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2mark Questions
1. What is a PLC?
2. Write the operating principle of logic controllers.
3. What are the main advantages of PLC?
4. What are the major areas of application of PLC?
5. List the parts of PLC
6. Name two basic sections of I/O module
7. List the two common types of PLC programming devices
8. What are the advantages of PLC over Relays?
9. Distinguish PC and PLC.
10. Explain the classification of PLC.
11. Explain the functions of PLC input and output modules
12. What is the function of processor in PLC?
13. Explain the function of an optical isolator.
14. What are the basic instructions used in PLC?
15. List out the programming languages in PLC.
16. What is Ladder Logic Diagram?
17. List the conditions for drawing the ladder logic.
18. List the relay type instructions
19. Explain On-delay and Off-delay timer instruction in PLC.
20. What is PLC Scan?

16 marks Questions
1. Explain the basic architecture of PLC with neat block diagram.
2. Explain the principle of operation of discrete ac input and output modules used in PLC
with suitable diagrams.
3. Explain Retentive on delay timer instructions in a PLC with example.
4. Explain up-counter instructions in a PLC with example.
5. When the lights are turned off in a building, an exit door light is turned on for an
additional 2 min, and the parking lot lights are to remain on for an additional 3 min after
the door lights goes out. Write a program to implement this process.
6. Write a program that will turn a light on when a count reaches 20. The light is then to go
off when a count of 30 is reached.
7. Explain in detail the different timer instructions used in PLC.
8. Write a PLC program for one way traffic light control.
9. Write a program that will latch on a light 20s after an input switch has been turned on.
The timer will continue to cycle up to 20s and reset itself until the input switch has been
turned off. After the third time the timer has timed to 20s, the light will be unlatched.
10. Design a PLC program and prepare a typical I/O connection diagram and ladder logic
program for the following counter specifications.
i. Counts the number of times a push button is closed.
ii. Decrements the accumulated value of the counter each time a second push button
is closed.

Turns on a light any time the accumulated value of the counter is less than 20.
Turns on a second light when the accumulated value of the counter is equal to or
greater than 20.
Resets the counter to 0 when a selector switch is closed.


2mark Questions
1. What are the major instructions used in PLC?
2. State the purpose of program control instructions
3. What are the main advantages of program control instructions?
4. Name the program control instructions used with PLC.
5. What MCR instructions will do when it becomes false?
6. What is the main advantage of jump instruction?
7. Name the jump instructions used in PLC.
8. What type of instructions is not normally included inside the jumped section of a
program? Why?
9. Explain what the jump-to- subroutine instruction allows the program to do.
10. What advantage is there to the nesting of subroutines?
11. What the data manipulation instructions allow the PLC to do?
12. How will you classify data manipulation instructions?
13. What is involved in a data transfer instruction?
14. Name some of the data transfer instructions
15. What the MOV instructions will do in PLC?
16. Explain the purpose of the move with mask (MVM) instruction.
17. Explain the purpose of the bit distribute (BTD) instruction.
18. List three types of data manipulation used with file instructions.
19. What is involved in a data compare instruction?
20. Name and draw the symbol for five different types of data compare instructions.

16 Marks Questions

Explain program control instructions used in PLC.

Explain the data transfer instructions and data compare instructions used in PLC.
Explain the Math instructions used in PLC with Examples.
Explain the Sequencer instructions used in PLC with Examples.
5. Write a program that will cause a light to come on if a PLC counter value is less than 10
or more than 30.
6. Explain the data manipulation instructions used in PLC.
7. Construct a non-retentive timer program that will turn on a pilot light after a time delay
period. Use a thumbwheel switch to vary the preset time-delay value of the timer.
8. Write a PLC program for the following conditions: The oven is to maintain an average
set point temperature of 600 oF with a variation of about 1% between the off and on cycles .
9. Write a PLC program to convert oC temperature into oF.
10. A main conveyor has two conveyors, A and B, feeding it. Feeder conveyor A puts six-packs
of canned soda on the main conveyor. Feeder conveyor B puts eight-packs of canned
soda on the main conveyor. Both the feeder conveyor has counters that count the number
of packs leaving them. Construct a PLC program to give a total can count on the main


2 mark Questions
1. Draw the basic block diagram of a computer controlled system.
2. What are the basic functions of computer-aided process control system?
3. Classify the computer-aided process control system.
4. What is the use of computer supervisory control system?
5. What is a DDC?
6. List the task performed by P in DDC.
7. Mention the two algorithms used in DDC software?
8. What is the advantage of velocity algorithm over position form?
9. What is the use of a data acquisition system (DAQ)?
10. Define SCADA.
11. List the functionalities of SCADA.
12. Mention some of the application areas of SCADA
13. List the potential benefits of SCADA.
14. What is CIMPLICITY?
15. What is SCADA? Give any four editors available in SCADA package (Nov 2011).
16. Give the digital control necessity in industry (Nov 2011).
17. Write down any four salient adv of DCS over centralised control system (Nov 2011).
18. Compare SCADA and DDC (Nov 2012).
19. Give some applications of DCS (Nov 2012).
20. Write some of the bus standards used in process industry (Nov 2012).

16 Marks Questions

Explain in detail about the building blocks of computer controlled systems

Explain in detail about SCADA and write down its applications
Explain in detail about Supervisory Control.
Explain in detail about Direct Digital Control.
Explain in detail about Data Aqusition system.
Distinguish between SCADA and DCS, Explain the hardware architecture of SCADA
(Nov 2011).
7. Explain the DDC with Neat Diagram (Nov 2011).
8. Explain the block diagram and flowchart of Computer Controlled System (CCS), also
mention about the protocols used in CCS (Nov 2011).
9. Describe about DDCS with example (Nov 2011).
10. Describe about SCADA with example

Unit IV Distributed Control System

2 mark Questions
1. What is the significance of DCS?
2. Mention any two advantages of DCS
3. What is LCU?
4. What is the significance of LLHI?
5. What is the function of HLOI?
6. What is shared communication?
7. What is the need can be satisfied in designing an industrial grade LCU?
8. What is the architecture parameter to be considered while selecting LCU?
9. Compare the configuration of the Local control unit.

10. What are the security requirements of LCU?

11. What is manual backup?
12. What is redundant control mode?
13. What are the approaches in designing a redundant LCU architecture?
14. What are multiple active controllers?
15. What are the redundant approaches of redundant controllers?
16. Write some of the bus standards used in process control industry (Nov 2012).
17. Give some applications of DCS (Nov 2012).
18. Give the factors to be considered for types of communication in DCS (Nov 2011).
19. Write down any four salient advantages of DCS over Centralised Control System (Nov
20. What is the function of LLOI?

16 Marks Questions

Explain in detail about the Hybrid architecture and central computer system architecture.
Explain the architecture of distributed control system (Nov 2012).
Compare Hybrid , central computer system and DCS architectures
Explain in detail about Local Control Unit (LCU).
Explain process interfacing issues in LCU.
Explain in detail about secure control output configuration.
Explain in detail about communication facilities in distributed control system.
How to select topology and communication protocol of process control application(Nov
9. Explain any one popular communication protocol used in field level (Nov 2012).
10. Explain the importance of Local Control Unit (LCU) (Nov 2012).

Unit V Interfaces in DCS

2 mark Questions
1. What is meant by geographically centralized and geographically distributed control
2. What is functionally distributed control system?
3. What are the responsibilities of a plant operator?
4. Mention the requirement of operator interface.
5. What are the motivations for using LLOI?
6. Mention some of the devices used for LLOI interface.
7. Explain about different types of operator display.
8. Compare LLOI and HLOI.
9. What is a Plant level display?
10. What you mean by area level display?
11. What are the requirements of engineering interface?
12. What is a Low Level Engineering Interface?
13. Mention some of applications of DCS.
14. What is the need of General purpose computer in DCS?
15. Define operator interface.
16. Mansion the significance of computers in Modern control system(Nov 2011)
17. What are the common input output devices used for interfacing with computers(Nov
18. Write the features present in operator level interface(Nov 2012)

19. Mention the protocol to be used for communication between a PC Drive/operator Pannel.
(Nov 2012)
20. What are the main responsibilities of a Low level operator?

16 Marks Questions
Explain in detail about operator interfaces and its requirements.
Explain in detail about low level operator interfaces.
Explain in detail about low and High level operator interfaces in DCS.(Nov 2011)
Explain in detail about High level engineering interfaces.
Explain in detail about low level engineering interfaces.
Explain General purpose computers in DCS.
Explain about the operator displays.
Mention the adv of low level and high level operator interfaces. Also explain the
importance operator display used in process industry.(Nov 2012)
9. Mention the role of general purpose computer in DCS; also evaluate low level and high
level engineering interfaces. (Nov 2012)
10. What are the different types of displays in DCS? Explain with examples.(Nov 2011)

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