9º 3avaliação Mensal Inglês

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Avaliao Mensal Ingls

9 ano Ensino Mdio

Leia o texto abaixo para responder s questes
Are you a chocoholic?
Do you like chocolate? Do you like it very much? Does a piece of
chocolate satisfy you or isnt it just enough? Do you need a bar of
chocolate when you feel depressed? Just one? Be careful you may
be addicted!
Chocolate contains small amounts of three drugs. When you get
too much of any of the three, your body becomes chemically
dependent addicted on the drug.
One of the drugs is caffeine, which is also in coffee and tea.
Caffeine is a stimulant, and can also interfere with the way you
absorb vitamins. Another drug in chocolate is also a mild stimulant.
The third drug causes your brain to produce a type of hormone that
makes you feel happy. Thats why you like it so much!
In Britain, the average person eats nine kilos of chocolate a year.
Thats too much! And too much of any drug is harmful. So next time
you unwrap the third or fourth chocolate bar of the day, watch out!
Vocabulary: enough: suficiente, amount:quantidade, mild: suave, brain:
crebro, average: media, harmful: prejudicial, to watch out: tomar cuidado
1 Questo: Aps a leitura do texto Are you a chocoholic?, responda:
a) Como o chocolate apresentado?
b) Segundo o texto, o chocolate contm pequenas quantidades de 3 drogas.
Cite duas delas e o que podem causar.
c) De acordo com o texto, o que faz com que voc goste tanto de chocolate?

d) Qual a quantidade de chocolate que uma pessoa consome por ano?

e) O que uma pessoa chocoholic? Essa palavra tem como base Alcoholic,
que uma pessoa viciada em qu? E o que voc acha que um workaholic?
f) Sabendo que wrap significa embrulhar, encontre no texto a palavra
correspondente a desembrulhar.
2 Questo: Copie do texto Chocoholic:
a) Uma frase com um modal verb que indica possibilidade.


Bob_________________, but he doesn't have a car. (drive)

When she was in school she _______________ farther than anyone else.


I ___________________________ Bill. (not / understand)


He____________________________ football well when he was a kid. (play)


I__________________________ this exercise yesterday. (not / do)

Tigers in Trouble
Governments and conservation groups are working to save the tigers. Is it
too late? Tigers are a symbol of power, courage and good fortune, but the
big cats luck may be running out. According to the World Wildlife Fund

(WWF), in 1998 there were about 6.000 tigers, now there are about 3200.
Scientists believe the decline is due to illegal hunting, climate change and
loss of habitat. Sybille Klenzendorf, a tiger expert , said that its startling
how fast they can lose their habitat. Tigers live in a wide range of areas,
people move into tiger territory and destroy much of its habitat. Today,
tigers live in 7% of the habitat they occupied a hundred years ago. 2010 is
the Year of the Tiger for the Chinese; many scientists hope people will take
action to save the tiger this year. Leaders from 12 Asian nations and Russia
are cracking down on hunters and on the sale of tiger products, theyre also
looking for ways to protect the tiger habitat. Scientists believe that with help
from local communities, tigers can make a comeback. Adapted from
TFK.com Vocabulary: luck: sorte; due to: devido a; loose for: procurer;
hunting: caa; run out: acabar, esgotar; loss: perda; startling:
surpreendente; crack down: reprimir; comeback: retornar. 6 Questo: De
acordo com as informaes do texto, marque a afirmao incorreta: a) Local
communities can help the tigers. b) People are not destroying the tigers
habitat. c) Theres a decline in the number of tigers today. d) Not only
governments but also conservation groups are working to save the tigers. e)
Leaders from 12 Asian nations and Russia are trying to protect the tigers.

7 Questo: Leia as frases a seguir:

I) Reprimindo caadores.
II) Procurando maneiras de proteger o habitat dos tigres.
III) Mudando para o territrio dos tigres.
IV) Reprimindo a venda de produtos do tigre.
Assinale as aes que alguns lderes vm realizando para salvar os tigres:
a) I, II
b) I, II e IV
c) I, III e IV
d) II, III e IV
e) I, II e III

8 Questo: Marque a alternativa incorreta:

a) Tigres so smbolos de poder, coragem e boa sorte.
b) 2010 o ano do tigre na China.
c) O declnio do nmero de tigres acontece devido caa ilegal, mudana
climtica e perda do

d) Hoje em dia o territrio habitado pelos tigres cresceu 7% em relao h

cem anos atrs.
e) Lderes de 12 naes e a Russia esto reprimindo os caadores de tigres

7 Questo: Os verbos que completam as frases abaixo so:

A thief ..an old man in front of the bank yesterday.
Please, . me to buy some vegetables.
Parents .to control their kids more in the past.
a) robbed, remind, used
b) stole, remind, are used
c) robbed, remember, used
d) robbed, remind, are used
e) stole, remember, are used

Texto para a questo 11:

I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go
into the other room and read a book.
Vocabulary: Set: aparelho; Turn on: ligar; I find: eu acho Groucho Marx
10 Questo: O autor da citao acima acha a televiso educadora
a) ela ensina as pessoas como ler livros.
b) ela mostra muitas propagandas de livros e outros produtos culturais.
c) ela faz com que ele queira ler um livro para escapar dos programas
d) mostra programas que encoraja os telespectadores a desenvolverem
hbitos de leitura.
e) h mais programas instrucionais do que bobos na televiso.

aixo para responder s questes 7, 8 e 9.

Yin and Yang
The yin-yang symbol is the Chinese philosophical and religious symbol for
opposites. Yin represents the negative, dark and feminine side of existence,
while yang represents the positive, bright and masculine side. Both are
entwined and believed to influence the destinies of all creatures and things.
Neither principle can exist without the other, symbolized by the two
interpenetrating shapes. Notice how the seed of each side resides in the
middle of the other. According to Chinese philosophy, good cannot
vanquish evil; right will never eliminate wrong. Both will eternally coexist.
Vocabulary: entwined = entrelaos, neither = nenhum, seed = semente,
vanquish = vencer
7 Questo: According to Chinese philosophy,
a) yin represents the positive side of existence.
b) yang represents the negative side.
c) opposite pairs are fundamental to existence.
d) ying and yang can exist individually and separately.
e) the destinies of all creatures and things are influenced by their seeds.
8 Questo: According to Chinese philosophy,
a) Nada exatamente bom ou mal.
b) No final, o bem ser o vencedor.
c) O mal ser sempre mais forte que o bem.
d) Os dois lados opostos no podem viver um sem o outro.
e) Mulheres so muito mais positivas que o homem.
9 Questo: Do ponto de vista feminino,
a) os Chineses deveriam ser elogiados pelo seu tradicional julgamento sobre
as mulheres.
b) a concepo de que o lado feminino da existncia negativo
c) a filosofia Chinesa um exemplo para toda a humanidade.
d) O smbolo yin-yang um triunfo para o seu movimento.

e) Yin e yang no so realmente opostos.

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