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March 2010 Serving the Worldwide Helicopter Industry rotorandwing.


The Safety Issue

Exclusive Interview:
NTSB Chairman Deborah Hersman
HEMS Safety Awareness
Flying into the Abyss
Offshore Operations
EASA Rotorcraft Symposium Report
Plus: Original MASH Pilot Richard Kirkland
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Randy Jones, Publisher

Rotor & Wing

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Vol. 44 | No. 3
March 2010

Personal|Corporate Commercial Military Public Service Training Products Services

32 Departments
10 Rotorcraft Report
18 People
18 Coming Events
24 Hot Products
55 Classified Ads
59 Ad Index
61 Coming Up

On the Cover: The AW139, photo courtesy of AgustaWestland, is
favored by many offshore operators. (Above) A LifeFlight of Maine
helicopter responds to the scene of a motorcycle accident. Photo by
Michele Barker. (Bottom) NTSB Chairman Deborah Hersman.
4 Editor’s Notebook

Features 7 Feedback
8 Meet the Contributors
26 ■ NTSB’s Deborah Hersman 56 Safety Watch
Q&A with chairman of the U.S. safety agency. By Brian F. Finnegan 58 Military Insider
32 ■ HEMS Update 60 Law Enforcement Notebook
Safety awareness up, but wave of regs expected. By Charlotte Adams 62 Public Safety
36 ■ Flying Into the Abyss
Night ops over water is a special environment. By Dan Deutermann 26
40 ■ The Extra Mile
Challenges in the offshore oil and gas industry. By Andrew Healey

44 ■ Angel Came Down to Get Me

Profile of HEMS pilot Richard C. Kirkland. By Andrew D. Parker

48 ■ European Helicopter Safety

Report from EASA’s Rotorcraft Symposium. By Thierry Dubois

52 ■ From Mozart to Huey

Pilot prepares for Illinois Aviation Hall of Fame. By Anne Grahn

The editors welcome new product information and other industry news. All editorial inquiries should be directed to Rotor & Wing magazine, 4 Choke Cherry Rd., 2nd Floor, Rockville, Md.
20850, USA; 1-301-354-1839; fax 1-301-762-8965. E-mail: Rotor & Wing (ISSN-1066-8098) is published monthly by Access Intelligence, 4 Choke
Cherry Rd., 2nd Floor, Rockville, Md. 20850, USA. Periodical postage paid at Rockville, Md. and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: Free to qualified individuals directly involved in
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Editor’s Notebook
By Joy Finnegan

Focused on Safety

ur focus in this issue is safety. that beyond her voluminous credentials Aviation Association (EBAA); Robert
Five of our features this month lies a true desire to improve the safety Carter, principal inspector of air accidents
are related to this theme. Before of the aviation industry and specifically at the UK’s Air accidents investigation
telling you about the safety fea- the helicopter industry. She didn’t pull branch (AAIB); Francesco Paolucci, a
tures in this issue, I want to let you know any punches and was very direct with flight test engineer with the Italian civil
that we will be conducting our Rotor & her answers. Although she had a typical aviation authority (ENAC); as well as
Wing Safety & Training Summit again bureaucrat’s entourage with her during engineers, operators and of course, the
this year in Denver, Colo. on June 8 and 9. the interview, she rarely relied on their OEMs. The European helicopter com-
Please make note of the dates. We’d love input. As you will see, her answers to munity seems laser-focused on improving
to have you attend. our helicopter-related questions were safety as well. Learn about what initiatives
I can announce for the first time here well-versed and thoughtful. They were are in works on page 48.
in the magazine that our keynote speaker also refreshingly candid. You will find that In this issue we are also taking a
will be none other than FAA Administra- article on page 26. moment to celebrate the lives of two
tor Randy Babbitt. This is a great honor Also find within that story a sample larger-than-life figures from the history of
and hopefully a show of solidarity from risk matrix, something Chairman Hers- helicopter piloting.
the FAA with the rotorcraft world. More man talked about as a low tech, inexpen- The first is Richard Kirkland. Author
news and session topics for the Rotor & sive way to reduce risky operations. It of the book, “MASH Angels,” Kirkland
Wing Safety & Training Summit to come. takes up one page with the hopes that if served in World War II and the Korean
In this issue, first and foremost, we operators need a sample, they could easily War. It was during the Korean War that
had a rare, exclusive opportunity to get pull it out and use it. helicopters became “the” mode of trans-
one-on-one with National Transportation We also have a story that looks at the porting wounded soldiers from the battle-
Safety Board (NTSB) Chairman Deborah strides made by HEMS operators that field and led to greater survivability.
Hersman. She was sworn in as the 12th have improved safety in that world. We Injured soldiers were taken to mobile
NTSB Chairman on July 28, 2009, follow- talked to some of the leaders in the indus- hospitals called MASH (mobile Army
ing her nomination to the post by Presi- try and asked how they have improved the surgical hospital) units, familiar to all from
dent Barack Obama and confirmation by safety of their operations. It is a fascinating the long-running television show and
the U.S. Senate. look at this complex work. Find that story, novel on which it was based, “M*A*S*H.”
Her two-year term as chairman runs by Charlotte Adams, on page 32. Kirkland has many amazing stories, not
until July 2011. She is also serving a sec- Next, Dan Deutermann offers his only about the MASH days, but about
ond five-year term as a Board Member, insights about night flight over water, keeping a helicopter in his back yard,
which expires on Dec. 31, 2013. Hersman when the horizon disappears and visual among others. Kirkland is a national hero
has been an NTSB board member since cues are almost non-existent. This is a and treasure. See story, written by our
June 21, 2004. special type of flight environment and managing editor, Andrew D. Parker, start-
She has been the board member on should not be taken lightly. Dan’s exten- ing on page 44.
the scene of 17 major transportation acci- sive experience in this realm gives special In addition, we take a look at the life
dents, including the crash of a Maryland credence to his recommendations. He and times of another hero, Gerry Ventrel-
State Police EMS helicopter in Forestville, calls that realm “The Abyss” and that story la, a Vietnam War veteran. He trained on
Md. in September 2008 and the mid-air begins on page 36. the Bell OH-13 and graduated to become
collision involving a sightseeing helicop- Another of our safety focused features a Bell UH-1 combat assault pilot in Viet-
ter and a single-engine plane over the takes a look at the European perspec- nam. He flew 813 combat hours and was
Hudson River that killed all nine people tive. European Correspondent Thierry awarded 18 air medals for his service in
aboard the two aircraft in August 2009. Dubois attended the 3rd Annual EASA that conflict. He has been nominated for
Hersman has also chaired the public Rotorcraft Symposium and reports on induction into the Illinois Military Avia-
events hosted by the NTSB, including numerous initiatives that are in the works tion Hall of Fame this summer. Stories
the September 2009 meeting announcing and opinions expressed by European from his amazing career start on page 52.
four safety recommendation letters con- rotorcraft luminaries, such as Vittorio As soon as we button this March issue
taining 19 recommendations concerning Morassi, chairman of the new European up, the Rotor & Wing staff will be on their
helicopter emergency medical services Helicopter Association (newEHA); Brian way to Houston for Heli-Expo and by the
(HEMS). Humphries, who is both the chairman of time you are reading this, the show will be
In the process of conducting our inter- the British Helicopter Association (BHA) over. The April issue will be chock full of
view with Chairman Hersman, we found and the CEO of the European Business Heli-Expo news and announcements.

4 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | maR ch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m



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Lombardi; Douglas Nelms; Ray Prouty; Ann Roosevelt; Simon
Roper; Terry Terrell; Todd Vorenkamp; Richard Whittle.

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Personal|Corporate Commercial Military Public Service Training Products Services

Capitalism at its Worst

I have just read your Rotor & Wing article,
“Stay Proficient” in the Editor’s Notebook
section (February 2010, page 4). Thank you
for writing it. I have been flying helicop-
ters, both military and commercial, for the
better part of 35 years and I’m astonished
at how little IFR proficiency exists in the
helicopter industry. The reasons for this,
though, are not hard to realize once you
understand the environment most com-
mercial helicopter pilots work in, especially
those that fly at night.
When I started flying in the Army, the

regulations clearly directed IFR training
and regular IFR filing; yet the reality was the Rotor & Wing mistakenly identified the photo on the left as an exterior view of a CAE Eurocopter AS350B2 flight training
device on page 4 of our Show Day edition from Heli-Expo. The correct photo is on the right. We regret the error.
aircraft were seldom properly equipped for
serious IFR use. Tactical multi-ship training conditions at the scene, at the surface are tors do not require or support anywhere
missions, both in the U.S. and overseas, iffy. These are among some of the rea- near the instrument training levels that
were regularly conducted VFR in weather sons that the only helicopter flying done equal proficiency; or, do not have the train-
as low as 200- to 300-foot ceilings and 1/2 regularly at night or in marginal weather ing properly directed from above to ensure
to 1/4 mile visibility—in rain, snow, fog, etc., (outside the military) is by the HEMS or proficiency compliance.
even at night—this was before NVGs. For police aviation communities. The Europeans are way ahead of the
many military trained pilots; this “VFR at The police aviation community is most- U.S. in this area. It is now or will soon be
all costs” approach carried over to the com- ly centered on lighted, urban areas and directed that night HEMS will be conduct-
mercial world—it is all they had known. seldom fly if the weather is truly IFR. This ed in twin engine, autopilot equipped, seri-
Additionally, to properly equip an IFR- leaves the HEMS community, which is ously IFR-capable aircraft, flown by IFR-
capable aircraft that is to be flown single- often required to fly outside of urban envi- proficient pilots—period. Canada already
pilot, it needs an autopilot. Helicopters are ronments, at night, to locations with no has required a similar approach for EMS
inherently not as stable as airplanes—with real-time weather information. To be flying operators, and their safety record reflects
few exceptions you can never “trim up” a an inherently unstable aircraft, single-pilot, the difference. There will be those in our
helicopter to fly straight and level—hands at night, without autopilots, at relatively low helicopter community who will argue with
off, even in the smoothest of air. You take altitudes, in areas with little to no external what I say; but I have been flying a very long
your hands off of one or more controls or visual reference—where it is all but impos- time and am fundamentally correct.
divert your attention away from the imme- sible to see anything past the windshield; The EMS industry in the U.S. needs
diate task of flying, and away the aircraft and yet state they are legally “VFR” because a complete re-thinking of what they
will go. For a pilot to fly alone (single-pilot) an area weather report says so, is absolute are about. Yet, until the FAA mandates
in a non-autopilot-equipped “IFR capable” insanity. The HEMS accident record of the many of the more expensive and time-
helicopter in IMC, especially at night, is past several years supports this. consuming requirements, nothing will
quite daunting. It was very interesting to read your change. The HEMS industry in the U.S.
Thirdly, airplanes always fly from air- comments—the vast difference in mindset is, in many ways, capitalism at its worst.
fields to airfields that almost always have between the commercial airplane world
weather reporting of some degree—at and the commercial helicopter world is William Page
least ASOS. This presents a relatively accurate. Yet to simply state that ‘staying Pilot
black or white level of information on instrument proficient’ is key to accident
whether to go or not. The vast majority of reduction, and ultimately survival, is far Correction
helicopter EMS (HEMS) flights are to/ removed from the reality. Because of the In the Executive Outlook section on page 26
from open areas; away from airports, inadequate nature of much of the equip- of the January 2010 issue, Becker Avionics
without point weather reporting capabil- ment and flight environment, EMS flying was erroneously referred to as Becker Aero-
ity. You can call all the weather briefers at night requires a level of instrument pro- space. To Becker Avionics and anyone else
you want; but when your destination is ficiency that equals or surpasses what the who might have been confused by the refer-
20-plus miles (or more) from a weather airlines train to. Yet, with very few excep- ence, please accept our sincere apologies.
reporting facility, their ability to interpret tions, most commercial helicopter opera-

Do you have comments on the rotorcraft industry or recent articles and viewpoints we’ve published? Send them to: Editor, Rotor & Wing, 4
Choke Cherry Road, Second Floor, Rockville, MD 20850, fax us at 301-354-1809 or email us at Please include a
city and state or province with your name and ratings. We reserve the right to edit all submitted material.

W W W. r o t o r a n d W i n g . c o m m a r c h 2 0 1 0 | roto r & W i n g maga zi n e 7

Meet the
Charlotte adaMs covers aviation and aviation safety as an accident investigator, a manager of air safe-
defense technology. She has written for Aviation ty investigation and an F/A-18 Hornet field service engineer.
Maintenance magazine and was the editor- He is an A&P mechanic and private pilot with a B.S. in Aviation
in-chief of Avionics magazine. She also writes Maintenance Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
for the Armed Forces Communications and University.
Electronics Association. aNNe grahN is a private helicopter pilot and
lee BeNsoN is a retired senior pilot for freelance writer living in Chicago. This month’s
the Los Angeles County Fire Department. feature article, “From Mozart to Huey,” is her
Before he was named senior pilot, Lee ran the first contribution to Rotor & Wing.
aviation section’s safety and training programs,
including organizing the section’s yearly safety aNdrew healey trained as a Royal Navy
meeting with other public agencies and the navigation officer and pilot with front-line tours
press. flying anti-submarine Sea Kings from aircraft
carrier Hermes, and Wasps off Antarctic patrol
aNdrew drwiega is a senior defense ship Endurance. Before leaving the navy with an
journalist with a particular focus on military ATPL(H), he was awarded a Queen’s Commen-
rotorcraft. He was the editor of Defence dation for Valuable Service in the Air for his part in the rescue of
Helicopter for seven years. Andrew has reported seamen from a burning ship in the English Channel. As a civilian,
on military rotary forces across the world, and in he flew Jet Rangers, A-Stars and Agusta A109s for a charter com-
doing so has flown in a wide variety of rotorcraft pany near London.
on training missions, exercises and on operations, including the
FraNk loMBardi began his flying career in
Osprey, Apache and Rooivalk. Andrew has also been involved
1991 when he graduated with a bachelor’s of sci-
in organizing, chairing and attending defense and helicopter
ence in aerospace engineering. Frank became a
conferences around the world. police officer for a major East Coast police depart-
daN deuterMaNN, Lt.Cdr, U.S. Coast Guard, ment in 1995, and has flown helicopters in the
began his aviation career in the Navy flying the department’s aviation section since 2000. He is a
HH46D and as a flight instructor in the TH-57. commercial pilot with both fixed-wing and rotary-wing ratings.
In 2001, he transferred to the USCG to serve
with Air Station Savannah, flying SAR in the aNdrew Parker is managing editor of Rotor
HH65 Dolphin, MH-68’s (A109E) conducting & Wing magazine. He has served the same role
counter-drug missions with HITRON Jacksonville. He is cur- for Rotor & Wing sister publication Avionics
rently back flying SAR missions in the MH65C at Air Station magazine, as well as Aviation Maintenance.
Miami. Deutermann is a graduate of the Navy’s Aviation Safety
Officer school and advanced safety and accident investigation terry terrell gained his early aviation experi-
courses from the NTSB, USC, SCSI. He also holds a master’s ence as a U.S. Navy fixed-wing instructor and U.S.
degree from ERAU. Coast Guard aircraft commander, where his ser-
thierry duBois is a long-time contributor vice included SAR in Sikorsky S-61s. Terry served
to Access Intelligence publications. He has as a cross-qualified captain and safety special proj-
been an aerospace journalist for 12 years, spe- ects officer with Houston’s Transco Energy, and
cializing in helicopters since 2006. He writes later with Atlanta’s Kennestone AVSTAT Helicopter Ambulance
on technical subjects, both for professional Program and Georgia Baptist LifeFlight.
media and a popular science magazine in riChard whittle, longtime Pentagon cor-
France, where he is based. respondent for The Dallas Morning News,
BriaN FiNNegaN is president of Finnegan writes regularly for R&W about military aircraft
Aviation, LLC, an aviation services consulting and related topics. Simon & Schuster will publish
company. Brian is the former president of the his book, “The Dream Machine: The Untold
Professional Aviation Maintenance Associa- History of the Notorious V-22 Osprey,” on April
tion (PAMA) and has extensive experience in 27, 2010. It is available for advance order at

8 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | maR ch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

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Personal|Corporate Commercial Military Public Service Training Products Services


Soteria Wins SAR-H Battle to Civilianize UK’s SAR Helicopter Force

The Soteria Consortium (comprising
CHC, Thales, Sikorsky and the Royal Bank
of Scotland) has won a bid to replace the
UK’s predominantly military-run Search
and Rescue helicopter force in 2012. The
current SAR force is mainly comprised of
Royal Air Force and Royal Navy personnel
and aircraft at eight bases, with a smaller
contribution provided by the Maritime
and Coastguard Agency (MCA) at four
Quentin Davies, the UK’s Minister for
Defence Equipment and Support, made
the long-awaited announcement on Octo-
ber 9. Dubbed the harmonized Search and
Rescue Helicopter (SAR-H) service, the
move is very significant in that it moves
the responsibility of managing the UK’s

search and rescue helicopter force from

the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the
Department for Transport (DfT) to a Pri-
Made up of CHC, Thales, Sikorsky and the Royal Bank of Scotland, the Soteria Consortium has chosen
vate Finance Initiative (PFI)-based civilian the S-92A to replace UK-operated Sea Kings.
“The Ministry of Defence and the We can now bring this together under one finalizing the award later in 2010. The heli-
Department for Transport have been single service.” However, the number of copter chosen by the Soteria Consortium
working on this for three years and we military pilots and crew within the force is to replace the Sea Kings is the Sikorsky
are now happy to accept the Soteria bid,” expected to drop from the current level of S-92A. “The S-92 has been in operation
said Davies. The confirmed £6-billion around 240 to 66, making the majority of in Northern Scotland [Shetland and Isle
(approximately $8.25-billion) contract has the personnel civilian. of Lewis] for three years and the crews are
been awarded on the provision of a service In terms of value for money against the impressed with the capability of the heli-
based around 97 percent aircraft avail- existing service, Davies said it depended on copter,” said Clark.
ability (Soteria’s website states that the four how fixed costs were allocated within the The S-92s are said to be 30 percent
aircraft currently in service with the MCA MoD and that it wasn’t possible to make a faster than the Sea Kings and will be
have had an availability record in excess of comparison over 25 years. equipped with forward-looking infrared
98 percent). Davies said of the decision to move to (FLIR) and integrated de-icing equipment
“This is a very good day for search and a PFI based service: “This wasn’t driven by (rotor ice protection system or RIPS). The
rescue in the UK. We are now planning to a cost-saving agenda. It is the provision of MCA operation will begin the transition
retire the Sea King after 30 years service,” a new and better service based on avail- first in 2012 with a completion date set for
he said. Paul Clark, the parliamentary ability.” Davies stated that he was confident 2016.—By Andrew Drwiega, Military
Under Secretary of State for DfT, followed that the new arrangement would provide Editor
on saying: “This is good news for the good value.
For daily and breaking news involving helicopters, go to:
Department of Transport, the Royal Navy Now that the pre-selection of a bidder www.aviationtoday/rw
Become a fan of Rotor & Wing on Facebook
and the Royal Air Force and good for those is complete, Davies said that full contract Follow us on Twitter: @rotorandwing
who will need this service on land and sea. negotiations could begin, with the aim of

10 ROTO R & WING MAGAZ INE | MAR CH 2 0 1 0 W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M

Rotorcraft Report


AgustaWestland Receives
Maritime AW109 Order
The Bangladesh Navy has placed an order for two
AW109 Power helicopters from AgustaWestland.
The AW109s will conduct search and rescue, surface
surveillance, maritime security and economic zone
protection ops. AgustaWestland plans to hand over the
helicopters—which will be equipped to fly from the
frigate BNS Bangabandhu—in 2011. The agreement
also contains provisions for training, including VFR/

IFR conversion training, instruction for maintenance
engineers and initial operational maritime training with
an AW109 Level-D flight simulator.


Night Flight Trains EC135s to Serve Spanish Police Forces

Atlanta PD Pilots The Spanish Ministry
Port St. Lucie, Fla.-based Night Flight of the Interior has
Concepts (NFC) has conducted night placed an order for
vision goggle training for the Atlanta Police 12 Eurocopter EC135
Department under its Turn Green, Turn P2i aircraft. Spain’s
Key program. Atlanta PD used its MD500E National Police Force
for the program, which included ground will receive six of the
and flight training for pilots and tactical helicopters for law
flight officers (TFOs). NFC supplied enforcement, and the
its TSO-approved night vision aviation other six will go to
goggles (NVAGs), an NVG inspection the Spanish Guardia
service to maintain the equipment’s Civil. Assembly will

airworthiness, and an MD500E NVG take place in Albacete,

lighting kit from REB Technologies. Spain. Eurocopter
plans to deliver the
first four helicopters
in 2010, with four in 2011 and the rest in 2012. The National Police and Guardia Civil

Ducommun Wins currently operate seven EC135s each. Eurocopter is working on two additional contracts

V-22 Assembly Deal that would bring the combined fleets of the two units to 51 EC135s as part of a helicopter
modernization program.
Bell Helicopter has issued a contract for
Ducommun AeroStructures (DAS) to ■ TRAINING | EMS
provide titanium longeron assemblies
for the MV-22 tiltrotor. Developed in SRT Instructs San Antonio Med Unit
partnership with Boeing Rotorcraft San Antonio Fire Department’s Medical Special Operations Unit (MSOU) recently
Systems, the V-22 Osprey can function completed two training courses with SRT Helicopters of Bakersfield, Calif. The courses
in both VTOL and STOL modes. A covered basic rescue swimmer and basic short haul rescue training. Lt. Robert Dugie
subsidiary of Carson, Calif.-based explains that some of the sessions “were conducted in challenging weather conditions
Ducommun Inc., DAS will assemble the which included freezing temperatures and snow flurries.” He adds that the training “was
left and right longerons at its facility in extremely realistic in every aspect and was invaluable for us as a team working with
Coxsackie, N.Y. another city agency.”

W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M M A R C H 2 0 1 0 | R OTO R & W I N G MAGA ZI N E 11

Rotorcraft Report

■ Training | StandaRdS

Simulator Standards Harmonization With Pilot needs in Mind

Qualif ying a helicopter simulator ment will also mark a step up in require- • Type V—the top level, with potential for
internationally can be a bit of a headache. ments at the lower end of the spectrum. Zero Flight Time;
National regulators have different The Technical Group of the Helicopter- • Type IV—more type-specific, inter-
standards and it can be difficult to map International Working Group (H-IWG) is mediate-level trainers, but includes
between them. The task extends the looking at 114 different tasks, said Stéphane motion;
time and cost of fielding new products. Clément, co-chair of the Technical Group • Type III—similar to Type IV, but motion
ICAO, the International Civil Aviation and director of regulatory affairs for CAE. is not required;
Organization, is working on a solution to In addition to the tasks there are three • Type II—partial VFR trainers, associated
these problems. levels of fidelity—generic, representative with private pilot and commercial pilot
It’s taking a practical approach, trying and specific—and 14 different simulation licenses; and
to match simulator features to tasks that features, such as visuals, motion, vibration • Type I—basic instrument trainers.
pilots are actually required to perform to and representation of aerodynamics. Cor-
obtain different levels of certification, such relating all of these items is difficult and If the current thinking holds, all five
as a private pilot license, air transport pilot involves what insiders dub the “matrix types will require a visual system although
license, commercial pilot license, instru- from hell.” not of identical quality. Some level of vibra-
ment rating, type ratings and recurrent Clément provided Rotor & Wing a tion capability is also likely to be required
training. snapshot of the committee’s work, which in all types, as it is such an important cue.
While the draft standard isn’t expected is, of course, subject to change. Currently, Basic ATC simulation—mostly hearing
to be submitted until year-end, if all goes however, simulators are divided into five other traffic—is likely for all types, as well.
according to current plans, the new docu- types, described generically: One example shows how complex the
challenge is. Take a basic task: transition
from hover to forward flight. A trainer
The CAE 3000 Series helicopter mission trainer capable of simulating this action would
features a direct-projection dome with 210 x require a vibration system to give the pilot
75-degree field of view, Tropos-6000 visual system
the feeling of the rotor effects in transi-
and cockpit vibration platform.
tion. Visuals would be important, as well,
because although the pilot lowers the nose
and is looking downward, he also needs to
look up to scan for other traffic.
The standards group also would con-
sider what type of pilot approval the task
is being performed for. If it’s for a type rat-
ing, the transition-from-hover task would
require a trainer with a relatively high level
of fidelity for visuals, vibration, sound,
motion, engines, aircraft systems and flight
Simulation of the navigation system
would be less important. If the task is being
performed for a private pilot’s license, less
fidelity would be required because the stu-
dent is learning to fly rather than learning
to fly a specific aircraft type.
Participants in the ICAO process
include regulators, helicopter manufac-
turers and helicopter operators, as well as
training organizations. While the views
of the members are converging, much

remains to be done. So stay tuned for

further developments in this important
area.—By Charlotte Adams

12 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | m a R ch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

Rotorcraft Report

■ Training | MilitaRy SiMulatoRS

Capt. Jeremy Duff, a battle commander for
the 1st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, 10th Boeing apache Trainers Come Online
Combat Aviation Brigade, uses an Apache
Longbow Crew Trainer (LCT) to prepare for The U.S. Army has declared five recently delivered Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow
various missions in Iraq. Crew Trainers (LCTs) “ready for training.” According to Boeing, the delivery of five Apache
trainers in 2009 stands as the largest yearly number to date for the model. The manufacturer
has handed over a total of 29 LCTs through early 2010.

U.S. Army/Terry Moore

Four Army sites and one Egyptian Air Force location are the recipients of the five LCTs
delivered in the past year. The Army base at Fort Hood, Texas received two trainers, and
one LCT each went to Fort Drum, N.Y. and Illesheim, Germany, in addition to the Egyptian
Air Force site. Boeing plans to hand over three more LCTs to the U.S. Army in 2011 and
2012. One will go to the Department of Defense, one to the National Guard as part of a
modernization program, and the third may be used as a development platform.

■ ServiCeS | night viSion

■ miliTary | avionicS
aero Dynamix gains
elbit to Support aH-1W Support Deal european STC
NAVAIR has struck a $15.6-million arrangement for Elbit Systems of America’s tactical The European Aviation Safety Agency
video data link (TVDL) in support of U.S. Marine Corps AH-1W Super Cobra attack (EASA) has granted a supplemental type
helicopters. The contract involves the development, production and installation of TVDL certificate (STC) for Aero Dynamix to
kits on the AH-1Ws. Elbit Systems is subcontracting Tadiran Spectralink and Service install its night vision imaging system
Support Associates to help with the effort. (NVIS) on helicopters in Europe. The
Euless, Texas-based company worked with
MD Helicopters to achieve certification,
■ PUBliC ServiCe | eMS using a MD902 in operation with

eastCare medical incorporates eC135 Denmark’s Casa Air.

■ COmmerCial | Safety
This Eurocopter EC135 has joined the fleet of the EastCare air medical
program, which Pitt County Memorial Hospital runs.
erickson receives
Oregon OSHa award
Oregon’s Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) has designated
Erickson Air-Crane a SHARP employer.
Under the safety and health achievement
recognition program (SHARP), companies
who display comprehensive and effective
health and safety programs. SHARP
companies are given a limited exemption
from programmed inspections.

■ miliTary | aiRfRaMeS

assembly of First
Pitt County Memorial Hospital has taken delivery of a new Eurocopter EC135 for its
EastCare air medical service in North Carolina. Based at Rocky Mount-Wilson Regional
S-70i Wraps Up
Airport (RWI), the EC135 is part of a fleet upgrade that also involves Eurocopter PZL Mielec in Poland has nearly finished
delivering two EC145s this spring—scheduled for April and May 2010. The EC145s will putting together the initial S70i Black
be stationed at Pitt County Memorial’s heliport (NC91) in Greenville, N.C. The group of Hawk, Sikorsky reported in January.
Eurocopter variants is set to replace a fleet of three BK-117s operated through a lease with Aircraft 0001 went into assembly in August
Air Methods. 2009, powering up for the first time late
last year. A subsidiary of Sikorsky, PZL is
the final assembly center for the S-70i, an
international variant of the Black Hawk.

14 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | m a R ch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

Rotorcraft Report

Finland’s Border Guard has

purchased a fourth AW119Ke
■ Public Service | PAtRoL for police and special ops
missions. The helicopters will

come with a law enforcement
AW119Ke Added to package similar to this NYPD

Finnish Order AW119Ke in the homeland

security configuration.

The Finnish Border Guard has purchased

another AgustaWestland AW119Ke. The
border guard chose the helicopter model

in 2008 as part of a fleet modernization
and enhancement program, placing orders
for three AW119Kes. AgustaWestland
plans to deliver the first three helicopters
in third quarter 2010. All four helicopters
will perform various missions, including
border patrol, special operations and
firefighting. Each will come equipped with
Don’t assume they’ll read your article.
a law enforcement package, including night
vision goggles (NVGs).

■ trAining | SimuLAtoRS

ec135 Sims Join

Air Methods
AeroSimulators has won a contract to
provide three helicopter flight training
devices (FTDs) for Air Methods of
Englewood, Colo. The first FTD—a
Eurocopter EC135 trainer with a
modified cockpit—will be based at Air
Methods headquarters. The company
will employ the two other trainers, which
are mobile units for the AS350, in field
October 2008 Serving the Worldwide Helicopter Industry
Place your press directly
in the hands of those who
matter most—your customers
Sorting Out
NVG Rules, Ops

■ PrOductS | FiReFighting Corporate Helicopters:

Clear of Turbulence?

and prospects, with custom

reprints from Rotor & Wing.
latitude inks Sei
bambi bucket deal
Victoria, BC-based Latitude Technologies EMS:
Corp. has signed a supply agreement THE GOLDEN HOUR
integrated publishing solutions
with SEI Industries to equip the Bambi
Bucket with sensors for real-time data
gathering, satellite relay and informational 717.399.1900 x100
displays. SEI Industries manufactures
the firefighting water bucket from its The YGS Group is the authorized provider of
48,000-square-foot facility in Delta, BC. custom reprint products from Rotor & Wing.

W W W. r o t o r a n d W i n g . c o M M a r c h 2 0 1 0 | roto r & W i n g M aga zi n e 15

R&W_HalfIsland.indd 1 3/25/09 11:50:50 AM
Rotorcraft Report


Sikorsky’s Innovations Targets Unmanned Black Hawk

More than 100 people attended a Feb. 1 ceremony
at Connecticut Science Center in Hartford where
Sikorsky uncovered plans for its latest division—
Innovations. The “virtual” organization will seek to
establish and strengthen collaborations between
government, universities, businesses and other
United Technologies Corp. (UTC) research facilities. A U.S. Army UH-60 Black Hawk from

U.S. Army/Staff Sgt. Lynette Hoke

Task Force 34, 1st Battalion-244th
During the next decade, Sikorsky plans to invest
Assault Helicopter Battalion, flies
$1 billion in Innovations for a number of projects, above a mosque during an early 2009
including an unmanned version of the UH-60 Black mission in Iraq. Sikorsky is investing $1
Hawk. Efforts under the new division have already billion in its new Innovations segment,
started at more than 20 global locations. The heli- which will research a number of next-
generation technologies, including an
copter manufacturer says that one such investment
unmanned version of the Black Hawk.
was recently completed at Eagle Aviation Technolo-
gies in Hampton. Va.
Mark Miller, vice president of research and engi-
neering, said that Sikorsky is “currently working on challenges in the areas of high speed flight, optionally piloted aircraft, systems
that enable safe operation in blinding, brownout conditions, and many others that only a few years ago might have been consid-
ered technologically and economically unfeasible.”


BAE Countermeasures System Flies on CH-47D
Rockville, Md.-based BAE Systems successfully installed its Advanced Threat Infrared LEA Offers Loan
Countermeasures (ATIRCM) system on U.S. Army CH-47D Chinook aircraft in
December 2009. Now, the U.S. Army has reported its first success in defending a
Program for Training
CH-47D against multiple infrared man-portable anti-aircraft missiles (IR manpads) Leading Edge Aviation (LEA) has secured
during January 2010. ATIRCM is a laser-based, directable countermeasures system that approval to offer Sallie Mae’s Smart Option
protects helicopters against attack by infrared and radio frequency missiles. student loans for helicopter flight training.
The AN/ALQ-212(V) ATIRCM, coupled with the AAR-57 Common Missile Warn- The Bend, Ore.-based flight school says
ing System (CMWS), greatly enhances overall aircraft survivability against current the loan program will open up helicopter
and evolving threats. Its installation follows a series of rigorous qualification, field, and training to a wider range of students.
flight tests. The first systems were installed ahead of the Dec. 15 deadline for the Army’s LEA is also affiliated with Central Oregon
ATIRCM quick-reaction capability program. The system provides missile warning for Community College (COCC). Spring
rotary-wing, transport, and tactical aircraft in all military services. The AN/ALQ-212(V) registration starts March 19.
advanced threat infrared countermeasures/common missile warning system (ATIRCM/
CMWS) suite provides protection against an array of threats, including all infrared threat ■ PRODUCTS | TRACKING
bands. —By Brian Finnegan
Consortium Gets
SkyTrac Satcom
Luminator Searchlight Going on UH-72A Dubai-based Aerospace Consortium FZE
EADS North America has chosen Plano, Texas-based Luminator’s LS16 searchlight for has contracted SkyTrac Systems to supply
the UH-72A. In the security and support configuration, the UH-72A comes equipped satcom and flight following services for
with an electro-optical infrared sensor, communications suite, moving map, cockpit and its mixed fleet, which comprises Bell 412,
cabin displays, a digital video recorder and the LS16. The searchlight employs solid-state Kamov 32 and Mi-8T/8MTV helicopters,
electronics, an optical system, bi-directional focusing and a drive system with a variable- as well as Antonov-26/72/74, Boeing 747
speed azimuth and elevation motion at speeds of 30 degrees per second. and Ilyushin-76 fixed-wing aircraft.

16 ROTO R & WING MAGAZ INE | MAR CH 2 0 1 0 W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M

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Rotorcraft Report

Columbia Helicopters’ aircraft systems (UAS) group, and Bob as president of Bell Helicopter Textron
board of directors Manaskie will serve as GM of the heli- Canada Ltd. Cardinali has taken a posi-
has elected Nanc y copter aftermarket group. Kaman has tion as senior vice president of integrated
Lematta as its next also named John Shelanskas acting supply chain for Cessna, also a Textron
chairman. She replaces director of the operations support group. subsidiary.
Wes Lematta, her In another recent move, Kaman Corp. Cobham has named John Devaney
husband and founder of the company, has created a new division within its non-executive director and chairman
who passed away in December 2009. Aerospace Group—Kaman Composites— designate. Under a succession plan, Dev-
Nancy Lematta says that there will be appointing James Larwood as president. aney—currently executive chairman
no change in operations at Columbia, He was formerly president of the com- of National Express—will take over as
stressing that she “feels comfortable in pany’s Precision Products division. Cobham chairman from David Turner
knowing how he would have wanted his Textron subsid- in May 2010.
company managed in the future.” iary Bell Helicopter Canadian satcom provider SkyTrac
Bloomfield, Conn.-based Kaman has promoted Barry Systems has appointed Malachi Nor-
Corp’s Helicopters division has appointed Kohler to president of dine to head its systems integration team.
general managers to newly created prod- its Canadian affiliate. The company says the team will assist
uct groups. Tim Bates is the new GM of Currently vice presi- operators with various software and hard-
the blade and subcontract product group. dent of Bell’s Commercial Programs divi- ware issues, including data collection,
Terry Fogarty will lead the unmanned sion, Kohler will replace Eric Cardinali access and transfer.

March 17–19: Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) Spring July 19–25: Farnborough Intl Airshow 2010, Farnborough, England.
coming events

Conference, Washington, DC. Contact AAMS, phone 1-703-836-8732 Contact FIA, phone +44 0 1252 532800 or visit
or visit
July 14–17: Airborne Law Enforcement Association (ALEA) Annual
March 23–28: FIDAE 2010, Santiago, Chile. Contact FIDAE, phone 56 Conference, Tucson, Ariz. Contact ALEA, phone 1-301-631-2406 or
2 873 9752 or visit visit
April 7–10: Aircraft Electronics Association Convention, Orlando, Aug. 21–23: National Guard Association of the United States
Fla. Contact AEA, phone 1-816-347-8400 or visit (NGAUS) 132nd General Conference, Austin, Texas. Contact
April 14–17: Army Aviation Association of America (Quad-A) NGAUS, phone 1-202-789-0031 or visit
Annual Convention, Fort Worth, Texas. Contact Quad-A, phone Sept. 7–9: 36th European Rotorcraft Forum 2010, Paris, France.
1-203-268-2450 or visit Contact ERF, phone +33 15 664 1235 or visit
April 21–22: Search and Rescue 2010, Aberdeen, Scotland. Contact Oct. 5–10: Helitech Europe 2010, Estoril, Portugal. Contact Reed
Shepherd Group, phone +44 0 1753 727015 or visit www.shepherd. Exhibitions, phone +44 0 208 271 2155 or visit www.helitecheurope. com
May 3–6: 2010 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas. Oct. 5–10: FAI 104th General Conference, Dublin, Ireland. Contact
Contact Offshore Technology Conference, phone 1-972-952-9494 or FAI, phone +4121 345 1070 or visit
Oct. 11–13: AAMS Air Medical Transport Conference (AMTC),
May 4–6: European Business Aviation Association and NBAA’s Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Contact Association of Air Medical Services,,
EBACE 2010, Geneva, Switzerland. Contact EBAA, phone +32 2 766 phone 1-703-836-8732 or visit
0073 or visit
Oct. 19–21: National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) 63rd
May 11–13: American Helicopter Society International 66th Annual Meeting & Convention, Atlanta, Ga. Contact NBAA, phone
Annual Forum and Technology Display, Phoenix, Ariz. Contact AHS 1-202-783-9000 or visit
Intl, phone 1-703-684-6777 or visit
Oct. 25–27: Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) Annual Meeting,
May 11–13: 55th Annual Corporate Aviation Safety Seminar Washington, D.C. Contact AUSA, phone 1-703-841-4300, toll free
(CASS), Tucson, Ariz. Contact Flight Safety Foundation, phone 1-800-336-4570 or visit
1-703-739-6700 or visit
November 1–3: AHS International Meeting on Advanced
May 20–22: Intl Helicopter Industry Exhibition, Moscow, Russia. Rotorcraft Technology and Safety Operations (Heli Japan), Ohmiya,
Contact HeliRussia, +7 495 958 9490 or visit Japan. Contact AHS Intl, 1-703-684-6777 or visit
May 25–27: Heli-Pacific, Queensland, Australia. Contact Shepherd November 2–4: Dubai Helishow 2010, Dubai, UAE. Contact Media
Group, phone +44 0 1753 727015 or visit Communications & Exhibitions, phone +44 0 1293 823 779 or visit

18 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | m a R ch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

Rotorcraft Report

■ MiliTary | AiRfRAmES ■ services | EVS

German army cH-53Ga Goes airborne Max-viz Gets sTc’d

A crowd of more
than 150 people Max-Viz Inc. has obtained an FAA
witnessed the supplemental type certificate to install its
i niti al f l ight of EVS-1000 enhanced vision system on the
the Eurocopter Eurocopter AS350 and EC130. One Sky
CH-53GA—the Aviation of Anchorage, Alaska will equip the
medium lift helicopters under the STC. The companies
transport for the used a VIP-configured EC130 to complete the
German Armed STC work.
Forces—on Feb. 10

in Donauwörth. Test ■ ProducTs | inStRumEntS

pilot Rene Nater
and flight engineer Goodrich Hands over
Germany’s Armed Forces will use the CH-53GA for international missions,
such as in Afghanistan, starting in late 2011.
Antoine Van Gent Milestone aN/avr-2B
conducted the first The U.S. Army has taken delivery of the 500th
flight under the CH-53GA retrofit program. The helicopter features a number of Goodrich Corp. AN/AVR-2B laser detecting
upgrades, including digital avionics, advanced navigation system, an automatic flight system. The company’s ISR Systems division
control system and a modular equipment package with FLIR, satcom and electronic in Danbury, Conn. supplies the AN/AVR-
warfare system (EWS). Training flights using the CH-53GA are scheduled to commence 2B, which it uses on Army Black Hawk and
in early 2011, with deliveries planned later that year. AH-64 Apache helicopters.

W W W. r o t o r a n d W i n g . c o M M a r c h 2 0 1 0 | roto r & W i n g M aga zi n e 19

Rotorcraft Report

Lockheed Martin Delivers 50th Multimission MH-60R to U.S. Navy

Lockheed Martin has handed over the 50th
MH-60R helicopter with an equipment
package designed to help protect the U. S.
Navy fleet from hostile submarines and
surface ships. Sikorsky built the newest
member of the Seahawk family, with
advanced mission systems integration
from Lockheed Martin.

Lockheed Martin Photos

“I am extremely proud of the MH-60R
team, which has enabled this impor-
tant milestone in the Romeo’s continued
introduction to the fleet,” said Rear Adm.
Steve Eastburg, program executive offi-
cer air ASW, assault and special mission
programs. “The enormous multimission
capability of this platform continues to be developmental testing, fleet deployments ing invaluable to fleet operators.” Added
leveraged by the warfighter in new and and maintenance on these rugged air- Grosklags: “The Romeo is now the only
innovative ways.” frames and mission systems, in the harshest organic ASW (antisubmarine warfare)
During the delivery ceremony at Lock- maritime environments,” said Grosklags. capability in the strike group. It’s a game
heed Martin’s Mission Systems & Sensors “It stands now as the premier multimission changer. It’s indispensable.”
facility in Owego, N.Y., Rear Adm. Paul helicopter in operation today.” As mission systems integrator for the
Grosklags, vice commander, Naval Air Sys- An aircrew from Helicopter Maritime Sikorsky-built MH-60R, Lockheed Martin
tems Command, thanked Lockheed Mar- Strike Squadron Seven Zero (HSM-70) is responsible for integrating the helicop-
tin and Sikorsky employees and other key flew the 50th aircraft from the Owego ter’s digital cockpit, a multi-mode radar,
suppliers. “The MH-60R has evolved over facility to its new home at the Naval Air acoustic sonar suite, long-range infrared
30 years, through lessons learned during Station in Jacksonville, Fla. The aircraft is camera and other advanced sensors to
the 10th MH-60R delivered to HSM-70, detect, identify, track and engage surface
which was established in February 2009. and subsurface targets. Lockheed Martin
The U.S. Navy deployed with 11 MH- also integrates a self-defense system to pro-
60R aircraft for the first time from January tect the aircraft from missile threats.
to July 2009 with the USS John C. Stennis “The highly integrated nature of the
(CVN 74) carrier strike group. Common Cockpit avionics suite and the
“Your [industry] efforts were validated mission systems allows the aircrew to
by the HSM-71 deployment with the John spend less time interpreting data and more
C. Stennis carrier strike. This was a very time prosecuting the target,” said George
successful deployment, perhaps the most Barton, Lockheed Martin’s director of
successful initial deployment for an aircraft Naval helicopter programs.
in many years,” said Grosklags. “When the The companies expect to deliver up to
Romeo deployed, every system was avail- 27 missionized MH-60R aircraft in calen-
able to the commander on day one.” dar year 2010 to the U.S. Navy as part of a
HSM-70 will deploy with 11 MH-60R five-year contract for 139 MH-60R aircraft
aircraft aboard the USS George H.W. Bush through 2013. Extra production capacity
carrier strike group (CVN 77) in 2011. exists to deliver an additional 20 aircraft
To date, the Navy has established and each year for sale by the U.S. Government
equipped four MH-60R squadrons, with to international navies. “The MH-60R is
plans to fill out 16 more through the pur- not an incremental upgrade. The weapon
chase of 300 aircraft. system is a significant upgrade in ASW/
Capt. Dean Peters, the U.S. Navy’s ASuW capability over legacy aircraft. The
Rear Admiral Paul Grosklags, vice commander, Naval Air MH-60 program manager, said that “these Romeo can carry more weapons, has an
Systems Command, gave the keynote address at the Feb. highly integrated platforms are building important man/machine interface, vibra-
3 ceremony at the delivery the 50th MH-60R to the U.S. a situational awareness picture of the tion control and reduced overall owner-
Navy. Grosklags is a former MH-60 program manager.
surface and undersea domains that is prov- ship costs.”

20 ROTO R & WING MAGAZ INE | MAR CH 2 0 1 0 W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M

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Rotorcraft Report
U.S. Marine Corps/Alex C. Sauceda

Soldiers from the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit survey the area around Corail, Haiti
in late January before boarding a Bell-Boeing MV-22. The U.S. Department of Defense
budget for the upcoming fiscal year includes a request for 30 MV-22B Ospreys for the
Marines and five CV-22B troop transport versions for the Air Force.

■ Military | AiRfRAmes

DoD Budget Seeks Funding for 117 Helicopters, 35 V-22s

Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who vehicles, another Gates priority. The Army goals is “rebalancing this military to focus
often talks about how vital rotorcraft are budget also includes money to create a on current, or today’s, wars,” Pentagon
in the war on terrorists in Afghanistan and 13th Combat Aviation Brigade in addition Comptroller Robert Hale told reporters.
elsewhere, puts his money where his mouth to a 12th CAB the Army is organizing. The “We sometimes have helicopters without
is in the new defense budget unveiled Feb. Army is using helicopters it already has available crews, so last year, we increased
1. The fiscal 2011 Pentagon spending plan to create the 12th CAB but will buy new
asks Congress for $9.6 billion to add 117 ones—just how many isn’t certain yet—to
helicopters and 35 V-22 Osprey tiltrotors come up with the 113 aircraft required for
to the military inventory. the 13th CAB.
The helicopters are mostly for the “How we will actually end up distribut-
Army, which relies on rotary wing aircraft ing the aircraft between the 12th CAB and
more than the other armed services. The the 13th CAB and other Army competing
budget boosts spending on all Army air- requirements for aircraft support—yet to
craft by nearly $900 million—an 18 percent be determined,” Lt. Gen. Edgar Stanton,
increase over the $5.07 billion Congress military deputy for budget in the office of
approved for the current fiscal year, 2010. the Army comptroller, told reporters.
That 18 percent compares with a total The move to beef up rotary wing capa-
defense budget increase of 1.8 percent. bility includes a 9 percent increase in
Of the increase for Army aviation, 72 spending to train aircrews on top of a
percent is for new helicopters or upgrades $426-million increase in service budgets
and modifications to existing ones. Most for aircrew training Congress approved for
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates
of the rest is for new unmanned aerial fiscal 2010. One of the Pentagon budget’s

22 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | m a R ch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

Rotorcraft Report

the funding for aircrew training.” By fiscal

2012, he said, “we expect to be training
1,500 crews a year, about a 20-percent
increase compared to before this started.”
The Army budget includes $1.23 bil-
lion to buy 42 CH-47F Chinooks made by
Boeing Co., $305 million for 50 UH-72A
Lakota light utility helicopters built by the
American Eurocopter division of EADS
North America, and $1.4 billion for 74
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. UH-60 Black
Hawks the Army flies in various versions.
U.S. Army/Kim Henry

The Army is buying H-60s under a joint

Army-Navy multiyear contract the ser-
vices awarded Sikorsky in 2007.
Another $494 million of the Army’s
budget would pay for modifying eight
Boeing AH-64 Apache attack helicopters
to the AH-64D Longbow Block III version,
which adds a mast-mounted fire control
radar and other new gear to the aircraft.
The Navy plans to buy 24 new MH-
60R Seahawks for $1.16 billion and 18
The Defense Department budget includes a request for 50 EADS North America/American Eurocopter
MH-60S versions for $548 million in fiscal UH-72As, at a cost of $305 million.
2011 under the multiyear deal for H-60s
it shares with the Army. The MH-60R is
primarily for antisubmarine warfare mis-
sions. The Navy uses the H-60S to carry
cargo and personnel and for search and
U.S. Army

rescue missions.
The Navy budget also includes $897
million for the Marines to buy two new
Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. AH-1Z Super
Cobras in addition to converting eight
AH-1Ws into AH-1Zs and 18 Bell UH-1Y
Hueys into UH-1Zs—an increase of five
H-1Zs of both types over fiscal 2010. Bell
had been building new UH-1Y Hueys but During a training exercise, a 25th Combat
only modifying old AH-1Ws into AH-1Zs Aviation Brigade CH-47D Chinook lifts
until last year. The new-build Super Cobras one of 28 targets at Pohakuloa Training
were added after the Marines found that, Area, on Hawaii’s Big Island. Defense
Secretary Robert Gates is seeking
because of losses in Afghanistan and Iraq
funding for 42 Boeing CH-47 Chinooks
and old AH-1s simply wearing out, they for the Army.
were going to fall 40 short of their need
unless they started building new ones.
The Navy and Air Force budgets
include $2.6 billion to buy 30 more MV-
22B Ospreys for the Marines and five The Navy’s research and development The Air Force, which uses relatively few
CV-22B versions of the tiltrotor troop budget also includes $95 million to shut helicopters, is requesting $218 million for
transport for the Air Force—the number down the VH-71 presidential helicopter six HH-60G Pave Hawk special operations
scheduled under a five-year contract project, which Gates cancelled last year, versions of the aircraft, three as replace-
awarded in 2008 to Bell and Boeing, which saying the project had doubled in cost and ments for Pave Hawks lost in combat. —By
make Ospreys under a 50-50 partnership. fallen six years behind schedule. Richard Whittle

W W W. r o t o r a n d W i n g . c o M M a r c h 2 0 1 0 | roto r & W i n g M aga zi n e 23

For the
month of

Aero Dynamix Offers L-3 M949

Gen III Night Vision Goggles
Night vision systems provider Aero Dynamix of Euless, Texas has
become a full line distributor for L-3 Electro-Optical Systems’ M949
Generation III night vision goggles. The goggles are built to DO-275
standards with Class B filters, and versions with Class A and C filters
are also available. The M949 has an image intensifier tube, interface
controls, 25mm eyepieces, a clip-on power source and a low-profile
AA battery pack that attaches to the helmet. Contact Aero Dynamix
by phone at 1-817-571-0729, e-mail
or visit

Flight Display Systems

Introduces HD-DVR
Alpharetta, Ga.-based Flight Display Systems unveiled its
FDHDR200 high-definition digital video recorder during
Heli-Expo in late February. Designed for rugged use, the
HD-DVR provides up to eight hours of record time in 1080i
resolution from an HD-SDI camera or other SDI source. The
company says the unit, which comes with two 32GB Com-
pactFlash cards, takes up 50 percent less installation space
than a traditional VHS recorder. FDHDR200 comes in two
variants, including a remote cockpit configuration for helicop-
ters. Initial deliveries of the HD-DVR were scheduled to start in late February. Flight Display Systems can be reached at 1-678-867-6717
or on the web at

Obstacle Warning System

Undergoes Flight Trials
In partnership with the Aviation Applied Technology Directorate
(AATD), Fort Worth, Texas-based Elbit Systems of America has
completed flight tests for its SWORD obstacle warning system for
helicopters. Elbit Systems affiliate Electro-Optics Elop also par-
ticipated in the trails, which were carried out late in 2009 as part
of a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA).
SWORD is a laser radar (LADAR) that provides obstacle detection
alerts in real time for helicopter pilots operating at low altitudes or
in hazardous weather conditions. Flight tests were completed on
AATD’s EH-60L. For more details, contact Elbit Systems of Ameri-
ca at 1-817-234-6799 or visit

24 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | maR ch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

Eye-Lite Camera Available from
Premier Electronics
UK-based Premier Electronics has introduced Eye-Lite, a con-
tinuous zoom thermal imaging camera that provides night vision
capability for both airborne and ground military and paramilitary
surveillance operations. Eye-Lite has two basic versions, a 320 x 240
InSb FPA and a large-format 640 x 480 version, and can be config-
ured for short-term and long-term applications. Premier Electron-
ics, +44 0199-247-8321or visit

Donaldson IBF Ideal for

Mountain Operations
Bloomington, Minn.-based Donaldson Company’s Aero-
space & Defense division has installed its inlet barrier filter
(IBF) on Eurocopter AS350s for Air Dynasty Heli Services
of Nepal. The filters are protecting engines that operate
near the world’s highest mountain peak, landing at up to
16,000 feet asl. Based in St. Louis, Mo., the Aerospace &
Defense division supplies IBFs for the AgustaWestland
AW119/119Ke and AW139; Bell 205A1, 206B and L-vari-
ants, 407, 429 and 430; Eurocopter EC130 and AS350
models; and MD Helicopters 369H series, MD500D/E/F
and MD900/902. Contact Donaldson Aerospace &
Defense at 1-952-887-3435, toll-free (U.S./Canada) at
1-866-323-0394 or visit

beyerdynamic HS 600 Removes Background Noise

Germany’s beyerdynamic has upgraded its HS 600 digital adaptive noise reduction (DANR) avia-
tion headset to include an Executive version. HS 600 Executive features a leather headband, soft ear
seals with a visco elastic material, glossy wood ear cup finish and a black audio box, where the
user can plug in a mobile phone or MP3 player. The headset also has a microprocessor with a
beyerdynamic-developed software algorithm. The company says that background noise from
traditional analog headsets is “completely eliminated” with DANR headsets. List price of the HS
DANR Executive is $818. It is available at and various
pilot shops. For more details, contact beyerdynamic at 1-239-283-7880 or visit www.

W W W. r o t o r a n d W i n g . c o m m a r c h 2 0 1 0 | roto r & W i n g maga zi n e 25



Interview with the Honorable Deborah A.P. Hersman
Chairman, National Transportation Safety Board

By Brian F. Finnegan

On a snowy February
morning, U.S. National
Transportation Safety
Board (NTSB) Chairman
Deborah A.P. Hersman,
left, sat down with
magazine in
her L’Enfant Plaza office
in downtown Washington,
Photo by Brian Finnegan

D.C., for a wide-ranging

and broad discussion
about helicopter safety.

26 ROTO R & WING MAGAZ INE | MAR CH 2 0 1 0 W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M

The Chairman

e were joined in the chair- tive is always something that’s an evolu- a committed company safety culture or the
man’s office by N T SB tion. You have try different approaches. I bottom-feeder.
Executive Officer Thom think our preference would always be to We had to level this playing field some-
Zoeller, Deputy Director of go through a normal regulatory process how. If FAA was not going to put for-
Aviation Safety for Regional Operations because FAA houses the expertise to make ward regulatory requirements for safety
Jeff Guzzetti, the Chairman’s Confiden- the objective decisions, to do the research, enhancements, we wondered where else
tial Assistant Cresence Stafford, and to bring together the stakeholders in the we could look to achieve some parity, to
NTSB Public Affairs Officer Keith Hol- industry … and really, perhaps, achieve the raise the bar. We followed the money and,
loway. We began by discussing Chair- right conclusion. frankly, it was pretty simple. We feel that
man Hersman’s stated mission to “raise Our recommendations are fairly broad CMS has an obligation when they are
the bar” for what I called the rotorcraft and we’d like for FAA to make the right reimbursing a company and should do
industry’s struggle to find its way with decision. What we’ve found throughout their due diligence.
financing and safety and the competing our history, though, is that we can only wait R&W: Has the Safety Board given con-
priorities that they present. up to a point. The FAA does have huge sideration to addressing any recommenda-
Rotor & Wing: I’d like to start by talk- challenges. They have over 500 open rec- tions to the insurance industry?
ing about your “raising the bar” philosophy ommendations from the NTSB right now. Hersman: To my knowledge, we
with respect to transportation in our highly It is a burden for them. The question you haven’t. We did have an insurance consul-
regulated industry, particularly helicopters. have to ask is ‘How do they prioritize those tant on one of the panels for the HEMS
What does that raised bar look like for 500-plus recommendations?” hearing and we’ve had insurance folks on
rotorcraft? One way that we help them prioritize other panels. We understand that there are
Hersman: One of the challenges we see is through our Most Wanted list. We had a number of ways to skin the cat and we are
at the Safety Board is that people are often issued recommendations on HEMS [heli- looking at those opportunities now.
just meeting the minimums. But some- copter emergency medical services] and The Safety Board is very persistent and
times the minimums just aren’t enough. for years they went unheeded. After wait- we’re trying to be flexible in the way that
Unfortunately, it takes a fatal accident and ing for a year, two years, we made the deci- we look at things. The recommendation
recommendations from the Safety Board sion to add HEMS to our most wanted list. that you just asked me about—regarding
to identify that. That’s really what our rec- R&W: In Safety Recommendation the accreditation process—is a demonstra-
ommendations do—address areas where A-09-106, you ask the Centers for Medi- tion that we are willing to think out of the
the existing rules, regulations, laws and care & Medicaid Services (CMS) to devel- box and not pursue just the sole regulatory
requirements aren’t enough to identify the op wide ranging ‘minimum safety accredi- path. It’s a good point and I have taken the
gaps and the holes in the safety net. tation standards for HEMS operators that opportunity to meet with insurance com-
“Raising the bar” is stretching a little bit, augment the operating standards of 14 pany staff in the past to ask them what we
doing something that might get pushback. CFR 135.’ Do you see accreditation stan- could do.
It gets people thinking about where they dards on the next Most Wanted list? R&W: After the August 8, 2009, midair
want to be. I’ll share with you a quote that Hersman: This is one of those situa- over the Hudson River, both the FAA and
I have often used from Roslyn Carter. tions the Safety Board had tried to address the Safety Board were quick to issue rec-
“A good leader takes people where they through the FAA. After years of inaction, ommendations.
want to go, but a great leader takes people we needed a new approach. When we held Hersman: The FAA convened a work-
where they need to be.” For example, Bell our public hearing last year on helicopter ing group about five days after the accident
Helicopter and American Eurocopter are EMS issues, the curtain was raised on and their recommendations came out a
both working with Appareo to install a many industry practices regarding com- few weeks after that. Our recommenda-
flight recorder on all their new produc- petition and scarce resources. We saw that tions preceded the FAA panel’s recom-
tion helicopters. Their decision to install the scales are not balanced. mendations, but they were very similar.
that equipment on newly manufactured You can have one operator with newer, There were a lot of synergies there.
helicopters raises the bar. That’s exactly better safety equipment and you can have R&W: Was there collaboration?
what we want to see—voluntary action another without extra safety equipment Hersman: No.
leading the way. If they can do it, others can installed, such as TAWS [terrain avoidance R&W: Is it appropriate to collaborate?
do it, too. warning system] or night vision goggles. Hersman: The Safety Board feels there
R&W: When Congress gets involved, Even though they are clearly in different is value in us being able to understand
things happen differently than when it’s financial postures competing for the same what’s going on with the industry and the
just the FAA and others. Do you feel a need business, if they are being reimbursed FAA, but we also value our independence
to bypass the lengthy FAA regulatory pro- through Medicare, they are getting paid a and we think it’s important for there to be
cess and go straight to Congress for a law? flat rate. However, the taxpayer receiving some separation. The public is counting
Hersman: The Safety Board has been service doesn’t get to pick between the on us to take an independent stance and
around for over 40 years and being effec- good investment with high standards and have a critical eye about what’s going on in

W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M M A R C H 2 0 1 0 | R OTO R & W I N G MAGA ZI N E 27

Q&A | ntSB

In the past 25 years, the number of HEMS operators in the state of Missouri has more than tripled. While a concern, the NTSB Chairman says it is trying to
ensure anyone operating in a geographic area regardless of whether it is “one operator or 15 operators, they are doing so at the highest level of safety.”

the industry and with the regulators. We Wanted list and how it serves its purpose. Police led us to believe that they were will-
have to be the watchdog of the regulators, It helps us to identify, of those hundreds of ing to be industry leaders when it came to
so to speak. open recommendations, which ones we adopting and making change.
We don’t want to be involved in their think need immediate action. On the sleep apnea issue, there was a
decision-making process because at some R&W: Regarding fatigue, there is a recognition among the family members
point in the future we might be called to recommendation that the FAA Aerospace of the pilot and the crewmates who served
investigate an accident that resulted from Medical Certification exam for pilots with him. This gentleman snored so loudly
some activity that they’ve taken and we include some kind of sleep apnea analysis in the crew quarters that everyone knew
want to be free to identify any shortcom- (A-09-61). Then you go forward and you when he was there. Our investigators felt
ings without having ownership of them. actually make a recommendation directly they could ask Maryland State Police to
We do need to make sure that we are to the Maryland State Police (A-09-134) be an industry leader and demonstrate to
getting feedback, but we do maintain our that they develop their own sleep apnea other operators how they did this. It wasn’t
independence and we guard it fiercely. recognition program. With the FAA rec- singling them out. We’re saying, ‘How can
Sometimes that means putting a wall ommendation already in place, why would we raise the bar?’ If we have individual
down to separate ourselves. you make a specific recommendation to organizations that are willing to lead, then
R&W: Data indicate that the number Maryland State Police? Also, if it were that’s helpful to everyone in the industry.
one cause of HEMS accidents is inadver- important enough to mention it to the R&W: Is there a process by which you
tent flight into IMC (instrument meteo- Maryland State Police, why wouldn’t you can follow up or give them an opportunity
rological conditions) and you’ve addressed just recommend it to the whole industry? to share how they’ve gone forward?
that with several recommendations, in Hersman: By asking the FAA to address Hersman: Since we’ve made the rec-
particular asking for two pilots or autopi- it on medical certificates, that’s our effort to ommendation to them, it’s open. They
lot. Do you see two pilots or autopilot as a reach the entire population. However, we have an obligation to respond to us about
Most Wanted item? recognize those changes might take some their plans. We also have a concurrent
Hersman: We’re going to be having time to occur. obligation to check in with them to get a
our Most Wanted list meeting two weeks When we go to an accident investiga- status update on how they’re progress-
from now (Feb. 18, 2010). I really cannot tion, especially a fatal accident, we some- ing. Our investigators had such a positive
comment on that until the board adopts a times find an organization who may not experience with the Maryland State Police
new list. I will say that the HEMS issue area want us there and is uncomfortable that leadership that we felt good about mak-
on our Most Wanted list is one of the most we’re investigating. They may not really ing that recommendation to them. Now,
visible and one that has a high degree of want to share information. With the Mary- if they can’t get the resources or execute a
public and Congressional attention. There land State Police, that was not at all what program like that, that’s another issue. It
have been efforts to adopt all of our Most we found. They really wanted to take an was worth making the effort to ask. With
Wanted list recommendations in legisla- internal look and say: ‘This was devastating every organization, adversity makes them
tive vehicles, verbatim, both on the House to us. We want to figure out anything we take a step back and look at their processes
and on the Senate side in the past couple can do to make our operation better.’ Some and procedures and really reevaluate what’s
years. That’s a testament to the Most of our discussions with the Maryland State important and what they want to do.

28 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | m a Rch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

The Chairman



< 6 mos. on current Job +1
< 1 yr. in eMS +1
< 200 hrs. in type +1
> 500 hrs. in type -1
Last Flight > 30 days +1
Last night Flight > 30 days (night requests only) +1
6 mos. Since check ride +2
cockpit not configured for inadvertent iMc +1
navigation or radio item on MeL +1
Back-up aircraft +1
newly-installed equipment (i.e., satellite phone, avionics, gPS) +1
night Vision goggles (nVg) equipped -1
< 3 nVg Flights in the Last 120 days +1
Medical crew < 1 yrs. experience (both crewmembers) +1
iFr Program -4
VFr Program +1
external Stresses (divorce, illness, family/work issues/conflicts) +1
Total Static Score


ceiling within 200’ of Program Minimums +1
Visibility within 1 Mile of goM Minimums +1
Precipitation with convective activity +1
convective activity with Frontal Passage +1
deteriorating Weather trend +1
high Wind or gust Spread defined by operations Manual +2
Moderate turbulence +2
temperature/dew Point < 3 degrees F +1
Forecast Fog, Snow, or ice +2
Weather reporting at destination -1
Mountainous or hostile terrain +1
class B or c airspace +1
ground reference Low +1
ground reference high -1
night Flight +1
90% of Usable Fuel required (not including reserve) +1
Flight turned down by other operators due to Weather (if known) +4
Control Measures
delay Flight -1
avoid Mountainous/hostile terrain -1
Utilize Pre-designated Lzs for Scene requests -1
Plan alternate Fuel Stop -1
Familiarization training (self-directed) -1
Total Dynamic Score

Grand Total of Static and Dynamic Scores

norMaL green Pilot approval 0 - 14
FLight Manager YeLLoW call Manager 15 - 18
UnaccePtaBLe red cancel Flight 19 or greater

W W W. r o t o r a n d W i n g . c o M M a r c h 2 0 1 0 | r oto r & W i n g M aga zi n e 29


R&W: We put a message on the Rotor should have regulatory authority over really the only ones for whom the regula-
& Wing Facebook page that we were going all non-military aircraft operating in the tions are written?
to have this interview with you to make national air space? Hersman: Well, the bottom feeders are
sure we at least gave the industry an oppor- Hersman: One particular concern in always going to be a problem in any indus-
tunity to come up with some topics for dis- the Maryland State Police accident, which try. There is always going to be someone
cussion and we got a few comments back. was public use, was that we could not get trying to figure out how to do something
Hersman: Great! This is my favorite a consistent read from the FAA about cheaper and easier. The public can’t figure
part. Questions from the people. whether or not EMS operators should be out how to differentiate between operators
R&W: OK, well here’s one. Should covered by them. Our concern is that it and that is really the tragedy of it. In the
there be a limit on the number of HEMS doesn’t matter whether they are private, absence of regulatory action, you’re going
operations in a given geographic area or for hire, commercial operators or they to have people who are way behind on the
region? (See charts on page 28.) are public use. They are still providing a power curve of safety.
Hersman: The Safety Board is trying to service. We want to make sure everybody For example, we were told that the
ensure that whoever is operating in a geo- is operating at the same high standards. majority of the industry had voluntarily
graphic area or region, regardless of wheth- Maryland State Police were actually seek- adopted risk matrices for making the go/
er it’s one operator or 15 operators, they are ing FAA oversight. no-go decisions. Then we investigated
doing so at the highest level of safety. We They wanted to get the FAR Part 135 accident after accident where an operator
are fully cognizant of some of the pressures Certificate and the FAA couldn’t figure out didn’t have them. Or they would say, ‘Well,
that emerge when you have a competitive whether or not they wanted to do that or they’re not written. We kind of do it in our
market and so that is what was at the heart if they could do that. That is an issue that head.’ Well that’s not assessing risk. It’s so
of our recommendations last September to concerns us. If an operator wants this type easy and it’s cheap. We’ve appended them
FICEMS (Federal Interagency Committee of oversight and to have these standards, to our report [Special Investigation Report
on EMS) and CMS. We think that if there we ought to be doing that. on Emergency Medical Services Opera-
are higher standards, then perhaps you can R&W: Regarding electronic news tions. For a sample risk assessment from
weed out some of the less safe operators. gathering (ENG) organizations, the Safety that report, see page 30]. Print them out or
R&W: I did not find any maintenance Board recommended at the beginning of put them on your computer and use them.
discussion in the last round of recommen- 2009 that FAA host annual safety confer- What’s the weather? What are the lighting
dations, but I did find quite a few mainte- ences (A-09-06) to discuss operational and conditions? What is my experience? These
nance issues in the tour operators recom- safety issues affecting all ENG as well as are pretty straightforward things.
mendations that were published in 2008. those pertaining to their specific region. R&W: Finally, what can we do to ensure
Are maintenance problems a broader issue How can operators and associations work that your message of raising the bar gets
than just with tour operators or were they to support this recommendation? out to the industry and how can industry
just not a problem in these EMS accidents? Hersman: We recognize the value of support the mission of the Safety Board?
Hersman: We make our recommen- organizational leadership. Groups such Hersman: People who read the maga-
dations based on each accident that we as IHST (International Helicopter Safety zine can help by advocating for our recom-
investigate and we see what the issues are. Team) and HAI (Helicopter Association mendations. If they think there are things
I don’t think that means that maintenance International) are many times the ones that they want to see happen, whether it’s
is not an issue across the board because who can put together a collaborative effort. through the rule-making committees they
it’s always an issue. You’ve got to stay on They’re ones that achieve voluntary indus- participate in at the FAA or whether it’s
top of that, especially as fleets age. We did try audit standards and help to raise the through Congress, keep us informed about
not find maintenance issues in Trooper 2. bar. They can reach out to their member- what’s going on. It goes back to what I said
We’ve looked at other HEMS accidents ship in a way that is non-punitive and help at the very beginning of our conversation.
and I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. support them. A lot of voluntary things are being done
By and large, we found that they were We value the role that they can play and out there to raise the bar.
human factors issues. The majority of them we would encourage any efforts that would It is a challenging environment that
were happening at night, or in weather. It’s result in better information dissemination, helicopters operate in. They have mis-
trying to keep pilots out of those higher risk communication, collaboration and sup- sions that I think would probably make a
situations that were a problem. The facts of port for operators in a particular area when lot of other people very uncomfortable.
the accidents are going to speak to us. it comes to safety. Frankly, we’ve seen a lot Every day when they come in and they
Everybody has got to stay on top of mainte- of voluntary measures taking place absent shut it down and it’s been a safe day, that’s
nance. It’s the human, the machine and the FAA requirements. The FAA has not really something they should be proud of. When
environment in which you are operating. been delivering on the mandatory require- you ask how they can help us—it’s by not
Those are the three things. You’ve got to be ments. having accidents. Don’t just take organiza-
on top of that. R&W: But even if the wealthy organi- tional responsibility; take personal respon-
R&W: What about public use aircraft? zations improve like that, you’re still going sibility. Do the right thing when nobody’s
Is it the Safety Board’s view that the FAA to have the laggards. Aren’t the laggards watching.

30 ROTO R & WING MAGAZ INE | MAR CH 2 0 1 0 W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M

Extra Mile

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16551 W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M M A R C H 2 0 1 0 | R OTO R & W I N G MAGA ZI N E 31


BUT WAVE OF REGS EXPECTED Flight nurse Jackie Turcotte (left) and flight
paramedic Bob Johnson move a patient
from LifeFlight of Maine’s AgustaWestland
AW109 to the emergency department at
Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston.

Cathy Case Photo

How can HEMS operators balance the competitive nature of business
with challenges like the need for the latest safety equipment and the
overhead of infrastructure and sufficient crews?
By Charlotte Adams

fter a horrible year in 2008, when declared: “Six fatalities [in 2009] are six too circumstances, the board’s Most Wanted
HEMS fatalities ballooned to many. I don’t want people to think … that List calls for Part 135 on all flight legs with
29, the industry experienced six the system is fixed.” medical personnel on board. An NTSB
fatalities in 2009, according to One disaster in the FAA’s backyard report covering 55 fixed-wing and rotary-
the National Transportation Safety Board probably cranked up pressure on the agen- wing EMS accidents from January 2002
(NTSB). While this may be a statistical cy to address NTSB’s concerns. That was to January 2005 found that 35 of them had
anomaly, safety awareness is high. Rotor & the Sept. 27, 2008, Maryland State Police occurred while operating under Part 91.
Wing spoke to NTSB and operators about crash, killing four of the five on board. Last Sumwalt praised the revisions to FAA’s
several NTSB recommendations. April FAA announced a HEMS rulemak- A021 HEMS Ops Spec, which addresses
NTSB added HEMS to its Most Want- ing project covering, among other things, some concerns about weather reporting.
ed List in October 2008 (see sidebar, page helicopter terrain awareness and warning A021 states that if a flight or sequence
34). The following September the board systems (H-TAWS), radar altimeters, oper- of flights includes a Part 135 segment,
issued 19 recommendations—to FAA, ational control centers, Part 135 weather then all VFR segments must follow the
public operators, EMS agencies, and the minimums for all legs, risk management, (higher) weather minimums and flight
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Servic- flight data monitoring, inadvertent IMC planning requirements in A021 or be con-
es (CMS)—ranging from the installation of currency, and weather reporting relief for ducted under IFR. And it also gives opera-
aircraft safety equipment to evaluation of IFR operations. tors credit for use of night vision goggles
the government insurance system’s reim- (NVGs) or TAWS.
bursement rate structure. While agreeing Part 135 vs. Part 91 A021 also encourages IFR operations
that some progress has been made since Although EMS operators can fly under by allowing operators to use weather
then, NTSB member Robert Sumwalt the less stringent Part 91 rules in certain reporting within 15 miles of the destina-

32 ROTO R & WING MAGAZ INE | MAR CH 2 0 1 0 W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M

Safety Awareness

tion area or an area forecast if the former is

not available.
The main difference between Part 135
and Part 91 is duty hours, according to Jim
Swartz, president and CEO of CareFlite, a
small operator with six helicopters. (The
maximum duty period for pilots in single-
pilot, Part 135 non-scheduled HEMS
operations is 14 hours, while Part 91 has no
duty time restrictions.) The pilot has to be
rested and his situation continuously con-
sidered during flight under either regime,
Swartz said. But operators ought to be
able to reposition aircraft and fly without
patients under Part 91.
With four exceptions, CareFlite flies
everything to the Part 135 standard, said
Ray Dauphinais, vice president and direc- Safety awareness is high at HEMS operators like CareFlite.
tor of operations. These are maintenance 135, according to Ed Stockhausen, direc- accreditation standards and make sure
flights and training flights, which don’t tor of safety. This includes outbound and that only carriers meeting the standards be
carry passengers, administrative flights, positioning legs and even if there are no reimbursed by Medicare.
as approved by the director of operations, medical crewmembers on board. “You can fly an old single-engine air-
and the outbound legs of IFR flights with LifeFlight of Maine (LFM), an “indirect craft that’s been in aviation longer than I
CareFlite medical personnel on board. operator” that owns its helicopters but have and get paid the same amount … for
Outbound IFR flights use Part 91 for contracts with Part 135 operator EraMED a twin-engine IFR aircraft,” said CareFlite’s
weather requirements, Dauphinais said. to fly them. LifeFlight and Era have policies Swartz. “It could be a 206 that’s 30 years
Part 91 lets you use an area forecast, he said. that anytime anybody other than an Era old.” In the free enterprise system, he
CareFlite schedules 12 hours duty time. employee is on the Era-operated aircraft, added, “you cannot expect safety to get bet-
But on the final leg, if a pilot “wanted to go it’s Part 135, said Thomas Judge, executive ter when the incentives are against it.”
91 back” and if it looks like the pilot might director. All flight segments are conducted LFM’s Judge agreed. The current reim-
exceed his 14-hour maximum, Dauphinais under full Part 135 requirements. “When bursement system “incentivizes the lowest
has to be called. It’s a case-by-case decision, medical crew are on board whether it is cost for the most profit—it’s a problem
based on the weather, how long you’ve an outbound or empty leg back home, the when it comes to safety,” he said. LifeFlight
been flying and familiarity with the des- flight is Part 135. If I get on the aircraft, it’s has one of the oldest and poorest popula-
tination, he said. “They don’t call me very Part 135,” he said. tions in the country. Forty-three percent of
often.” If the company anticipates a duty its patients have no insurance and another
time issue, it will reposition the aircraft. As Reimbursement 40 percent are on Medicare or Medicaid.
far as actual flight time goes, a high-time The flat-rate reimbursement structure So LFM is reimbursed at much less than
flight day is typically 3 to 3.5 hours, he of this government program is a sore point cost, Judge said. That’s why it has a chari-
said. The average patient transport flight is with the better-equipped operators. But table foundation.
about 48 minutes. fixing the system won’t be easy. As of early
OmniFlight, a mid-sized operator with February, the Center for Medicare and IFR Infrastructure
around 90 helicopters, flies all legs under Medicaid Services had not responded to LifeFlight views IFR infrastructure as
Part 135, according to Ray Wall, vice presi- NTSB’s recommendation that they evalu- its No. 1 priority. Basically a public util-
dent of flight operations and safety and ate the rate structure. NTSB recommend- ity in Maine, LifeFlight owns two full-IFR
compliance. The NTSB recommended ed, among other things, that CMS establish AgustaWestland AW109 Powers. About
that EMS operators use Part 135 rules pri-
marily for the weather minimums, he said. HEMS Recommendations on NTSB’s Most Wanted List:
OmniFlight’s weather minimums were “a * Part 135 during all flight legs with medical personnel on board—open, unaccept-
little bit higher” than what NTSB recom- able response;
mended. The company flies VFR and IFR *Flight risk evaluation programs—open, unacceptable response;
*Formalized dispatch and flight following procedures, including timely weather
depending on customer need.
information—open, acceptable response; and
Air Methods, a large operator with *Terrain awareness and warning systems (TAWS), including training—open, unac-
301 helicopters and around 15 fixed-wing ceptable response.
aircraft, also flies all flight legs under Part

W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M M A R C H 2 0 1 0 | R OTO R & W I N G MAGA ZI N E 33

PublIc ServIce | emS

20 percent of its flights are tied to IFR. The Every pilot is given about an hour a month for its part, has 15
nonprofit charitable medical organization to practice IFR without an instructor on communications
has completed 21 GPS approaches, with board. CareFlite has also added a camera- centers around
another 18 in the works. It is building a based recording system on a couple of the country and a
low-level IFR route structure that will link aircraft and plans to add NVGs. centralized opera-
all the GPS approaches and hospitals. LFM tional control cen-
has built 31 hospital helipads and 10 com- Tracking and Dispatch ter at corporate
munity helipads, and worked to provide Although EMS is very competitive LFM’s Thomas Judge headquarters in
fuel trucks at two airports in order to refuel in New England, in an ongoing effort to Addison, Texas. Air
aircraft at remote hospitals. LFM has also improve safety, LifeFlight collaborates with Methods likewise has an operational con-
finished six of a planned 14 automated other providers in the region. All of the trol center that tracks all of its aircraft.
weather observation systems (AWOSs) to programs in New England have agreed to “We have at least one qualified EMS
help fill in the grid. use a Web-based system that allows each helicopter pilot in the control center at
IFR is important to Air Methods, as program to track the others’ aircraft in all times,” Stockhausen said. In addition,
well. The company has 61 GPS non-pre- real time. This system includes DHART OmniFlight is in the midst of a Line Oper-
cision approaches and is developing wide at Dartmouth-Hitchcock in New Hamp- ations Safety Audit (LOSA)—the first
area augmentation system (WAAS) IFR shire/Vermont (Metro), Boston MedFlight helicopter company to have done it.
infrastructures at two of its programs. (Era), UMASS LifeFlight, (Air Methods)
CareFlite is in the midst of an FAA and LifeStar in Connecticut (Air Meth- SMS
IFR infrastructure program, which is “like ods), as well as LFM. This arrangement lets The big news at OmniFlight is its
a test case,” Swartz said. It already has 17 the control centers know when they have Safety Management System rollout, the
non-precision GPS approaches. The com- aircraft going to the same location, so that first SMS under the new FAA framework.
pany flies four AW109 Powers certified for their pilots can communicate with each “The intent is to include every person in
single-pilot IFR and two Bell 222s that don’t other. The communications centers can that process in every aspect of the orga-
fly in weather. At night, outside the local also talk to each other. Both LFM and Era nization,” Wall said. In addition to giving
flying area, the company requires pilots to also follow LifeFlight’s helicopters through risk assessment tools to the employees,
go IFR, Swartz said. “Twin-engine IFR was a satellite tracking system in their respec- there are quarterly audits and daily inputs
the single most important safety upgrade.” tive communications centers. OmniFlight, by employees into a hazard registry. A
senior management SMS council reviews
No Pressure Initiative all events and the root causes of every
type of event.
The National EMS Pilots Association (NEMSPA) is attacking the pressure problem through OmniFlight sifts and analyzes huge
its No Pressure Initiative (NPI). The foundation of NPI was a survey the association con- amounts of data. Every pilot, technician
ducted of 257 pilots. Thirty-six percent said they sometimes or frequently pressured and clinician has to report anything that
themselves to accept or complete flights; 24 percent said they sometimes or frequently seems amiss, from the smallest thing to
felt pressured by competition to do so; and 23 percent replied they sometimes or fre- an incident or higher, Wall said. Weath-
quently felt pressure from management to do so. er aborts (with details) and duty time
NPI features three layers of protection, including culture, risk assessment and the exceedances also are reported. This event
enroute decision point (EDP). Particularly interesting is the EDP, which “puts hard num- reporting database allows OmniFlight to
bers on a flight, based on airspeed and altitude,” said Kent Johnson, NEMSPA president. track and trend operational data down to
Basically, at night it’s cruise airspeed minus 30 knots and 500 feet AGL. So if your airspeed the problem history of an individual piece
sinks from 120 to 85 knots, the EDP protocol says it’s time to turn around or land. of equipment like a fuel pump. Commu-
EDP is meant to keep pilots from plunging ahead on missions in deteriorating weath- nications within the company are also a
er conditions when, even though they may not know it, they are becoming tentative. It’s high priority. There are daily conference
analogous to the decision height on an ILS approach. When the pilot reaches the listed calls on maintenance and operations and
limitations, he must make a decision. And continuing on the present course, as before, is a monthly telecom to update all employ-
not an option, according to NEMSPA literature. ees on operational issues. There is also a
The association also surveyed 13 pilots who have used the EDP protocol for several compliance hotline run by a third-party
years. Eight-five percent considered it a very effective aid in deciding whether or not to vendor for anonymous safety complaints.
continue flight into marginal weather conditions and 31 percent said EDP had helped CareFlite is implementing an SMS pro-
them decide to abort a flight or significantly alter the flight plan route more than five gram, as well. And Air Methods is part of
times. FAA’s SMS pilot project, including 68 com-
NEMSPA is also working with fatigue expert Mark Rosekind to implement an on-line panies. The SMS encompasses flight oper-
alertness management program. Johnson hopes to have the “Z-Coach” training program ations, communications, maintenance,
available on the NEMSPA website in the near future. repair station and product sectors.

34 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | m a Rch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

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W W W. r o t o r a n d W i n g . c o M M a r c h 2 0 1 0 | r oto r & W i n g M aga zi n e 35
Abyss: A deep or seemingly bottomless chasm; the
regions of hell conceived as a bottomless pit; night flight
over significant bodies of water.

By Dan Deutermann

36 ROTO R & WING MAGAZ INE | MAR CH 2 0 1 0 W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M

The Abyss

magine for a moment that a single- layer. The haze effect over water is only craft offshore and that is what you see, then
piloted, passenger-carrying heli- going to be amplified by a hot, calm-wind you need to make a decision as to whether
copter leaves on a VFR flight plan night and visibility could be far less than six you can really press on as if you were in
from its airport-based helipad, miles, making the anticipated island lights VMC on a VFR plan. Even if you are head-
enroute to a remote island 20 miles off- at 20 miles not so visible. Additionally, the ing to a single source of light on the horizon
shore. The flight was intended to take lack of wind significantly adds to the prob- (like a small barrier island), realize that the
off in the late afternoon, however the lem by glassy smooth water eliciting zero visual illusions are plentiful when flying
VIPs were delayed until after sunset. visual reference texture to perceive move- over water. If you weren’t contemplating
Weather is reported as overcast at 6K, 6 ment. Make no mistake about it, overwater using instruments from start to finish on
miles in haze, 28°C, calm winds, and no flight with no visible horizon is an instru- this flight, stand by for lots of drama when
significant weather is forecasted along ment meteorological condition (IMC) and spatial disorientation creeps into cockpit.
the route. The VFR-rated pilot is current with a little extra preflight analysis, you can Your inevitable attempt to rapidly establish
to fly at night, however all previous night anticipate it. an instrument scan will likely lead to a little
flying has occurred overland primarily Now, one might jump to what a prudent more drama, and turning on the search-
at the airport where he is based and, up pilot should do when faced with looking light at lower altitudes to see the water can
until now, there has never been a need into total blackness over featureless terrain, actually induce vertigo. Take the recent
to go to the island at night. Yet the pilot is but all too often pilots have a difficult time EC145 mishap off Captiva in Florida:
quite comfortable with the venture and abandoning the plan they have already set
is looking forward to logging some more forth to accomplish. Therefore a critical The pilot could not remember the exact
night VMC time enroute to the familiar component to preventing fatal mishaps sequence of the final 500-foot descent;
destination. over lakes and oceans, which are caused by however, at some point she remembered
The pilot crosses the coastline and spatial disorientation, is to ensure aviators the medical crew commenting they
wisely elects to engage the flight director. are imprinted early on with the appropri- “couldn’t see anything.” She responded,
As he levels off at 1,500 feet, he thinks to ate mindset regarding this environment. that the flight to Captiva is usually very
himself: “Man, it’s dark … just a couple of Once armed with this correct mindset, dark over the water and there’s “never
boat lights out here to look at—if that’s the decision-making process may perhaps anything to see.” She remembered turn-
what those are. Okay, 15 minutes to go. begin with a more conservative stance and ing on the searchlight and shortly after,
Where is that full moon from last night?” in turn may better serve to prevent flight impacting the water. —NTSB: ERA-
Minutes later, while actively engaged into realms where that pilot’s abilities are 09LA464 Accident, Aug. 17, 2009, North
in a “there I was” story for the captive likely to be exceeded. For this reason, I will Captiva Island, Fla.
audience in back, he fails to notice that refer to the night maritime world as the
the flight director has disengaged and that “Abyss”. With so many helicopter jobs occur-
an insidious rate of descent has begun to To those pilots who have baptized ring over the water, one would hope that
develop. Taking a brief pause in his story, themselves with flight into the Abyss with- somewhere in a pilot’s training, instructors
something suddenly sounds different to out the benefit of instrument skills, I am would set aside some time for discussing
the pilot, and a sensation of pitching up sure you appreciate the analogy and per- this realm. But my observations lead me
begins to take hold. A quick glance outside haps recall the eeriest of sensations from to find pilots more focused on things like
reveals absolutely nothing but pitch black. your experience (unless you are the type how to successfully ditch and what the
A rapid scan to the instruments reveals a who really likes dark places). required equipment might be to meet FAR
VSI showing 1,500 FPM in the “bad” direc- Regardless of the reported cloud levels requirements. Judging from discussions
tion along with a RadAlt blowing through and visibilities, factors such as ambient I’ve had with instructors—both military
200 feet heading for 0. “It can’t be, I was illumination, potential marine layers, no and civilian—they all acknowledge hav-
on...” Splash! winds (for those glass-like surfaces and ing been in places where it is “really dark,”
This type of mishap is hardly unheard increased moisture in the air on warm searching desperately for some light source
of, and not exclusive to the maritime realm. nights) and the lack of any reliable light before they realized they had better get
However, the night maritime environ- sources (supertankers don’t count) must be that instrument scan going and perhaps get
ment doesn’t seem to get the attention it accounted for prior to flight. an IFR pick up, if one was even available.
deserves. The conditions described above All these factors directly contribute to Would you like to guess where most of
are technically VFR flight, but is it really creating an environment that can only be their “really dark” experiences took place?
VMC when you consider that there was no characterized as a place without depth, a Student VFR pilots are told from day
visible horizon? If there were any moon or seemingly bottomless chasm. While not one to stay away from clouds and what to
stars you can bet they would be of no use as every night flight over water is going to do if they inadvertently encounter IMC. It
they were likely obscured by the overcast present a black hole, if you point the air- is treated like an emergency, because that’s

W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M M A R C H 2 0 1 0 | R OTO R & W I N G MAGA ZI N E 37

Category | Info

exactly what it is for a VFR-only pilot. What that “legal” rationale to commence aviating. The trick is simply to know if I know their
about situations where there is no discern- Then you can bet it is only a matter of time mindset has lead them to fly strictly using
able horizon, or, at night, a visual surface until they find out the hard way that some their Mark-1 eyeballs.
light reference sufficient to safely control places need more analysis than others, like However, when it is so dark that there
the helicopter? That last part would make the Abyss. For helicopter operations over is no light for NVGs to amplify, then there
it illegal to be VFR if you don’t have it (FAR water, U.S. regulations simply state that the will be no horizon coming through the
135.207), and unless your operation has helicopter must have an emergency flota- tubes, and without a horizon for the eyes
been reviewed by the FAA administrator, tion system for commercial operations and to interpret spatial orientation via mother
flying IFR outside of controlled airspace is make no mention of IFR-related equip- Earth, you will no doubt have to rely on
prohibited below 1,200 feet. ment. The gap between the definition of instruments in the very near future if you
A pilot takes off to fly VFR with a solid IMC and the actual conditions that require decide to press on with your flight plan. If
1,500-foot overcast and six miles in haze. instrument skills is significant when you one is not instrument qualified, or perhaps
Conditions will be VMC over the city all truly look at it, but can be mitigated by only a “little rusty,” the Abyss is not the
night long, no argument there, which is sound judgment through analyzing your place to fly as if VMC, however “legal” it
why the U.S. permits night VFR. So when environment and telling yourself: “if there may appear to be on the ground prior to
the pilot points offshore towards a barrier is no horizon, change the plan.” You could pulling pitch.
Accident investigators say that unin-
tended flight into IMC is one of the leading
No moon and lower visibility from the causal factors in fatal aircraft accidents.

moisture in the air on that warm, They point to specific human factors as
contributors to the event. Like the fatal flaw

no-wind night are going to make that mentioned earlier, so many pilots demon-
strate the inability to abandon their current

20-mile trip offshore somewhat sporty. plan of action and replace it with one that
has higher odds of survival. Many regions
of the world prohibit night VFR and simply
say you need an instrument ticket. Others
island 20 miles away, the additional effects even train your brain monthly by picking give it special emphasis and have some
of no moon and the resultant lower vis- one of those no moon nights, maybe with minimum training requirements. For VFR
ibility from the additional moisture in the lots of cloud cover, fly a coast line (ocean or helicopter operations in the U.S., a pilot
air on that warm, no-wind night are going big lake) and see the horizon painted with must have “visual surface reference, or at
to make that 20-mile trip somewhat sporty all those city lights (now you see it), then night, visual light reference, sufficient to
unless there are some instrument skills on look to the water (now you don’t). Think: safely control the helicopter.” For those
standby. Why? Because it is every bit the No Horizon = IMC, get on the gauges! uninitiated to helicopter operations over
same as flying into clouds unexpectedly, My personal philosophy after 18 years water, know this: the opportunities for the
and for some, the experience will lead to an of maritime aviation is to treat going “feet last part of that statement to manifest itself
all-too-tragic outcome. wet” at night (and even on some days) abound, and you will be in IMC.
When instructors are molding a stu- as being in IMC. No exceptions! In the If you are contemplating bringing
dent pilot’s ability to exercise sound “aero- performance of my missions, if I need to NVGs into your operation, take caution in
nautical decision-making,” certain envi- descend below 500 feet over the water, it attempting flights to places where you may
ronments are unfailingly emphasized as is through the use of an instrument scan to have not gone before simply because you
dangerous places to venture, i.e. thunder- get me to a target. Perhaps I will use a flight can now see more on the tubes. Even if you
storms. For helicopters, the opportunity to director, but I will always have set limits, are not going to be operating over water,
go inadvertent IMC is much easier since placed error traps, and have a well-briefed be aware that the Abyss has relatives, and
the ceiling and visibility requirements safety pilot to hold the line (sorry folks, I going “green” is not going to always counter
are less restrictive due to a helo’s unique am one of those that is a real fan of dual- their similar hazards. If I had to look into
maneuvering capabilities. If one is going to piloted instrument flight in helicopters). my crystal ball, I would say that the incor-
make a profession out of flying helicopters, Even when I am instructing in the poration of NVGs is not going to curtail
just know that when it comes to inadver- Abyss on NVGs with a full moon out, I can many inadvertent IMC-related accidents
tent IMC, there are two types of pilots out be on the controls and easily distract copi- in a certain industry that seems so des-
there: those that have done it and those lots of all experience levels long enough perate to get them. NVGs will certainly
that will; especially if pilots are taught they to fly them uncomfortably close to the help in some cases, but the combination
need only analyze clouds and visibility for water or to trip their RadAlt warning horn. of existing regulations, inexperienced yet

38 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | m a Rch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

TheThe Abyss

legally qualified pilots operating alone, and pilot develops the ability to see the mental VFR). In the U.S., such an event is legal,
the self-imposed pressures driven by the picture that flight instruments provide, he sort of.
pursuit of profits will continue to open an or she will also develop an appreciation The mindset you begin a flight with is
ample number of avenues to circumvent for how fast these new skills may become critical. The intent is to adequately estab-
sound judgment. There is little doubt that degraded from disuse. But with knowledge lish this environment as one to venture
NVGs enhance safety in our profession, comes power, and now that they are armed into with great caution, no matter what
but they also come with a new set of with these new abilities and certifications, level of experience or qualifications you
challenges and will best be discussed in a their confidence is strengthened. Now may have. For the inexperienced, don’t just
separate article. inadvertent IMC doesn’t look so evil, and point to rules to justify your presence if you
Eventually, pilots may undertake instru- if it is encountered on a VFR flight, then all find yourself in degraded visual environ-
ment flight training and on day one the one must do then is start working in the ol’ ments. Don’t treat your instrument skills as
mystery of flying in a degraded visual envi- instrument scan and make a radio call to a backup plan and recognize the potential
ronment unveils itself as the pilot begins ATC for some vectors, right? early by digging a little deeper during your
to learn the complexities of this discipline. What if it has been five months since flight planning so as to anticipate IMC. If
One becomes exposed to the procedures you have flown at night or even practiced you don’t, just remember, the Abyss and its
and techniques for safely operating aircraft instruments? Couple that with flying off- relatives patiently await you.
with no outside references and overcom- shore, heading GPS direct on the modes, The views expressed herein are those
ing the sensations of flight that create illu- well outside of radar coverage, and not of the author and are not to be construed
sions. Illusions with complicated names even talking to ATC. Sprinkle on some IFR as official or reflecting the views of the
like “somatogyral” or “somatogravic” with equipment being degraded or inopera- commandant or the U.S. Coast Guard.
pilot-given names like “the leans” or “false tive (which was acceptable in your mind LCDR Dan Deutermann is a Flight
climbs” will quickly overwhelm a visual- at takeoff because no significant weather Safety Officer who currently flies the
only reference pilot. Hopefully, as the was forecasted and you are, after all, flying MH-65C Dolphin.

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W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M M A R C H 2 0 1 0 | R OTO R & W I N G MAGA ZI N E 39


The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP) Aviation
subcommittee is driving for a rate better than one fatal accident per
million flying hours. Learn how they are trying to achieve that goal.
By Andrew Healey

t requires no great leap of faith to of the above,” but their efforts are coordi- are OGP members, they are usually not
accept that the business of flying nated by a group of 18 men and women involved in this particular subcommittee’s
offshore oil & gas operations can representing the International Associa- work. The group reports to the OGP’s
be safer in some parts of the world tion of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP). The Management committee through the
than in others. Developing new energy main contributors to the work of the Safety Committee.
resources is an ever-more challenging OGP Aviation Subcommittee are the oil The principal objective of the ASC is
task and, to get the stuff out of the ground, majors—Shell, Exxon, Chevron and so on. that oil workers flying in offshore helicop-
partnerships often have to be struck with And although it can only issue guidelines ters should be at no greater risk of dying
governments, national oil companies and rather than impose standards, the ASC in an accident than if they were flying
helicopter operators who might not be as now wields significant clout in the offshore on vacation. With cooperation from all
familiar with “western” standards as oth- industry. stakeholders, it is driving for a rate better
ers. But who drives improvements in the With the longest-established aviation than one fatal accident per million flying
riskier areas of production while, at the standards division in the world, Shell takes hours. The airline rate hovers around that
same time, monitoring standards in the a leading part in much of its work (see side- level—and that’s globally, not just the major
more developed areas? These national oil bar, page 42). In fact, most of its standards carriers (see table on page 41).
companies? The relevant regulators? The have been adopted chapter-and-verse by In the past, the committee argued,
operators? Their “big oil” customers? the subcommittee. While many of the the helicopter industr y had be en
The answer, to varying extents, is “all smaller national oil companies (NOC) under-funde d and complacent in

40 ROTO R & WING MAGAZ INE | MAR CH 2 0 1 0 W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M

Extra Mile

are extremely variable.” Stevens has just bit. Once they’re over it, they’re up and
finished running a small strategy review running.” As a result of this drive, argu-
group within the ASC, which has con- ably, AgustaWestland has carved a niche
cluded that it was relevant and supported with its new-generation AW139—Bristow
by a reasonable suite of advice ordered three of them at Helitech in Octo-
and guidance tools. “The ber (two were delivered in December) and
issue, as ever, is simply anticipates requiring scores more over the
one of implementation, next year or so. Eurocopter’s EC155 is also
particularly among the well-regarded. Legacy types such as the
national oil companies. We Sikorsky S-76 and Bell 412 are now less
are embarking on a process popular offshore.
of education, which is The OGP format can be particularly
intended to open the useful when it seeks improvements in a
eyes of their senior region where several of its members are
management to the involved. For example, if one oil company
fact that if they do expects its people to fly only in HUMS-
have an aviation opera- fitted helicopters, this may be difficult to
tion, there is a risk. achieve if it only contracts a few aircraft in
“The danger is that a number of people a specific region. If its total fleet is 10 times
improving safety, and regulatory improve- have been extremely lucky—so far they that, there is little incentive for the operator
ments had been insufficient and incon- haven’t had an accident. It’s only when you to comply. If however, the oil companies
sistent. Its analysts calculated the baseline open the senior management’s eyes to their band together to demand HUMS-fitted
accident rate for offshore helicopter opera- liability, the wider implications of having an helicopters, then the initiative may cover
tions was 20 per million flight hours and accident—including loss of production and 50–60 of those helicopters and be much
the baseline fatal accident rate was seven reputation—that you start being listened easier to manage.
per million flight hours, with both rising. to. In certain parts of the world the national
Those rates cost the oil and gas industry an authorities, including the governments, Taking Regulators to Task
unacceptable number of lives—and mil- are not as attuned to risk as we now are. Such improvements can be driven by the
lions of dollars—each year. National regulation is extremely limited.” OGP whenever regulation is perceived
Several areas were identified for The OGP compensates for that by as not sufficiently proactive. Stevens can
improvements in airframe design, training, ensuring that its guidelines exceed most, if identify instances during its own incident
management and equipment (see table). not all, national regulatory requirements. It and accident investigations, where he
Applying all of them, Shell estimated, spends a lot of time emphasizing the need believes regulators should have regulated,
would cut the accident rate to 3.2 per mil- to go the extra mile in managing and miti- but didn’t. “One investigation we have
lion flight hours and the fatal accident rate gating risk. “At a national oil company you conducted determined that helicopter
to 1.1 per million flight hours. That would don’t have that driver. Most international simulators are not fully representative of
save the lives of more than 200 offshore oil companies will coordinate with their part- the aircraft in certain emergency situa-
and gas workers over 10 years. ners as a matter of routine.” tions. Clearly, therefore, there is a danger
OGP members adopted the Shell stan- By virtue of its organization, says Ste- of picking up the wrong techniques during
dards. In turn, they committed to paying vens, Shell probably does more than most, simulator training.
the higher contract rates dictated by these but most oil companies demand something “We are working to get the regulators
higher design, performance, and equip- now. “If you look at the Gulf of Mexico now to be more prescriptive in this area and to
ment requirements. for instance, you will see a totally differ- ensure that the flight test data and model-
ent picture than you would have even five ing used by the simulator manufacturers
Lower Accident Rates years ago. In large part, Super Pumas have accurately represents the real aircraft.”
The end justifies the means. Mark Stevens, replaced Jet Rangers. In the field of flight
Shell Aviation air safety and global projects deck monitoring, for instance, at one point Fatal Accidents per Million
director, says: “We have proven statistically Bristow was pre-eminent but PHI is now in Flight Hours (latest OGP
a very strong position.
that OGP members have a better accident
rate than the oil & gas industry as a whole, “We’ve been banging on for years about Commercial Airline: 0.9
and active members of the ASC maintain our contract requirements and they’ve Commuter Airline: 3.0
a still-lower one. They are more aware of got the message that it’s not just about Offshore Helicopter: 5.7
the risks inherent in aviation and how to pleasing Shell or Exxon or whatever— Oil Industry (All Activity): 7.7
mitigate against them—even though the they realize the benefits to themselves. It’s
Seismic Operations: 21.9
levels of implementation across the OGP getting over that hump that’s the difficult

W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M M A R C H 2 0 1 0 | R OTO R & W I N G MAGA ZI N E 41

CommerCial | offshoRe

While some are better than others,

Standards Guardians the offshore sector is almost at the point,
British World War II flying ace Douglas Bader set up Shell Aircraft after leaving the believes Stevens, where the OGP acts as
Royal Air Force. The business now comprises three small divisions, including a a de facto regulator. “The OEMs respond
corporate jet fleet based in Rotterdam, Houston and Calgary. An aviation consul- by and large to demands from their energy
tancy group develops standards against which all Shell operations are run. It also company customers. This represents a
owns and operates three S-92s based in Brunei, and owns (Bristow operates) six huge turnaround from the situation in its
EC155 in Nigeria. All other air assets are through contracts. The division acts to set early days, when the operators and OEMs
and maintain Shell standards, sending auditors to vet suppliers all over the world. would develop the technology, the regula-
The third division is known as Air Safety Global Projects. It was set up about tors would then set the standards and the
six years ago by the division’s then-director, Eric Clark, who decided that they oil companies would go with the operator
needed the time to think more strategically; to be more proactive in the safety that offered the best package. Safety was
arena. The four-man staff now works with “everybody,” including operators, regu- taken as a given.”
lators and manufacturers, to address The helicopter manufacturers, on the
this ambition. “Shell expects…” other hand, make an effort to follow OGP
With the goal of one accident per • Latest build standard, guidelines—they contribute observers to
million flying hours in mind, Shell now • Latest simulator standard the ASC, along with organizations like the
insists its employees fly in helicopters (line oriented flight training), European Helicopter Operators Commit-
that meet the latest standards in • Company run to latest QA/SMS tee. They are also now in a position to offer
seven categories (see table at right). that same service when entering areas
• HUMS, vibration monitoring,
They range from the latest design • Flight data monitoring, controlled by NOCs, if they partner with
and performance standards, through • Appropriate flight profiles (PC2E), a company like Shell. Then they can per-
type-specific simulator training to and suade their new partners of the advantages
integration of cockpit aids like terrain • Terrain/traffic avoidance equipment of using the latest helicopters.
and traffic warning systems. This communications strategy also
drills down to airframe design. As the just-
flown EC175 took shape, Shell was on the
OEM’s customer advisory team. After the
first meeting they noted several areas for
improvement and, by the time they went
back for second meeting, Eurocopter had
changed the design.
Stevens says Shell will soon tender to
upgrade to new-generation helicopters in
Nigeria. “We want to get rid of AS332s and
replace them with EC225s, [and] S76s with
AW139s. And we’ll be doing this in coop-
eration with the NOC of Nigeria.
“With the OEM’s help, we can illustrate
the advantages. It’s not just a question of
safety. If you have your demand manage-
ment—I mean your control of passenger
21st Century mils? movement—really sharp, with really good
load factors and so on, and you replace old
Shell paid for the HUMS integration on the Russian Mil 8 fleet (example shown types with new ones, you can sometimes
above) at Sakhalin Island. Stevens says that, “we don’t operate anywhere else do the same job with one less airframe. So
with Mils. It’s not that they’re unsafe—it’s just that they could be safer. Now your initial start-up costs and operating
the ones at Sakhalin have HUMS, push-out escape windows, four-point seat costs are both lower.”
harnesses—they are a different beast altogether. There are less tangible benefits as
“We are looking now at upgrading these aircraft but, as with any overseas well. If Exxon moves into a new operating
operation, there are local factors to take into account. In Sakhalin in particular, area with AW139s and its competitor on
we have the issue of supporting a national helicopter manufacturer, so there’s the other side of the airfield has tired old
national pride at stake. Mil has consulted with us and we will probably end up fly- helicopters, passengers and crews in both
ing in the Mil-171. Indeed, now we are in discussions to make sure that, from our types will be the first to comment. “People
perspective, this helicopter is as good as it can be.” power can play a big part.”

42 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | m a Rch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

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W W W. r o t o r a n d W i n g . c o M M a r c h 2 0 1 0 | r oto r & W i n g M aga zi n e 43


One of the world’s first helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS)
pilots shares his combat rescue experiences in the Korean War.
By Andrew D. Parker, Managing Editor

orean War helicopter pilot, and Vietnam War memorabilia from his the battlefield and transporting them to
World War II fighter pilot, 50-plus years in the aviation industry. Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH)
author, artist, great-grand- His new book, “MASH Angles”—pub- units. The H-13, a military variant of the
father. Many people would lished by Burford Books in late 2009—pro- Bell 47, was also used in Korea. Many of the
relish in accomplishing just one of these vides a detailed account of life in a helicop- medevac ops would take place in Korean-
goals. For Richard C. Kirkland, that’s just ter emergency medical services (HEMS) controlled territory, and the helicopter
where his story begins. Among his hon- unit in the Korean War. Kirkland’s unit— played a new and integral role in the war.
ors are the Distinguished Flying Cross, the 8055 MASH with the 3rd Air Rescue Helicopters from the 3rd Air Rescue
six Air Medals and the U.S. Air Force Group—helped pave the way for modern Group “were given credit for picking up
Commendation Medal. Rotor & Wing military HEMS operators. He flew the 846 pilots and aircrew from behind enemy
visited Kirkland recently at his home in Sikorsky R-5 (H-5 after 1948, S-51 in com- lines,” Kirkland explains, adding that the
Vienna, Va., where his basement features mercial designation) and H-19 Chicka- group rescued 8,373 soldiers from the front
an “aviation gallery,” filled with helicopter saw during the Korean War, picking up lines and transported them to the mobile
and aircraft models and WWII, Korea downed pilots and injured soldiers from hospitals. “Quite a feat for a handful of
taxi drivers,” he says. Kirkland served with
Capt. Sam Gilfand, who was the basis for
the fictional character “Hawkeye” in the
popular 1970s television series, M*A*S*H,
that was based off a Richard Hooker novel.
“They were real people,” Kirkland says.
“The reason we called him Hawkeye is he
could take a wounded [patient] and see
stuff no one else could see. He could save a
patient when no one else could,” Kirkland
says, pointing to a picture of Hawkeye,
“Trapper” (Capt. Michael Johnson in real
life) and himself (see photo page 45). While
noting that Hooker exaggerated “quite
a bit,” in writing the fictional characters,
Andrew D. Parker

Richard Kirkland displays a model of his favorite

helicopter, the Hughes 500, while standing in his
“aviation gallery” of memorabilia and artwork in
the basement of his home in Vienna, Va.

44 ROTO R & WING MAGAZ INE | MAR CH 2 0 1 0 W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M

MASH Angels
Historical photos courtesy of Richard C. Kirkland

From left to right, Kirkland, Capt. Michael Johnson (Trapper) and Capt. Sam Capt. Kirkland takes off in a Sikorsky H-5 from the 8055 MASH. The
Gilfand (Hawkeye) in front of the officer’s quarter’s tents at 8055 MASH aluminum pods were used to transport patients from the battlefield to the
during the Korean War in spring 1953. mobile medical units.

Kirkland says Gilfand “was a great guy, a sions in WWII and 69 in Korea. He initially the Army Air Corps cadet program.” After
great surgeon … and a great prankster, too.” got into flying after joining the Army when WWII, Kirkland flew “many different
While the book and TV series provided WWII came to America. kinds” of aircraft up until the Korean War,
the story from the doctors on the ground, “The country was basically isolation- when he joined the MASH unit.
“it didn’t really get into the helicopter part. ist when the war broke out,” he recalls.
That was a really important part,” he adds. “Nobody wanted it, but when they bombed Inside the MASH
An author of four published books— Pearl Harbor, it changed overnight. Every- The MASH helicopters were given mis-
”MASH Angels,” “War Pilot,” “Tales of body just signed up. In some places, you sions by Army headquarters to fly to one
a War Pilot” and “Tales of a Helicopter had to stand in line for two days just to sign of a number of pre-determined base camp
Pilot”—Kirkland spends most of his time up.” He decided to apply as a pilot. “They locations.
these days writing and painting, chroni- would divide us up into groups—bomber “They would call us on a landline—we
cling his experiences. Each one of the other pilot, fighter pilot, reconnaissance pilot, had a phone right in our tent—and say
books contains anywhere from 15–20 transport pilot. I wanted to be a fighter pilot there’s a wounded soldier at spot number
short stories, except “MASH Angels,” and was fortunate enough to get it through 23 [or K-23]. We would go and pick him
which is one cohesive story from cover-
to-cover. List of rotary and fixed-wing aircraft that Richard C. Kirkland has
He’d been aiming to write “MASH flown, in order of date, according to his recollection:
Angels” for some time “because it was Helicopters Lockheed P-38 Lightning
a story that just needed to be told. It’s Sikorsky R-5/H-5/S-51 Piper L-4 Grasshopper
another part of that great story that hasn’t Sikorsky H-19 Chickasaw Republic P-47 Thunderbolt
Kaman H-43 Bell P-39 Airacobra
been told. It lays the groundwork for the
Piasecki H-21 Bell P-63 Kingcobra
current air medical helicopter program Hughes 300 Fairchild C-82 Packet
that’s all around the world now, and it Hughes 500/500N Douglas C-47 Skytrain
began in Korea.” Bell HU-1 Huey (changed to UH-1 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress
Iroquois in 1962) Stinson L-5 Sentinel
Flying Roots Stinson L-13
“My dad used to say, if you’re lucky you’ve Fixed-Wing Aircraft Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star
Boeing PT-18 trainer C-45 Expeditor/Beechcraft Model 18
got the world by the tail, but if you’re not,
Vultee BT-13 Valiant trainer de Havilland L-20 Beaver
you’re in deep trouble. And I’m lucky. North American B-25 Mitchell bomber
Because I’ve gone through an awful lot,” Beechcraft AT-6 advanced trainer
Saab T-17 trainer Martin B-26 Marauder
Kirkland says, including 103 combat mis-

W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M M A R C H 2 0 1 0 | R OTO R & W I N G MAGA ZI N E 45

Military | PRofile

The Korean War “changed all that,” he

continues. “All of a sudden, helicopters
were doing all kinds of neat stuff.” The
Army picked up on this, having lost a sig-
nificant amount of air power when the Air
Force split off from the Army Air Corps in
1947. “They were looking for something
to [establish another] air unit, and latched
on to helicopters, saying they are ground-
related. Pretty soon they had thousands of
In Vietnam, Kirkland says, “they made
a big mistake, they thought the helicopter
could fly like a fighter or bomber,” he says.
This resulted in thousands of pilots and
around 4,000 helicopters being shot down,
a stark contrast to Korea. “You could count
on two hands the number of pilots killed in
Kirkland kept a demonstration Hughes 500 in his back yard for about a decade from the mid-1970s to the Korean War,” he notes.
the mid-1980s. He describes the Hughes 500 as his favorite helicopter.
up and bring him back to the MASH, and flew the H-13 (military version of the Bell Kirkland’s love for helicopters didn’t stop
then they’d call again when the next one 47), which has a pod and didn’t have room after he left Korea, flying “a little bit of
was coming. Sometimes, when they had a for a doctor. “We had a medic, using the everything.” In 1963, he took a job work-
big battle, we’d just be going back and forth Sikorsky H-5, which is a little larger and has ing for Hughes Aircraft Company, starting
as fast as we could, but otherwise they’d a little more horsepower. The medic came out in sales. He went through a number of
just call us when they had one.” in handy because the wounded might be in promotions—sales, then a demonstration
Many times, wounded soldiers who pretty bad shape and need attention while pilot, a sales pilot and national salesman—
could still walk were taken out on the we were getting him back to the hospital, before McDonnell Douglas took over the
ground via ambulance, but “if the area particularly when we’d go behind the line.” company in 1984.
was under fire or the patient was seriously Kirkland stayed on, working as a divi-
wounded and his life was in jeopardy, they Vietnam Vs. Korea sion manger. A few years later “Boeing took
called on the helicopter,” he says. Kirkland explains that the way helicopters over, and I [continued] as a division man-
“If he just had an arm or leg wound or were used in the Korean War differed from ger, and then I retired,” he says. But that
something where he could get on an ambu- Vietnam (he didn’t serve in Vietnam, but would not be the end of his professional
lance, they would just bring him down, did train pilots for that conflict). career, as Kirkland became vice president
but if the roads were cut or they were “We did lose some pilots and some heli- of marketing for Heli-Source before retir-
under fire … we would have to do it all,” copters, but nothing compared to Vietnam. ing again in 1996. His ratings include com-
Kirkland adds. A doctor would come along In Korea, we primarily flew up the bottom mand pilot, multi-engine, single-engine
on each helicopter medevac flight, and of the canyons, or we would fly offshore,” fighter, transport, seaplane and helicopter.
maintenance crews would be based at the he says, adding that if a fighter pilot got into “I have all the flying ratings,” he says. He
MASH home location and each spot, or trouble, he could bail out in the Yellow Sea gained the helicopter rating in 1949, fol-
station, designated by “K” (for Korea) and and be picked up by a helicopter-mounted lowing his first flight in 1947.
a number, such as K-8 or K-14. The stations rescue hoist.
would move around every two to three Stepping back for a moment, Kirkland Hughes 500
weeks, depending on the battle lines. The explains that before Korea, when helicop- Kirkland says that if he was forced to pick
helicopter units would rotate around the ters came out in the 1940s, “everybody which type of aircraft “you love the best of
various stations—two on the front lines, thought they were kind of novelties. They all, I would choose the Hughes 500. I love
two behind the lines, and another couple at were in great demand during the holidays my helicopter flying experience, particu-
the major combat bases. to come and show people how they could larly in that bird. You could go in and out of
The Army and Air Force supplied the fly, do circles, bring in Santa, etc. But then almost anywhere. It was the best.”
pilots and medics for the different MASH they would go home and everybody would From around 1975 until 1985, while he
units. Kirkland says that the Army units get back to business.” was a demonstration salesman at Hughes

46 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | m a Rch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

MASH Angels

days, but back then he “had an advan- program at George Mason University, the
tage. [Former Washington Redskins Aeronautical Society of Vienna, and other
Quarterback] Joe Theismann was my local Rotary and Kiwanis-type events.
neighbor. So I think they figured if it was “They love to have me come because
all right with Joe, it must be OK.” they’re not too many people left, I’m one
of the fortunate ones,” he says, pausing for
Family Man a second. “There’s only two people in my
After retiring his wings in 1992, Kirkland squadron that are still alive, and I’m 86
has stayed out of the cockpit. “When I years old.” People who are history buffs
walked away after 50 years of flying, I’d had really seem to appreciate the stories, he
a great career and enjoyed it. Well, there adds. “It’s fun, I enjoy it.”
were some parts I didn’t enjoy so much, Above all, Kirkland is a family man—by
but when I walked away, I said, ‘That’s it, far the most important role he’s played.
I’m through,’ and I haven’t flown since,” he With nine kids, 16 grandchildren and two
Aircraft, Kirk- explains, adding that he still won’t take to great-grandchildren, it’s hard to imagine
land kept a Hughes 500 the air—except on commercial airlines as where he finds the time to write memoirs
in his back yard in Vienna. In addition to a passenger. and paint memories. Spending even a little
company business, he would occasionally “It’s just that I did that, and loved it. But time talking to Kirkland reveals his great
fly his wife, Maria, various places instead everything has an end to it and I shifted appreciation for his wife of 35 years. The
of driving, many times landing in a parking to writing books and painting pictures.” dedication on the third page of “MASH
lot or field near a park, restaurant, or hotel. He still speaks at local organization meet- Angels” helps to sum up his feelings, thank-
Of course, Kirkland wouldn’t be allowed ings around his community, such as the ing Maria “for her continued encourage-
to fly a helicopter from his back yard these McLean Historical Society, the adult ment and inspiration.”

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W W W. r o t o r a n d W i n g . c o M M a r c h 2 0 1 0 | r oto r & W i n g M aga zi n e 47

15061 AT Daily Brief ad_half.indd 1 01/14/2009 3:52:36 PM

At the European Aviation Safety
Agency’s (EASA) third Rotorcraft
Symposium in Cologne, Germany
in December 2009, the European
helicopter industry continued an
By Thierry Dubois open dialogue to improve safety.

nitiatives from various parts of (EMS) operators, which are still regrouped engine helicopters.
the world were discussed at the in the European HEMS and air ambulance “Aerial work, private, air taxi and cor-
European Aviation Safety Agency committee (EHAC). Negotiations to inte- porate operations have suffered a major
(EASA)’s third rotorcraft sympo- grate EHAC into NewEHA failed at the drop in demand since the economic slump
sium in Cologne, Germany in December. last minute, in September 2009. NewEHA began,” Morassi stated. EMS, firefighting
Offshore operations are still a major focus, is based in Cologne. and civil protection operations have been
but some speakers warned that real prob- In Europe, 2,000 companies operate stagnating. Businesses involved in such
lems may be somewhat below the radar— a total of 6,960 helicopters. Two-thirds of operations have been doing fine “only
at small operators and/or in remote areas. them have only one aircraft in their fleet. where they benefit from stable relation-
Vittorio Morassi, chairman of newEHA, The European fleet is used for commercial ships and long-term contracts.” Offshore
gave an updated picture of the European missions (28 percent), public service (21 flights for oil and gas companies remain
industry. NewEHA (the New European percent), private flights (16 percent), EMS steady. “Overall, this situation has caused a
Helicopter Association) is the association (10 percent), offshore oil and gas (4 per- lot of job cuts,” Morassi said.
that represents European helicopter opera- cent) and other operations (21 percent). A number of rules impacting heli-
tors, except emergency medical services About half of the fleet is made of single- copters are in the making in the Euro-

48 ROTO R & WING MAGAZ INE | MAR CH 2 0 1 0 W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M

European Safety

pean Union now. “Helicopters are being operating procedures (SOPs), EHEST rep- a flight phase, such as approach. The pass/
included in the EU emission trading resentatives said. fail criterion was approximately 30 percent
scheme (ETS) only for political reasons, spare time available for normal operation.
to please the environmentalists,” Morassi Focus on Training Therefore, some emergency procedures
complained. Another recommendation is to focus were revised so the workload never reached
Regarding CO trading, Morassi said on training to improve pilot decision- 100 percent. “They are now more easily
helicopters below 5,700 kilos (12,555 making before and after inadvertent entry handled by a single pilot,” Paolucci said.
pounds) of MOTW are excluded from into instrument meteorological conditions Bernardino Paggi, an AgustaWestland
the European Union ETS. Still to be con- (IMC). The importance of mission prepa- specialist in new flight test methodologies,
firmed is that operators emitting less than ration and the benefits of installing flight presented how the AW139 was tested
10,000 metric tons of CO per year will be data recorders (FDR) and conducting for category A offshore takeoff and land-
allowed to use a simplified reporting pro- flight data monitoring (FDM, also known ing procedures. EASA approved such
cedure. The 10,000-ton threshold equates as flight operations quality assurance) were operations in July 2009. “We wanted no
to 7,100 pounds of fuel used. highlighted. procedural change between all-engine-
The OPS regulation, which EASA Commercial air transport, including operative and one-engine-inoperative,”
is working on for aircraft operations, is EMS, accounted for 19 percent of the Paggi emphasized. Quite simply, in case of
at the NPA (notice of proposed amend- accidents EHEST has analyzed. General an engine failure, the pilot should not do
ment) stage. NewEHA has requested that aviation accounted for 45 percent, while anything unusual. Otherwise this could
rotorcraft specificity should be taken into aerial work’s contribution was 32 percent. have disturbing aerodynamic effects, Paggi
account. In response, EASA has appointed State flights accounted for four percent. said. AgustaWestland chose to allow some
two “focal points” for general aviation and (See chart page 50.) depletion in the rotor’s rotation speed.
helicopters. There also has been a long- Robert Carter, principal inspector of Tests showed that tail clearance to the
standing disagreement on single-engine air accidents at the UK’s Air Accidents deck’s edge was about 100 meters (330
operations over hostile environments. The Investigation Branch (AAIB), confirmed feet) in the worst-case scenario. This is
industry finds current rules too restrictive. that FDRs have been extremely helpful in when the engine fails at 17 feet, followed
EASA is prepared to reconsider the matter, recent investigations. However, such data by the decision to continue takeoff. The
according to Morassi. “cannot do everything and sometimes takeoff decision point is at 20 feet. The
Some 14,000 comments have been make the investigation even more com- difference between the 17- and 20-foot
received, EASA air operations officer Willy plex,” he said. One probe used data from heights represent the pilot’s reaction time.
Sigl said. First draft rules should appear the helicopter health and usage monitor- Should the engine fail at 15 feet, the takeoff
in April of this year. Then, in October, the ing system (HUMS). It proved useful but should be rejected.
agency will publish a comment response difficult to understand. “Investigations are “We chose a low takeoff decision point
document. The new regulation is to be as complex as ever,” Carter insisted. to ensure the best helideck sight in case of
adopted in 2012. a rejected takeoff,” Paggi said. The 30-foot
NewEHA is also requesting to be More Offshore Ops rotation point is 10 feet higher than the
involved in the development of specific Another helicopter that has become takeoff decision point to allow longer pilot
flight and duty time limitations for gen- common in offshore operations is the reaction time for continued takeoff. It
eral aviation and helicopter operations. AgustaWestland AW139 medium twin. allows a greater deck edge clearance, too.
“Airline rules do not suit our needs. Please Francesco Paolucci, a flight test engineer At the 15,000-pound MTOW, the
keep rules affordable and proportionate,” with the Italian Civil Aviation Authority maximum drop-down was 40 feet. This
Morassi urged EASA. He praised EASA (ENAC) and Nicola Pecile, an Italian Air provides enough height above the sea, tak-
and the European Helicopter Safety Team Force experimental test pilot, explained ing into account the deck’s height.
(EHEST) for working out “recommenda- how the 2006 certification for IFR/night In case of a balked landing, which
tions that are suitable.” VFR single pilot operations was obtained. should take place somewhat laterally away
The EHEST, a component of the Inter- The AW139 had been certified for IFR/ from the deck, the helicopter is never lower
national Helicopter Safety Team (IHST) night VFR dual-pilot and day VFR single than the helideck level, Paggi said.
that aims at cutting the helicopter accident pilot operations in 2003. In the meantime,
rate by 80 percent by 2016, is issuing “con- a new, four-display cockpit configuration TCAS
solidated recommendations” from a wide- had become available, making it eligible for One more valuable insight into off-
ranging accident data analysis. It is thus extended single-pilot operations. shore safety was given by Bristow head of
encouraging the use of safety management Paolucci, Pecile and their team focused centralized engineering Mark Plunkett,
systems (SMS), “based on real safety cul- on pilot workload. The method added the who detailed how a second-generation
ture including risk management and codes time spent in primary tasks (flight con- traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS
of practice.” Moreover, operators should be trols) and auxiliary tasks (communication, II) was fitted onto a helicopter—an AS332
encouraged to establish and apply standard navigation, etc.) over the total duration of Super Puma. Such an installation was until

W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M M A R C H 2 0 1 0 | R OTO R & W I N G MAGA ZI N E 49

Training | goveRnment agencies
European Helicopter Safety Team (EHSAT)

Chart on the left shows that commercial air transport, including helicopter EMS, accounted for 19 percent of the accidents EHSAT analyzed, with general aviation accounting for 45
percent and aerial work at 32 percent. Incidents most likely occurred during enroute phase of flight, followed by approach/landing, maneuvering and takeoff, as shown on right.

recently deemed impossible. Regulation an update on the experimental period Maintenance Challenges
states that helicopters cannot comply with that began in December for the auto- Giving a different mood to the sym-
TCAS II avoidance procedures, due to a matic dependent surveillance-broadcast posium, Christophe Cubières, a Bureau
lack of performance. (ADS-B) system in the Gulf of Mexico. It Veritas senior engineer, pointed out that
Yet, there is a need. First-genera- is hoped to improve traffic and weather the real world is quite different from the
tion TCAS can’t be relied on for evasive information for helicopters flying to and regulators’ expectations. Bureau Veritas
maneuvers. It is just considered an aid to from offshore rigs. Due to the distance has audited 45 rotorcraft operators in
visually spotting traffic. Yet, in the North from the shore, there is very limited radio recent years. These audits took place in
Sea, “visibility is not great,” as Plunkett coverage and no radar coverage. Position Europe, Russia, the Americas, Asia, the
put it. The need is widespread. In Nigeria, and weather reporting have been continu- Middle East and Africa.
there were 32 airproxes in a few years in ing issues. Moreover, instrument condi- Cubières and his team have seen recur-
the early 2000s. tions exist frequently. rent weaknesses in quality assurance. “It is
Bristow and Rockwell Collins engi- Yet, the Gulf of Mexico is the place for supposed not only to survey the compli-
neers proved the operator’s helicopters some 3,000 operations per day for the U.S. ance of the organization to the regulation
can perform as required. They found a only, Shilling said. To report helicopter but also to measure and improve its per-
place to install the antenna, behind the progress on its route, the existing process is formance,” Cubières pointed out. Except
main rotor. In flight tests, they demon- “convoluted,” Shilling said, as it involves sat- for large operators, SMS will remain a
strated the absence of any blanking. They ellite phones. To ensure aircraft separation, “dusty and pre-formatted book on a shelf,”
were awarded the first EASA supple- the airspace is divided into grid squares of Cubières worried, due to a lack of knowl-
mental type certificate (STC) ever for a 10 nm by 10 nm. The resulting air traffic edge and insufficient resources.
TCAS II on a helicopter. The first TCAS control (ATC) capacity is very small—10 Maintenance training is noted to be
II-equipped Super Puma started operat- aircraft at a time. “weak.” Cubières sees a lack of formalized
ing in the spring of 2008. The FAA and local operators place great standards. He also emphasized a lack of
Bristow is now moving to other types. hopes in ADS-B. The relatively simple sys- records.
A Sikorsky S-92 with the antenna located tem has been used by some fixed-wing In Europe, EASA should bring national
above the windshield is close to flight aircraft operators. It periodically transmits authorities closer to operators, Cubières
testing. There are also plans for another information without any pilot or operator suggested. It also should be “more involved
Super Puma variant and the Sikorsky S-76. input. The position and the velocity vector in practical airworthiness matters.”
What about OEMs offering TCAS II on are derived from the GPS. The transmitted David Downey, Bell Helicopter’s vice
new helicopters? “There was skepticism information is available to anyone with the president for flight operation/safety,
but manufacturers’ interest is growing,” appropriate receiving equipment. expressed a concern that the three major
Plunkett said. The painstaking grid scheme thus authorities frame airworthiness directive
becomes useless. The main challenge is (AD) compliance as if there is a major air-
ADS-B not to equip helicopters but offshore plat- line maintenance organization capability.
Offshore safety was decidedly a major forms. Relays are needed on the surface but “The infrastructure for engineers (mainte-
focus at the symposium, as FAA rotorcraft space is scarce on the rigs. Final rules are to nance personnel) to actually comply with
directorate manager Mark Shilling gave be issued in this month. alert service bulletins outside of North

50 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | m a Rch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

European Safety

America and the EU is very different. and real aircraft has not been as attractive analyzed 297 business aviation accidents
There are 120 countries or so where Bell as for airplanes,” Del Ghingaro said. and determined that more than one-third
has helicopters.” This may be changing. FSTDs are could have been prevented, if the operator
There is still no Internet access in becoming cheaper to use, according to had implemented IS-BAO, Humphries
many places. “If an operator is flying out in Del Ghingaro. Simultaneously, FSTD asserted. “Insurance companies are start-
remote areas—it can take a year before air- standards are becoming more harmo- ing to understand by cutting premiums,”
worthiness directives actually get to a small nized [see related story on page 12]. he said.
operator flying seismic surveys in Papua Technology is helping, too. Simulating IS-BAO has been in use for fixed-wing
New Guinea,” Downey told Rotor & Wing. the flight of a helicopter is highly complex. operators for some time, and “minimal
In Nepal, the national aviation authority Now, the software and hardware to run adjustment” is needed for the helicop-
only employs two people to oversee com- these real-time models are available at ter industry. IS-BAO is based on ICAO
mercial operations, according to Downey. lower cost. standards and recommended practices. It
At a small operator, a single person can Similarly, visual aspects are more also draws from corporate best practices,
be both the pilot and the mechanic. There- important for helicopter operations, regulations and guidance. Finally, it tailors
fore, Bell Product Support strives to make which take place closer to the ground. ISO9000 principles to aviation. It is already
maintenance as easy as possible for these Simulators thus need larger fields of view recognized as a standard by the European
operators. “We try to avoid special tools and better details. “Visual system technol- Committee for Standardization (CEN).
like an expensive magnifier. We try to use ogy is now available to provide high-fideli- For successful implementation,
tools the operator can find in his standard ty helicopter training,” Del Ghingaro said. “You need commitment from the top,”
toolbox or can be locally procured,” he Humphries emphasized. Implementation
summarized. One of Bell’s ongoing safety SMS and ISBAO starts with a safety risk profile and gap
initiatives is the development of a cockpit Brian Humphries, who is both the analysis. Hazard identification, analysis
information recorder. It can be used for chairman of the British Helicopter Associ- and mitigation then becomes a continu-
flight data monitoring (i.e. quality assur- ation (BHA) and the CEO of the European ous process. IS-BAO was developed and is
ance) and accident investigation. A feature Business Aviation Association (EBAA), administered by the International Business
is that images of the instrument panel can presented the International Standard for Aviation Council (IBAC). IBAC is a coun-
be read by optical recognition software and Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) as cil regrouping 15 business aviation associa-
in turn, can generate graphs. a proven SMS approach available to the tions from around the wold. It represents
helicopter industry. This kind of effort is business aviation at ICAO.
Simulation worth it, he insisted. For example, the fatal There are now more than 200 business
Could flight simulators contribute to accident rate in the North Sea has been aviation operators registered. For newcom-
the targeted safety improvement? Thales halved since the 1980s, notably due to the ers, support is available from other IS-BAO
Training & Simulation program man- use of SMS. IS-BAO is suitable to both registered organizations and IBAC experts.
ager for FSTD (flight simulation training small and large operators. There are approximately 100 auditors
device) development Bernard Del Ghin- Humphries introduced IS-BAO as a around the world, accredited and moni-
garo believes so. He explained how and professional code of practice. A report tored by IBAC.
why the use of simulators may well grow
from small to significant.
“Training is the top category for the Unmanned Ruling
EHEST’s recommendations,” he said. EASA rulemaking officer David Haddon unveiled EASA’s philosophy in a sec-
One benefit of using simulators is heli- tor that could become significant over the coming decades—unmanned aircraft
copters are thus kept for revenue flights. systems (UAS). There are currently 257 unmanned rotorcraft types at various
Moreover, the instructor commands the stages of development or in service in the world. A notable portion of them are
environment, notably in terms of traffic candidates for civil roles, he said.
and weather. Simulators also enable safer “Their safety is not demonstrated but manufacturers face a Catch-22 situation,”
training when it comes to tailrotor failure, Haddon pointed out. Regulators are not willing to develop rules before a need is
entry into IMC and autorotations. Still, in established for such aircraft. But these companies do not want to invest without
a full flight simulator, the trainee will be the assurance a design can be certified and operated in a civil activity, Haddon
closer to the reality of a malfunction. stressed.
“In a real helicopter, malfunctions are “EASA wants to break this Catch-22 situation,” he said. A principle is that base
fake. In a simulator, malfunctions are real,” certification specifications will be chosen from kinetic energy equivalent. A lot
Del Ghingaro said. still has to be worked out. For example, what could be safe separation distances?
Yet, in Europe, only 14 full flight simu- “EASA is committed to develop rules for civil UAS but they will be allowed to
lators can be found for civil helicopters. operate only if they demonstrate equivalent safety to manned aircraft,” Haddon
“Historically, the cost ratio between FSTDs stated. He insisted that the industry must get it right the first time.

W W W. r o t o r a n d W i n g . c o M M a r c h 2 0 1 0 | r oto r & W i n g M aga zi n e 51


FROM Mozart

TO Huey

U.S. Army/SFC Jeff Troth

Fellow aviators (not shown) saluted Gerry Ventrella
as he disembarked from his last mission flight at
Camp Speicher in Iraq on Dec. 30, 2007.

UH-1 Iroquois sets pilot on the path to aviation Hall of Fame.

By Anne Grahn

erry Ventrella has piloted 41 Hello Huey Huey, graduating in February 1969. One
different aircraft—fixed and month later the 20-year-old was a Huey
rotary wing—in as many years. A boyish curiosity about aircraft led him “Slick” pilot in Vietnam, flying combat
He’s flown combat missions to request fixed-wing mechanic school, assault, extraction and re-supply mis-
across the globe. He’s been nominated but helicopters flying overhead during sions for the 1st Air Cavalry Division. His
for multiple aviation halls of fame. When basic training captivated him. “I heard sto- company’s call sign was “Chickenman”, a
asked to consider his career, the 61-year- ries about helicopter mechanics getting to humerous nod to the 1966 radio series
old Chicagoan shrugged. “I haven’t done fly missions with flight crews,” he said. “So spoof of Batman (see photo on page 53.)
anything special,” he said. “But it does I applied for a transfer.” Ventrella was thrilled by flying, and
seem pretty bizarre, considering all I ever After basic training he completed refined his skills and techniques such as
wanted to do was teach music.” Bell UH-1 Iroquois and Boeing CH-47 low-level and formation flight. “There
“My parents were musically inclined, Chinook maintenance courses. He was were no nav-aids other than the occa-
and I was drawn in that direction,” he about to deploy as a mechanic when he sional non-directional beacon,” he point-
explained. “The French horn was my risked applying to flight school. “I didn’t ed out. “It was all good old-fashioned
instrument, and Mozart’s concertos think I would pass the application test,” he pilotage and dead reckoning.” But it was
were my favorite to play.” How did he recalled. He did, and soon found himself on-the-job training, with a heavy price. “I
take a seismic leap from horn concertos in the first phase of flight training. saw terrible things,” he said. “Some good
to helicopters? Speaking to him at the friends died.”
Chicago Brauhaus, over an assortment of White-Winged Warrior Ventrella doesn’t dwell on the brutality
photographs dating back to the 1960s, it The rotary valves of his French horn were of war, and punctuates even dark memo-
became clear that the key to the answer forgotten as he took up the balsa-wood ries with humor. During one mission, his
lies with a nickname: Huey. “When I rotor blades of the 1951 Bell OH-13, helicopter was hit by enemy gunfire and
graduated high school in ‘66, we were a Korean War veteran and star of the he landed in a field. With a battle raging
at war in Vietnam,” he said, lifting a popular 1950s TV show Whirlybirds. nearby, his copilot and gunner took the
photo of a helicopter emblazoned with a “I remember the show,” Ventrella said. downed Huey’s M60 machine guns and
chicken. “I felt a patriotic duty, so I joined “I was flying a historic warbird!” During boarded a sister ship, leaving Ventrella
the Army.” advanced training he transitioned to the and his crew chief vulnerable as they wait-

52 ROTO R & WING MAGAZ INE | MAR CH 2 0 1 0 W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M

Mozart to Huey

ed for it to return. It never did.

He smiled at the memory of an Ameri-
can soldier approaching them a few hours
into their wait. “I could still hear the gun-
fire,” he said. “We were all alone, some-
where along the Cambodian border in
enemy territory, when all of the sudden this
Special Forces guy appears out of nowhere.
He didn’t say a word—just gave us a smile
and a six-pack of beer!”
After seven hours, a Huey and Chinook
managed to withstand the gunfire and
extracted them. Ventrella’s tour of duty
ended soon afterward, and he left with
a promotion. He had flown 813 combat
hours and was awarded 18 Air Medals.

A Teacher is Born
Ventrella went back to Fort Eustis, Va.,
where he’d first learned about helicopters.
Three years and a Bronze Star later he was
there to teach flight controls, test flight
procedures and rotary-wing aerodynam-
ics. “I still loved music,” he said. “But avia-
tion was my life.”
Through the G.I. Bill he earned a fixed-
wing commercial license, followed by a CFI
and CFII. He worked for several years as a
fixed-wing instructor at Chicago’s Midway
Intl Airport (MDW) before becoming an
aviation safety inspector for the FAA, and
then a designated pilot examiner (DPE).
“I enjoyed civilian flying,” Ventrella said.
“But I missed military helicopter opera-
tions, so I joined the Reserves.” He taught
fixed and rotary-wing flight to reservists
Ventrella’s 227th Assault Battalion in Vietnam, part of the 1st Air Cavalry Division, carried the
and reverted to his military rank on mis- call sign “Chickenman,” as seen in this photo taken of Huey maintenance in 1969.
sions in the U.S., Honduras and Egypt, hap-
pily flying Hueys again.
By 1983 he was a chief warrant officer ed for long. He beat the cancer, received neutralize) combats improvised explosive
4 (CW4), a senior-level expert in aviation. his first class medical certificate, and was devices (IEDs) with reconnaissance.
When his reserve command was deacti- back to work (as a contract pilot, flight Fi xe d - w i n g a s s e t s , i n c l u d i n g
vated in 1997, he continued civilian work instructor, weather observer and DPE) in unmanned General Atomics Warriors
as the Army placed him in the Individual 2002. He was 55 years old and eager to and modified Beech/Raytheon Hurons,
Ready Reserve. return to the military. He got his wish— are coordinated with rotary assets such
by 2005, he was back in the Reserves. He as the Boeing AH-64 Apache into a
The Enemy Within continued working and wondered if he “persistent stare,” allowing combat com-
During a routine flight physical in 2001, would be activated. manders to stealthily observe insurgents
he faced his deadliest enemy yet. It was as they scout locations for IEDs. The unit
cancer, and it was closing in on his carotid Soldier On needed experienced pilots and having
artery—the doctor told him he would In 2006, a specialized counter-insurgency instructed in the Huron, Ventrella was
never fly again. battalion was ramping up in Iraq (see ideal. He arrived at Camp Speicher in
Undaunted, he tracked down a spe- Rotor & Wing, “Spies In The Sky,” May northern Iraq in January 2007. It had been
cialist and underwent surgeries, chemo- 2007). U.S. Army Task Force ODIN nearly 40 years since he had first gone to
therapy and radiation. He wasn’t ground- (short for observe, detect, identify and war, and the landscape shift from jungle

W W W. r o t o r a n d W i n g . c o m m a r c h 2 0 1 0 | r oto r & W i n g maga zi n e 53

Military | PRofile

Then-warrant officer candidate Gerry Ventrella

in a Bell OH-13 at Fort Wolters, Texas. Photo
was taken in June 1968.

From left to right, Lonnie Clark, D company, 227th Battalion, Ventrella and Ken Inabnit, 1st Brigade
“Flying Circus.” All three Iraq veterans served in the 1st Cavalry Division in Vietnam in 1969.

experience to make the company and the to set the autopilot, they’d be alive.”
task force a better organization,” enthused He gives safety talks and courtesy
Maj. Mike Milo, executive officer of Ven- checks to pilots in flight schools, flying
to desert was dramatic, both literally and trella’s brigade company. clubs and law enforcement agencies,
figuratively. After his final mission, Ventrella was including the U.S. Coast Guard and the
In Vietnam, Ventrella interacted with given an award from the commander of Chicago Police Department. “I try to
the infantry he supported every day. “We the 1st Armored Division, and his 19th pass on lessons learned from accident
were going directly into hot LZs with Air Medal. As he touched down on the investigations, prevention courses and my
troops and pulling them out under hostile runway at Camp Speicher for the last experience as a weather observer.”
fire,” he noted. Unlike other pilots, who time, he was met by the salutes of fellow
returned to their ships after battle, Army aviators, who lined the taxiway in a show Hall of Fame
pilots like Ventrella “lived with our guys of respect. Military retirement hasn’t slowed Ven-
on the ground, eating C-rations cooked Soon after returning home, he was trella down. He is scheduled for induction
over cans of dirt mixed with jet fuel and retired from service as he reached the into the Illinois Military Aviation Hall of
swapping stories.” Army’s mandatory age of 60. “There was Fame this summer, and was nominated
In Iraq, he piloted the Huron covertly, more to contribute,” he told me. “I didn’t for the 2010 HAI “Salute to Excellence”
offering troops he neither knew nor saw his feel done yet.” And he’s not. safety award. In the words of Lt. Col.
assistance through high reconnaissance. James Jenke (Ret.), who’s known him
Experience keeps the change in per- Safety Rules since 1972, “Gerry Ventrella is the ulti-
spective. “I know the war-fighting value A founding member and board of director mate aviator’s aviator. He sets the stan-
of reconnaissance,” he said. “Even though of the Chicago Flight Instructor Associa- dard in every system he’s ever flown.”
I wasn’t on the front line in Iraq, I realize tion, he completed the University of South- He’s logged more than 14,000 flight
aerial intelligence directly impacts our ern California’s Aviation Safety Officer hours across three continents—nearly
soldiers on the ground.” program in 1976, and has been involved two years in the cockpit. Half of his hours
Ventrella was surprised that two fellow in safety for decades as a CFI, FAA inspec- are fixed-wing, but he considers himself a
pilots had also flown helicopters in the 1st tor and pioneer safety counselor in the helicopter pilot first.
Cavalry Division in Vietnam in 1969. One “Wings” pilot proficiency program. Of all the aircraft he’s flown, the Huey
of them, CW4 Lonnie Clark, had been a “As the Army says, attitudes should is his favorite, and it’s an apt choice.
Bell AH-1 Cobra “Snake” pilot in the same be adjusted to prevention,” he cautioned. Recently retired by the U.S. Army, it’s
battalion, and had probably covered him “The first accident I ever investigated widely described as “durable, versatile
on missions. involved two men and a seven-year-old and able to continue flying after heavy
Ventrella is grateful that he was able to boy. The boy’s father was flying a well- damage.” Sound familiar?
battle through cancer and serve in Iraq, equipped aircraft, but he wasn’t instru- “It’s like an old friend,” Ventrella said
and he’s not alone. “Gerry is always will- ment rated. He got caught in some weath- fondly. “The sound of those blades is bet-
ing to share his aviation knowledge and er and lost control. If he’d just known how ter than Mozart!”

54 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | maR ch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

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W W W. r o t o r a n d W i n g . c o m m a r c h 2 0 1 0 | roto r & W i n g maga zi n e 55

Training | RecoveRy

Safety Watch
By Terry Terrell

Stay with the Wreckage!

he business of developing strate- Finally, after interminable suffering, the equipment, most electronic by category,
gies for actions following aviation couple was able to achieve completion has been injected into the aviation mar-
mishaps is not usually a favorite of their awful journey to at least an edge ketplace, contributing substantially to
topic for helicopter operators, but of civilization. Eventually, after several potential survival strategies. Any number
it does represent an area of flight planning, days spent recovering and debriefing, the of “personal locator beacons” can now be
and mission execution, that can prove to group leader became widely lauded for an carried, greatly enhancing the likelihood
be absolutely pivotal where bottom-line extended list of “heroics”, largely imagined that a downed airman or passenger can be
safety concerns are considered. Optimum by an innocently appreciative public. found quickly and easily. Additionally, GPS
strategies dealing with post-crash actions The amazing aspect of this story is not locators are now so common that very few
are usually thought of as so unlikely to be that the uninjured survivor was able to public service organizations, or associated
needed that they receive little attention “force” an eventually successful mobiliza- individuals likely to be involved with search
during mission planning, but the particu- tion to eventual assistance, and that lavish and rescue activities, are not familiar with
lars of one recent anecdote would seem to but misplaced praise was awarded, but that latitude/longitude navigational particulars
illuminate an alternative argument. the victims, and most lay observers, failed and universally standard position locating.
A couple of years ago a news article to appreciate, or even notice, that the rescue And cell phone networks, combined with
came to national light which described helicopter had flown directly to the wreck- handheld radio transceivers accessing any
heroics exhibited by a U.S. Forest Service age of the aircraft, and that the survivors imaginable communications band, make it
employee after the crash of a small aircraft would have realized assistance and rescue increasingly improbable that an air trans-
(it doesn’t matter whether it was an airplane two days earlier than recorded if they had port mishap survivor would ever suddenly
or a helicopter) in the mountains of Mon- stayed with their wreckage. find himself on the ground minus the ability
tana. The Forest Service group leader, it The helicopter community at large to communicate with assistance.
turns out, was one of four persons on board, should be able to draw considerable wis- But the Montana story, availability
as the ill-fated single-engine encountered dom from this story. Operating areas, of of advanced equipment notwithstand-
terrain in a remote setting, at a high eleva- course, are widely variable in terms of envi- ing, provides an opportunity to stress
tion. One occupant was killed on impact, ronmental conditions and population den- a categorically proven and time tested
but three souls survived to deal with some sities, and thinking pilots must always keep cardinal rule of post crash survival. Unless
interesting post-crash challenges. correctly proportioned strategies in mind and until ready assistance can be posi-
A second fatality, after an uncomfort- accordingly. Many flights, taking advan- tively confirmed, ALWAYS STAY IN THE
able night in the cold, imposed itself on tage of the helicopter’s attractive trans- VICINITY OF THE WRECKAGE. The
the group as burns from a post-crash port flexibilities, are conducted in remote downed airframe, whether hosting its own
fire took their toll on another occupant, geographies, and/or challenging weather operating ELT or other beacon, will almost
leaving one survivor with fractures, and conditions. Other operations, for those always be found more quickly (and much
the Forest Service group leader relatively perhaps more fortunate, are conducted in more reliably) than a survivor, or even a
uninjured. The uninjured survivor con- the vicinity of well-populated areas, and group of survivors, on foot.
vinced the fellow with fractures to follow, can offer mission proximities never more Even if an ELT is removed from an
on foot, in a walk out of the mountains, than short distances away from perceived airframe (so that, for instance, it might be
toward envisioned help. access to ready help. Either way, many cases “saved” from a fire threat, and made avail-
During the torturous two-day trek of downed aircraft producing mobile sur- able for “walking” with survivors), and
a helicopter was spotted by the highly vivors involve some element of temptation even if “known” civilization and assistance
stressed pair, and the team leader tried toward the allure of walking in the direction can be reached “just over the next ridge,”
to attract its attention with lots of yelling of imagined comfort and assistance. resist the temptation to strike out on a
and arm waving, but to no avail. Their In recent years a newly upgraded prolif- walking gamble and STAY WITH THE
hellish hike was consigned to continue. eration of contemporarily available survival WRECKAGE!

56 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | maR ch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

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W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M M A R C H 2 0 1 0 | R OTO R & W I N G MAGA ZI N E 57

MiliTARy | combat SaR

Military Insider
By Andrew Drwiega

CSAR – Not Just a ‘Spur

of the Moment’ Thing
here were at least two factors rescue. The board of inquiry later stated added to the confusion of the insurgents.
behind last year’s decision to ter- that: “the courage and professionalism of The ground protection force comprised
minate the funding for the U.S. those men that recovered his body was a handful of the Royal Marines who had
Air Force’s Combat Search and exemplary and in the best traditions of the initially volunteered for this extraordinary
Rescue (CSAR-X) aircraft. The first was UK’s armed forces.” mission. Finally, there was an AWACS on
the obvious one that it saved money by an While at the time this was judged as station to tie the communications together.
incoming president eager for quick wins. the right decision to take during the battle, And it worked!
It meant not beginning another procure- many a government bean counter will sub- Although there is a procedure for
ment chain and not re-starting a program sequently wonder why there needs to be a rescuing fellow downed aircrew using the
that still had a lingering bitter aftertaste specialization in personnel recovery (PR), AH-64 Apache, it was not in general use.
following the win by Boeing’s HH-47, fol- or CSAR, depending on your name for There was also no Plan B to extract them-
lowed by a vehement challenge, then the rescuing military people (usually aircrew selves had anything gone wrong during
success of overturning the decision. It is but not exclusively) isolated and needing Plan A—especially if the rescue force had
easier to drop such a program totally than help in battle (in many cases behind enemy begun to take casualties during the rescue.
re-open a “can of worms.” lines). Considering that a couple of the crewmen
The second factor involves political The story of the Jugroom Fort rescue assisted in the recovery outside the aircraft,
gambling. The gamble is that most politi- is superbly narrated in Ed Macy’s book this potentially could also have resulted in
cians believe in the principle of ‘it will be “Apache.” It is a testament to military dar- the loss of an Apache.
alright on the night’ in regard to CSAR. The ing, the best of the element of surprise and What they did was not wrong, but it
lessons of Vietnam are forgotten. Another prosecuting a plan of action totally unex- would be unlikely to achieve the same
era—different challenges, replaced by pected by your enemy. In the cold glare of results again. The danger lies in that the
an unstated belief (and hope) that the day, however, it should be admitted that people who are making decisions on what
professionalism and ability of the armed they were very lucky to get away with it. to support and what not to finance might
forces to throw a rescue mission together But then war can be like that. A well- start to believe that ‘spur of the moment’
with the existing assets at their disposal in planned mission can still fail due to some CSAR is the way forward. It isn’t. The
the face of adversity will, unless they are chance event, and equally one that is danger also multiplies in a joint operating
very unlucky, result in success. And the thrown together at the last moment can environment such as exists in Afghani-
frequency. There should not be too many sometimes succeed—largely as it is some- stan, where multiple national forces oper-
Captain Scott O’Grady missions. thing the enemy, and perhaps even your ate side-by-side.
Let me illustrate how a belief in oppor- own side, least expects. If your forward A small team within the European Air
tunist rescue could lead to a reduced reli- elements haven’t modified their behavior, Group, based at Air Command in the UK,
ance on specialist CSAR assets—either then why should the enemy expect any- runs an annual Combined Joint Personnel
within the U. S. or Europe. During Opera- thing different? Recovery course that has been supported
tion Glacier 2, focused on the Jugroom During the Jugroom Fort rescue, all the over the years by France, Italy, Germany
Fort in lower Helmand Province on Jan. 15, elements usually required for a classic per- and others. They are but a small team,
2007, and on the spur of the moment, two sonnel recovery mission, as most of today’s doing a good job, but also short of funds.
British Apache AH-64D helicopters each practitioners would agree, were on hand. What personnel recovery/combat
with two Royal Marines perched precari- They had the rescue vehicles (albeit those search and rescue specialization, equip-
ously onto the side pods and “bungeed” on were AH-64D Apache Longbows) and ment and training delivers is the prepara-
to the aircraft, launched a rescue mission escorts (another two Apache Longbows tion and knowledge to plan for, and deal
to save an isolated soldier (believed to be flying higher above them as they entered with, the unexpected. To limit casualties
still alive) into the very teeth of insurgent the danger area). and extract to a plan when things go wrong.
forces. The units involved had no training They even had the assistance of a B1 Without dedicated CSAR, it rapidly turns
or specialization in this kind of combined bomber flying very high overhead that into a deadly game of chance.

58 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | maR ch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

advertiser index

International Marketplace
Page# ..... Advertiser........................................................................................................................................................Website

5 ...................Agusta Westland/Italy ................................................................................................................................................................................................

57 .................Air Technology Engines
57 .................Alpine Air Support
64 .................American Eurocopter
59 .................Becker Avionics
9 ...................Bell Helicopter.................................................................................................................................................................................................................
17 .................Bell Helicopter Customer Service....................................................................................................................................................................................
19 .................Bower Helicopter
55 .................Chopper
2, 35..............Cobham Avionics
6 ...................Cobham Avionics/Wulfsberg
55 .................FEC Heilports
13, 57............Garmin International ................................................................................................................................................................................................................
43 .................Goodrich Corp.
55 .................Heli-mart ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
57 .................Hoffman Engineering
57 .................HR Smith
57 .................Sun-foil ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
55 .................Switlik

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PubliC ServiCe | Police

Law Enforcement
By Frank Lombardi

Currency vs. Proficiency

acations are great. They give you 61.57, which, in a nutshell, require you enough actual missions does not preclude
a chance to put the stresses of to have a flight review every 24 months, the need for actual training. There is no
work and daily chores aside for as well as to have accomplished three question that flying mission after mission
awhile and decompress. Occu- takeoffs and landings in the preceding 90 certainly helps to retain skills, since tasks
pying your mind with something other days. But while your currency advocates most often repeated are best remem-
than flying can sometimes be a good thing, your legality or your minimum compli- bered. But speaking for myself, I’d say I’ve
but once you get back in the cockpit, you ance with established rules, it is your acquired retainable experiences more so
may find that the rust sets in rather quickly. proficiency, or by definition, your “ability than retainable skills during actual mis-
Picture this: you walk back into the hangar to perform a given skill with expert cor- sions, especially in the scenarios where
after a nice vacation, greet your evening rectness” that is in need of attention. I’ve scared myself … not my favorite
partner as you relieve the day crew, and Flying is a perishable skill. The issues way to train, by the way. Proficiency is
then almost immediately receive a call to described above should be clear flags best brought back by dedicated training
medevac a car crash victim. that your skills are less than peaked, and flights, where the pilot’s mind is in a mode
As you strap in, you notice it takes you you are cutting into your margin of safety. to receive, and instructor’s mind is in the
an extra second or two to orient yourself When you are out of practice, consider- mode to teach and critique.
on the start-up instruments, but you suc- ably more than your normal amount of If your agency is going to pride itself
cessfully avoid the hot start. You land at pilot attention goes towards performing on being able to respond to a wide
the scene uneventfully, yet you rushed the critical flight skills such as takeoff and variety of specialized missions such as
approach and did not recite your landing landing, and the amount of brainpower tactical insertion, hoist and medevac,
checklist in your head prior. You never left for judgment and decision-making is my feeling is this: If you don’t frequently
even considered what you’d do if you lost decreased. If you are not able to multitask train for it, don’t advertise that you do
an engine (or THE engine, for that matter). other processes such as reciting checklists it. Agencies that are involved in a recur-
Heading off to the hospital in the dark- or running the “what if ” scenario in your rent training program of their own,
ness, it takes noticeably longer for the head at crucial points in your flight, then with an established way of critiquing
sight picture of the helipad lighting to look your task saturation boundary may be and documenting proficiency, stand the
familiar to you as you start your approach. closer than you realize, and in the event of best chance of maintaining the safest of
Damn—you’re so tasked with flying a good a real emergency, your ability to think and operations, while being readily capable
approach, that you forgot your landing act quickly might disappoint you. of conducting their specialized missions,
checklist again. You return to base and Of course on a normal basis, certain and easily satisfying any FAA require-
land, much to the appreciation of your flying skills will be used more than others. ments for currency in the process.
burning calf muscles; it feels like you were FAR parts 61.56 and 61.57 were created in Ideally, upon returning from vacation,
trying to bend the tail rotor pedals during an attempt to help retain the most basic after greeting our coworkers, we should
your platform landing. All these issues of those skills at a bare minimum. But the all make it a point to greet our other
may have been transparent to the rest of unpredictable nature of law enforcement partner—our aircraft! Open the pilot’s
the crew and passengers, yet you know missions means that any of your more manual, do some “arm-chair” flying
your performance was below your best. specialized skills can be called upon at and review emergency procedures, and
A quick check of your logbook shows any time. It is imperative that agencies request a proficiency flight to sharpen
that you are definitely within the currency dedicate ample and frequent flight time to your skills before those in need ask you
requirements of FAR parts 61.56 and continued training and proficiency. Flying to use them.

60 RotoR & Wing magaz ine | maR ch 2 0 1 0 W W W. R o t o R a n d W i n g . c o m

April 2010:
Quad A Preview—A look at what to expect at the annual Electronic Maintenance Tracking—Technology as a
Army Aviation extravaganza held this month, April 14-17, 2010 at tool for helicopter maintenance technicians.
the Fort Worth Convention Center in Fort Worth, Texas.

MRO Safety Management Systems—StandardAero

Dream Machine—Rotor & Wing contributing editor Richard experts explain the philosophy and challenges in implementing
Whittle shares an excerpt from his about-to-be-published book on a safety management system and why StandardAero put SMS in
the life and times of the V-22, “The Dream Machine: The Untold His- place well before it was mandated.
tory of the Notorious V-22 Osprey.”

Glass Cockpit Upgrades—After talking to people who

have upgraded their rotorcraft from analog to all-digital glass
cockpits, their enthusiasm is contagious. The improvements in per-
formance, ease of use, and maintenance are stunning as the stories
in this article attest.

Bonus Distribution: 2010 Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA) Convention, April 7–10 in Orlando, Fla.; Quad-A 2010, April 14–17 in
Fort Worth, Texas.

May 2010:
New Technology Sneak Peak—We’ll look at advance- Rotor Blade Balancing—The rotor blade generates an
ments in technological areas like external threat awareness, opera- aerodynamic force unlike any other. With so much riding on them,
tional economics and training. helicopter rotor blade testing is critical.

PBN—Integrating performance-based navigation into the rotor- PLUS: V-22 Update

craft environment.

Desert Defense—Helicopters of the U. S. Customs and Border

Protection Yuma Air Branch stop crimes and save lives in the harsh
environment along the Arizona-Mexico border.

Bonus Distribution: SeaAirSpace Expo 2010, May 3–5 in Baltimore, Md. EBACE 2010, May 4–6 in Geneva, Switzerland. American
Helicopter Society (AHS) Forum 2010, May 11–13 in Phoenix, Ariz.

W W W. r o t o r a n d W i n g . c o m m a r c h 2 0 1 0 | roto r & W i n g maga zi n e 61


Public Safety
By Lee Benson

Suspension of Disbelief

recently attended an aerial fire- apples-to-apples comparison. The find- snorkel operations with its Firehawk
fighting conference in Rome, Italy. ings of the accident review board listed the aircraft.
The food was great, the people are mixing of two different agencies working The unit concluded that hovering
wonderful, but I managed some- from the same helispot as a major contrib- four-to-eight feet over water at night
how. Conference attendees came from uting factor to the accident. with poor viability due to rotor wash
all aspects of aerial firefighting. Great I take from the report the following: was unduly risky. At night, Firehawks are
discussions were held in the conference the number of helicopters that can be uti- filled with a fire hose off of an engine. I
itself and more importantly in the bar. lized from one helispot should be limited would caution others to take a hard look
One bar comment comes from an to two, certainly not more than three and at this issue before committing to night
observation over the last 40 years. I don’t then only if they are from the same agency. snorkel operations. The idea of trying to
drink, not a big deal, I never did drink, but The ability of the pilot to maintain spatial scope on goggles with a Canadair aircraft
I have observed at conferences and the awareness of where other aircraft are off a lake, seems a bit sporty to me. But I
HAI Convention that more truth is spo- located is greatly hampered at night. am not a fixed-wing pilot so others will
ken at 11 p.m. in the bar then at 11 a.m. on Differences in protocols among agen- need to address that issue. I am a quali-
the convention floor. The hot issue at the cies for separation and traffic patterns fied helicopter coordinator and have
conference was the use of night vision gog- do not help the individual pilot’s aware- worked helicopters and Canadair aircraft
gles (NVGs) for firefighting. I listened as ness of his flight environment. If you together on many occasions, and I would
various speakers and attendees discussed have a large fire and two independent refuse to attempt it at night.
plans to incorporate NVG technology into helispots can be established with non- Several years ago, a pilot was quoted
their operations. This included Canadair conflicted routing between the helispot as saying that if he would have been
CL-415 and Skycrane operations. Finally and the respective flanks to be dropped allowed to conduct night operations in
on the last day of the conference, I had to on, the number of helicopters can his Hughes 500 with a water drop bucket,
say something. increased accordingly. If two agencies he would have extinguished a Santa
I know that comes as a shock to those are employed, separating the agencies to Ana-driven fire. Let’s say that for once in
of you that know me. What I said is this; different helispots is very desirable. my life I agree with Hillary Clinton, that
Los Angeles City and County Fire Air Pilots must account for the higher pilot’s comment “would require the will-
Operations have conducted more night risk element of night operations. Good ing suspension of disbelief.” The fire went
firefighting operations then the rest of moonlight, lots of ambient light from on to destroy hundreds of homes and the
the world put together. Los Angeles City infrastructure, and a reasonable number politicians grabbed his comment to try
doesn’t use NVGs for firefighting. Coun- of aircraft from a limited mix of agencies and vilify anyone who questioned night
ty pilots do use them for flights over dark working on the fire all reduce risk. The aerial firefighting operations. This was
terrain to and from the fire, but not on gain side needs close attention. Will this in an attempt to move the spotlight off of
the actual drop itself. operation save lives or property? Can their own neglect of the issues at hand.
The only pilot fatality that the Los the night operations add to the safety of The fire pilot community has been
Angeles County Fire Department has firefighters on the ground? If the answer trying to find balance on this issue ever
suffered in 53 years of service occurred in is no, and all we are going to do is put out since. The Los Angeles County Fire
1977 while conducting NVG operations weeds in the middle of nowhere, then pilot who died in that accident was
on a fire. This accident occurred when the I for one strongly believe that your risk Tom Grady. Let’s hope Tom is the only
unit employed much different technology versus gain is out of balance. Los Angeles one that pays the price for the lessons
than we have today and is not a straight County Air Operations evaluated night learned.

62 ROTO R & WING MAGAZ INE | MAR CH 2 0 1 0 W W W. R O T O R A N D W I N G . C O M

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