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An International Forum Held in Conjunction with the WTO Ministerial

Sponsored by:

Hong Kong America Center

Center for Quality Assurance in International Education
The Asia Pacific Quality Network
Iberoamerican Quality Network
Education Directorate of OECD
Federation for Continuing Education in Tertiary Institutions

Hosted by:
Hong Kong Baptist University
Lam Woo International Conference Centre

18–19 December 2005

Preliminary Program
Sunday, 18 December 2005

8:00 Registration Begins

9:00 Welcoming and Introductory Remarks

Prof. Ng Ching Fai, President of the Hong Kong Baptist University
Marjorie Peace Lenn, Center for Quality Assurance in International
Glenn Shive, Hong Kong America Center

9:30 Free Trade Agreements and Education Services

A keynote address by Bernard Hugonnier, Education Directorate,

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

10:15 Break

10:45 Regional Initiatives in Assuring Quality and Promoting Mobility

Peter Cheung, Executive Director, Hong Kong Council of Academic

Accreditation and President of the Asia Pacific Quality Network

Maria Jose LeMaitre, Executive Director, National Program Accreditation

Council, Chile; Head of Secretariat, Iberoamerican Quality Network, and
MERCOSUR (Market of the South) Participant.

11:35 The Role of Quality Assurance Bodies and Transnational Education: Part I

Mitch Leventhal of the University of Cincinnati, USA

Carolyn Campbell, Quality Assurance Agency of the UK

12:30 Luncheon

14:00 The Role of Quality Assurance Bodies and Transnational Education: Part II

Antony Stella, Australian Universities Quality Agency

Connie Lok, Hong Kong Council on Academic Accreditation

Richard Mathews, New Zealand Qualifications Authority

15:30 Discussion Groups

17:00 Plenary Feedback

17:30 Conference Reception/Dinner

Monday, 19 December 2005

8:00 Registration

9:00 The WTO’s Doha Round and Trade in Education Services

Christopher Melly, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, Executive

Office of the President of the United States

9:45 WTO and Transnational Education in China

Yang Xinyu, Deputy Secretary – General, China Scholarship Council

Gerard A. Postiglione, Hong Kong University

10:30 Break

10:45 Hong Kong as Regional Hub for Higher Education

Edward Yao, Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower

Cheng Kai-ming, Hong Kong University

Enoch Young, Director of HKU/Space and President, Federation of

Continuing Education in Tertiary Institutions in Hong Kong

12:30 Luncheon

14:00 Opportunities and Challenges of Transnational Education

Anthony Pollack, CEO of IDP, Australia

Maria Jose LeMaitre, Executive Director, National Program Accreditation

Council, Chile

Paul Ramsey, Senior Vice President, Educational Testing Services

Zita Mohd Fahmi, Lambaga Akreditasi Negara (National Accreditation

Board) Malaysia

15:25 The OECD/UNESCO Guidelines for Cross-Border Education

Bernard Hugonnier Education Directorate, Organization for Economic

Cooperation and Development

15:45 Discussion Groups

16:45 Transnational Education: The Way Forward

Monday, 19 December 2005 (continued)

Panel composed of key speakers from the Forum reflect on opportunities

and challenges after the Doha Round: Carolyn Campbell (UK), Anthony
Pollack (Australia), Peter Cheung (HKCAA), Marjorie Peace Lenn (US)

17:30 Forum Concludes

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