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Tarot Reading for

Astrology Forecast-September 2015

1 Aries 21 Mar to 20 Apr:

King of Pentacles

Now that Jupiter is fully enmeshed in your sixth house (the one that rules work, productivity, time
management, and more), you're no doubt noticing that you're much more effective at the workplace.
The good times will continue throughout 2015 and into the first half of 2016, so this is the perfect time
to really show your mettle at the office. There will be months where other planetary alignments may
lessen the positive benefits of Jupiter in this regard, but this is not one of those months. Enjoy your
unencumbered path to career enlightenment, Aries, because it's been a long time coming.

The single Aries may be better off than his peers in a relationship during this time, because of a
Mercury retrograde in Aries' house of relationships. This month you'll have a much better time just
meeting new people and getting to know them personally and intimately. You may have more of a
desire toward this end than usual, because of Venus ending his retrograde in your house of love. We
recommend single Aries stays that way this month, and we're quite certain that you'll be of the selfsame
opinion anyhow.

In Love
Be on the lookout this month for Mercury retrograding in your house of relationships. During this time

you'll have trouble communicating with your partner and frustration will mount more easily than in
other times. This is made worse by the fact that Jupiter is no longer in your house of love (he left in
August), but on the plus side, you'll find some relief in the fact that Venus is no longer retrograding in
that same house. It's not a great month for love, but it could certainly be worse.

Mars enters your house of work late this month, and coupled with Jupiter he'll give you a great boost in
take-home money. You're entering a great period of liquidity, and September will see you bringing
home the bacon with a vengeance. This is even further heightened by the solar eclipse this month in
your house of work. You may find yourself taking on a second job in order to accrue even more money,
but whatever you decide, you can rest easy knowing that you'll be much more comfortable financially
throughout the rest of the year.

You run the risk this month of over-imbibing and overeating. Aries is a sign that likes to do everything
with gusto, and though you're generally physically fit and active, you still tend to put your body at risk
by eating and drinking whatever you please, whenever you please. And when you're in a good mood
(and this month will indeed have you in the highest of spirits), you're even more likely to indulge to
your heart's content. We recommend you do your best to set some limits of moderation and please, if
you can, follow them.

2 Taurus 21 Apr to 20 May:

Nine of Swords

We talked last month about August being a middle ground between the significant machinations at
work in your career in the months before and the months to come. Here in September we get our first
taste of those to come. Toward the middle of the month, Mercury retrogrades in your house of work,
causing you to have some doubts about your career path and, in general, feeling a bit of dissatisfaction
overall. These feelings will be with you for the rest of September, so you'll need to work a bit harder to
keep positive at the job site. We know you can do it, Taurus.

With Jupiter fully enmeshed within your house of love, there is an even better chance of finding and
keeping love in September than there was in August, where Jupiter was in the process of heading into
this sector. Don't feel like you need to rush love, though: Jupiter will be with you for a while in this

area, and if you trust in him, he'll bring you the love you want and need. Your job is to remain levelheaded and calm. He's a big planet, and he's up for the job.

In Love
Any Taurus who is already in a relationship will be happy to know that love will blossom throughout
September. Fights are at a minimum, if they even arise at all, and on the whole there is the perfect
foundation for romance to blossom at a level appropriate to a long-term relationship. You won't see
sparks fly out of all corners, but you will see a day-by-day growth of love. And the best bit is that the
next couple months bode very well for a deepening connection between you and your partner.

This is the last month of Saturn's backtrack into Scorpio, and when he returns to Sagittarius and your
eighth house. The eighth house rules intimacy, sure, but it also has to do with the sharing of profits,
commissions, and loans. There is the chance that the next couple months could bring some expenses
your way, especially if you're married and paying a mortgage on a house. As such, we recommend you
cut back on spending a bit here in September, to ensure that any unforeseen expense next month related
to the home can be easily paid without too much pain on your end.

This month your mind will be more occupied with the concept of aging. And it's tough to blame you,
Taurus: After all, we're all getting older every day, and the inevitable end is something none of us have
the power to escape. You won't be so focused on death itself, as Scorpio has been in the last year or so,
but you will be more disturbed by physical signs of aging, such as crow's feet, receding gum lines, and
thinning hair. But remember that with age comes wisdom, and studies show that people over forty are
the happiest people alive. Keep that in mind, and things shouldn't be so rough for you.

3 Gemini 21 May to 20 Jun:

Queen of Wands

This is Saturn's last month in his Scorpio backtrack, where he's been helping you at the end of his run
in your work life. He's been in your sixth house since June, which rules work and productivity, and
since he's been at the end of his time here, he's been much more beneficial. But he returns to Sagittarius
at the end of September, meaning that his help in this area will dissipate. We recommend you make the
most of your days at work during September, in order to squeeze every last bit of good will that he has

to offer you.

Geminis have been having a somewhat easier time in the realm of love lately, but September brings a
bit of unwelcome difficulty in this arena. And the culprit is none other than our old foe Mercury, who
retrogrades in your house of love in the middle of the month. You'll revisit some of the problems that
kept you from having healthy relationships in the past, and overall a cloud of negativity will surround
you when you think of romance and courtship. This is not a good month to start a relationship, or
indeed even to meet anyone who might seem a suitable match at first.

In Love
The possibility of a breakup is stronger now than in nearly any time in 2015 thus far. The
aforementioned Mercury retrograde is flexing its muscle, and any Gemini who isn't in a happy, healthy
relationship will second-guess why they're even bothering with this partnership in the first place. While
this looks very grim, remember that any relationship that isn't meant to last for the long haul can be a
bit of a waste of time. Mercury gets a bad rap, but sometimes he isn't necessarily the bad guy. That's for
you to decide, when you take full stock in your current relationship here in September.

This is a great time to start any home improvement projects or work related to the home. Yes, it will
cost a bit of dough, as these types of projects always do, but you have Mars in your corner at the end of
the month, ruling your house of home and family. Repairs and renovations you undertake during this
time will lead to more profitability and more worth in your home as the year goes on, meaning that you
can sell your current home for a tidy profit in 2016, if you so desire.
Mentally, you're a bit off to start the month. Venus has retrograded into your house of mentality, and
you'll have a hard time focusing and performing tasks that require brain work. But toward the middle of
the month things will start to improve, thanks to Mars taking over in this same sector and giving you
the drive and energy you need. Once Venus' influence has waned, you'll have a much clearer mental
picture to last you through September. It's just that first week or so that you'll have to push through.

4 Cancer 21 Jun to 20 Jul:


Ace of Wands

This month (and the next few) should be quite helpful for you in terms of building deeper connections
with your coworkers and superiors at the office. Jupiter is now fully placed within your third house,
which rules commercial activities and negotiation. You'll have an easier time getting your point across
to colleagues, and you'll be more involved in meetings. This is a great time for you to rise up the ranks
on a personal level, as many higher-ups don't foster the people skills necessary to make a happy work
environment. But you're on the verge of becoming just such a person, Cancer, and we couldn't think of
anyone better suited for the job.

Single Cancers take note: This is the month in which you'll really want to get out there and look for
love, if it's your ultimate end-game. We know that your sign prefers the comfort of home and familiar
surroundings, but this is also the last month that Saturn remains backtracked in Scorpio and your fifth
house of love. He's at the tail end of his run and this is when he is most kind and giving. This is a great
opportunity, perhaps the best of the year, to run into your soulmate. If you pass it up, there's the chance
of being alone for the rest of 2015.

In Love
While Saturn is leaving your house of love, Cancers in a relationship shouldn't fret the way their single
peers might. The last few months, and events last year, have helped you to become better at adult
relationships. Your immature habits and nit-picky leanings have been lessened thanks to Saturn's
influence, and he's done all he can for you in this run. As such, he's ready to remove you from the teat
and let you proceed accordingly. With all he's taught you, we know you're ready to go this on your
own, and we know you'll succeed.

A bit of bright news is on the horizon for Cancer, at least as far as money is concerned. Last month saw
your pocketbook assaulted from all sides, mostly in the form of a Venus retrograde in your house of
money. And yes, this retrograde will still be occurring as we enter September, and you do stand the
chance of feeling pinched, but this will dissipate early on in the month and you'll start to see a return
to normalcy almost right away. And in truth, this will have been the last significant hiccup in your
finances for 2015, which is itself reason to celebrate.

Anger, depression, and self-pity stand a good chance of creeping up on you this month, all of which
have the power to put you in an inward funk that can end up hurting your mental health and even
immune system. The culprit in this case is a Mercury retrograde in your house of family and home.
You'll get angry at your family members, argue with them, lash out and say cruel things. They'll return
the favor, and you'll have your feelings hurt more easily. Later, you'll feel bad and despise yourself and

become morose. But all of these negative consequences can be avoided pretty easily by just, say it with
us, keeping your mouth shut. Yes, you will feel an almost insurmountable urge to blurt out criticism,
but you can STILL stop it from coming out, if you only try. And you'll be much happier you did so,
trust us.

5 Leo 21 Jul to 21 Aug:

Queen of Pentacles

Now that Jupiter is fully placed in Virgo and your second house of money, you're no doubt beginning to
see the start of the luck that he has in store for you. Jupiter in Virgo is particularly helpful to your work
life, because the sign rules productivity both physical and mental. Leos working in fields of manual
labor will have a particularly blessed time for the rest of the year, but by all accounts this is a great time
for Leos. You also may see an offer for a second job, or a higher paying one, creep up around this time.
This would fit more into your second house.

In the coming months, as Saturn returns to Sagittarius, you'll be far less inclined for casual dating and
having multiple partners. You may even start to return to this mode of thought in the third week or so of
this month, and as such the month doesn't look very crowded as far as suitors go. But this is actually a
good thing, because Saturn is returning to his modus operandi of his run in Sagittarius, wherein he is
teaching you the importance of a true connection with a partner. Even though his lessons can be harsh,
it helps to remember that he does have your best interests in mind, despite it seeming otherwise at

In Love
Conversely, Leos in a relationship are actually in store for a pretty good run throughout the rest of the
year. Yes, Saturn will be dealing out his lessons, but since you're already in a relationship that is
hopefully healthy, you'll have a foundation and a partner with which to weather the storm and grow
closer and intimate all the while. And the very good fortune you're experiencing with your finances is
sure to help ease any pains that the two of you may start experiencing around this time.


Even if you don't get the offer for a more lucrative position or second job, you'll be happy to know that
your finances will continue to grow healthily. And it isn't just Jupiter who is helping you out in this
regard. September brings with it a solar eclipse in your house of money, further adding to your riches.
And EVEN MORE financial blessings come with Mars, who enters this same house at the end of
September. Really, this is far and away the best time of the year for Leo in terms of gaining capital.
And we couldn't be happier for you.

While it indeed is a banner month for Leo, with good luck and positivity abounding in nearly all areas,
there is a slight hiccup that may or may not bother you just a bit this month. We're talking about
insomnia, and several Leos (especially those born closer to the cusp) may find themselves laying awake
in bed at night, unable to get those essential Z's. Your mind will be a bit more active and, though
insomnia is a sight better than most illnesses you could potentially face, it can still lead to decreased
productivity in the day and more stress. We recommend you avoid eating late at night, and try to cut
back on caffeine. Meditation and a soak in the tub can also do wonders to lull you into an early

6 Virgo 22 Aug to 22 Sept:

II The High Priestess

This month you'll be a bit less focused on work, with other areas of your life taking priority at this time.
It isn't so much that you're bored of your job; on the contrary, you're still doing a bang-up job at the
office. Really, it's just that your mind is occupied with other subjects at the time. This happens every
now and then, and for some signs it's a real struggle. Aries, with its short attention span, is a good
example. When he loses focus at work, he risks some major problems. But your sign is so industrious,
so hardworking, and so professional, that you can still fire off on all cylinders even if your full attention
isn't devoted to your tasks.

Though we rarely say this, we recommend that single Virgos avoid trying to start up any kind of
relationship this month. At least, that is, until after the Lunar eclipse, which occurs in your house of
intimacy. This is a period in which many a Virgo will be ending their relationships, but once it's over it
will be smooth sailing for the rest of the year, and you'll be much more able to foster some serious
growth in this area. All you have to do is just hold out a bit longer, Virgo.

In Love
As hinted at last month and in the Single section above, a Lunar eclipse occurs in your house of
intimacy. This will be seen as a signaling sea change wherein any relationship for Virgo that isn't
completely healthy and provident of growth will see itself grind to a halt and end, possibly ignobly. We
sympathize with those Virgos who will be breaking up this month, but please remember that these
changes are ultimately for the better. And as for Virgos who are in happy, healthy relationships, you'll
be happy to note that your relationship will only get stronger from hereon out. Just try not to rub it in
the faces of your recently broken-up Virgo peers.

Some money difficulties are likely to creep up around the middle of the month, to stay with you until
the end of September and into the first part of October. This is due to Mercury, who retrogrades in your
house of money at this time, and throughout the month you'll experience frustration in anything related
to finance. You'll work hard to balance the books but you won't have much to show for your effort. This
is where patience is essential, and it really is quite lucky that Virgo is such a patient sign. If anyone can
weather this frustration, it's you, Virgo.

The possibility of nightmares during sleep is very real this month, so we'd like to warn you ahead of
time before you wake up covered in sweat, jolting up from the pillow in fear. Sadly, there isn't much we
or you can do to prevent nightmares, aside from avoiding food too late at night. If it helps, we CAN tell
you that there isn't anything wrong with your subconscious in and of itself; it's just a little more active
this month. And we should also note that it isn't ALL Virgos that will succumb to nightmares, but the
possibility is indeed there for a wide swath of those who fall under your sign.

7 Libra 23 Sept to 22 Oct:

Six of Swords

Mercury retrogrades into your sign this month, and it will make things just a bit more complicated and
difficult than usual. You'll notice this in certain parts of your life, not the least of which includes your
daily work activity. Tasks that would typically require very little mental effort will eat up large swaths
of your day, and you'll be second-guessing yourself at every turn. This is an area where patience is
indispensable. You will want to keep a cool head and avoid frustration, and that will be easier said than
done this month.

In August we told single Libras that they would be better off not starting any new relationship until
after the lunar eclipse in your house of intimacy this September. Now that we're in September, and once
the lunar eclipse comes and goes, it'll be prime time to get back on the horse and start seeking love
again. The major negative planetary machinations of 2015 in the area of love are now finished, and it's
smooth sailing for the rest of the year. You'll have better opportunities for meeting someone special,
and you'll have the wind at your sails. Get out there and start looking, Libra.

In Love
We talked last month about how many Libras will be at the tail end of bad relationships, with a breakup
looming. Well, this month, with the lunar eclipse in your house of intimacy, is when everything comes
to a head. Libras who are in relationship that are unhealthy and don't provide room for growth will see
their coupling start to fall apart. This is ultimately good, because any relationship that ends this month
wasn't really meant to be in the first place. Libras who are in healthy, productive relationships,
however, will find that their bonds are strengthened and will notice a deeper, purer love for one another.

Though the overall trend for Libra in regards to work and finances is positive and show great potential
for growth, September is a hiccup month, thanks largely to the Mercury retrograde in your sign. We
recommend you avoid making any major financial decisions this month, because your mind will be
plagued with self-doubt, confusion, and frustration at every turn. You'll want to wait until mid-October
or later to focus on your finances, when Mercury is no longer retrograding. After that, the rest of the
year will be much more conducive to good fortune in this area.

This month you'll be less aware of your body and its inner workings. In other months in 2015 you were
hypersensitive to your corporeal vessel, and you could tell right away if you were under-hydrated, overworked, and so forth. You were in touch with your physicality. But this month the opposite is true, and
you won't be as receptive to the signals your body sends your way. This of course has the potential for
trouble, because you might be overexerting yourself without knowing, or undernourishing yourself. Try
to keep more in tune with your body this month, and you should come of out September just fine.

8 Scorpio 23 Oct to 22 Nov:

XXI The World

Last month provided the potential for growth in your daily work and overall career, thanks to Mars
entering your house of career. But unfortunately there was likely very little advancement, due to Venus
retrograding in the same house at the same time. This month, however, Venus' negative influence is out
of the picture, while Mars still remains in the same house. Though he'll be leaving at the end of the
month, you can at least enjoy some of his unadulterated benefits for a few weeks. On the whole this
will be a positive, more enjoyable time at work than you experienced in August.

Though Venus is no longer retrograding, there is still our old friend Mercury, who will be retrograding
in your house of the subconscious, and you'll be more preoccupied with the emotional baggage and bad
memories that you have all but let go of on your journey of growth this year. Luckily, this is just a
short-lived jaunt through your past and you'll be back to positive growth by early October. Still, during
this time it will be all but impossible to begin a healthy relationship, because you'll be dealing inwardly
with the things that have caused you pain in courtships in the past. You'll think of past lovers who jilted
you, cheated on you, and so forth. Better to wait until the middle of October to start a relationship,
when you'll have a healthier mental outlook in this area.

In Love
Scorpios in a relationship may in fact have it a bit harder than single Scorpios this month. The Mercury
retrograde will cause you to reflect on many of the subconscious issues that you had all but moved on
from, especially in relation to your current partner. This brings the potential for fights, because you run
the risk of bringing up fights in the past, and other negative things that the two of you had seemingly
buried the hatchet over. Try to resist these impulses to reignite flames long since fizzled, and you'll be
much happier you did.

Any Scorpio who has been dreaming of a better position financially will be happy to know that
September brings with it a great possibility for your dreams to come true. The reasoning is pretty
evident: Jupiter is now in Virgo and your house of dreams, while at the end of the month Mars too
enters this sector. And if that weren't enough, a solar eclipse in this same house brings with it a trifecta
of good fortune. Now, we bring up dreams of financial stability because that is one of the most
prevalent wishes in society, but if you have dreams and wishes related to other matters, you can take
comfort in knowing that those dreams too will be much more likely to come true this month.

This month you'll want to keep an eye on how much sunlight you're absorbing. Oftentimes we tell a
sign to spend a little more time outdoors in order to receive essential substances such as vitamin D, but
this month you're more susceptible to burning, sunstroke, and so forth, so we'll actually be giving the
opposite advice. Scorpios who work outdoors should be doubly cautious of overexposure to the Sun's

rays. We recommend all Scorpios, however, apply some sunblock before going outside throughout the
month of September. It can go a long way from alleviating this month's sensitivity to the Sun's

9 Sagittarius 23 Nov to 20 Dec:

Queen of Swords

The bon fortuna continues this month, with Jupiter fully engaged within your house of careers. You'll
see your luck and goodwill continue, and work will be far more enjoyable than it's been all year. But
wait it gets better. Adding to Jupiter's blessings is Mars, who himself will be making a visit to your
house of careers, meaning you'll have the luck and blessings of Jupiter but also the energy and impetus
of Mars to help you act decisively with the happy circumstances you've been given. Add to that the
Solar eclipse that occurs in this same sector this month, and it's easy to see that this is a decidedly
terrific time to be a Sagittarius.

This month a lunar eclipse occurs in your house of love, and though you would understandably assume
this would make you more amorous and desiring of romantic kinship, the truth of the matter is that the
focus will actually be more on family and extended family. You'll long to spend time with siblings,
parents, grandparents, and so forth, and you'll also feel more strongly the connections you feel with you
nearest and dearest friends. In other words, this isn't exactly the month for meeting someone new and
falling in love with him or her.

In Love
For Sagittarians in a relationship, the lunar eclipse will be more beneficial in relation to love. This will
be especially true for those of you who have children. You'll enjoy spending time together as a family,
which obviously holds great potential for building stronger kinship together. You'll see your partner as a
lover, certainly, but also have a deep respect for them as a parent and guardian. You may be a bit more
emotional during this time, so don't be surprised if you become teary-eyed for sappy, sentimental

With all the great luck and positive planetary motions going on in your house of careers, it goes without
saying that you'll experience a related uptick in your financial situation. We hinted at this last month,

but here in September that fact is even more apparent. After all, with Jupiter fully engaged with you in
your house of careers, and Mars adding to your energy and output and the Solar eclipse bringing even
more goodwill into your circle, it's a foregone conclusion that money matters will not be a problem this

Last month we talked about the dual influence of Mars and Venus helping you to crave higher learning
and everything that comes with an increase in education. This month you'll still be experiencing their
call to enlighten your mind, and on the whole you'll have a more positive viewpoint of the world
around you. Mental health is in tip-top shape this month, and it coincides nicely with the other positive
effects happening in your life during this period. Make the most of September, Sagittarius, because it is
easily among one of the best months you'll experience in 2015.

10 Capricorn 21 Dec to 19 Jan:

Knight of Cups

We recommend you make the most of team activities and group work this month, Capricorn, and for
good reason: Saturn is spending his final month backtracked into Scorpio and your eleventh house. As
we've mentioned previously, this house rules teamwork, networking, and professional connections.
You'll want to suck up the last bit of goodwill that Saturn will be bestowing on you in this area, so that
you can be set up for a successful run to close out the year. Do this, and you'll start off 2016 in a very
good position.

This is a very bipolar month as far as intimacy goes. Mars is in your house of intimacy, causing you to
crave comfort and togetherness, but unfortunately there is a Venus retrograde in this same area. This
will make you feel confused and frustrated about these feelings, essentially negating Mars' influence.
The one bright side? Venus won't play much of a part after the first week or so of September, and by
then you'll feel more comfortable expressing your feelings. We recommend that you wait until then
before starting any relationships.

In Love
Capricorns in a relationship stand a good chance of becoming irked and dismayed if they feel that their
partner isn't reciprocating the love and intimacy that they themselves are projecting outward. You'll feel

stymied easily when it comes to expressing your feelings and, on the whole, it will be difficult for you
to connect with your partner, to the point that you won't even want to bother. It goes without saying that
this does not bode well for a healthy relationship. But fortunately, this effect should start waning in the
first week of the month and by mid-September you'll return to a level plane.

This is a better month than last month for home repairs and renovations. Last month we hinted that you
stand a chance of succumbing to poor choices and even injuries and accidents when tidying up the
home, but this month you have the drive to finish these projects and do them effectively and safely. The
Lunar eclipse in your house of family and home will be the high point of this period, and after that you
won't feel as inclined to take charge of domestic affairs, so get that housework out of the way early.

Prepare to have a much better mood and a healthier outlook on life in September, thanks in no small
part to the Solar eclipse in Virgo this month. You've had a few mental roadblocks this year, with several
of them occurring in the latter half of this year. But now you're set up for positivity and mental wellness
that will last you for the rest of 2015. You're more clearheaded and sure of yourself, and this fact will
reveal itself in all of your actions and activities.

11 Aquarius 20 Jan to 18 Feb:

Knight of Pentacles

This is the last month of Saturn's backtrack into your house of Careers, so we recommend you make the
most of it. If there are any last-minute goals or achievements that you want to complete, you'll have
Saturn's help in this regard. September is definitely not a month to rest on your laurels, so make sure to
get to work early and hit the ground running. And if it appears that you aren't accomplishing as much as
you'd like, don't take it to heart: The work you've put in during this time will reveal its productivity
early in 2016, and you'll be in a much better position because of it.

This month is far and away better than August in terms of finding romance. After all, that month saw
Venus retrograde in both your house of intimacy and your house of relationships. You experienced
frustration, confusion, and ennui with most things related to love. But early this month Venus gets out
of the way, leaving you free to pursue a real relationship without your mind and emotions being

clouded with any retrograde action. And even better, this is the end of any negative planetary action for
the year in anything related to your romantic life. You're free to enjoy the rest of 2015 relatively stressfree.

In Love
Not only is Venus out of the picture, allowing you to get back to a healthy relationship with your
partner, but Mars remains with you in your house of relationships for the better part of September,
helping you to make up for any lost time in your relationship during the retrograde. And it gets even
better: This month a Solar eclipse occurs in your house of intimacy, which will help you to develop an
even stronger and more secure bond with your lover. The passion, intimacy, and love that you both
desire will be easily achieved this month.

This is a great month for spending a little extra money on food and other consumable products (which
include but are not limited to toilet paper, paper towels, laundry detergent, and other household goods).
You'll be better able to sniff out good values and you'll have better luck at stumbling upon great deals
and sales. You might even consider going to one of those large bulk grocery outlets and stocking up
until the end of 2015. Aquarius is not really a sign that plans ahead, but we recommend you don't pass
up this great opportunity to get more bang for your buck as far as foods and domestic goods are

It's a sad irony that, in a month where you'll be able to save a tidy sum of money on food, you're
expected to have a very small appetite. But so it goes; you won't be very hungry this month, despite the
fact that you're really not eating all that much. Undernourishment is a big concern and you'll want to
make sure that you're getting not only enough calories, but enough vitamins, minerals, and other
essential nutrients. We're not saying to force-feed yourself but, if you're really intent on having fewer
meals this month, try to make each meal count choose food options that are filled with protein, fiber,
and anything else necessary to keep your body in working order.

12 Pisces 19 Feb to 20 Mar:

Ten of Cups

On the whole, this is a good month for Pisces, as you'll see in the following sections. As far as work is

concerned, however, you've still got the good graces of Mars in your house of work. He'll sharpen your
focus and give you the energy needed to see to all your tasks, especially after the first week of
September, when the Venus retrograde in the same house is out of the picture. That first week may
present a couple of stumbling blocks, but it isn't likely to pose much of a problem with you.

This is a very exciting month for all you single Pisces out there: Mercury retrogrades into your house of
intimacy this month, and while that often can be a harbinger of something bad, in this case it might
actually work to your benefit. This is due to the Solar eclipse that occurs in your house of relationships
this month. Put simply, the dual effects of these planetary motions will make the likelihood of
reconnecting with a former lover very strong. And even more surprisingly, the alignments of these
celestial bodies actually portend that this reconnection might actually work, and lead into a long and
happy relationship. Very interesting indeed, don't you think, Pisces?

In Love
Any Pisces in a relationship can rest easy: Just because your single counterparts stand a good chance of
reconnecting with a former lover to form a healthy relationship doesn't mean that you may be tempted
to leave your partner for a blast from the past. For you, the chances are much better that your current
relationship will become stronger and more durable. This is even more likely due to the fact that Mars
enters your house of relationships late in the month, helping the two of you to become even more
devoted to one another. Really, it's a great month for Pisces of any relationship status.

The good fortune for Pisces doesn't end with just relationships and work, though. You can also expect a
very healthy month regarding your finances. Much of this will be the product of the lunar eclipse this
month, which occurs in your house of money. In a way, this can be seen as the spiritual parallel to the
solar eclipse that occurred in this same house way back in March. Think of them of bookends that have
marked a period of slow but steady financial improvement, with September marking the time when it
all comes to fruition.

Good moods prevail this month, and for good reason: Pisces has been having a much more positive
year than many other signs in the Zodiac in 2015, and this is in fact one of the best months for you in
an already enjoyable year. That being said, there could always be an unfavorable alignment that could
make you feel morose, stressed, or frustrated despite the good times, but even that won't be an issue
this month indeed there are no planetary actions that predict any health problems for you at this time.
All that's left for you is to enjoy this September, and we sincerely hope you do, Pisces.

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