Collocations Excercises and Keys

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Use a collocation with make and a noun instead of the underlined words in each of
these conversations.
1. Miriam: The bill says we've had three desserts. We only had two.
The waiter must have been mistaken.
2. Kim:

It's so difficult. Should I take the job or not?

I know it's difficult. But you have to decide one way or the other.

3. Jane:

Can you and Brian come to dinner on Saturday?

Yes, we'll have to arrange to get a babysitter, but it should be OK.

4. Brona:

Did you hear about the air traffic controllers' strike in the USA?
Yes. We had to change our travel itinerary because of it.

5. Pete:

Can I have chips and rice with my lunch?

No, you have to choose, chips or rice, but not both.

6. Fran:

Do you intend to speak at the meeting?

Yes, I hope I can contribute to the debate.

II. Choose the correct collocation, do or make.

1. Did the fire do / make much damage to the factory?
2. I hate doing / making my homework at the last minute.
3. You must do / make an effort to work harder.
4. Did you do / make any work at the weekend?
5. We are trying to do / make improvements to the system for registering.
6. Do you think it would do / make any harm if I cut some leaves off this plant?

KEY (cc bn t en)

I. 1. made a mistake 2. make a decision 3. make arrangements / an
arrangement 4. make a change to / (some) changes to
5. make a choice
6. make a contribution
II. 1. do 2. doing 3. make 4. do 5. make 6. do
Practice: Choose the correct collocation.
1. She had / took / paid attention to what I told her and started working harder.
2. I had / made / took over a hundred photographs on my trip to Antarctica.
3. She made / paid / brought me a nice compliment yesterday.
4. I got / made / had a bad dream last night and woke up sweating.
5. The President made / gave / paid tribute to all the people who had supported him.
6. I got / took / had a liking to our new teacher the moment I met her.
7. I gave / made / had a feeling I had met Richard before, but I couldn't remember
8. I went to Doughlas Farnham's fuderal to give / take / pay my last respects to a fine
9. I think I'll take / make / do a chance and leave my flight booking till the last minute.
I may get a cheaper ticket.
10. Shall we make / get / have a party for Jane? She's leaving the school next week.
11. I had / got / took a feeling that he was trying to hide something from me.

KEY (cc bn t en)

1. paid 2. took 3. paid
have 11. take 12. had

4. had

5. paid

6. took

7. had

8. pay

9. take


Practice: Change the underlined words so that each sentence has the opposite
1. There was a light wind yesterday.
2. The wind picked up in the evening.
3. The weather is likely to improve tomorrow.
4. It was scorching hot here yesterday.
5. There may be some light rain later on today.
6. The mist came down at about midday.

KEY (cc bn t en)

1. strong 2. died down
driving 6. lifted

3. deteriorate / get worse

4. freezing cold

5. heavy /

I. Look at A. Choose an approriate word to complete each sentence.
1. Kay is quite a shy person and finds it hard to _____ friends.
2. Do Paul and Sophie _____ a good relationship?
3. Sam is always _____ up friends with people he meets on trains and planes.

4. I hope their disagreement over the bill won't _____ their relationship.
5. It's amazing, when you meet someone new, how often you find that you have some
_____ friends.
6. Apparently, people _____ most of their closest friendships when they are young.
7. I wouldn't call Graham a close friend, more a casual _____.
8. We didn't really like each other at first, but our friendship _____ as we got to know
each other better.
II. Complete these questions.
1. Have you ever fallen in love at first _____?
2. Do you think it's true that men are more reluctant to _____ a commitment than
3. How old were you when you _____ in love for the first time?
4. Do you think it is possible to have one person who is the love of your _____?
5. Have you ever been in love with someone who has not _____ your love?
6. Do you think that men or women are more likely to be tempted to _____ an affair?

KEY (cc bn t en)

I. 1. make 2. have 3. striking 4. spoil 5. mutual 6. form
acquaintance 8. grew
II. 1. sight 2. make 3. fell 4. life 5. returned 6. have


Practice: Look at the lesson. Match the verbs and expressions on the left with their
collocations on the right.

1. sustain


2. contract

a cold

3. have an attack of

breast cancer

4. develop

minor injuries

5. be diagnosed with


6. catch


KEY (cc bn t en)

1. sustain minor injuries
4. develop breast cancer

2. contract typhoid 3. have an attack of diarrhoea

5. be diagnosed with autism / breast cancer 6. catch a

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