Framing: In-Class Exercise

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*****Please bring your tablet or laptop to class on Sept 8 (Tue)*****

Framing: in-class exercises

Language does our thinking for us, and one of the ways in which it does that is through
framing, which is a process by which the emphasis or construction of a message affects
how audiences interpret and evaluate issues. In this 2-part in-class exercise, you will
explore different ways in which mainstream news media discuss contemporary issues,
investigate the relationship between ontology and framing, and analyze the use of
persuasive techniques (e.g., inoculation, descriptive norms and injunctive norms) in
mainstream news media.
Part 1: Due at the beginning of class on Sept 8 (Tue.)
1. Please sign up for one of the topics in class on Sept 3
o Those who are absent on Sept 3 will be randomly assigned a topic by Dr. Lee
after class
o If you dont already know your group members, please introduce yourself and
exchange contact information for coordination, etc.
o If you know already know that you are going to be absent on Sept 8, please
email your examples to one of your teammates, in the required format (See #2
in Part 2 below) before Sept 8 so you can at least get credit for Part 1.
2. Each member is expected to find 3 digital examples of how the news media make a
case for each side of the argument (e.g., 3 examples of how mainstream news media
talk about abortion from pro-choices perspective, and 3 examples of how mainstream
news media talk about abortion from pro-lifes perspective)
o Available options include, but are not limited to news articles, audio or videos
from (a) national, metropolitan and local newspapers, (b) national broadcast
TV channels such as ABC, NBC and CBS or local broadcast TV channels that
are affiliated with these three, (c) radio news channels such as NPR. If you
have question about the suitability of your example, please feel free to ask me
via email or in person
3. Each member is expected to (a) have all 6 examples listed in the required format (See
#2 in Part 2 below), and (b) give some thought as to how you would answer all the
questions in Part 2 based on the examples you found before coming to class on Sept
8. Failure to do so will result in a zero for Part 1.
Part 2: Due by the end of class on Sept 8 (Tue.)
Each group will submit one post to the course blog answering the following questions
1. (a) Which two frames are you examining? (b) Who is in your group?
2. Please list all (a) titles, (b) sources, (c) URLs and (d) name of the person who
found the article
EX: 1. (a) Same-sex couples can convert civil union into marriage (b)
The Herald-News (c)

sex-couples-can-convert-civil-union-into-marriage/aa8m12t/ (d) Dr. Lee

3. What is really at the core of the debate (e.g., why are the two sides in contention,
or what is the problem?) Please try to describe the issue as neutrally as possible-without evoking any frame that may hint at your position on the issue. (EX:
when it comes to pro-choice vs. pro-life, you may argue that the core of the
debate is about legalization of abortion, the deliberate termination of a human
pregnancy (according to
4. Did you find any news story using the neutral frame you proposed in #3?
5. What is the ontological nature of both frames? (EX: For example, proponents of
pro-life believe that life begins at conception, hence abortion is killing and should
thus not be legalized. Whereas proponents of pro-choice believes that life begins
at birth, hence what a woman wants to do to her body is her choice and the state
should not interfere. In essence, the two sides differ in how they define life.)
6. What is the most common supporting evidence used by both sides? (EX: over
50% of the pro-choice articles cite the bible)
7. Who should be held responsible for the problem, according to both sides?
8. Did you spot any use of inoculation from both sides arguments? If so, please (a)
provide one example from each side and (b) identify the steps. If not, please (a)
come up with one example for each side and (b) explain how inoculation fits
Remember, as we saw with Kennedys example, some of the steps may be
implied and its fine to talk about those too
9. Did you spot the use of descriptive norms in any form (e.g, textual or visual)?
Please explain
10. Did you spot the use of injunctive norms in any form (e.g, textual or visual)?
Please explain
You will be graded based on how well your group answers all the questions on the course
blog, though there are no right or wrong answers per se. Critical analysis and creativity
are important, and you are expected to polish your post so it is devoid of typos or
grammatical errors. Each typo will result in a one-point deduction.
It is expected that everyone participates actively and responsibly in both parts of the
exercise. If you wish to fill out an optional peer evaluation form (i.e., to profile an
uncooperative or irresponsible group member), please feel free to email me or see me
after class on Sept 8.
Last but not least, have fun!

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