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1. Prayer
2. Initial Interaction (3-5 mnts)
3. Talk them about the importance of english language and appreciate them for
coming and attending.
4. We are going to be children to learn English, are you ready?
5. Give balloons say them to blow and tide.
6. Game I now you shouldnt break it, there is a gift for you, shall we play a
game? Keep balloons in air using head and shoulders. Give them gift. Game
II keep balloons in air by blowing. Give gift.
We have some blocks. what are they?
1) Vocabs
a) How many Malayalam words are we using daily to communicate? a few
b) LKG student knows only 50-100 words, with those few words they
c) A shop keeper/driver/........ communicates from morning to night only by
25 words
Role of vocabs In a communication is 7%, body language 57%, voice 36%
2) Grammar who studied Malayalam grammar? but we dont use sentences

\msf Rm t]mbn, Cse Ah hcpw

3) Lack of Confidence
You have studied minimum two languages, but the common people know
only one. So it is you who deserve it more to study English
No need of Intelligence to study a language.
As a symbol of these blocks we are going to break the balloons. Are You
-Count 5 to 1- break
Take your gift. Now all of our blocks have been broken. Are you ready to do
anything ?
Give them positive stroke again. You will get a friend , what will you say in
your first meeting ?
-Teach first greeting- When we meet a person first time we should say.
Hai I am Musthafa from Tamil Nadu
I am Ismayil from Vailathoor, nice to meet you
Nice to meet you too
Show a demo - practice with students- write on the board- find your friend
and greet in this waythen
Greet with all students. Sit with your pair, collect maximum details and
write it on your note
Book- if you want you can ask for words

Make four membered groups- read each member in that group, others will
copy if they havent
Written while one read-ADM among them (faculty sits with each groups).
Call any one group the will come infront of all students-sit-one by one they
will read-

Every body is the gift of God (2)
I am the gift, you are the gift, he is the gift, we are the gifts
Every body is the gift of God (2)


1. Initial interaction (Hello, How are you...?)
2. Continuation of first session (presentation)
Ask them what is the english of


Rm Fm Znh-khpw Nmb IpSn-m-dp-v.

Rm Fm Znh-khpw Ipfn-m-dp-v. Etc... and motivate them


Write ten sentences on board in the entire format

Ask to them to read these ten sentences many times
Ask them to copy this and to write other ten sentences (total 20 sentence)
Sit in pairs read and copy then write ten more by discussion (now 40)
Sit in four member group, read and exchange ideas and write 20 more sentences
(total 60)
8. Sit in eight member group, read and exchange and write forty more sentences.
(now 100 sentences)
9. If it is not complete hundred, then ask them to complete 100 in next class



Check the assignment of 80 sentences

Make six member groups
Read, Add and Modification (Make 100 sentences)
Add, Modify
One presentation from each group
Make a competition among groups. Dont repeat what they read
Now we are going to write it in order
Ask them to say ten sentences in order
Give a model
Introduce 'then', 'after that', 'after wards
Write individually
Sit in pairs, A reads, B listens, adds, correct, repeat the same
Make group of four members, Read each, others ADM
Give handout
Ask them to read it silently individually
Did you understand? Can you follow?
Compare it with your daily routine.
Then also ADM


Are you ready to present it here?

Ask them to read their daily routine standing and walking until they get the
confidence to read in front of the audience
(They may take 3,5,10 minutes)
All sat
Call one or two persons to read it by looking
Make them four member groups and direct each person to read by looking
Are you ready to say your daily routine without looking?
Stand and move, practice until you get the confidence to say it, then sit
They sat
Stand all once again and looking at wall or ..... then you start saying daily routine
without paper, loudly
Then make a big circle, (if there is folded hands unfold it) when I say start say daily
routine loudly
Make pairs, looking to couple's eye say daily routine loudly, both at same
time( there should be a small gap between two members)
Make four member group, everybody will say simultaneously looking every body's
eyes loudly
Make eight member group, everybody will say simultaneously looking every body's
eyes loudly
Make a big circle look every body in each eyes and say daily routine loudly
(make this six steps if they are ready to speak 3-5 minutes without looking to paper)
Ask them very often what do you feel now? Are you happy now?
1. Make a big circle. Look each others eyes and say daily routine loudly
2. Invite one or two persons
3. Make four member groups and each of them will say daily routine without
4. If they want invite one or two persons more to present in front of all audience

DO QUESTION & Negative

1. Say some Malayalam sentences

R Fm Znhkhpw Nmb IpSnmdpv then they will say English
Ah Fm Znhkhpw Nmb IpSnmdpv How can we say?
2. They will say many answers (wrong also) agree it then say the correct
3. Now we are going to change subjects. Introduce - they, we, You, my friends, my
brothers, my sisters, my teachers, my students etc
4. Ask them to write 15 sentences by changing subjects only (only plurals)
5. 10.
Ask them to write 15 sentences by changing subjects and verbs (only plurals)
Do question
1. \o Fm Znhkhpw Nmb IpSnmdptm? Who will say? They may say many
answers. congratulate
2. Then say to make questions very easy
3. You drink tea every day. Add only 'do' before this sentence
4. Do you drink tea every day? This is yes or no questions

5. Show them some more examples

6. Ask them to write 10 yes or no questions

1. Recall other subjects also (we, you, they, my brothers........)
2. Check the assignment. If they didn't do ask to do from here
3. Make four member groups. Everyone will stand to one person all will ask quick
questions (Ist by looking then without) Change person
4. Teach once/twice in a weak/month/year
5. Ask them to write ten sentences by using these
6. Say some Malayalam sentences, they will translate it to English

7. Rm Fm Znh-khpw Nmb IpSn-mdpv

8. Rm Fm Znh-khpw Nmb IpSn-mdn

who will say?

9. They will say many wrong answers, agree and congratulate
10.They teach them I don't (do not) go to school every day
11.Show some more examples with each subjects. Eg My brothers don't eat Biriyani
every day.......
12.Then lead them to write 5 sentences (including once and twice) with three steps 5 X
3 = 15( 1. I go to Calicut every day. 2. I don't go to Calicut every day, 3. Do you go
to Calicut every day)
13.Make a circle no 1 reads 2 say the meaning 2 reads 3 says the meaning......... till
completing the all sentences
14.Teach them answers of yes or no questions.
15.Yes I do. (yes I drink tea every day), No I don't (No I don't drink tea every day)
16.Ask them to stand and ask ten questions to all. Others will answer also
17.Make four member group. everyone will stand to one person all will ask quick
questions (Ist by looking then without) Change person
18.Assignment write 50 yes or no questions



\n Fm Znh-khpw FmWv IpSn-mdp-Xv?

Who can say?

Agree and say OK, OK
Do you drink tea every day? 'Fv' F-Xn\v Cwo-jn GXv
hmmWv? 'What'
So add what now it is ' what do you drink tea every day?' answer is also
there , so remove answer
What is its answer- earlier sentence itself- i drink tea every day
Introduce 'where', 'when' also
When- you go to school every day, you don't go to school every day, do you
go to school every day?, where do you go to school every day? Remove
When they wake up at 5'o clock every day, they don't wake up at 5'o clock
every day, do they wake up at 5'o clock every day?, when do they wake up
at 5'o clock every day? Remove the answer
Ask them to write 5 sentences like this (5 X 4 = 20) 1. you go to Calicut
every day. 2. you don't go to Calicut every day, 3. Do you go to Calicut


every day, 4. When do you go to Calicut every day/where do you go every

Make pairs Ask them ask all of these types questions to , other will answer

We have studied my daily routine, your daily routine, their daily routine &
our daily routine.
How can we say our friends daily routine. Elicite answers from them. Then
describe them the correct way. Thats very easy just put an s after every
verb. For Example: he goes, He writes, He wakes up, Raman goes etc
Then explaine them she, it, one and all singulars
Eg: She loves, She sleeps, It works, It grows, Rose smells, Rosy comes, My
father beats
How can we ask the questions in this form
\ns IqpImc hcmdptm? \ns D Ddmdptm?, Ah ]Tnmdptm?
Just add does instead of do before the sentence, delete the s we added
and add a question mark. Then explaine them the reason to throw s out
from the word. That means, the s in does is removed from the verb.
Then describe negative.
He doesnt (does not) come, she doesnt come, My father doesnt read
books, it doesnt work properly, She doesnt love me, He doesnt do the
Teach them Wh questions with s form

7. am, is, are & question , negative & wh questioN

Introduce is, am, are and say the meaning.

CXv Hcp t]\-bm-Ip-p. How we can say? They will say many answers, agree
and congratulate, then say, This is a pen.
3. CXv Hcp t]\-b. How we can say? They will say many answers, agree and
congratulate, then say, This is not a pen.
4. How can we make it a question. CXv Hcp t]\-bmtWm?. How we can say? They
will say many answers, agree and congratulate, then say, Is this a pen?
5. CXv BcpsS t]\bmIpp How can we say? They will say many answers, agree
and congratulate, then say, BcpsS FXn\v Cwojn FmWv ]dbpI Whose
so now it is Whose Is this a pen?
6. Ahs\mcp hnymnbmIpp How can we say? They will say many answers,
agree and congratulate, then say, Ah FXn\v Cwojn FmWv ]dbpI He
He is a student.
7. Ahs\mcp hnymnb. How we can say? They will say many answers, agree
and congratulate, then say, He is not a student.
8. How can we make It question? Is he a student?
9. Ah Aym]IcmIpp How we can say? They will say many answers, agree and
congratulate, then say, They are teachers
10. Ah Aym]Ic. How we can say? They will say many answers, agree and
congratulate, then say They are not teachers


Ah Aym]IcmtWm?

How we can say? They will say many answers, agree and
congratulate, then say, Are they teachers?
Ah BIpnIfmIpp. How we can say? They will say many answers, agree and
congratulate, then say, They are boys.
Ah BIpnIf. How we can say? They will say many answers, agree and
congratulate, then say, They are not boys.
Ah BIpnIfmtWm?. How we can say? They will say many answers, agree
and congratulate, then say, Are they boys?
Rms\mcp tUmIvSdmWv. How we can say? They will say many answers, agree
and congratulate, then say, Im a doctor.
Rms\mcp tUmIvSd. How we can say? They will say many answers, agree and
congratulate, then say, Im not a doctor.
Rms\mcp tUmIvSdmtWm? How we can say? They will say many answers,
agree and congratulate, then say, Am I a doctor?
Ask them to write 8 sentences considering is, am,
Teach them You belong to Manjeri. You dont belong to Manjeri. Do you belong to
Introduce Which your favourite food is Biriyani. Your favourite food is not Biriyani.
Is Biriyani your favourite food? Which is your favourite food?
Favourite dress, favourite play, favourite place, favourate colour.
Where do you belong to?
How old are you?
Your father is a business man. Your father is not a business man. Is your father a
business man?
Who is your father? What is your father?
Make them pairs and say to interview each other. (Questions and answers in
English) If you want any words for questions and answers ask.
How old are you?
Your father is a business man. Your father is not a business man. Is your father a
business man?
Who is your father? What is your father?
Make them pairs and say to interview each other. (Questions and answers in
English) If you want any words for questions and answers ask.
You are going to write your friends daily routine

There is, There are &THERE WAS/ WERE

Ahs hon Hcp B\bpv. Fs apdnbn Hcp Aeamcbpv. Fs

Aeamcbn Hcp s]nbpv. B s]nbn Hcp kzXfnIbpv. B XfnIbn
Hcp tamXncapv. B tamXncn Hcp appv. B apn Xnfp Hcp
t]cpv. AXmWv {]ntb \ns t]cv.
CXn "Dv' "Dv' "Dv' Fph Fs\ Cwojn ]dbmw. AXmWv
There is and There are. But only one difference is there. There is is using
for singular and There are is using for plural.

C\n Fs hon Hcp Imdpmbncpp. B Imdn Hcp ss{Uhdpmbncpp. B ss{UhdpsS Ioibn Hcp t]gvkv Dmbncpp. B t]gvkn
Hcp t^mtm Dmbncpp. B t^mtm \ns t^mtmbmbncpp
CXn "Dmbncpp' FpXv Fs\ Cwojn ]dbmw. AxmWv
There was and There were.
But only one difference is there. There was is using for singular and There
were is using for plural.
Step 2 Questions

C\n Fs\ CXv tNmZyammw.

DZm: AhnsS Imdptm? AhnsS Imdpmbncptm?
AhnsS ImdpIfptm? AhnsS ImdpIfpmbncptm?
CXv Fs\ Cwojn ]dbmw.
There is - se is - s\ There - s aptmp sImp hcnI. Atm Is there

There is a car. Is there a car?

Step 3 Negatives
How can we make the mentioned stories to negatives. Its simple. Just add
a not after the auxiliaries (is, are, was & were)
Eg: There is not a car. There are not cars. There was not a car. There were
not cars.
Short forms: is not = isnt, was not = wasnt, are not = arent, were not =


HAVE, HAS & HAD question & Negative

Introduce has.

Ah\v Hcp t]\bpv. Ahsmcp hoSpv. CXns\mcp ]cnlmcapv.

Ahs\mcp tPmenbpv. Ajvd^ns\mcp Popv. \nbmkns Dv Hcp
Imdpv. Fs Abhmknv Hcp _kv Dv. Fs IqpImcs\mcp `mcybpv.
Fs IqpImcnsmcp t^m Dv. \ns Dv Hcp ^vfmv Dv.
5. He has a pen. She has a house. It has a role. He has a duty. She has the
courage. (Ask them to write 5 examples)
6. Ah\v Hcp t]\bn. Ahsmcp hoSn. CXns\mcp ]cnlmcan.

Ahs\mcp tPmenbn. Ajvd^ns\mcp Pon. \nbmkns Dv Hcp

Imdn. Fs Abhmknv Hcp _kv C. Fs IqpImcs\mcp `mcybn.
Fs IqpImcnv t^m C. \ns Dv Hcp ^vfmv C.
7. He doesnt have a pen. She does not have a house. It doesnt have end. He
doesnt have a duty. She doesnt have the courage. (Ask them to write 5 examples)
11. you have one lack rupees in your account. You dont have one lack rupees in
your account. Do you have one lack rupees in your account? How much rupees do
you have in your account?

Now we know all types of daily routines. Then how we can say in English

Cse Rm hp. Ah kvIqfn t]mbn. Cse D hntZip \npw hp.

Ah Ddn. Ah Cse Nmb IpSnp.
Now they have to write their complete past routine.
Describe them all subjucts (I, You, They, We, He, She, it and all names) are
same in the past routine.
Make them pairs and ADM
Shouting or activities based on past routine.

How can we make yes or no questions from the past routine
Just put a did before the sentence and make the verb as the basic form
For Eg. You went yesterday Did you go yesterday?
Just add a not after did e.g.: DID NOT (or DIDNT)
I didnt go there. He didnt go there. The doctor didnt come yesterday.
Practice Wh questions thoroughly




Tutor says a riddle like:

Im a little loving creature. Some people love me. Some dont. I have
freedom to go everywhere. Rats are afraid of me. Who am I?
I am black. I have wings. I snatch bread from the hands little of children.
But I am very helpful to mankind. I clean their courtyard. Who am I?

Elicit answers.
Now ask participants to make a riddle about any object or creature. Give
them five minute to prepare.
Let those who have finished ask the riddle to the whole class.

May I introduce myself?

Tutor may introduce himself in detail. (Two or three times).
Ask the participants to introduce themselves. Let them say what they are.
Lets write
After the first round of saying ask them to write a detailed self introduction.
After the individual writing the tutor should make them sit in pair and improve
the write up helping each other.
The same write up can be improved a second time in fresh four member
After the second refinement give out hand out (May I introduce myself) to all.
Now let them read the hand out and improve their write up once again in new
Lets talk

After preparing the final draft let them present it in small groups. Ask them to
rehearse thoroughly for class presentation.
Final preparation before class. Each participant should talk about himself in
detail very clearly and loudly without looking into the write up.

14. WILL, S/N QN & WH QN

Today we are very familiar with all types of daily routines and past routines. Now
we are moving to tomorrows routine. Its very easy. Just put a will before every
verbs. I will go.
Practice future routine. Write 25 things that you are going to do in your future life.
Introduce all subjects. Introduce Yes/No question, Negative and Wh questions of
future routine


Step1: Initial interation (5 mnts)
Step2: Tutor elicits different answers for handling when we meet our friend
after long period of time. They say different answers. (10 mnt)
Appreciate them. Then write all the answers on board. Realize them the
most suitable answers. (15mnts)
Then form three members group.Say to make a context ie. they are
meeting their friend occasionally from their hometown. How will they
perform in such a circumstance. They have to make a wonderful skit on the
same. Tutor helps them as the occasion needs. (1 hour)

16. Skit cont;

Step1: Initial interaction (5 mnts)

Step2: Say them to ADM the skit in their own groups. (25 minutes)
Step3: Practice thoroughly in the group. (1 hour)
Step1: Initial Interaction (5 mnts)
Step2: Presentaion of each group infront of the audience. Elicit opinions
from other groups. (Time changes as per group. Average 10 minutes to
present and 5 minutes for feedback)


Step 1: Show them one or two video clips of Telephoning and encourage them to
copy as in the video. Step 2: Let them practice in pairs.
Step 3: Give them handouts and practice.
Step 4: Prepare telephonic skits in four member groups. And rehearsal in their
Step 5: Presentation.


Tongue twister;
she sells sea shell near by the sea shore,
how much wood could a wood-chuck chuck if a wood-chuck
could chuck wood

Lets take a test (Tutor):Lets test our word power. Here is short test.

Tutor gives 5 Malayalam words and 5 English words. Ask them to

write English equivalent Malayalam words and vice versa ,

English words
Cat fish
Dragon fly

After the test the tutor will announce the result.

Most of us do not know English words for ordinary things.

Lets learn new words

Tutor; now we are going to learn all most of the every day
words in English.

The tutor will distribute hand out of classified words

The participants will be asked to find out the Malayalam

equivalents of the words under each category (Dictionary can be

After correcting the Malayalam equivalents they will mill

around and ask one another Whats English for Parakka


Giving direction
Blind fold a fellow tutor. Put an object somewhere in the class. Make some
blocks on the way.
The other will give some instruction to the blind folded. The blind folded will obey
the instruction and fetch the object.
The same game will be played by participant. Form two groups. One from
group A will be blind folded. The other members of the same group will give
Then group B will play.
The tutor can write some expressions for giving direction on B.
eg: Turn Right/Left
Move Forward
Go Straight
Mind the Chair
Move Backwadfd
Can your tell me the way to?
Play the video records. (Giving direction)
Ask them to watch and listen very care fully. The same visual can be played
twice or three times.
Let them take down the dialogue. Help them to identify expressions.
Pair work
Give the participants some situations like:
You are at Markaz office. A Kashmiri boy comes to you. He wants to go to
Calicut railway station. Guide him.
You are standing at KSRTC bus station, Calicut a foreigner approaches you.
He wants to reach IHRAM. What will be the possible conversation between you and
(Similar situations can be given to each pair).
Lets role play
Let them write the conversation. The tutor would help each pair to finjdkk
their script.
After the script is prepared let them act out.
Descert (speed rhyme)
Bus Bus
What a rush!
What a crush!
What a fuss, fuss, fuss!
Every body wants to go by the 4 o clock train.




How do I get to ?
What's the best way to ?
Where is ?
Go straight on (until you come to ).
Turn back./Go back.
Turn left/right (into -street).
Go along
Take the first/second road on the left/right
It's on the left/right.


next to
at the end (of)
on/at the corner
in front of
(just) around the corner
traffic lights
crossroads, junction

Here are some language expressions used to make offerings.
They are used for making offers to eat and drink and also for
offering to help others.

Offering to eat and drink

Would you like some tea?
Try one of these chocolates.
Help yourself to more coffee.
Shall I give you some apples?
Do you want some sandwich?
Would you like to have anything
to eat?
Have another slice of cake
Would you like eggs or fish?
What drink do you like sir?
How about/ what about a drink?

Yes, can I help you?

Hello, may I help you?
Shall I carry your bag for you?
Do you want me to open the


Offering to help.

Would you like me to call the

Hi, How can I help you?
Do you need my help?
Do you want me to give you a
hand ?
What shall I buy for you?
Please ask me if you want

Responding to offers
Yes, please.
Yes, Ill have some.
Itll be a pleasure if you help
Would rather have some cool
Yes, I think Ill have some more,
Yes, I dont mind.
Mmm I wont say no to it.
Yes. I enjoy biscuits and milk.
Oh, thatd be nice.
Well, alright, just one/ some

Would you like+ noun phrase

Do you want


Responding to offers- (Negatively)

No, thanks.
No, Im not hungry.
No, Im full.
No, I dont like it.
No, thanks. I dont smoke/ drink.
Yes, please, its too heavy.
Yes, Ill be pleased if you dont.
Dont worry.
No thanks, its very kind of you.
Thats really very kind of you. I
dont want to put you to too much
Here are some types.
Type A
Shall I
Do you want me to
Would you like me to
Shall I carry your bag for you?
Yes, please. its too heavy. I
cant carry it.
Do you want me to buy the
Yes, please. Ill look after my
bags and wait for Gopal here.
Would you like me to call the
No, thanks. I will wait till this
evening. If I dont get better.
Ill call myself. Dont worry now.
Type B

Oh, yes please.

Im hungry. Is there anything to


Im thirsty
Would you like some Fanta?
No, thanks,.
Would you like some apple

Do you want some biscuits?

No, thanks. Id like some
Cheese or ham?
Cheese and ham please.
Type C
Imperative+ noun phrase
Have another slice of cake. Help
Ok, just one slice.
Try one of these chocolates.
Yes please. theyre really tasty.
Help yourself to more coffee.
No thanks. Im, full I think.
Type B structures are also used in
offering a choice between two (or
more ) things.


Would you like tea or coffee?

Id like some coffee?
Black or milk?
Milk please.
Do you want your coffee sweet?
Not too sweet, please.
Would you like a drink?
Yes please. some coke is nice.
Would you like to have more
No, thanks, Im not hungry.
Would you like a cigarette?
No, thanks, I dont smoke.
Are you ready to order your
meal sir?
Yes, Id like a roti, please.

Have some jam with your bun.

No, thanks. I dont like it. I
wouldnt like it too sweet.
What drink do you like sir?
Wed like a glass of limejuice.
Heres the limejuice sir.
Wed like a glass of limejuice
with soda.
Have another cream cake my
dear. They are delicious!
I couldnt. Im full.
Oh Go on man!
Well, all right, just one more.
That chocolate one.

At a Restaurant


and fried

Yes, please. what next.
Hello. Can I have a chicken
rice please?
Salt and pepper?
Yes please.
Anything else?
Yes, two plantains and a milk
Twenty, thirty, thirty five
Here you are. Thank you.

Introduce about speech and ask students to make a one minute speech
Show them a small speech and invite their opinion.
Then give them handouts of speech terms and let them by heart.
1- Respected chair and my dear friends
2- Respected chair and my dear colleagues
3- Respected chair and dignitaries on and off the dais
4- Good morning/ Hello everybody / to one and all

I have great pleasure and privilege to be here with you

It gives me immense pleasure to be here with you
In this auspicious occasion
In this magnanimous juncture
In this golden opportunity .
In this precious occasion/ moment
Id like to share something with you about our selected topic
I wish to say something
I want to say something
Dear friends
Dear audience
Thank you thank you very much
Let me conclude here/ stop here.


I dont want to prolong my words/speech

With this I conclude here.

Give them a short speech about Kerala & Markaz. Let them by heart and


Explain them the importance and specialties of welcome speech. Welcome

address is a very important speech, all people will listen carefully. This
speech is giving an whole idea about the entire programme. We have to
consider the degrees of important personalities and guests. We dont repeat
the same words and sentences for every personality. Study names very
clearly and their destinations also. Use these in appropriate way and in good
Let them say different kinds of expressions to use in Malyalam Welcome
Address, ask them to translate to English, help them to do it and copy these
to their notebook.
Teach them different kinds of expressions like:
1. Its indeed a great pleasure and privilege for me to welcome you all to
this function here today.

2. At the outset, let me begin by expressing warm welcome to all of you

to the ..
3. Now, ladies and gentlemen, let me get into my task. I am very much
delighted to welcome our chief guest of the day who has taken a
lot of pain to be here with us. Sir you are welcome to the abode of
knowledge and wisdom
4. May I take this opportunity to extent my warmest welcome to our very
own ., they have been very supportive and well-wishers of all the
ventures of I would like to extend my warmest welcome to them.
5. I am pleased to welcome (the dedicated and dynamic)
to this
function, sir here you are most welcome
6. Its my privilege to welcome .. You are welcome here with open arms.
7. Ladies and gentlemen, today we have with us an eminent personality,
a distinguished guest,
8. It is my honour to welcome the .
9. Last but not least; I would like to welcome the chair of this function
(the pillar of the institution) .
I also express my sincere gratitude to for making her\his
time available to join us today.
I am confident that (name), with her excellent record of
achievements and expertise in the
I particularly take note of the presence of Her Excellency .. His
Excellency .. Her Excellency .. I welcome them all and anticipate
their contributions to this .
I am grateful to all the distinguished representatives from
governments, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations
from every corner of the world united in the common interest and goal
of promoting universal respect for human rights.
My thanks also go to the panelists and moderators for their
valuable contributions to this seminar.
"I'd like to take a few moments to introduce Jim our new
warehouse manager. He's new to the company and to the area so I'm
sure we'll all be able to show him a warm welcome."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we're in for a real treat tonight. Our
guest speaker is a man who has been the driving force behind this
project for many years. He is the person who knows the whole history
of how we got to where we are today: the stories, the challenges and
the little known secrets. Not only that but he's a very entertaining
speaker. Please join me in giving a very warm welcome to Stan Smith".
It is my pleasure to welcome you all, the whole gathering here
today, the people of this locality, the well-wishers of this institution,
students, teachers and non-teaching staff, media persons, police
officers and volunteers.
Once again, I would like to welcome you all with great heart and

Give them handout

Give them maximum terms of vote of thanks like,
Honorable [name], Respected [name], Mr Chairman, our most valued invited
guests, ladies and gentlemen! It's my privilege to have been asked to
propose a vote of thanks on this occasion. I, on behalf of [name of the
organization of the event], and the entire let me call it fraternity of [field of
interest] here together, and on my own behalf extend a very hearty vote of
thanks to all speakers for gracing your important work and sharing with us
your findings and opinions today!
A big 'Thank You' to [name speaker], for her/his efforts towards [speech
topic]. Refer and respond to just one central idea of the speaker that you
found particularly interesting.
If there are more speakers, then consider these vote of thanks examples:
I must mention our deep sense of appreciation for [name speaker], for
her/his explanation of [speech topic]. Again refer...
Further, we are greatful to [speaker], for demonstrating her/his [speech
topic]. [Refer and respond to...]
I may like to express our sincere thanks to [name], for giving an excellent
coverage to [her or his speech topic]. [Refer].
I also wish to express my gratitude to [name], for providing encouragement
at [speech topics]. [Refer].
I am also very grateful to [name] for her/his analysis of [point that struck
you most].
And, we also would like to acknowledge our gratitude to [name], for
exposing her/his theory of [speech topic].
We are all inspired by your great words!
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to place on record our hearty
thanks to [name], [function] for the perfect logistic support and guidance
she/he has extended to all of us at [occasion].
I also extend my thanks to [name], [function] and also to [name], [function]
for their enormous cooperation in the organization of this event.
Vary in language when using these vote of thanks examples.
Well, Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, an event like this cannot happen
overnight. The wheels start rolling weeks ago. It requires planning and a
birds eye for details. We have been fortunate enough to be backed by a team
of very motivated and dedicated colleagues of [institute, organization] who
know their job and are result oriented.
I cannot thank everyone enough for their involvement and their willingness
to take on the completion of tasks beyond their comfort zones! Vary on these
vote of thank examples till your express motion fits the atmosphere right.

More vote of thanks examples. Think about people who are responsible for:


technical arrangements

stage setting and lighting



the press and media contacts

et cetera
in your vote of thanks speeches.
Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, once again I want to state that we are
all most grateful to all speakers on this stage. We thank you for being with us
this evening - its been a great pleasure.
Thank You Very Much!
Last but not least: Be brief, clear and sharp, everybody has heard enough,
and want to have a drink :-) Succes with chosing the proper vote of thanks


Step 1: Introduce about preparation for valediction

Find out a chairman, one person for Welcome address, one Inaugurator,
one person for Vote of Thanks etc
Prepare their own speeches.


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