of animation video in the class could rise studentsbehavior
in joining the class. It could be quoted from the students post-interview as
M :

enjoyable, amusing, attractive and different from previous
teaching method. I didnt feel sleepy in the classroom
W :
karenaadagambar, suaradantulisannyajuga di video(Video
made the lesson easier because it presented pictures, sound
and animated texts)


A : Pokoknyamenyenangkan, Miss, kalaupakai video. Lain kali

Soalnyajadinggakgampangbosen(Using video was so
enjoyable, Miss. I didnt get bored easily)
R : Gambarvideonyalucu-lucu, Miss. Jadiasyikpelajarannya(The
pictures on the video were really funny. It made the lesson
become enjoyable).
The students were more enthusiastic and active in joining the class
because they enjoyed the animation video. The students answered teachers
questions actively whereas they were so passive before the research.In
addition, the teaching and learning process became more conducive, proved
by the interaction occurred between the teacher and the students in the
classroom. They were not ashamed to ask me about the difficulties they met.
When I asked the students some questions dealing with the video, they
directly raised their hands. They found it easier to answer questions based
on the video.
nganlebihmudah. Senangrasanyabisamembantukesulitanmereka. (I
could spend this day without difficulty and I was happy because many
students were enthusiastic in this lesson. They were more active than
before. They were not hesitate to ask and answer questions. Animation
video could help them to learn English easier. I was really happy
because I could help their difficulties).(Research diary, 08/05/2014).
During the teaching-learning process, there was no students playing
with friends and asking permission to go toilet as they did before. They
made some noise when they had to discuss the material from the teacher, so
their noises were related to the teaching and learning process. They could
focus and paid much attention both to video and the teacher. There was also


no sleepy student in the class. All of them were happy and enthusiastic in
following all activities until the end of class.
After completing the action research, I distributed postquestionnaire to the20 students. The students answers in the postquestionnaire is summarized in Table 4.15
Table 4.15The Result of Post-Questionnaire

The aspect/problem
They like the English class using animation video
The students find their score get improved after learning
English through animation video
They were helped by animation video in grasping the
meaning of the words
They are helped by animation video in spelling
They are helped by animation videoin pronunciation
They are helped by animation video in using the words
They agree if animation video is interesting
They agree if animation video is helpful to learn English


From the table above, it can be identified that animation video

isinteresting to the students. The learning process using animation video
become more conducive and interactive. The students were more
enthusiastic and active in the class. When I asked them about learning
English using animation video they said that it was interesting as noted in
the Research Diary,
belajarnyajadimenyenangkan!!!!(I asked them Are you happy
learning English using animation video? They answered Were
really happy, Miss. The lesson was more interesting!!!)(Research
Diary, 19/05/2014).
It can be concluded that the students gave positive attitudes towards the
Considering the analysis above, it can be interpreted that animation video
could improve the students vocabulary mastery at the fifth grade students of


SD Negeri 2 SroyoKaranganyar in the academic year 2013/2014. It also made

the English class situation become more interesting andconducive.
B. Discussion
1. Animation Video was able to improve the students vocabulary mastery
Animation video that I implemented during the research could improve
the students vocabulary mastery. These improvements include: (1) students
could grasp the meaning of words; (2) students could spell the words correctly;
(3) students were able to pronounce words correctly; and (4) students could
make English sentences correctly. These findings were supported by the
research resultsand students scores that was higher than the passing grade.
This research utilized animation video. Each video contained animatic
picture, sound and subtitles/caption. It enabled students to see the animatic
picture as a visual presentation of words, sound as an oration presentation of
words, and subtitles as text presentation of words or sentences. Teacher, in this
research, played part as a learning arranger to support thelearning activity. Each
improvement in this research is discussed as follows:
a) The use of animation video improved the students understanding about the
meaning of the words.
In this study, the finding showed that the students could grasp and
memorize the meaning of words easier. Picture in the video allowed
students to guess what the word is related to. Visual presentation could
enhance students enthusiasm and built students thinking to look for
relation of each word with its picture. Students brain actively worked to
interpret the meaning of the word. For instance, when students saw the
caption nurse and picture nurse(perawat), the students thinking was
driven to interpret the meaning of nurse as perawat. It shown that
students had an opportunity to utilize picture as learning media to improve
their memory and understanding of meaning of each word.Cakir (2006: 68)
in his journal entitled The Use of Video as an Audio-Visual Material in
Foreign Language Teaching Classroom said that video makes meaning


clearer by illustrating relationships in a way that is not possible with words,

which proves a well-known saying that a picture is worth thousand words
Teacher, in this research, verbally explained the meaning of each
word, and pointed out the picture related to the word.Teachers explanation
convinced students thinking about the meaning of each word. Lin & Tseng
(2012) in their study found that not only do teenage learners enjoy the
contents of the target words presented in animations and films, they also
focus their efforts on learning them. The rich contexts in the dynamic video
clips help our adolescent learners recall the meanings of the difficult words.
b) The use of animation video improved the students in spelling the words.
The finding of this research showed that the students could spell the
words given easily since they learned by using animation video because it
not only showedits picture but also the spelling. Combining text with
visuals regardless of the type of visual used is more effective in facilitating
vocabulary learning than providing only definitions of words (Akbulut,
Each picture on the video had animatic texts on it, so that students
could easily read what the speaker says. Each text of picture directly
guided students to observe how to spell each word. Teacher guided students
to observe the spelling by watching the video together, pausing it part by
part and explaining it. This treatment accompanied them to pay attention to
the spelling. Teacher also provided students with some activities that allow
students to train their spelling of words.It is supported by the article
entitled Learning Vocabulary through Authentic Video and Subtitles (noname, undated) that the great value of video lies in its combination of
sounds, images, and sometimes text (in the form of subtitles). Subtitles can
be used together with authentic video to improve word recognition and
vocabulary acquisition skills in the EFL class.
c) The use of animation video improves the students pronunciation


Pronunciation is related to how to articulate word. Animation video,

in this research, was utilized as a model of correct pronunciation as well
because it was pronounced by native speaker. Italso directly guided the
students to pronounce each word. As a tool, an animation makes students
more focused on the words because it is interactive and addresses almost
all senses as well. While they try to understand the meaning of words
associating the scenes that they watch on the screen, they are also exposed
to the pronunciation of words and the written form of words
simultaneously (Kayaoglu, Akbas, &Ozturk, 2011).
By applying animation video in teaching-learning process, the
students could learn by repeating and practicing it individually. In
pronouncing words, the teacher played the video then asked the students to
listen and repeat the sound. It could be done repeatedly until the students
were able to pronounce words correctly.Katchen (2002) states that most
often video is used either to present students with spoken language input
for listening practice or to elicit student language output via speaking or
d) The use of animation video improved the students ability in using the
Animation video implemented in this research actually provided the
students with words in easy English sentences, so it was easier to
understand. Students became familiar with many English sentences in
some contexts. It improved the students ability in using the words. Devi
(2005) mentioned that at the beginner level animated cartoons will be
useful for teaching new grammatical items.
In this research, animation video played a role as the attractive
example for students and the teacher played a part to point out the example
they could follow. The teacherplayed the video part by part and explained


how to makesimple sentences like some sentences in the video. Bydoing

so, the teacher could insert some explanation about grammar and
wordchoice to the students. It was more interesting to the students than
having them seetheir teacher wrote a sentence on the board. Such condition
gavethe impact to familiarize how to use the words in the context. Because
many students understood the meaning of many words and they used to
seeing and practicing many sentences in the video, it improved their ability
in using the words. Kayaoglu, Akbas&Ozturk (2011: 29) in their journal A








Vocabularyconcluded thatthe use of animation can be extended to the other

language skills as well, including grammar.

The use of Animation Video was able to improve the classroom situation.
a) The use of animation video improved the studentsmotivation in teaching
learning process.
Before the research, most of the students were not interested to the
lesson. It could beclearly identified through their behavior during the
teaching such as: (a) Most of the students looked bored in the classroom; (b)
Some of the students feltsleepy during the teaching; and (c) Some of the
studentsfrequently laid their head down on the table during the learning
process. Such conditions almost were not found when using animation video.
The research foundthat more students were enthusiastic and interested
in the teaching. Animation video could build cheerful teaching situation.
Most of the students were not bored when following the lesson using
animation video. Almost no students laid their head on the table or sleepy.As
what had been said by Williams and Lutes (undated: 12), video is also an
extremely intrinsic motivator.
Animation video helped students to create an interesting way in
learning vocabulary. The situation in learning was different from previous


before, so it gave the students a new atmosphere in teaching learning process.

Animation video could attract their attention and help them learn more easily
and enjoyably.As their motivation improved the students became more
interested in joining the teaching and learning process from the beginning
until the end of the lesson. Moreover, Kayaoglu, Akbas&Ozturk (2011: 27) in
their journal A Small Scale Experimental Study: Using Animations to Learn
Vocabulary said:
Considering various different learning styles in a language class, using
multimedia devices like animation can contribute to the motivation level
of students in a positive way because all different learners can find
something attractive in the language learning process.
b) Animation video reduced the students will to do non-academic activities in
the class.
Before the research, students often did activities which have no
relation to the lesson such as playing their writing equipment, drawing
something in their book, having conversation with the next friends, or
walking and running in the class. It made the class so noisy. Students felt that
they did not need the lesson, even after the teacher forced them to pay their
attention to the lesson. By animation video, students found comfortable
classroom situation that they have never had before. Students were attracted
to pay attention to the lesson.Animation video could attract students
attention with no force. When the video was played by the teacher, they
directly watched, mimed, and followed the video.
Animation video could attract the students interest especially young
learners. If they are interested, they will give much attention to what is being
taught or discussed. This could lead to an interesting language learning
processes.As a tool, an animation makes students more focused on the words
because it is interactive and addresses almost all senses as well (Kayaoglu,
Akbas&Ozturk, 2011).


c) The use of animation video improved the students activeness towards

English lesson
The positive improvement could be seen in the activeness of the
students during the teaching learning process. The students became more
active and enthusiastic in every activity either in group or individual activity.
They were also more focused to the researchers explanation and did the
assignments given. The students were also brave to ask questions to the
researcher. The animation videos provided various materials that attract the
studentsto be active from the beginning until the end of the lesson.
Therefore, during teaching learning process, they followed all of activities
conducted in the class well. It was supported by William and Lutes (undated:
5) who say that video materials in the ESL classroom can be used to actively
engage students in the learning process.
d) The use of animation video could eliminate students pretence as if they
needed to go to the bathroom during the teaching.
Before the research, there were so many students who often
pretended as if they hadneeded to go to the bathroom for pee. Actually, the
students avoided the boring anddepressing lesson, because they always found
the lesson as only a difficult subject and as teachers command.Drastically,
during the use of animation video, all of the students never pretend any
longer. The students boredom and fear to the lesson could be well recovered
by using animation video. If animation is used at the beginner level or to
teach new concepts for the first time, the teaching learning process becomes
less tedious (Devi, 2005).
After the implementation of animation video, the students never felt
scared of the both English lesson and teacher. Teacher during the teaching
got herself as partner and motivator. Students spared more of the time to
learn by watching and following the video, and teacher just guided them to
achieve objectives of the research. It was supportedby Berk (2009: 2) that


gave 20 learning outcomes of video clips in the classroom, some of them

were: making learning fun, setting an appropriate mood or tone and
decreasing anxiety and tension on scary topics.

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