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Microbiology Chapter 1-2 Multiple Choice Quiz

1. Which of the following is a scientific name = Mycobacterium tuberculos

2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of bacteria = have the sa
me shape
3. Which of the following is the most important element of Koch’s germ theo
ry of disease? The animal shows disease symptoms when = microorganism is inocula
ted into the animal
4. Recombinant DNA is = the DNA resulting when genes of two different organ
isms are mixed
5. Which of the following statements is the best definition of biogenesis?
= Living cells can only arise from preexisting cells
6. Which of the following is a beneficial activity of microorganisms? = all
of the above
7. It has been said that bacteria are essential for the existence of life o
n Earth. Which of the following would be the essential function performed by bac
teria? = decomposed organic material and recycle elements
8. Which of the following is an example of bioremediation: = application of
oil=degrading bacteria to an oil spill
9. Spallanzan’s conclusion about spontaneous generation was challenged beca
use Lavoisier had just shown that oxygen was the vital component of air. Which o
f the following statements is true? = some microbes do not require air.
10. Which of the following statements about E. coli is not true? E. coli was
the first disease-causing bacterium identified by Koch
11. Assume E. coli are grown in a mutruent medium containing the radioisotop
e 16N. After a 48 hour incubation period, the 16N would most likely be found in
the E. coli’s = protein
12. If Pseudomonas bacteria are supplied with radioactively labeled cytosine
, after a 24-hour incubation period this cytosine would most likely be found in
the cell’s = DNA
13. If E. coli were grown in a medium containing the radioactive isotope 12P
, the 32P would be found in all of the following molecules of the cell except =
14. A carbonated drink, ph3, is 10,000 time more acid than distilled water =
15. The best definition of ATP is that it is = a molecule that supplies ener
gy to do work
16. Which of the following is an organic molecule = C₁₈H₂₉SO₃ (Styrofoam)
17. Classify wach of the molecules on the left as an acid, base or salt. Th
e dissociation products of the molecules are shown to help you.
HNO₃ → H+ +NO₃ = Acid
H₂SO₄ → 2H+ + SO½ˉ = Acid
NaOH → Na+ + OHˉ = Base
MgSO₄ → Mg₂+ + SO½ = Salt

Chapter 3 and 4 Multiple Choice Quiz

1. Assume you stain Bacillus by applying malachite green with heat and then
counter-stain with safranin. Through the microscope, the green structures are =
impossible to identify
2. What is this question – answer is C
3. Carbolfuchsin can be used as a simple stain and a negative stain. As a s
imple stain, the pH is = higher than the negative stain
4. Looking at the cell of a photosynthetic microorganism, you observe that
the chloroplasts are green in brightfield microscopy and red in fluorescence mic
roscopy. You conclude that =
Chlorophyll is fluorescent
5. Which of the following is not a functionally analogous pair of stains =
nigrosin and malachite green
6. Which of the following pairs is mismatched = none of the above
7. Assume you stain Clostridium by applying a basic stain, carbolfuchsin, w
ith hear, decolorizing with acid-alcohol, and counterstaining with an acidic sta
in, nigrosin. Through the microscope, the endospores are 1---red, and the cells
are stained 2---colorless
8. Assume that your are viewing a Gram-stained field of red cocci and blue
bacilli through the microscope. You can safely conclude that you have = two diff
erent species
9. In 1996, scientist described a new tapeworm parasite that had kicked at
least one person. The initial examination of the patient’s abdominal mass was mo
st likely made using = brightfield microscopy
10. Which of the following is not a modification of a compound light microsc
ope = electron microscopy
11. Which of the following is not a distinguishing characteristic of prokary
otic cells – they lack a plasma membrane
12. Which statement best describes what happens when a gram-positive bacteri
um is placed in distilled water and penicillin - the cell will undergo osmotic
13. Which statement best describes what happens when a gram-negative bacteri
um is placed in distilled water and penicillin - water will move into the cell
14. Which statement best describes what happens when a gram-positive bacter
ium is placed in an aqueous solution of lysozyme and 10% sucrose - no change wi
ll result the solution is isotonic
15. Which of the following statements best describes what happens to a cell
exposed to polymyxins that destroy phospholipids – intracellular contents will l
eak from the cell
16. Which of the following is not true about fimbriae – they may be used for
17. Which of the following pairs are mismatched – pili ---- reproduction
18. Which of the following pairs is mismatched – ribosomes-----protein stora
19. You have isolated a motile, gram-positive cell with no visible nucleus.
You can assume this cell has - ribosomes
20. The antibiotic amphothericin B disrupts plasma membranes by combining wi
th sterols; it will affect all of the following cells except – bacterial cells

Match the structures to their functions

__D___ Cell wall a. attachment to surfaces
__F___ endospores b. cell wall formation
__A___ fimbriae c. motility
___C__ flagella d. protection from osmotic lysis
_A_E__glycocalyx e. protection from phagocytes
__I___ pili f. resting
_B_H__ plasma membrane g. protein synthesis
__G___ ribosomes h. selective permeability
i. transfer of genetic material

Match the following characteristics of eukaryotic cells with their function

__C___ pericentriolar material a. digestive enzyme storage
__D___ chloroplasts b. oxidation of fatty acids
__G___ Golgi complex c. microtubule formation
__A___ lysosomes d. photosynthesis
__F___ mitochondria e. protein synthesis
__B___ peroxiisomes f. respiration
__E___ rough ER g. secretion

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