Historia de La Civilización Inglesa II Questionnaire Chapters 6-10

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Historia de la Civilizacin Inglesa II

Questionnaire Chapters 6-10

Chapter 6- The Era of Reform

What did opponents of reform state?
What were the causes that made the passing of the 1832 Reform Bill possible?
What was the significance of the Great Reform Act of 1832?
Describe Whigs measures taken after 1832.
What evidences show a decline of the Whigs during this period?

Chapter 7
1What did the 1833 Factory Act state?
2What was the purpose of reforming the Poor Law?
3What was the impact of the New Poor Law?
4Why couldnt unskilled workers bargain effectively with employers?
5What was the Chartist movement? Establish aims, methods and outcome.

Chapter 8 The Triumph of Free Trade

1Why is Peelite Conservatism considered a different type of Conservatism? Highlight
its most remarkable characteristics.
2What was the Anti-Corn Law League? State the Leagues lines of argument against
these laws. What methods did it use to achieve its claims? Was it successful?
3What did Peel try to do to appease the situation in Ireland?
4What was the Maynooth grant? What did this create?
5What natural event caused a great damage in Ireland? List its consequences.
6Establish the causes of the repeal of the Corn Laws.
Chapter 9
1How can you account for British stability during the mid-Victorian period?
2How influential were Marxs theories in British society?
3To what extend is the label Mid-Victorian Boom appropriate?
4How important was the spread of railways to British social development?
5Why are there so many misleading representations of middle-class ideals?
6How religious was Mid-Victorian Britain?
7Why was Charles Darwins publication perceived as a threat to dogma?
Chapter 10 Pax Britannica
1What was the Concert of Europe?
2Which was Britains fear in relation to Russian expansionism?
3What was Britains dilemma towards Turkey?
4How did Britain end up extending her Empire during the Mid-Victorian period?
5Which were the causes and results of the Opium War of 1839?
6Which were the causes and results of the Indian Mutiny of 1857?

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