Din 28086 (Orejetas)

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DEUTSCHE NORM June 1994 Lugs on vessels for use in process engineering Dimensions and maximum safe working toad es 7112030 ‘Supersedes November 1977 edton. Tragiisen an Apparaten {Or Montage; Matis und maximale Krate In keoping with current practice in standards published by the Intemational Crganizalion for Standardization (ISO), {2 comms has been used throughout as the decimal marker Dimensons in mn Contents 1 Scope and field of applicetion . 2. Dimensions and designation .... 3. Quantities, symbols and units 4 Arrangements of l4gS ......seesees005 5 Maximum safe working load 8) General ..... cesoneeeea 52 Maximum safe working oad of shaces .. 5.3 Maximum sate working toad of lugs 84 Thickness of reinforcoment plas and throa thickness of wolds 55 Load capacty of vessel ends .... 6 Materials ... rman of Of Deutsches stat fr Noman eX, Bet a a i 3 i i 1. Scope and field of application This standard epocifios dmansione of luge with rainlorcoment plates for Iow-alloy and stainloss steel vessels, mainly designed for use In prososs onginocring. it also desorbes a method used to calculals the maximum sale working load of lugs and shackles, as wal as the load capacity of dished vessel ends naar load attachment points. HW vaseels are to be lined, compliance with the relevant requirements shall be ensured (ol, DIN 28051 or DIN 28.060). NOTE: This standard does not deal with the load capacity of ends of ayincrical vessels of of other vessal Ccomponeris located near load attachment polnis. The analysis of such paris fas win bie responsiolity ofthe user. © Mopat of hs andar! may bo raprodicad wns hp In eae o aut thw Gorman-angeag Continued on pages 210 9 DIN 26086 Engl. Price croup 9 ‘Sabato. 08 Page 2 DIN 26086 2. Dimensions and designation For general tolarances, se DIN 8570 Part 1, tlorance class 0. “The design of lugs and reinforcement plates shall be selected to sult Vent fola 6.8 mm the vessel sol. In diameter") t Figure 1: Design detalls of ug ‘The designation of a lug of nominal elzo 3, made of ASI 37-2 stool, materia! number 1.0088, with a reinforcement plato mado of X 6 C*NMoT 17 122 stool, material number 1457, shell road: Lug DIN 28 086 ~ 3 ~ 1.0038 - 14871 ‘Table 1: Lug dimensions Nomina ize o>} ate) ajlanlada 2 1 oo | | | wo] ss | 2% | 10 2 vio | aa | oo | wo | 1 | oo | 15 3 wo | | 7% | oo | ws | 0 | 1 |oecteum 4 200 62 95 390 130 50, 20 coe 5 zo | 7 | 1s | ao | is | oo | 2 “The values specie for hare minima values. Where 1 eiceeds the speciied dimensions, care shal be Token thatluge and weles ee suit song to cary the design tad. {) The vant hole size shall correspond fo thread size M6, the ype ol plug belng atthe discretion of the rmanutacturer DIN2B0Rs Pages 3 Quantities, symbols and units ‘Table 2: Quantites, symbols and units Symbol Unit ‘Quany a % A ewe ggrese ms aatg ea" W 1 2 “The throal thicinesses, a, and a2, shall be deemed adequate H tnay comply wlth equations (7) and (8) respectively {s0e figure 1), 207 * 510 ” a2 2 OF * Sem @ ‘here Stnia €qVAS either sy oF, whichever Is smal and sapig nals etre” 5; OF, whichever fs emer. 5.5 Load capacity of vessel ends In ardor to rata @ vossol end, a sphoricel cap of the same shape and cimansion is salectad on which, with exception ‘of tio rn, a racial forea is exerted. Anintormadiate value, U, is caleulated using the flloving equation, the Intermediats value A beng givan table &. A Ue @ ‘Table 6: dntermediate value A ine J+] e@]*]*]s a we | [me | wo niet vanes demamyttomer DIN 28086 Page7 Tha joad correction fasts f. ie gon In figure 6 98 « function of U. The maximum load capacity In the area of load atlachiment pois, Fp, is this ealeulted using the fofoning equation: BK fy Lh Ke to) y ‘The sffecive safe working load applied to single Iva, Fig Shall satsty the following conditon, W being seated trom abi: () 5 c= L+—| 9 3 a 7 5 5 ts ' 3 2 15 ‘or 0a as 0s ay OF as 0 4s We 13 a 4S 18 tt 6 Materials Lugs and reinforcement plates shall be made trom al least FSt 97-2 sleel, material nurmber 1.0098, in compliance with IN EN 10025. Relaforcerment plates shall be sutabe for welding, Unalloyed and Iow-aloy reinlorcement plates may ba wolded to stainless steel vessols provided the vessel shell ls at least 4mm thick Othenwise, they shall lso be mada fram slanlass stosl The same lyps of material may also be requied for Bom the vassal shell and the reinforcement plala, if the vessel shell Is to ba subjacted to extrame sar vice conitons or temperatures, Page 8 DIN 28086 Standards and other documents referred to DIN8S70Part 1 General folorances for welded structures; near and angular dimensions DIN 18800 Part} Structural steelwork; design and construction DIN2e0s1 Bean of metal comporens designed ta rseh= oan cstrge an rigs for ue In re cess engineering DIN28060 Pressure vessels and apparatus to be faced wth masorry: design and construction DINA2ow Shackies for use on cargo haneling gear Na2101 Shackles DINEN 70025 Hot rolled unalloyed structural steel products; tachalcal delvery conditions (Includes Amendment ‘AL: 1893) ‘AD-Merkblatt 80") Barechnung von Cruckbahitrn (Dasign ol pressure vessels) Other relevant standard DINGSSBPat2 Design and workmanship of welded Jolns on steel vessels and storage tanks for use in the chemical industry Previous edition DIN 20086: 11.7 Amendments Incomparison withthe Novomiber 1877 edition the following amendments have baen made: 8) Specifications ragarding the maximum sale working lead ofug arrangomanis have boon revised. ) Design detals for vss ends and rainforcement plates have been inciuded, ©) Type A lugs without reinforcement platas are no longer incuded. ©) The analysis of lugs has been based on the method deserited in DIN 18000 Part 1. 2) The standard has been editorially revised. Explanatory notes Calculation example Fa Given parameters “Tho vessalis itd as ustated In iguroZ Mass of vassl: 7200 kg. Luge of nominal elo 239 In ON 28 086, with y= 1S men rangement olga ea fguce 4 with = 58%, a= 40" and noe ‘Shackles cf norinal size 8 asin DIN 62 101 (cable 1). Strong paramstars: “Kua = 240 N/m (ug) ‘Kip = 285 N/m (reinforcement plate) Kyo 255 N/m (vessel end) Veszel end: torospheleaeishod; R = 2000 mm, s, = 12 mm, eye ey tm Figure 7; Vessel and Ittng gear ‘Wien tha vassal sifted, each lug carries an equal shers ofthe losd. Thus, Fge = 72000 N. 7) Obianable trom Beuth Verlag GmbH, Burggrafenstrale 6, 0-10787 Bariin and trem Cari Heymenns Verlag KG Luxemburger Sire 448, 0-50999 Kan. DIN26086 Page 2 Calelation {1 Navimum sate working fond for shackles Fy a 46995 <50000 = Fy 2+ cos 40" 7 ‘Maximum safe working load for lugs Fog = 72000 < 108000 = Fg = Fas (Fo as spectied in table 3) 5. Maximum safe workIng load for reinforcement plate Assuming tat, as aresult of 560°, = 1, [some 8 sen 0s Vag =8 ‘Thus, since s_ 5 S215 sey the value chosen for sq 's 2mm. 4. Throat thickness 0, 5,7 15mm sp= 2mm Asindlcatad in subclause 54, the smaller value Is chosen: ay 2 07 - 12mm = 84 mm ‘Thus, the valua chosen for 2 Is 9 mm. 5. Throat thickness 22 Assuming thal s_ © 12mmand s, = 12mm: 2_ = 07 + 12mm = 84 mm ‘Thus, the valuo chosen for 2 Is 9 mm. 5. Maximum safe working ioad for vessel ends Assuming that A = 78 for nominal lg sizo 2 and, as aresull of B= 60", W = 1, 7% Ue = 0596 Thus, in compliance wilh gure 6, f= 92. Theretore: = $8000 Fi = 46995 <53.000/' Fy Resuit ‘The lugs and shackles and the vessel end may be deemed suficently strong for the vessel lo hang freely from pproptate iting gaa. NOTE: The maximum safe working load, Fa, may be increased by selecting lugs of a diferent nominal size or ‘vessel witha thicker end, Intemational Patent Classification B65 Dose/12 F 16 B 045/00

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