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CHAPTER 6 Glossary



Abortifacient: Any agent or substance that induces

an abortion.
Abstinence: The act or practice of refraining from
sexual intercourse.
Artificial insemination: A procedure in which sperm
are inserted directly into the uterus.
Caesarean section: Abdominal surgical delivery
involving multiple incisions through the abdomen
and uterus to remove the baby. This also involves
an epidural to allow the mother to be conscious and
aware, but pain-free during the procedure.
Cervical cap: A thimble-shaped cup that fits over the
cervix, used with a spermicide to prevent conception.

Contraceptive sponge: A contraceptive method

that combines a barrier and spermicide to prevent
Diaphragm: A barrier method made of latex or silicone and used with spermicide, designed to cover
the cervix and prevent conception.
Down syndrome: A congenital condition that causes
development delays, physical differences, and may
lead to mental retardation.
Ectopic pregnancy: Growth of a fertilized embryo
outside of the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube.
Emergency contraceptive pills: Treatment initiated
within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, reducing the risk of pregnancy by at least 75 percent.

Chloasma: Brown patches on facial skin.

Coitus: Sexual intercourse.
Coitus interruptus: The act of withdrawing the penis
prior to ejaculation during sexual intercourse.
Comstock Act: The Comstock Act (1873) is a United
States federal law that made it illegal to send
any obscene, lewd, and/or lascivious materials
through the mail, including contraceptive devices
and information.
Contraceptive: Any agent that prevents conception.

Endometrial cancer: A cancer that occurs in the endometrial lining of the uterus.
Female condom: A polyurethane pouch inserted into
the vagina prior to sexual intercourse, helping to
prevent pregnancy and transmission of STIs.
Fertility: The ability to reproduce.
Fertility awareness method: A set of practices in
which a woman uses one or more of her primary
fertility signs to determine the fertile and infertile
phases of her menstrual cycle.

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Glossary CHAPTER 6

Fertility drugs: Drugs that treat infertility by causing

women to ovulate.
Human papilloma virus: One of the most commonly
spread sexually transmitted infections, sometimes
leading to genital warts.
Intrauterine device: A plastic device inserted into the
uterus as a contraceptive.
Lactational amenorrhea method: Breastfeeding a
newborn that results in amenorrhea, a highly effective, temporary method of contraception.
Laparoscope: A long, thin, telescope-like surgical instrument used to view the interior parts of the body.
Male condom: A sheath usually made of either latex
or polyurethane that covers the penis during sexual
intercourse, used as a contraceptive method and/or
STI preventative.
Non-parous women: Women who have never given
Oral contraception (OCs): A variety of hormonal
compounds in pill form that prevent ovulation,
thereby preventing pregnancy.
Osteoporosis: A progressive disease resulting in
fragile and easily broken bones.
Ovarian cancer: A malignant tumor located on the
Parous women: Women who have given birth.

Pelvic inflammatory disease: An inflammation of the

female pelvic organs, most commonly the fallopian
tubes, usually as a result of a bacterial infection.
Spermicide: A substance that kills sperm.
Sterilization: Any surgical procedure intended to
eliminate the ability to reproduce.
Toxic shock syndrome: A rare but potentially fatal
infection, usually caused by bacteria.
Tubal ligation: A surgical procedure in which the fallopian tubes are cut or tied to prevent conception.
Vaginitis: Inflammation of the vagina.
Vasectomy: A surgical procedure in which the ducts
that carry sperm from the testes are cut and tied so
that no sperm can pass.

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