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Namgyal Monastery

Hinduism: History, Beliefs, and Terms

History of Hinduism

❖ Hinduism dates back to

3,000 or more years

❖ The word "Hindu" is

derived from the name of
River Indus, which flows
through northwestern
Beliefs of Hinduism
❖ Hinduism is a diverse
religion practiced
primarily in India.

❖ There is variation in local

practices and the worship
of particular deities

❖ However, there are central

tenants that unify it as one
Basic Beliefs
❖ The authority of the Vedas (the
oldest Indian sacred texts)

❖ Brahmans (priests);

❖ Existence of an enduring soul that

transmigrates from one body to
another at death (reincarnation);

❖ Law of karma that determines one's

destiny both in this life and the
Brahman: The Life Force

❖ Brahman - the underlying universal

life force that encompasses and
embodies existence.

❖ The highest goal of Hinduism is

liberation from the karmic cycle of
death and rebirth.

❖ Being stuck in the karmic cycle

means you are ignorant of your true
self as one with Brahman, according
to Hindu scriptures.
Hindu Paradoxes
❖ Siva is simultaneously the
creator, maintainer, and
destroyer of life

❖ Vedic medicine teaches

that keeping these
opposing forces in balance
is central to the
maintenance of bodily,
social, and cosmic well-
A Way of Life

❖ Encompasses family, society,

politics, business, art, and health

❖ Family life is considered a sacred


❖ Most households have a shrine to a

particular deity

❖ Women conduct a household puja,

the offering of fruit, raw rice,
flowers, incense, and other items to
the deity, on a regular basis
A Way of Life

❖ After the food has been offered it is

considered to have been spiritually
consumed and blessed by the deity's

❖ It is then redistributed and

consumed by the participants as a
way of receiving the deity's

❖ Visitors may be invited to join the

puja on occasion
Caste System

❖ The belief that one's karma

determines one's birth in the next
life has supported the structure of
the caste system in India, made up
of four varnas that determine one's
Four Occupations

❖ Brahmins (priests)

❖ Kshatriyas (nobles and warriors)

❖ Vaishyas (commoners)

❖ Sudras (servants).
Connection with Hinduism

❖ A term used in Hindu religion to indicate the incarnation of

a deity. Avatara is a Sanskrit word meaning "descent," and
the Hindu gods take on animal or human form in different
ages for the welfare of the world. In Hindu mythology, the
god Brahma (originally known as the creator Prajapati)
became successively incarnated as a boar, a tortoise, and a
fish, to assist the development of the world in prehistory.
"Avatar." Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology. 2001. 2 Mar. 2010 <>.
Hindu Terms
❖ Brahman The Ultimate ❖ Karma "Action." The
Reality that underlies all of universal law that every
existence. deed has a consequence
that will come back to the
❖ Dharma "Law," or "Truth" doer. Good actions will
that is eternal and all- reap good life
encompassing. The order circumstances and bad
of the universe and the ones will do the opposite.
way to maintain that order.  The cumulative effect of
one's karma can influence
one's position in future
Hindu Terms
❖ Pūjā "Respect, homage, ❖ Yoga "Yoking, joining."
worship." The offering of The path to liberation
food, flowers, incense, and from samsara through
other items to a deity. focusing the mind to
Often the food will be experience higher states of
distributed and consumed consciousness.
afterword and is thought
to impart the goodwill of
the deity.

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