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How to re-write the Marvel Comics Universe

I love comics, particularly the Marvel universe. But they do have their
problems: Rolling retcons, lack of continuity, failure to see if something has
already been explained, lack of follow-through and failure to see the
If an average college professor manages to build a fully functioning,
sentient, AI android in 1939, why would ENIAC even be built a decade
later? Horton androids would simply be used as Mentats.
If Hydra invents cheap, simple blasters in the 1950s, then gun control was a
lost argument before the Fantastic Four stole that rocket. By now, real guns
are thought of like BB guns in Marvel, and energy blasters are sold in every
gunshop for beans on the dollar.
If the Hate-Monger, SWORD, SHIELD, NASA/Starcore, AIM, Hydra, Stark,
Roxxon, Brand, Justin Hammer, and I dont know who all else have built
space stations and launch vehicles, then we should have Lunar mining,
orbital habitats, and asteroid mining/prospecting. Minimum. If SWORD acts
like a port of entry for aliens, then we should have a DEW-Line of outposts
in the Oort Cloud, high-fractional-C craft relieving the agents there, and lots
of humans living off-planet. Otherwise, how does SWORD even know when
the aliens arrive? How do they enforce visas?
If Graviton got his powers from an experiment in artificial gravity in the
1970s, why do we not anti-grav, artificial gravity, and inertial damping in
widespread production today? Wheres my Jetsons family gravcar?
If Arnim Zola can clone and braintape Hitler in 1945, and the High
Evolutionary mapped out the DNA of every species in the 1950s, why does
the modern Marvel Earth not have a massive cloned organ bank for
everyone? At least all rich people, politicians and supers?
If Nick Fury gave the Infinity Formula to the Black Widow, why does another
writer need to make her an immortal to explain her lifespan?
Why does Mephisto have to be invoked to get Spiderman an annulment?
Why is Spiderman so poor he has to freelance for the Bugle if hes such a
genius he can invent his trusty spiderweb formula in his closet, with a high
school chemistry set while keeping it a secret from Aunt May? If he could do
that at 15, why doesnt he have dozens of patents by the time hes 30? He
should be so rich he could hire a spider-patrol to protect the boroughs in his

Why does Professor Xavier have to have his birth moved later? He was
moved into a clone body in the 80s, so he could have been born during WWI
and still be young enough now to matter. Why does the Punisher need to be
a vet of the Iraq War instead of Vietnam?
I think we need to show why so much of what we see is black box,
unreplicable tech, and make it clear why so little can be used reliably.
Villains use Treknology freely, but somehow it never percolates out into
So this is my proposed revision of the Marvel Verse.
Waaaaaaay back when, the Celestials created the Eternals, the Deviants,
and inserted the mutation potential in normal humans. That potential is
triggered in two stages: when nuclear fission radiation primes the second
trigger, gamma radiation. Over time, occasional mutations occur when
uranium ore combines with random interstellar gamma bursts, most
commonly in very high northern latitudes, such as Norway and Canada.
Mass mutation, however, does not begin until Fat Man & Little Boy, and
accelerates after Banners Gamma Bomb, a fact correlated shortly after the
Hulk appears.
Mutants are often referred to as Banners Brats, Banners Bastards,
Banners Children, Children of the Atom, and other such terms, some
pejorative, some self-deprecative, some complimentary or selfcongratulatory.
Thousands of years later, the Kree build the Blue Area of the moon as a base
while investigating the genetic diversity of Earth. The Kree create the
Inhumans while conducting the experiments that led to the birth of the Pink
Kree. The Kree evolutionary potential had stagnated, and the Pink Kree
were a failed attempt at jumpstarting it by hybridizing white Humans and
Blue Kree. It was a minor success in that it staved off a visit from Galactus.
Galactus role is to exterminate evolutionary dead-ends so that new life can
evolve, although he now assimilates the complete life-force of planets so
that his power level remains elevated.
The Celestials return from time to time to examine the experiment of
humanity, the last time being about 1000 years ago, when they required the
various pantheons of gods to retreat from active interference with the
mortal world.
Apocalypse found a Celestial ship thousands of years ago, becoming a
mutate, although he believes himself to be a mutant.
Other early powered characters: Rama-Tut, the Sphinx, and Akhnaten.

Mid-19th century: Puck, Wolverine and Sabertooth are born.

~1900 Namor McKenzie born.
WWI: Nick Fury, Dum-Dum Dugan born.
1920s-1930s: Steve Rogers, Cain Marko, Charles Xavier, Erik Magnus
Lenshehr (sp?) born.
1930s-1940s: Natalia Romanova born.
WWII: Erik Magnus Lenshehr in concentration camp. Uses his power to
survive. Project: Rebirth turns Steve Rogers into Captain America. Dr.
Erskine killed. Shortly after, the Army attempts to reconstruct Project:
Rebirth using black soldiers as guinea pigs. Most do not survive. Isaiah
Bradley does, only to lose his intelligence a few years later. Protocide
augmented, placed in suspended animation.
Phineas Horton creates the Human Torch. Invaders, Liberty Legion, others
active. Original Captain America and Bucky apparently killed. Project:
Rebirth II becomes the Weapon 1 program, retroactively declaring Steve
Rogers Weapon 0.
1946: Sunfire, Cyclops, and most of original X-Men born.
Late 40s: Banshee, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Connor OReilly, Hank Pym,
Janet van Dyne, Victor von Doom, Fantastic 4 born. Weapon 1 produces its
first apparent success, Captain America IV and Bucky III . Weapon 1 had
reconstructed the Super Soldier Formula, but without the gamma treatment
(the so-called vita-rays). CA IV was a former teacher who had himself
surgically altered to pass as Steve Rogers, assuming his identity. A student
of his, Jack Monroe became the new Bucky. They meet with initial success,
although they eventually go insane, falling into McCarthyism and are placed
in suspended animation. After that, the government does not seek a
replacement Captain America.
Korean War: Xavier and Marko enlist in army. Marko discovers the temple of
Cyttorak, becoming Juggernaut.
Mid-50s: Xavier and Lenshehr meet and work together in Israel to defeat a
major Hydra offensive. Lenshehr successfully makes off with a cache of gold
Hydra was recovering from a Nazi stash. Xaviers son David born to
Gabriella Haller. Around the same time, Xavier meets a young Ororo
Munroe and Amal Farouk, and kills Farouk.
Late 50s: Xavier meets Marko in a 3rd world archeological dig, and they
fight. Xavier is paralysed by falling structure. Banner, Richards, von Doom,
Stark meet in college. Richards and von Doom develop mutual antipathy.
Howard Stark becomes primary contractor for nascent agency which
develops into SHIELD. Dr. Stephen Strange has a car wreck, loses fine
neuromotor control of his hands. Eventually he comes to the Ancient One.
Pietro and Wanda Maximoff born.
Early 60s: Richards launches his rocket, creating the Fantastic 4. Tony
Stark inherits his fathers company, goes to Vietnam to demonstrate new
weapons technology, meeting professor Yin-Sen and becoming Iron Man.
Escaping, he meets 1LT James Rhodes. Banner builds gamma bomb, not

realizing that a subproject was Weapon Gamma. Rick Jones infiltrates

Gamma Base and parks at ground zero of the test, causing Banner to
become the Hulk.
Weapon Gamma had already tested low-level gamma radiation on a series of
guinea pigs, most of whom died. Dr. Samuel Sterns, in charge of the
subproject became the Leader. Emil Blonsky survived his original exposure,
and then was exposed to a G-bomb blast to become the Abomination. An
American, his handlers brainwashed him into believing
himself to be Russian, as the horribly deformed supposed Soviet answer to
the Hulk.
Xavier forms original X-Men. Rick Jones summons the heroes who form the
Avengers. Peter Parker becomes Spiderman. Dr. Strange becomes Sorcerer
Magneto emigrates to the US. Founds the Brotherhood of Mutants, with
Mystique posing as Magneto, and a Magneto android providing the
magnetic power. Remaining behind the scenes, he enters politics, eventually
rising to the senate.
1965: SHIELD formally announced as a separate organization.
Mid-late 60s: original Captain America found, resuscitated, joins Avengers.
Natalia Romanova operates as a Soviet agent in the US, later defecting to
the US. Logan captured and experimented on by Weapon X program;
Adamantium inserted into his bones and cybernetic Adamantium claws
implanted. Ben Reilly cloned from Peter Parker. Gwen Stacy dies.
70s: Peter Parker marries MJ Watson. 10 years after Peter became
Spiderman, Ben Reilly takes over as Spiderman. May Parker born late 70s.
Mid-70s: New X-Men recruited.
80s: Ben Reilly killed, Peter Parker resumes being Spiderman. Losing his
lower leg, he retires.
New Mutants organized. SHIELD sponsors Fury Force as a special-forces
unit of SHIELD, drawing members from SHIELD and all branches of the US
military special forces community.
90s: May becomes Spidergirl. Her brother Ben born a couple years before.
2000s: mid oughties, Ben Parker becomes Spiderman.
Super-Soldier Formula
Infinity Formula
Pyms version
Reed Richards version
Extended Prime recipient ages at 1 year per 15-18 months he lives, but
only until middle age sets in biologically.
Aging then resumes normally despite the drug.
Mutants tend to be metahuman strength and toughness, and to have
extended prime or other lifespan enhancement.

Wolverine, Sabertooth regeneration-based longevity.

Dr. Strange magical longevity partial extension.
Captain America: SSF no significant aging, possible life expectancy of
Nick Fury, Black Widow, Tony Stark: Infinity Formula life extension benefit
of SSF?
Dr. Strange: slightly slowed aging, effect increases over time.
Spiderman: no enhancement.
Xavier: normal mutant lifespan, but moved to a young clone body in mid
Magneto: normal aging. He does get de-aged at least once.
Luke Cage: as an experiment aimed at recreating the SSF effects, he should
have at least moderate life extension.
Hulk: regeneration-based longevity.
Namor: mutation-based longevity.
Psylocke: normal aging, but she has changed bodies at least once.
Cyclops: normal aging
Jean Grey: normal aging until she merges with Phoenix Force.
Starlord: near-immortal overlaying Spartan longevity several centuries.

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