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AP Human Geography-Final Trimester 2

1. four distortions found on flat maps: Shape Area Distance Direction
2. Township and Range System: townships= up and down, range= right and left
3. primary value of the GIS: to layer information, images
4. one valuable use of remote sensing: pictures of the ground
5. how time zones are calculated and significance of IDL: 15 degrees longitude,
E=down, W=up
6. 3 types of geographical regions: formal, vernacular, functional
7. example of US, 3 types of regions: regional, local, global
8. types of diffusion: hierarchical, contagious, relocation
9. 4 regions most populated in world: S. Asia, SE Asia, E Asia, Europe
10.natural increase: CBR-CDR fertility rate: number of kids a woman will have between ages of 15-49
12.4 stages of demographic transition: Low, High, Moderate, Low events that kept Malthus theory from reality: war, disease, green
revolution, Indus. Revolution
14.Ravenstein’s laws: younger people generally migrate farther, there is always
a back flow of migration
15.3 regions that experience net out migration: Latin America, Asia, NW Africa
16.US immigration patterns change over 200 years: NW Europe during 1840’s
and 1850’s, dropped during civil war, rose again in 1880’s, 1900’s from SE
Europe. peak in 1910. Immigration from Asia began in 19th century to 20th
century. Latin America=undocumented immigrants. has US immigration policy changed since quotas were established in
1920’s: less people are let in, many are admitted to unify families
18.examples of emigrants and refugees to US: emigrant=UK to US, or India to
US. refugees=Africa to US
19.3 types of migration within one region: rural to urban, urban to suburb, region
to region
20.difference between folk and pop culture: pop culture music is produced in
studio for wide range of audience, usually in English. folk music may be
passed on generation to generation, tells a story or experience, can be in
native language.
21.origin and diffusion of English to America: the colonies controlled by England
made English the main language in all their colonies worldwide, including the
ones in America
22.4 major branches of Indo-European language family: Germanic, Romance,
Balto-Slavic, Indo-Iranian
23.4 other large language families: Sino-Tibetan, Afro-Asiatic, Austronesian,
24.3 largest universalizing religions on earth: Christianity, Buddhism, Islam
25.5 major ethnic religions found on earth: Hinduism, Judaism, Confucianism,
Daoism, Shintoism
26.examples of religious wars: Sunni’s vs. Shiites in middle east/Iraq, The
Troubles in Northern Ireland as a religious conflict, as one side (Nationalists)
was predominantly composed of Catholics and the other (Unionists) of
27.on local scale, where do most ethnic groups live in U.S.- African Americans-
SE, Hispanics-SW, Asian Americans-West, American Indians-SW, Plains

28.difference between nation and a state: "nation" refers to a group of people

who feel bound into a single body by shared culture, values, folkways,
religion and/or language. A "state" just refers to a patch of land with a
sovereign government. States often coincide with nations (and are called
"nation-states," but not always. States that overlap multiple nations tend to
have civil wars; states that exclude parts of a nation tend to have wars with
the neighboring state(s) that contain the rest of the nation.
29.ethnic division between India and Pakistan- the area between india and
Pakistan was an old british colonial areas, Pakistan is muslim and india is
hindu. the two groups didn’t get along, and no agreement was ever reached
on the area between the two called Kashmir.
30.How did ethnic cleansing impact the division of Bosnia?- the Serbs and Croats
engaged against muslims, ensured areas were homogeneous ethnically and
better candidates for union with Serbia and Croatia
31.Ethnic conflict between hutu’s and Tutsis-hutus were farmers in Rwanda
and Burundi, tutsi were cattle herders who migrated there. Tutsi took
control and turned hutus into lowest class. Before Rwanda gained
independence from Belgium, hutus ethnically cleansed most of Tutsis out of
fear they would seize control of country. 7 million hutus fled. Fighting spilled
into neighboring countries.
32.Why is European colonization of Africa and Asia often called imperialism?-
they controlled territory that was already occupied and organized by an
indigenous society.
33.Example of 3 different types of cultural boundaries: Geometric
boundaries=boundary between US and Canada. Religious
boundaries=when British partitioned India into 2 states, India and Pakistan,
along the basis of the divided religions, Hindu and Muslim. Language
boundaries=division of language within Europe, ex: France, Spain, Portugal,
Italy, etc.
34.Difference between unitary and federal: unitary=power in hands of central
government, federal=power divided between local governments
35.Why was NATO created?- as a deterrent to the Warsaw Pact countries
ambition to control Europe, post WW II. role of NATO is to safeguard the
freedom and security of its member countries by political and military means
AP Human Geography-Final Trimester 2
36.In general terms, who belongs to EU and why was it created?-25 countries in
western Europe (France, Germany, Spain, Austria, UK, Hungary, etc.)
established after WWII, because the Europeans were determined to prevent
such killing and destruction to ever happen again.

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