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Creative writing
Poetry on Man Vs. self and Man Vs.
Tanaz Hudda

Saturday, 08 March 2014

Creative Writing

Tanaz Hudda 10K

Whats on your mind?

We all come into this world. We make friends; meet people we love, meet people we hat. One
this that comes in our mind is what is the other person thinking? What is he made of? Can he
be understood in the true sense?
A man- can ever be understood?
Whats in his mind or what he is up to?
Questioning wont help,
Neither checking his status updates would,
For technology is just a cover to hide thoughts and truth.

He works, earns and enjoys life,

Loves, supports and trusts his family,
But what is his identity?
What is he really made of?
Does he means what he says or
Is it just a defence mechanism?
These questions will often pass through our minds,
For answers are yet to be found.

A man loves... Hold on! What is love?

Lust for life or a genuine concern?


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Saturday, 08 March 2014

Creative Writing

People judge a man's love as True love or just love...

But love is always true
So how can there be just love?
Perceptions are not always right
Thus the answers
Can never be found.

A man has a beast inside

A beast that kills him from within
A beast that makes him passionate
For that beast is craving for love,
If he does not get that,
He can threaten or kill you,
For the beast beholds him
And his quest for truth.

If it was possible to know

"Whats in your mind",
The supreme one would never exist,
The secrets never so dark,
And Philosophies never so deep


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Tanaz Hudda 10K

Saturday, 08 March 2014

Creative Writing

Tanaz Hudda 10K

Truth is not always known,

It can never be judged

As a kid, I always used to have these thoughts in my mind about what the other person is
thinking? Do I trust him/her? Is it always correct that what looks right is right? Thus I chose
this topic about Mans psychology and how many of us fail to understand what actually goes
in a mans head. Technology has advanced our lives drastically but what about the human
brain? Internet and social networking sites have a lot of places where people can express
themselves to the whole world but the question still remains how correct is it? Whats in
your mind?- can this question actually help us know whats going on in an individuals
mind. Thus this poem is all about how we judge every action of a fellow being without even
actually knowing what is the persons intention behind doing it.
This poem also talks about intense emotions love and lust because a humans
mind is obsessed with these emotions and many-a-times these emotions are not understood.
Every mind- whether mine or any other person is completely different and in various
psychological states and being a person who is deeply interested in psychology this question
is something that rushes through my mind a lot of times. So this was a reflection of all my
thoughts and ideas.


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