Lesson Plan Week 2

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Name : Teena Sanders Date : Week 2

Class : !st year students Time :

classes majoring in English

Class objectives :

Skills: Listening, pronunciation.

Key points :

Develop students awareness of general greetings

To practice phonetic sounds

To develop vocabulary and understanding


International phonetic alphabet chart

Phonetic questions handout
Oral Workshop: Reproduction book “They don’t talk”

Anticipated difficulties :

Students of mixed abilities.

Problems with some phonetic sounds

Acoustics reproduction in class room

By the end of the lesson, the students will have…

(i) development of vocabulary

(ii) practiced listening for context,

(iii) practices phonetic sounds.

Stage Procedure Aim Anticipated Interaction

05 Greeting and Register. Get students Some students TSS-STT
mins Students to answer to used to using may have
English name if they have and correctly forgotten or want
chosen one pronouncing to change their
their English English name –
names Some students
are not
English names

Introduce/practice greetings Develop Some students
E Choral drill / individual students may not
understanding understand
and use of correct setting
English for the different
Greetings greetings

Pronunciation –
correct as
05 mins individuals at this
Introduction of the IPA early stage
P Test students individually
and as a class on the vowel Assess students Most students
and consonant sounds using knowledge of will have good
IPA chart the phonic knowledge of
alphabet and phonic alphabet
its uses within – students who
10 mins Give out hand out – one for lessons don’t may feel
each row of 4. They have 5 uneasy -
minutes to complete it. Correct as a TSS
Increase class rather than
students individual at this
confidence as early stage -
10 mins most will know Assure students STT
A Feedback the chart additional help is
available if
10 Mins Introduce They don’t talk –
E page 103 Oral (blue book). Assessment/co Individual
Teacher to initially read story nfidence students to
through. building feedback for
group – may feel
Clarify meaning of unfamiliar Practice unconfident
words/phrases listening skills giving answers –
P Clarify meaning teacher to
Ensure understanding of :- of unfamiliar encourage/praise TTT
Angry words/phrases
Sewing - Pace of story will
Tired need to be slow
They don’t speak for students to
keep up.
05 mins Break STT
May need to
Confident student to read extend
text while others listen to explanation if
10 Mins
text while reading notes 1-13 students don’t STT
on page 105. understand new
Practice vocab
Students to work in groups of reading for
four : Each Group answer detail Pace of story will
two questions on page 107 need to be slow
i.e. 1st Group answer the for students to
10 mins questions. Practice keep up STT
10 mins information Working in
A Feedback - Students to give from text and groups limits STT
their answers in sentences reporting risks of students
information unable to answer
Class discussion: Do you back questions
think Mrs Jones did the right Praise students
thing” – why / why not? and encourage
10 mins answers where
poss. STT
debating issue Some students
Students be given different in class setting may feel strongly
sentence of text to read – about the
20 mins When each student reads question.
sentence the story is retold Reassure its ok STT
(all students to participate) to have
P difference of
Students to stand in circle Practice using opinion – makes
and teacher to throw ball to new vocabulary life interesting.
a student who then retells
two sentences of the story. Practice Some students
Encourage students to working as a may feel
A deviate from original texts – group – unconfident in
retell story in their own individual task. Group TTT
words and using own ideas. students to work will
read aloud encourage
Recap on the lesson – Students to
emphasisng students practice sharing Some
achievements within the own ideas students may
lesson find this difficult.
students to
Confidence participate in one
building sentence if two is
considered too
deviation - no
wrong answers

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