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February 2010

Africa to Asia
An insight into the ministry of LCMS missionary
Megan Birney serving Christ in Hong Kong

Blessings abound!
The Year of the Tiger is here! Yesterday we recognized the 15th day of the Lunar New Year which
marks the end of the Chinese New Year (CNY) celebration. While most everyone went back to work
last week, now all of the decorations will be taken down and things will begin to look less red. The
color red symbolizes prosperity so everything has been decorated to the nines in red and gold for the
last month! Most westerners leave Hong Kong during the CNY to visit other places and get away from
the crowds. Andrea joined some missionaries from Taiwan in a missionary trip to India. Lynette’s par-
ents came to Hong Kong and also visited Beijing. I was the odd man out. I stayed in Hong Kong work-
ing on homework for my graduate classes and enjoying the local festivities. Lui Cheung Kwong Primary
School held a Chinese Cultural Day on 2/10. I joined in for a cultural lesson and fellowship. The pic-
tures here include a traditional Chinese dance, my grade 1 art class, grade 1 students Keona, Sam,
and Aneiko dressed in their traditional CNY outfits (paired with high-tops because they are so cool),
and decorations made from red packets called lai sze. Lai sze are given to single people and children
from married couples and the elderly during CNY. While the tradition can be interpreted different ways, it
is seen as a way to start the new year on the right foot for both the giver and receiver.
During CNY, I also was privileged to see some incredible fireworks, a parade, and some great sights.
However, superstitions were very prevalent everywhere we went. We were told not to buy shoes because
the word for shoe sounds like the same word for evil and that we should cut our hair before CNY but if
you cut it during CNY you will die early. These are only a few of the comments we were told, but it was
eye-opening how much tradition influences people’s beliefs. It is humbling to be here teaching that be-
cause of Jesus we have no need to fear bad luck. Please continue to pray for our friends, co-
teachers, and students. That the Holy Spirit would work and they would put aside the supersti- “For I am con-
tions and luck and embrace Jesus.
This week while talking to a group of three secondary students during lunch @ CLSNP I asked the
vinced that neither
question “What do you believe in?” One boy proudly proclaimed, “Jesus”. Another girl said “I try death nor life nei-
to believe in Jesus.” The third student , a boy, answered “I believe in love.” The girl changed her
mind, “I also believe in you.” Hmmm… I thought. “Why do you believe in me?” “Because you are
ther angels or de-
always so nice and not afraid to talk about Jesus with me.” I asked the third student “What kind mons, neither the
of love do you believe in?” “All love.” From there I started to talk about God giving us people in
our lives is one of the ways that He shows us love. From there I started talking about the people
present nor the fu-
God has given me. They all agreed to come ture, nor any pow-
to back to lunch next week. May God be ers, neither height
glorified in our future conversations!
nor depth, nor any-
thing else in all
creation will be
able to separate us
from the love of
God that is in
Christ Jesus our
Romans 8:38,39
February 2010 Prayer Requests
“For this reason, I kneel before the Father…” Eph. 3:14
• That the Holy Spirit would continue to open hearts for our EFL ministry in HK; for
LCMS World Mission opportunities to speak the Gospel in a meaningful way to our students.
800-433-3954 • For the new semester.
• Pray for the our English Day Camp @ LCK Primary (3/26-3/27) • Pray for our LSL students visiting Australia. Safe travels & a great English immersion
learning experience. • Safe travels for my mom coming to Hong Kong! (3/24-3/25)
Learn more about the work of • Continued praise for the relationships being developed with our Form 6 students at CLSNP!
• For the Lutheran Church - Hong Kong Synod (LCHKS); that the Lord would continue
LCMS World Mission in Asia: blessing the efforts of the LCHKS in growing God’s kingdom. • The students & professors at the CLET in Dapaong, Togo; that God would steady their
hearts to pursue their calls to leadership training in serving the Lutheran Church bodies of
West Africa.
• My CUNE Family Life Ministry graduate program.
• For my future.
• For individuals considering serving next year; courage and strength to heed the Lord’s call
and say "Here am I. Send me!"
• My fellow LCMS missionaries serving internationally, for the opportunity & strength to live
out Christ’s love through service around the world.
• For the hearts of those needing to know the grace of our great God

Contact Info CLSNP students@ the Lunar New Year Market
Postal mail can be sent to:
Miss Megan Birney
Concordia English Center (Tuen Mun)
Lutheran T.S. Siu Leun School
P.S. No. 5 Butterfly Estate, Tuen Mun, N.T.
Hong Kong
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