Graduate College House Committee 2010 February 18

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Graduate College House Committee

2010 February 18 7:00p

Old Graduate College Common Room
Taken by David Liao

Attendees: David Liao (Chair), Lorne Applebaum (Treasurer), Olivia Martel (CPC), Noah
Jafferis (RFO), DHL (Concerned Citizen), DJ Sethi (Assistant Chair), Liza Steele (Special
Events), Yi Wang (RFO), Arvid Wang (Social Hour)

1. Confirm ballot-box greeter schedules:
Monday Feb 22 4:45p—8:15p

Tuesday Feb 23 4:45p—8:15p

Wednesday Feb 24 4:45p—8:15p

2. Current list of candidates: Who will run for chair? Talked to potential candidate.
3. Laundry referendum: Get to Olivia tomorrow
4. Send out a reminder: We are still looking for people to x y z: nice tone: Housing
priority in subject line.
5. Future:
- A removable incentive? Money? That would require a constitutional
- 30 signature barrier: make a smaller step next time?
- Open up the non-residential housing privilege to be more general. Olivia to
Lisa Schreyer.
- GCHC paying for meal plans?
- Are Chair and Treasurer non-resident for tax purposes?
- Credit (publicity) for work. Email the crap out of people.

1. Thank you to the Salsa Club for running the Haiti fundraiser. They raised $1289 for
Partners in Health!
2. Annex pizza party and Super Bowl party (see previous reports for details). Students
enjoyed pizza at both events.

Light contract (we did not have time to cover this during the meeting)

Luke Smith (Architecture) requested to borrow the GCHC/GSG special events lights for a
February 27 Architecture School prom. Please see the latest lights contract with marked changes
and comments from the discussion.
• Emailed Raja, Chris Bienia, Kate Keets, and Giri Parameswaran (GSG) to see whether
anyone could supervise pick-up and drop-off for Luke Smith and the Architecture Prom
February 27. No one responded with availability. Raja is certainly unavailable.
• Train more people to use the lights.
• Check-out list [2010 Feb 5: Added form fields to inventory Chris Bienia had posted
online a long time ago] to guide check-out/return supervisor in evaluating condition of
returned lights.
• Olivia Martel followed up with Hannah Ross and Jeremy Harvey at the Office of Risk
Management, and Luke Smith:
o University insurance covers damage to events lighting for University-
organization use at University events including use for the Architecture Prom, but
the deductible is $250k, so the GCHC/GSG and borrowing users would have to
pay for all damages, up to $4k.
o If not, can this additional coverage be purchased easily? I (David Liao) just
sent this question as a follow up yesterday to Jeremy Harvey.

Officer Reports

Social Hour –


Special Events –
Notes for future people
Send reminder about updating GCHC manuals: David Liao
Halloween party judges – notes for future special events people

RFOs – MacGray repaired the broken door quickly

Noah needs to be updated about the LaundryView discussion
- Martel/Noah – we should meet with University to see whether we could buy
equipment knowing it might not be reimbursed by the University later
Treasurer – Submitted taxes
Could we have an orientation for the new members? Discuss at next meeting?

Assistant Chair –

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