March 4, 2010 Issue

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Daily Herald the Brown

vol. cxlv, no. 25 | Thursday, March 4, 2010 | Serving the community daily since 1891

New Banner scheduler insi d e Frosh will

apes Mocha features need to show
By Mark Raymond ing on Banner. writing skills
Staf f Writer “We made Mocha because we
thought it was necessary and useful By Anne Simons
Computing and Information Services for students,” said David Leventhal Staf f Writer
plans to launch a course scheduler ’07, one of the original creators of
that functions similarly to Mocha on the popular site. “If people switch Seniors will have to “show evi-
or around March 15, according to over to the Banner feature, then we dence of their writing” in order
Michael Pickett, the department’s may eventually stop maintaining Mo- to graduate, beginning with the
vice president, and Senior Associate cha. But as long as it’s still useful, class of 2013, Dean of the College
Registrar Robert Fitzgerald. we will keep it going.” Katherine Bergeron will announce
The new program, called the Paul Kernfeld ’12, one of the stu- Thursday.
Brown Course Scheduler, will allow dents CIS chose to test the new fea- “All students are expected
students to search for courses and ture, said he had mixed thoughts af- to work on their writing both in
add them to a cart, but also register ter using it during the test phase. general courses and in their con-
for these courses directly through “The interface isn’t as nice as centration,” Bergeron wrote in
the scheduler, a feature Mocha does Mocha, but it has a lot of potential,” an e-mail to be sent to students
not offer. Kernfeld said. “There are still minor Thursday. Sophomores will have
“We know that students need this technical glitches, but it is still in to reflect on their writing in their
functionality,” Pickett said. “It’s es- beta and hopefully these problems concentration forms, according
sential that Brown has this capabil- will be resolved.” to the letter.
ity, whether it’s Mocha or not.” Pickett and Fitzgerald said that The changes come out of rec-
A group of Brown students cre- the program has gone through rigor- ommendations from the Task
ated Mocha during their 2005–06 ous testing and is technically sound Force on Undergraduate Educa-
winter break. Many students use it at this point. tion, Bergeron told The Herald.
to find classes and organize course Jonathan Bateman / Herald Based on the findings of an ex-
continued on page 2 The men’s lacrosse team is facing high expectations this season.
schedules before officially register- ternal review and discussions
See the spring sports preview section, pages 5–8.
with faculty and academic com-
mittees, the College Writing Ad-

Committee to review campus pedestrian safety visor y Board and the College Cur-
riculum Council collaborated on
a new, clearer delineation of the
By Claire Peracchio about pedestrian safety on cam- accident involving members of education and awareness efforts expectations of writing at Brown,
Senior Staf f Writer pus,” said Russell Carey, senior the Brown community. regarding pedestrian safety and she said.
vice president for Corporation In light of these events, Carey coordinating enforcement with Bergeron’s letter ends with a
Cars still zoom through the in- af fairs and governance, at the announced the creation of a pe- Providence Police will be among statement on writing, explaining
tersection of Hope and Thayer faculty meeting on Tuesday. destrian safety review commit- the issues under the committee’s why it is an important skill for all
streets, where Avi Schaefer ’13 The first, a Feb. 12 drunken tee, to be chaired by Carey and pur view, Carey said. graduates. “Writing is not only a
was killed less than two weeks ago driving accident, left Schaefer Vice President for Campus Life The committee will build on medium through which we com-
— a reminder of the challenges dead and Marika Baltschef fsky and Student Ser vices Margaret recommendations made by a municate and persuade; it is also
that remain in ensuring pedestrian ’13 injured. A hit-and-run involv- Klawunn, at Tuesday’s faculty transportation study conducted a means for expanding our capaci-
safety on College Hill. ing Erinn Phelan ’09 and Alma meeting. The effectiveness of ex- as a part of the 2006 Brown Uni- ties to think clearly,” she wrote.
Two recent incidents have Guerrero ’09 MD’13 on Feb. 21 isting signs and signals at pedes-
“raised sensitivity and awareness in New York City was the second trian crossings, ways to improve continued on page 4 continued on page 2

Orgasms Hundreds crowd State

come to House for marriage rally
By Rebecca Ballhaus
Contributing Writer crowd began to search for a method
to vent their pent-up energy as they
By Alicia Chen “Hi, my name is Frank Ferri. I’m waited for the speeches to begin. A
Senior Staff Writer the state rep and I’m gay,” said few excited supporters began a slow
State Rep. Frank Ferri, D-Dist. 22, clap, which died down fairly quickly;
Despite the chill and snow last night, to begin his speech at Marriage others began to sing the Beach Boys
Salomon 101 was packed with both Equality Rhode Island’s rally at the song “Chapel of Love,” but this, too,
women and men who came to hear State House Wednesday afternoon, lasted only momentarily.
Marshall Miller ’96 and Dorian Solot before calling up his husband from The rally was “less a protest than
’95 discuss the female orgasm. As the crowd. a gathering of supporters,” said John
“full-time professional sex educators,” Qua ’13. He smiled. “I was hoping
the couple travels around the country Metro there wouldn’t be yelling,” he said.
to speak to different groups. When the speeches began, the
With humor, straightforward lan- Ferri was surrounded by hun- crowd exploded in applause each
guage and the famous deli orgasm dreds of fervent supporters, toting time a speaker paused. Lt. Gov. Eliza-
scene from “When Harry Met Sally,” signs that read anything from “Ho- beth Roberts ’78, who gave one of
the two demystified and celebrated mophobia — Now That’s A Choice!” the first speeches, happily noted the
sexuality and the female orgasm dur- to “My Church Will Marry Me, Why steady increase in elected officials
Sofia Castello / Herald ing their presentation and in smaller Won’t Rhode Island?” attending MERI rallies each year.
Marshall Miller ’96 and Dorian Solot ’95 delved into the mysteries of the With not a single counter-pro-
female orgasm before a full Salomon 101. continued on page 9 tester to be seen, members of the continued on page 4

News...1–3, 9
Metro, 4 Sports, 5–8 Opinions, 11
Sports.....5–8 Big Plans for Prov Spring preview Bridging the divide
Editorial....10 New commercial building A glimpse at what’s ahead Roberta Goldman ’13
Opinion.....11 approved at site of former for crew, softball, baseball, remembers Avi Schaefer
Today........12 downtown nightclub golf and more ’13 and advocates peace 195 Angell Street, Providence, Rhode Island

Page 2 THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Thursday, March 4, 2010

C ampus N EWS “I’m pleased with what the original creators of Mocha did
for the students at Brown.” — Michael Pickett, vice president of CIS

Students can register and U. to enforce writing requirement

shop with new scheduler continued from page 1 to be paired with a Writing Fellow
who will work with them through-
helps the writer understand one’s
own thoughts, she said.
continued from page 1 Pickett said that although this out the year on papers for any of Students were less enthusias-
CIS project may seem dismissive More resources for students their classes. Brown, who heads tic. Celina Pedrosa ’11 said she
“March 15 is a moving target. of student efforts such as Mocha, Starting in the fall, a new des- the Writing Fellows program, said was not clear on exactly what the
We’re in our final testing environ- the staff always welcomes new ignation will be added to some he thought the ongoing relation- writing requirement meant. As an
ment for it now and it will be ready and creative ideas from Brown Banner course descriptions. The ship with a graduate student at the international relations concentra-
for summer 2010 and fall 2010 students. designation, WRIT, signifies that Writing Center would be particu- tor, she said she has taken writing-
registration periods,” Fitzgerald “I’m pleased with what the orig- the course helps students work on larly helpful to struggling writers. intensive classes anyway, but was
said. inal creators of Mocha did for the their writing process. There are The portfolio of a student’s prog- never pointed in that direction by
Mocha, which is operated by students at Brown, and I want to about 200 courses that qualify for ress throughout the year should a faculty adviser.
a group of Brown graduates, has continue encouraging Brown stu- the designation for the fall semes- be “encouraging” evidence of im- James Witkin ’10 said he dif-
been known to go down when dents to contribute to the student ter across most of the disciplines, provement, he added. ferentiates between the writing
many users are flooding the sys- experience,” said Pickett. Bergeron said. The University Excellence at Brown, a pre-ori- requirement in theor y and in
tem. CIS is hoping that the new Students will have the chance wished to make writing courses entation program focusing on writ- practice. In practice, it is difficult
Banner scheduler won’t face simi- to voice their concerns about the more “visible,” she added. ing skills, is growing in demand, to enforce, he said, adding that he
lar problems. new feature when it goes live, In the letter, Bergeron asked Brown said. Last year, 150 people does not believe people who take
“We had to make sure it can Fitzgerald said. “There will be a members of the class of 2013 to requested places for the program, no writing courses would ever get
handle a large number of users suggestions link when we first go take advantage of the Advising which can only hold 50, he said. “caught.” Brown students are also
and that test passed with flying live with the feature, so students SideKick, an advising tool with a He added that he hopes the pro- likely to be good writers because
colors,” said Fitzgerald. can feel free to provide any feed- portfolio function, to upload exam- gram will be able to increase its they were accepted to the school,
Some of the major features of back in terms of functionality and ples of their best work throughout size this year. he said.
the Banner scheduler that aren’t usability.” their four years at Brown. These resources are important
present in Mocha are direct reg- Fitzgerald added that in addi- This semester, concentration in setting up students for success, A historical requirement
istrations through the scheduler tion to a Morning Mail announce- declaration forms were changed Brown said. Brown’s writing requirement
and and smart course searches ment, students and staff can expect to include a new question asking dates back to the late 1800s, Mc-
which take into account whether to receive an e-mail in the near students to talk about the writing The importance of writing Sharr y said. It was the only distri-
a student has met certain course future describing these changes they have done at Brown and how “Good writing is essential to bution requirement to live through
requirements. being made to Banner. they intend to continue working learning,” according to the state- the shift to the New Curriculum
on it in the upcoming semesters, ment on writing from the College in 1969.
Bergeron said. Curriculum Council included at the In the past, the requirement
Students can still be flagged for end of Bergeron’s letter. “Across has been enforced only if a student
poor performance. The Universi- the disciplines, scholars, teachers, was flagged for lacking writing
ty is bringing back the “writing and students write to explore ideas, competence either in application
check,” a tool professors used at uncover nuances of thought, and materials or by a professor based
the end of the term to signal that a advance knowledge,” the statement on course performance. Students
student needed to work on his writ- continues. were “innocent until proven guilty,”
ing. Before the Banner system was Writing is a “means of expand- Bergeron said.
implemented, the check would be ing the capacity to think” that McSharr y said even after the
added to paper grade reports, said can “bring great cognitive gains,” implementation of the New Curric-
Kathleen McSharry, associate dean Bergeron said. With the implemen- ulum, students who were flagged
of the College for writing. In the tation of the writing requirement, were required to take a remedial
intervening time, professors could “good writers are going to become writing course.
still report students, but that would better, and weak writers are going But that model was not in line
have to be done with an e-mail to to become better,” she added. with the spirit of the requirement,
a dean, she said. Now, Comput- “Writing really is important to Bergeron said.
ing and Information Ser vices has liberal learning,” Brown said. If The new statement on writing
worked to implement the check on a student is not writing well, it is reflects a shift from a deficit model
sudoku Banner, she said. probably an indication that he is to a “plenitude model,” Bergeron
McSharry said she received be- not learning well either, he said. said. The writing requirement
tween 30 and 90 checks per year, McSharr y said the University should not be thought of in “po-
though she said she believes that wants writing to be a “holistic ex- licing or punitive terms,” Brown
number decreased during the pe- perience” at Brown, done in a wide said. It should be a “value-added
riod following the implementation range of undergraduate courses. experience,” McSharr y said.
of Banner. Administrators wanted to create The inherent difficulty in en-
“a campus-wide discourse” and en- forcing the writing requirement
Incoming problems sure that writing is on faculty and would, at many colleges, result in
First-years can also be flagged students’ minds, she added. The a required course in writing. But
based on the letters they write to new structures will primarily look requiring a course would violate
their advisers prior to arriving on at first- and second-year students, the principles of Brown’s open cur-
campus, or more rarely, based which is necessar y because the riculum, administrators said.
on their application materials or University lacks any general educa- In discussions with faculty
official communications with the tion requirements, she said. about writing at Brown, “no one
University, McSharr y said. Professors outside the dis- was interested in adding a course
In the class of 2013, 35 students ciplines typically perceived as requirement,” McSharr y said. It
were flagged based on their let- writing-intensive agreed about the would bother her, she added, to
ters to advisers, McSharr y said. importance of writing. have a requirement on the books
In general, the majority of flagged “We want people to be able to that would “mean nothing” to stu-
students are either speakers of write competently,” said Profes- dents, who would take the course
English as a second language or sor of Computer Science Andy Van simply to get it done. Advising can

Daily Herald
graduates of “under-resourced” Dam. It is “almost an unchallenged help to encourage students to ex-
the Brown
high schools, said Douglas Brown, belief” that an ability to communi- plore other areas and to take risks,
director of writing support pro- cate effectively orally and in writ- but in the end, “students make their
Editorial Phone: 401.351.3372 | Business Phone: 401.351.3260 grams and adjunct lecturer in Eng- ing is necessar y for success, he own final choices,” she said.
George Miller, President Katie Koh, Treasurer lish. Those students are encour- said. Witkin said there were a few
Claire Kiely, Vice President Chaz Kelsh, Secretary aged to work on their writing by Jan Tullis, professor of geologi- other kinds of subjects he thinks
The Brown Daily Herald (USPS 067.740) is an independent newspaper serv- their advisers and are monitored cal sciences, super vised a Group students should explore, but added
ing the Brown University community daily since 1891. It is published Monday by McSharr y’s office for evidence Independent Study Project last he would be leer y of adding them
through Friday during the academic year, excluding vacations, once during of progress, she said. year for science concentrators in- as requirements because they
Commencement, once during Orientation and once in July by The Brown Daily
Herald, Inc. Single copy free for each member of the community.
In courses, students can work terested in writing. She said she would require specific courses,
POSTMASTER please send corrections to P.O. Box 2538, Providence, RI on their writing by taking one of enjoys “coaching students to get leading to the destruction of the
02906. Periodicals postage paid at Providence, R.I. Offices are located at 195 the nonfiction writing classes of- practice” writing, both generally core principles of the New Cur-
Angell St., Providence, R.I. E-mail fered by the English department and in their fields. Being clearer riculum. The writing requirement
World Wide Web:
Subscription prices: $319 one year daily, $139 one semester daily.
or one of the WRIT-designated writers also means being clearer is much less obtrusive given that
Copyright 2010 by The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. All rights reserved. courses, McSharr y said. thinkers, she said. Writing not only there are so many courses that
Students also have the option communicates ideas to others, but involve writing, he said.
Thursday, March 4, 2010 THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Page 3

C ampus N EWS “You can all feel at home here.” — David Targan ’78,
associate dean of the College, on the new Science Center

Reception formally launches Science Center

By Ana Alvarez
Senior Staf f Writer

At a grand opening for the Science

Center held Wednesday night, fac-
ulty, students and administration
flocked to the third floor of the Sci-
ences Library to observe the new
space’s available resources. The
center has been open since Feb. 5,
but Wednesday evening marked its
formal introduction to the Brown
The opening included exhibits
by various undergraduate science
departments in the center’s study
rooms. Student groups focused on
science outreach, such as Advanc-
ing Rhode Island Science Education
and Brown Science Prep, also had
displays around the center.
David Targan ’78, associate dean
of the College for science educa-
tion, spoke briefly during the open-
ing. Targan, who was a leader in
the concept’s development, said
he hoped the center would serve
as a meeting point for all of the
University’s science resources.
“We now have an open space
that is located centrally where you
can all feel at home here,” he said
at the event.
“With students’ participation,
this will indeed become a learning
center, and we hope to have more
of the same throughout this build-
ing,” University Librarian Harriette
Hemmasi said to the crowd. “This
building needs to come to life.”
After Hemmasi spoke, Dean of
the College Katherine Bergeron
addressed the crowd.
“This is a wonderful moment for
Nick Sinnott-Armstrong / Herald
undergraduate science education David Targan ’78 spoke at the Science Center dedication.
at Brown,” she said.
Bergeron listed the various uses
of the center — a place where, she center’s history and even reading mind,” she said.
said, students, faculty, and mem- e-mails he and Bergeron sent to The event was especially in-
bers of the Providence community each other in 2006 and 2007 about tended to raise awareness among
can have a common ground in sci- the creation of the Undergraduate faculty members, who received per-
ence education. Science Education Committee and sonal invitations to the opening,
“This center speaks to several its recommendation to create the said Jackie Giovanniello ’12, who
important missions of this univer- center. works at the center’s front desk.
sity,” she said. “I am very grateful “This has been the dream of “As soon as it opened, students
and ver y proud that in this time many people and has been in the knew it was a really great place to
of fiscal constraint the University works for many years,” he said. study,” she said.
had the vision to see this project Margaret Lamb, senior instruc- Kai Morrell ’11, an environmen-
through.” tional technologist for Computer tal studies concentrator, first visited
In her speech, Bergeron also and Informational Services, dem- the center during the opening and
mentioned that Hemmasi has men- onstrated the study rooms’ new said she was excited with the po-
tioned plans to possibly expand the Smar tBoards, highlighting dif- tential she saw.
center to the fourth floor, adding ferent ways students could use “All of those different types of
that her office would support this the technology to enhance their sciences that people have at Brown
expansion. studying. don’t interact that much, and hope-
Provost David Kertzer ’69 P’95 The SmartBoard software is “re- fully this will provide a space for
P’98 spoke next, discussing the ally designed with student use in that,” she said.
The Brown Daily Herald
“We can just walk down the hill with a few homemade signs and
hopefully make a difference.” — Brendan DeWolf ’13
Thursday, March 4, 2010 | Page 4

Neighborhood clashes
on waterfront property
By Caitlin Trujillo director of current planning for the
Senior Staf f Writer Department of Planning and Devel-
opment. Southgate was concerned
Ever since the former nightclub about the legality of changing the
closed its doors over 10 years ago, zoning regulations, according to
the future of the Shooters prop- the Fox Point Neighborhood As-
erty has been subject to conten- sociation’s press release, but the
tious debate. But last week — in Commission decided to continue
what John Rousseau of the Fox with the vote.
Point Neighborhood Association Last month, the Rhode Island
described as a “hard-fought vic- Coastal Resource Management
tory” — the City Plan Commis- Council denied the Providence
sion voted to remove residential Department of Planning and De-
Rebecca Ballhaus / Herald zoning recommendations from velopment’s request to change the
Independent Lincoln Chafee ’75 was one of several gubernatorial candidates who pledged support for gay mar- the site, striking down the pos- zoning of the waters in front of the
riage rights at Wednesday’s rally. sibility of a large-scale residential Shooters site. That change would

At rally, promises to ratify marriage rights development.

The decision nullified an Oc-
tober ruling allowing residential
have turned the site from a Type 6,
which indicates use for industrial
waterfronts, to a Type 4 that would
continued from page 1 basic civil rights. It’s about love and snow, according to Gabe Schwartz development on that particular allow for multipurpose use.
respect.” ’13. portion of the waterfront, accord- Because the waters are zoned
“I would especially like to point out Kathy Kushnir, executive direc- Schwartz, who is the co-director ing to a press release issued by as industrial, they cannot legally
how many candidates for governor are tor for MERI, received a boisterous of the political action committee and the Fox Point Neighborhood As- be used for a public marina, Azar
here today,” she said to the crowd. round of applause as she announced financial director of Queer Alliance, sociation. said last month. But Rousseau has
As the speeches continued, there that “now is the time to treat all fami- said that the groups are working hard The Feb. 23 decision will align pointed to the fact that the site has
was a distinct atmosphere of hope lies equally.” She acknowledged the to get people involved. the College Hill, Wayland and Fox been previously used for exactly
at the State House. “It is rare that cause’s many supporters. “We do “This is a crucial year because of Point Neighborhood Plan with the that purpose, and that there is a
we have so much love and affection not do anything by ourselves,” she the gubernatorial candidates,” he said. Waterfront Neighborhood Plan in historic precedent.
here in this building. We have a great said. “You are all a part of marriage “We want to have a same-sex marriage their common restriction of resi- The issue might be addressed
amount of hope. The work that you’re equality.” law on the desk of the governor the dential uses like building condo- further at the next City Plan Com-
doing is working,” said State Sen. MERI is “very excited” by the turn- day he walks in.” miniums and hotels, according to mission meeting on March 16,
Charles Levesque, D-Dist. 11. out, said Kim Bright, field director QPAC worked to advertise the Rousseau. The association wants Azar said. The agenda for that
The gubernatorial candidates of- for the organization. “This is an issue protest through Facebook, class an- the Shooters site to become a pub- meeting will be made public next
fered statements of their support of a that people care a lot about in Rhode nouncements and notices in the Queer lic marina in the future. week.
same-sex marriage bill, their speeches Island,” she said. Alliance newsletter, Schwartz said. “It’s a big win for FPNA and The City Council needs to
alternating between touting the cause A major goal of the rally was to Jessica Mitter ’13, co-director of Head of the Bay Gateway, the approve the revisions when the
and promoting their campaigns. gather the many gubernatorial candi- QPAC and secretary of Queer Al- advocacy group,” Rousseau said, comprehensive plan is finished,
“In marriage equality, there is no dates to voice “out loud” their support liance, added that the groups have referring to the committee that Rousseau said. The plan, which
backseat,” said independent candidate of same-sex marriage, she said. reached out to the Brown Democrats has allied itself with the Fox Point defines the zoning for neighbor-
Todd Giroux. Brown students had a sizeable to publicize events. Neighborhood Association under hoods for the next 10 years, will
“I will not hesitate to sign a same- presence at the rally. About 30 mem- Wednesday’s marriage equality the goal of turning the Shooters then need state approval.
sex marriage bill,” said Attorney bers of both Queer Alliance and the rally was Brendan DeWolf’s ’13 first. site into an area for public use. Mayor David Cicilline ’83 will
General Patrick Lynch ’87, one of two Queer Political Action Committee “We can just walk down the hill with City Solicitor Adrienne South- attend a Fox Point Neighborhood
Democratic candidates for governor. marched down to the State House a few homemade signs and hopefully gate objected to holding the vote Association meeting on Monday,
“This is about basic human rights, through the chilly temperatures and make a difference,” he said. at the meeting, said Robert Azar, Rousseau said.

Library begins initiative Danger spots identified on streets

to support technology use continued from page 1 ally funded initiative that deploys ing,” including caps on liquor
By Corina Chase or bringing together research in a additional of ficers with special licenses granted to Thayer St.
Contributing Writer digital publication. versity Institutional Master Plan. cer tification to spot dr unken businesses, said Allison Spooner,
CDS grants often serve as a “step- The study addressed parking as drivers. Individuals arrested for president of the association.
In an effort to support the use of ping-off point” for further work or well as vehicle, bicycle and pe- drunk driving have been a mix of While serious accidents on
new technologies in teaching, learn- further research, said Elli Mylonas, destrian traffic. students and Providence locals, College Hill are uncommon, prob-
ing and research, the University Li- the center’s associate director for A direct result of the study Ryan said. lem areas like the intersection
brary launched the Center for Digital projects and research. Faculty given was the Walk, which connects “This is the only fatality I’ve of Olney Street and North Main
Scholarship in 2009. The center will a scholarly grant from the CDS will Pembroke campus and Lincoln had in a couple of years,” Ryan Street have been cited as dan-
serve as “a focal point … at Brown receive consulting time and work Field. Additional ef for ts have said of Schaefer’s death, adding gerous for pedestrians, Spooner
for digital humanities and digital time from the staff and students at been made to synchronize traf- that drunken driving is still a seri- said.
library methods and tools,” accord- the center. These grants are a way of fic lights on Angell and Waterman ous problem in Providence. The intersection of Hope and
ing to the CDS Web site. “carving out time for collaboration,” streets along the Walk, Carey The General Assembly has Thayer streets, where Schaefer
The CDS is the result of a merger Mylonas said. said. also made strides to address died, is also a problem spot, ac-
of three existing programs — the They are designed to be year- But pedestrian deaths on Col- drunken driving. cording to former and current
Center for Digital Initiatives, the long collaborations, beginning in lege Hill are extremely rare. A “The Assembly’s passed some residents.
Scholarly Technology Group and the summer, said Patrick Yott, the recent review of traf fic safety important legislation — like man- The intersection, which pro-
the Women Writers Project. The center’s director. The application records over the past three dator y license suspensions for vides scant signage and limited
three programs were already col- process for this year’s CDS grants years found that most accidents people who refuse breathalyzers,” visibility for drivers, is “extraor-
laborating, and “the convergence is underway. repor ted to the Depar tment of Rep. David Segal, D-Dist. 2, wrote dinarily dif ficult,” said Adjunct
(was) natural,” said Massimo Riva, a In the future, Yott said, the CDS Public Safety were low-speed and in an e-mail to The Herald. Lecturer in Theatre Arts and Per-
professor of Italian studies who has is excited to set up more formal re- none resulted in serious injuries, Segal also mentioned efforts formance Studies Andy Hertz ’04,
worked closely with the CDS. lationships with other centers on Carey said. to mitigate the rush that happens whose friends witnessed numer-
In addition to other activities, campus, such as the Cogut Center Another component of pedes- when bars and clubs close, and ous accidents while living at the
the CDS provides scholarly grants for the Humanities. He said he hopes trian safety — drunken driving wrote that the Providence City intersection.
for faculty members working on a to be able to set up “a sustainable — continues to be addressed by Council continues to work on “It’s a weird intersection,” said
number of different types of projects. architecture at Brown for digital the Providence Police, said Lt. “traffic calming.” Otis Warren, who has lived in the
This includes endeavors involving humanities” so that the Center will John Ryan, PPD commander for The College Hill Neighbor- neighborhood for six months.
digitizing primary source material, have “a suite of tools” ready to help Dist. 9. A key part of this effort is hood Association also “supports “For some reason, nobody stops
making data easily Web-accessible faculty with new projects. Operation Blue RIPTIDE, a feder- precautions against drunk driv- — it’s just the way it’s set up.”
Bruno Bonus
herald sports

baseball M. Lacrosse

Handful of new players With national hype, national

step into batter’s box championship hopes
By Jesse Frank ’10 brings a reliable glove to the
Spor ts Staf f Writer outfield. By Zack Bahr battle with No. 9 Duke, No. 10 American and two-time Ivy League
The jur y is still out on Brown’s Spor ts Staf f Writer Hofstra and three Ivy foes ranked player of the year Jordan Burke
Brown’s baseball team has aspira- of fense. Many untested players in the top 20. The first stop on the ’09, the Bears will turn to a largely
tions for an Ivy League title going are going to have a lot of respon- The chatter around the Brown trip back to the playoffs will be untested goalie, Matt Chriss ’11.
into the 2010 season. The team, led sibility in the lineup this season. men’s lacrosse team in anticipa- this Saturday at Hofstra. “We couldn’t be more confi-
by Head Coach Marek Drabinski, The losses of last year’s graduating tion of this season goes far beyond “We are the last team in Divi- dent in our goalie,” defenseman
is centered around strong pitching seniors Matt Nuzzo ’09, Steve Dan- College Hill. An ESPN commen- sion I to play a game so we are Peter Fallon ’11 wrote in an e-mail
and defense. iels ’09 and Robert Papenhause ’09 tator recently said that Brown really fired up to travel to Long Is- to The Herald. “He has had the
This season, the Bears will re- leaves large cleats to fill for the is “one of the most overlooked land this weekend to play against opportunity to learn the system
turn all nine pitchers from a ver y Bears offensively. teams.” Bruno is ranked 15th in a team who has become one of and gain some confidence for the
strong pitching staff last season. Co-captain Matt Colantonio the Nike/Inside Media poll. But our rivals,” quad-captain Reade past two years, so we are excited
And with five freshman pitchers, ’11, Pete Greskoff ’11 and Mike Head Coach Lars Tiffany ’90 isn’t Seligmann ’10 wrote in an e-mail to have him get the chance to
this year’s team will have greater DiBiase ’12 are expected to lead letting the nationwide hype get to The Herald. prove himself.”
depth. the offense. to his team. Along the way, the Bears will The Bears are hoping not only
The top of the Brown’s rota- “Our offense is largely untested. “I hate the word ‘expectations.’ have to take on No. 6 Princeton, to take the Ivy League Champi-
tion is especially strong. Co-captain However, we have a solid core with We will not be expectant. We will No. 8 Cornell and No. 11 Har- onship but also to win a national
Will Weidig ’10 and Mark Gormley players like Matt Colantonio, and I work for anything we achieve. vard. The last stop of the season championship for the first time in
’11 will anchor the pitching staff. think that the others are more than Our motto: Expect nothing, earn before the NCAAs will be the Ivy the program’s 84-year history. Be-
If these two can stay healthy, ready to step in and contribute ev- ever ything,” Tiffany said. League Playoffs — a new post- hind the strong leadership of cap-
Drabinksi said they will give the er y day,” Drabinski said. The man at the helm of the season tournament that will pit tains Seligmann, Charlie Kenney
Bears a distinct advantage in most The Bears are coming off of a Bears has coached his alma mater four national powerhouses against ’10, Thomas Muldoon ’10 and Jake
series. season in which they went 24-19-1 for four years now. In 2008, Tiffany each other. Westerman ’10, Brown may make
The pitching staf f will be overall and 15-5 in the Ivy League led his squad to an Ivy Champion- “That gives us a chance to get a deep run into the playoffs.
backed up by a strong defense. — one game behind Dartmouth, ship, and in 2009, Brown made a some more top-20 games,” said “I think it’s pretty realistic,”
Third baseman Ryan Zrenda ’11 the Ivy League champions. run in the NCAA Playoffs. attacker Rob Schlesinger ’12. Schlesinger said about the chance
and shortstop Graham Tyler ’12 Dartmouth is the slight favorite But the road back to the “We’re all real excited to have a of a national championship. “You
bolster the defense on the left NCAAs won’t be smoothly paved tough schedule this year.”
side of the infield and Nick Punal continued on page 8 for the Bears. They’ll have to With the loss of two-time All- continued on page 7

M. Crew.....6
W. Track.......6
Softball, 6 W. Lax, 8 W. Golf, 8
Softball......6 ON Cloud Nine Look ahead Hopes for rebound
M. Golf........7 With nine freshmen, young 1-1 team looks to make All of last year’s team is
W. Water Polo..7 squad brings new energy a run to the first-ever Ivy back, aiming to improve
W. Golf..........8 to team League Playoffs on its fall record.
Spring Sports Season Preview
The Brown Daily Herald

thursday, March 4, 2010 | Page 6

softball m. crew

Young softball team improves prospects M. crew team looks to build

By Ashley McDonnell
Contributing Writer
international reputation
With nine freshmen on the roster, By Sahar Shahamatdar cap off the season and gave us in-
the softball team has a lot of new Sports Staff Writer tense racing experience that we
faces this season. But the players can bring to this upcoming slate
and coaches believe that with the The men’s crew had one of its most of racing,” said captain Scott Mor-
new faces also comes a new attitude, impressive seasons last spring, gan ’10. And despite graduating 10
and with that new attitude come and with the return of many vet- seniors after last season, Morgan
higher expectations. eran members, this season may be said that if the team continues its
“I think the freshmen are defi- destined for greatness. rigorous training, it has a shot at
nitely pushing the upperclassmen Brown captured gold in all winning the National Champion-
and underclassmen alike,” said events at the Eastern Sprints ship this spring. But both Morgan
second baseman Erika Mueller ’13, Championship last spring and con- and Cooke noted the presence of
also a Herald sports staff writer. “If tinued its dominance at the Henley very strong competition.
you’re not working hard, there’s Royal Regatta in England. Head “We would like to build on the
definitely someone behind you that Coach Paul Cooke ’89 described success from last year, but we
wants to play.” the trip across the pond as one of recognize it’s a very competitive
Many of the freshmen will get the highlights of last season, as league,” Cooke said. “And any
a chance to play, and a handful of the varsity eight won the Ladies victories we get, we will feel very
them will start, said quad-captain Plate Challenge Cup and the fresh- fortunate about.”
Andrea Browne ’10. The freshman men eight were runners-up in the The men’s season starts March
starters are Stephanie Thompson Temple Challenge Cup. 27 at the San Diego Crew Clas-
’13 at third base, Mueller at second “It was an exhilarating way to sic.
base, Avery Silverstein ’13 in the
outfield and Liz DiMascio ’13 on w. track
the mound.
But the freshmen aren’t the only
ones raising the standard of play for
Out of doors, w. track team
dreams of redemption
this season. The upperclassmen are
stepping up to the plate as well and
are showing “the younger kids how Jonathan Bateman / Herald
Members of the softball team, including four freshman starters, compete
we play,” said quad-captain Amanda By Chan hee chu the Ivies.”
to get the plum positions on the field during games.
Asay ’10. Contributing Writer In order for the Bears to reach
Head Coach DeeDee Enabenter- players in the pitching staff,” Asay the pitching staff. We’re going to use their goals, they will be relying heav-
Omidiji said this is the first season said. more pitchers” who all have differ- Despite a disappointing finish to ily on upperclassmen.
in her four years of coaching Brown The Bears lost two dominant ent pitching styles, she said. the indoor season, the men’s and The throwers — the unques-
softball that the team has had more defensive players at the end of last With strong individual players women’s track and field teams are tioned strength of the team — return
than two seniors. “There are three season — Kelsey Wilson ’09 and in every position, Asay added that entering the outdoor season with three national qualifiers. Of the men,
seniors. I’m banking on them to of- Michelle Moses ’09. Wilson was a “as a whole team, the chemistry is enthusiasm and high expectations. All-American Craig Kinsley ’11 will
fer some great leadership.” utility player who “played at least looking good.” With key members returning from seek to improve on his third-place
On offense, the team is counting four different positions during her Enabenter-Omidiji hopes that injury and the return of all three finish in last year’s NCAA Nationals
on the hitting power of Kate Strobel four years,” while Moses contrib- this year the Bears can work their national and nine regional qualifiers in the javelin, while fellow All-Ameri-
’12, who led every offensive statisti- uted the most to the pitching staff, way up the Ivy League standings, from last year, it is easy to see cause can Bryan Powlen ’10 will also aspire
cal category last season, according Enabenter-Omidiji said. and Mueller said that she “wants for such optimism. to return to Nationals, competing in
to Enabenter-Omidiji. Asay said losing Moses is “not to win the Ivies.” “We are very excited for the the shot put and discus.
“Emily Chaddock (’11) and as much of a hit as it would seem The softball team’s season be- outdoor season, and we are look- The women throwers boast an
Kristie Chen (’11) are the key role because there’s a lot more depth to gins Saturday at the University of ing forward to training hard for the equally impressive array of athletes,
Maryland at Baltimore County for next few months,” said Interim Head including national qualifier Brynn
the UMBC Retriever Classic. Coach Michelle Eisenreich. Smith ’11 in the hammer. Coaches
“We’ve been in the gym for the “We want to improve and build also expect Danielle Grunloh ’10 to
past month” due to poor weather on the success of last year,” said make a run at Nationals this season
conditions, Browne said. “We’re ex- Assistant Coach Jill Miller. “We in the shot put and discus.
cited to play, finally, outdoors.” definitely want to be top three in Among the men’s distance run-
ners, captain Duriel Hardy ’10 — the
recent winner of the Men’s Heptago-
nal Championship at 5000 meters
— will seek to lead a talented group
of runners including Christian Es-
careno ’11, an NCAA Cross Country
individual qualifier this fall.
The women distance runners will
be lead by co-captains Michaeline
Nelson ’11 and Ariel Wright ’10. Nel-
son qualified for regionals last year,
and Wright has been a consistent
threat to score in the 3k.
For jumps, the men will be count-
ing heavily on Andrew Chapin ’10
and Reggie Cole ’10 in the triple
On the women’s side for jumps,
Anja Hergrueter ’10 will be looking
to qualify again for regionals.
In sprints, the men will rely once
again on Mike Mazerik ’10 and Marc
Howland ’11.
The women, on the other hand,
will look to Thelma Breezeatl ’10 in
the shorter sprints. Lucy Higgins ’11
and Jasmine Chukwueke ’11 should
lead the Bears in the 400 meter. Su-
san Scavone ’12 is also expected to
be a factor in hurdles.
Page 7 THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spring Sports Season Preview

equestrian m. golf

Riders expect to sit Team aims to finish under par

among nation’s elite By Erika Mueller
Spor ts Staf f Writer
Hughes said. “We are star ting
three freshmen, and they are
playing on bigger courses against
After a fast-paced four weeks of
play, both the men’s and women’s
teams will travel to Springfield,
Relying heavily on a young group better competition.” N.J., for the Ivy League Cham-
By Tony Bakshi flew down to West Palm Beach for still getting used to the challenges “We had a great group of kids pionship. This year, the tourna-
S por ts Staf f Writer about a week and rode ever y day of college golf, the men’s golf last year and lost our three se- ment will be held at the world-
at a stable and were able to learn team is looking to finish in the niors who were a big part of the renowned Baltusrol Golf Club.
The equestrian team will look to from professional coaches.” top half of the Ivy League this team,” Amato said. “The dynamic Baltusrol is one of the countr y’s
maintain its position atop the sea- At Wesleyan, the team finished spring, according to Head Coach has changed a lot because now premiere private golf clubs and
son standings during the spring in second place with 30 points, Mike Hughes. we have three freshmen.” has hosted a record number of
campaign. In November, Brown falling to its chief rival, URI, which “We finished last last year,” The fall proved to be an adjust- 15 USGA Championships.
finished the fall season with a finished with 38 points. Brown Hughes said. “I would like to ment period for the underclass- “It’s probably the largest
20-point advantage over the Uni- excelled in open fences, with Ra- think we are upper-echelon. men. course we’ve played on,” Amato
versity of Rhode Island, 177-157. chel Griffith ’10 and Liz Giliberti Four th or higher would be a “I think the toughest thing was said. “It’s really gonna show.
The Bears opened the second half ’10 taking first in the second and good, realistic goal.” going from the talent level where You’re not gonna be able to win
of the season with a show at Wes- third classes, respectively. Captain John Giannuzzi ’10 you are at the top of your level, it unless you’re the best.”
leyan on Feb. 13, after a winter of Woroniecka said Brown’s main said it’s just a matter of playing then you go to the bottom of your Williams said he has used vid-
training and preparation. competitors for the title through- well at the right time. pool,” Williams said. eo games to gain an extra edge
“The team par ticipates in a out the spring shows will be the “If we play our best, there’s “I think it’s having to deal with on the competition.
team trip down to Florida to keep University of Rhode Island and no reason we shouldn’t finish to- other people. Instead of being just “By playing Baltustrol on the
in shape over winter break,” wrote the University of Connecticut, ward the top of the Ivy League,” like an individual sport, it’s now Wii and Tiger Woods PGA Tour
Karolina Woroniecka ’13 in an e- which is currently third in the he added. a team one,” Ardell said. “Not 2010, we’re going to be able to
mail to The Herald. “This year, we standings. Giannuzzi and Michael Amato only dealing with this, but you see how our swings and our ball
’11 are the only two golfers in are learning to play with as much play before we even go onto the
Brown’s projected top five who time as you have.” course,” he said.
have competed in an Ivy Cham- “The weather has added some With a young team that lacks
pionship. The team will need con- dimension of difficulty,” Mylott much collegiate golf experience,
w. crew sistent performances from three said. “You are playing in a higher the Bears will be looking for any
newcomers in order to challenge stage than you have ever been extra advantage they can get.

After winter rest, back to the other Ivies this season.

J. D. Ardell ’13, Jack Mylott
’13 and Chris Williams ’13 are
acclimated to.”
The Bears have been practic-
ing indoors lately and probably
And despite a difficult fall, they
remain optimistic for the spring

the races for rowers each expected to make an imme-

diate impact during the shor t,
won’t be able to get outside until
spring break — the same week
“I think we’re in a great posi-
tion this year,” Amato said. “With
five-week spring competition. they open their season at Arizona all five of us, we’ll definitely have
By Sahar Shahamatdar the fall season. Bruno started its “We are a ver y young team,” State on March 31. a chance.”
Spor ts Staf f Writer fall schedule at the Head of Charles,

M. lacrosse to play at Gillette Stadium

taking eighth in a ver y packed
The Bears head into the spring meet. The team went on to finish
season determined to continue with two boats in the top seven at
their historical dominance — with the Princeton Chase and wrapped continued from page 5 between fellow Ivy Leaguers Cor- rivals,” Tiffany said in an interview
six NCAA titles under their belt up the fall season by winning the nell and Dartmouth. with the New England Lacrosse
— even though several members Foot of Charles, beating Ivy rivals look at a team like Cornell last “Gillette Stadium provides our Classic directors.
noted that the competition is get- Har vard and Dartmouth. year — who we beat — and they program the opportunity to play But before they take the big
ting tougher. With seven returning seniors made it to the national champion- in a championship venue, in front stage, Brown plays its home open-
The women’s crew finished the and a productive indoor training ship, so I definitely think it’s a of the New England lacrosse com- er on Wednesday against Hartford
previous spring season fifth overall session, Bruno rows against its realistic goal.” munity against one of our biggest at 3 p.m.
in the nation after an outstanding first competitor, URI, on March The Bears will have a chance to
performance at NCAAs. In August, 20. The official season starts at play in a high-profile game against
the team won the ECAC Turfer Princeton on March 27, with the Princeton on April 3. Bruno will
award, which is based on overall EAWRC Sprints coming up on May play the Tigers at Gillette Stadium
performance. And the team proved 16 and the NCAA Championships in Foxboro, Mass., for the New
its dominance over and over during on May 28. England Lacrosse Classic. The
series will also feature a matchup

w. water polo

Strength in players, not in numbers

By Andrew Braca the players to do “a lot more endur- The Bears will have to endure
A ssistant S por ts E ditor ance training” to prepare for the a tough March. This weekend,
grind of playing multiple games Brown travels to Indiana for the
The women’s water polo team is in one day but of fered benefits Elite Eight Championship against
aiming high this season, and a as well. top East Coast schools, facing No.
strong star t has given the Bears “It allows us to be a really tight- 18 Indiana first.
cause for optimism. Br uno has knit team,” she said. Over spring break, Brown
started 8-1 and is now ranked No. Presant said Br uno benefits will travel to California to play
17 in the countr y after avenging its from being a cerebral team. 12 games in nine days, including
only loss by beating then-No. 17 “For people to be curious and showdowns with No. 1 Southern
Princeton, 10-9, to win the ECAC ask questions and tr y and under- California and five other teams
Championship in the Tigers’ own stand the conceptual nature of the ranked or drawing votes in the
pool on Sunday. game, it really gives us a leg up on national poll.
“It is really exciting to see us the competition, in the sense that Presant said the team’s ultimate
come together as a cohesive unit we’re thinking through things and goal is to compete in the NCAA
with our five new freshmen that really adapting,” she said. Championship.
we have,” said tri-captain Lauren The team is led by Presant and “It hasn’t been done for quite
Presant ’10. Glick — both First Team All-East some time,” she said. “The Brown
Yet the Bears are succeeding selections last year — on of fense program really has a lot of hear t,
with a small team. Tri-captain and 2009 Honorable Mention All- and ever yone is really determined
Sarah Glick ’10 said the size was a American goalie Stephanie Laing to work hard and see what we can
double-edged sword that required ’10. make out of it.”
Page 8 THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spring Sports Season Preview

w. lacrosse W. golf

For w. lax, old grudges over From an erratic fall, w.

By Tory Elmore
Spor ts Staf f Writer
golf aims for a rebound
Playing sports in high school, most By Erika Mueller maining tournaments.
athletes probably remember hav- Spor ts Staf f Writer “Well, we kicked Dartmouth’s
ing an arch-nemesis, that player on ass in the fall,” Restrepo said. “So
their rival school’s team that they The women’s golf team returns traditionally, they are our biggest
just couldn’t stand. Maybe they to the course this month after an rivals.”
played nasty on the field. Maybe inconsistent fall, and captain Susan The Bears are aiming for more
they refused to shake hands post- Restrepo ’11 said she hopes to lead consistency this spring and are
game. Maybe they were the only the team to a top-three finish among remaining positive each day of
other player on the field that could the Ivies this year. competition.
keep up. “We are a young team, and I “We had an OK fall,” said Heath-
Lily Ricci ’13 and Nancy Bak- think that we are starting to achieve er Arison ’12. “I definitely think we
er ’12 — both state champions in goals,” Restrepo said. “As a team, had some good rounds and not-
Ohio and high school All-Amer- we really started rebuilding my so-good rounds. We are definitely
ican women’s lacrosse players freshman year, and we’re finally tr ying to improve on our scores
— thought they’d seen the last of to the point where we feel good and tournament standings.”
each other when Baker’s team beat about our ability to come in first “We really focused on the short
Ricci’s in the 2008 state champion- at a tournament.” game (in the fall) because in col-
ship game. Baker graduated later Last year, the Bears earned a lege golf, that is where the tourna-
that year, thinking she’d had the sixth-place finish at the Ivy League ments are won,” Straty said. “Right
last laugh. Championship and were the young- now, we are really working on our
But the two would meet again. est team at the tournament. The mental game. We are doing a lot of
This time, as teammates. Bears return their entire roster fitness as well. Core and strength
Maybe it’s fate. Maybe it’s just a this year and add one more, Claire training will hopefully give us an
small world. Either way, the former Straty ’13. edge.”
rivals have put their differences be- “Claire is a great teammate,” Re- “We are definitely better,” said
hind them. They both contributed strepo said. “She’s fun to be around, Carly Arison ’12. “Ever y year is
to an impressive season-opening and she has added energy and opti- different. The competition always
win when Brown hosted Sacred mism to our team dynamic.” gets better.”
Heart last Saturday. “There are different strengths The young team opens the
The Bears put on an exhibition, on the team,” Straty said. “It pro- spring schedule March 14 at the
defeating the Pioneers, 14-6. vides a healthy amount of compe- Texas State Invitational.
Their success can no doubt be Jonathan Bateman / Herald tition among us because you can “I think that we have come a
Practices run nearly 20 hours per week for the women’s lacrosse
attributed to the countless hours only take five.” long way in two and a half years,”
training, lifting and scrimmaging In the fall, Brown finished in Restrepo said. “I think that it’s
in the past six months. … it’s how you overcome them that united front if they want to finish in third place at the first tournament exciting. We look for ward to our
“We wanted to make practices makes a great team,” McDonald the top four of the Ivy League and of the year, and then placed fifth, first tournament in Texas in two
as challenging as possible,” said said. “They know how to respond qualify for the first-ever Ivy League 12th, third and second in their re- weeks.”
Head Coach Keely McDonald in that they’re always together and Women’s Lacrosse Tournament.
’00. always optimistic.” The outcome of Saturday’s
She’s not kidding. Team prac- Anyone eating in the V-Dub game suggests that the team has
tices have averaged three hours
in length, recently upwards of six
post-lacrosse practice can see how
close the team has become: Even
what it takes.
Paris Waterman ’11 and captain LSU to give baseball
early challenge
times a week. But the girls are Baker and Ricci can be spotted Bethany Buzzell ’10 proved them-
confident that all their hard work together, chatting and laughing selves players to watch, scoring
is about to pay off. like old friends. three goals apiece, while newcom-
“Every team faces challenges They’ll need to present a strong, er Lindsay Minges ’13 also made
a statement on the field, scoring a
goal and assisting another in her continued from page 5
career debut.
Minges and Ricci are two of to win the Ivy League title again
eight talented freshmen. The first- this year, according to College-
years represent a third of the entire But the Bears
team. are confident that they can de-
“This year has a lot of young throne the champs.
kids, so we had to rework how we “This year we expect to win
were going to work as a team to the Ivy League, and anything less
get to where we are,” McDonald would be a huge disappointment,”
said. Greskof f said. “We fell one win
For the athletes, “reworking” short last year and we know what
meant back to the basics. it feels like to be in position to win
“When we started this year, as it.”
coaches we made a dedication to Last year’s close call ser ves as
the fundamentals because we have motivation for the Bears to improve
such a young team,” McDonald this year. “Our team is still bitter
said. “And it’s worked. Their stick from what happened last year,” Col-
skills are better than last year.” antonio said. “We know that if we
Seven of the newcomers saw play to our full potential, we have
field time on Saturday, with Min- the pieces to win the league. This
ges, Ricci and Sidney Jacobs ’13 season is in our own hands.”
making it into the starting line- The Bears’ season gets off to
up. a tough star t when they go on
Veterans Kara Kelly ’10 and the road to play last year’s NCAA
Kiki Manners ’10, tri-captains champion Louisiana State and pe-
along with Buzzell, anchored the rennial powerhouses Pepperdine
defense and can be expected to do and South Carolina. But the Bears
so all season. are confident going into the chal-
The Bears host Quinnipiac lenging games, Greskoff said.
this Sunday and look to improve The Bears don’t have their first
Olivia Means / Herald
their record to 2-1 after a 9-5 loss home game until April 7, when they The Bears wind up for another
at Boston University late Wednes- host Siena. The team’s first Ivy season, seeking the title of Ivy
day afternoon. League game is April 3 at Penn. League champions in baseball.
Thursday, March 4, 2010 THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Page 9

C ampus N EWS “Each orgasm is unique, like a snowflake.”

— Dorian Solot ’95, orgasm expert

Expert says orgasms are a ‘renewable resource’

continued from page 1 I could find about orgasm. I never that orgasms may “run out,” Solot strength of orgasms. fortable talking about it, which I
imagined that later my career in assured the crowd that orgasms are Lizette Chaparro ’12 credited the guess is the purpose of most sexu-
discussion groups. female orgasm would pay my mort- a “renewable resource.” duo with engaging the audience. “It’s ality-related events here at Brown,”
“Students are sometimes sur- gage,” Solot wrote. Unlike what we may be told to really hard to get a group of 500 to said Aida Manduley ’11, another of
prised that we really do cover it all: Her knowledge and comfort with believe through television shows and pay attention,” she said. the event’s organizers.
the G-spot, multiple orgasms, how her body also may have saved her other media, “each orgasm is unique, Safiyah Hosein ’11, one of the Miller and Solot, who both iden-
to have your first orgasm, how to life, she told the audience. She was like a snowflake,” Solot said. primary organizers of this event, tify as bisexual, will be presenting
help your girlfriend. And it’s really able to locate a strange lump in her Solot and Miller also offered prac- hoped that this talk would help au- “Bi Popular Demand,” which will
funny, too,” Solot wrote in an e-mail breast when she was 26 — not an tical advice about how to achieve or dience members “get to know your focus on the gray area between gay
to The Herald. age when women typically get mam- help a partner achieve a female or- body and the way it works.” and straight, on Thursday at 7 p.m.
Both Miller, a former executive mograms — which turned out to be gasm. “The males scamper around, “I still talk to people who are like, in List 110. Resource sheets left over
editor of The Herald, and Solot cancerous, she said. Through early the females are harder to locate,” ‘I’ve never orgasmed,’ and that’s re- from Wednesday’s event will be avail-
focused their studies at Brown on detection and successful treatment, Solot said about what one audience ally sad to me,” she said. able at the Sarah Doyle Women’s
issues about sexuality. Miller con- she has now been in remission for member described as the “elusive” “I hope students feel more com- Center.
centrated in sexuality and society — over 10 years. female orgasm.
now known as gender and sexuality At the workshop, which was During part of the two-hour pre-
studies. sponsored by a number of student sentation, the audience was split
Solot first learned about the fe- and campus life groups, the pair also into three self-identifying groups
male orgasm and masturbation as spent time clearing up lingering or- — females, males and those who
a sophomore when she attended a gasm myths. identify as transgender or preferred
dean’s annual lecture on the topic, Miller blamed an incomplete not to choose a group — in order
she said. She purchased a book from high school sex education curricu- to have more personal, frank con-
the recommended reading list and lum for the ignorance surrounding versations.
credits her first orgasm later that female orgasms. “We learned about “I was really glad that they were
semester to its instruction. “That fallopian tubes,” Miller said — while inclusive with the language that they
was the best $5.99 I ever spent,” she physically demonstrating what they used,” said Zoe Stephenson ’12, who
told the audience. looked like — but he noted that “the attended the event.
She was also part of a group of clitoris is often left out” of illustra- Solot and Miller ended the
students who brought sex education tions. presentation on a humorous note,
to Providence public high schools, Solot also discussed the negative showing the audience a vibrating
she wrote to The Herald. “I got an messages that women may receive electronic Harr y Potter-inspired
incredibly smart, thorough initial throughout their lives about sexual- “Nimbus 2000” Mattel toy, which
training as a sex educator through ity. Women are taught how to say may have given customers more
that project.” no so many times that they “forget pleasure than intended.
“I spent a trillion hours in the about how to say yes,” Solot said. They also gave exercise rec-
Rock reading every journal article In response to audience worries ommendations for improving the
Editorial & Letters
The Brown Daily Herald

Page 10 | Thursday, March 4, 2010

R ichard S tein and P aul T ran

e d i to r i a l

Keeping the peace

Rhode Island School of Design wants its public safety frequency. Arrests are almost never the best way to
officers to be able to make arrests, and a bill in the respond to student conduct issues. A change in the
state’s General Assembly would give these officers department’s status should aim to make students
the authorization to do just that. We encourage the safer without increasing the number of students who
General Assembly to pass the bill. find themselves in handcuffs.
Currently, RISD public safety officers can only This bill is especially appropriate in light of recent
make citizen’s arrests, which are permitted if an events. On Oct. 20, RISD public safety officers caught
officer witnesses a felony or is explicitly asked by Luis Mendonca, 20, of Pawtucket, attempting to break
state-sanctioned police to assist in an arrest. The bill into a RISD dorm. The officers called for backup
would designate members of RISD’s department of from Providence Police, but ultimately decided to let
t h e b r o w n d a i ly h e r a l d public safety as peace officers, which would give them the man go. Instead of leaving peacefully, however,
the authority to search, detain and arrest suspects if Mendonca assaulted the RISD officers and fled the
Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Deputy Managing Editors Senior Editors
Ellen Cushing there is probable cause that suspect has committed scene. Eventually, several Providence Police officers
George Miller Chaz Kelsh Sophia Li
Emmy Liss Seth Motel a crime. Campus police at Brown, the University caught up with Mendonca in a parking lot, leading
Joanna Wohlmuth
of Rhode Island and Rhode Island College are all to a violent encounter that briefly left him in a coma.
editorial Business
General Managers Office Manager recognized as peace officers. RISD is not currently The Providence Police officer responsible for Men-
Anne Speyer Arts & Culture Editor
Suzannah Weiss Arts & Culture Editor Claire Kiely Shawn Reilly seeking to arm its officers, which would require ad- donca’s injuries has since been charged with assault,
Brian Mastroianni Features Editor Katie Koh ditional authorization from the state. and Mendonca himself was convicted of assaulting
Hannah Moser Features Editor Directors
Brigitta Greene Metro Editor Kelly Wess Sales RISD has been pushing for the peace officer des- the RISD officers.
Ben Schreckinger Metro Editor Matthew Burrows Finance ignation since last year, and we see no reason for it A spokesperson for RISD told the Providence Jour-
Sydney Ember News Editor Margaret Watson Client Relations
Nicole Friedman News Editor Christiana Stephenson Alumni Relations
to be denied. There are over 2,000 students at RISD nal that the request is not the result of any particular
Dan Alexander Sports Editor and the school is not quite crime-free. According to event. But when we consider the circumstances of the
Andrew Braca Asst. Sports Editor Managers
Tuesday’s Providence Journal, the school reported October incident, we think that the power to arrest
Han Cui Asst. Sports Editor Arjun Vaidya Local Sales
Marco deLeon National Sales five burglaries and two sexual assaults in 2008. Cam- certainly would not have made things worse.
Graphics & Photos Aditi Bhatia University Sales pus police should have the power to better protect the The status of the RISD officers and their actions
Stephen Lichenstein Graphics Editor Jared Davis University Sales
Alex Yuly Graphics Editor Trenten Nelson-Rivers Recruiter Sales RISD community and deal with manageable incidents that night certainly didn’t cause the lamentable out-
Nick Sinnott-Armstrong Photo Editor Maximillian Barrows Business Operations themselves. come that left Mendonca seriously injured. But had
Max Monn Asst. Photo Editor Jilyn Chao Sales Analytics
Jonathan Bateman Sports Photo Editor Alexander Carrere Special Projects Forcing RISD public safety officers to wait for the RISD officers’ powers been slightly broader, their
Kathy Bui Staff backup from the Providence Police can create confu- initial confrontation with Mendonca perhaps could
Production Opinions sion and allow a situation to deteriorate. Additionally, have gone differently. Nonetheless, even irrespective
Kelly Mallahan Copy Desk Chief Michael Fitzpatrick Opinions Editor
Jordan Mainzer Asst. Copy Desk Chief Alyssa Ratledge Opinions Editor the RISD department of public safety has a familiarity of this counterfactual, the General Assembly still has
Marlee Bruning Design Editor
Editorial Page Board with the school that will allow it to better respond to reason to pass the bill as soon as possible.
Anna Migliaccio Asst. Design Editor Matt Aks Editorial Page Editor campus incidents and matters involving students.
Julien Ouellet Asst. Design Editor Debbie Lehmann Board member
Neal Poole Web Editor William Martin
While we support RISD’s request, we don’t expect Editorials are written by The Herald’s editorial page board.
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The Brown Daily Herald

Thursday, March 4, 2010 | Page 11

Safer sex on a Saturday night

It seems that a good number of the respon- ous consequences of false accusations should in order to respect their bodily autonomy, but
ANDREA dents to the column on the Daily Princeto- move us toward ensuring that the system for to respect our own value as sexual partners.
MATTHEWS nian online and IvyGate have some friend or investigating and prosecuting rape on college 2. Speak with our partners before, during
friend-of-a-friend who was falsely accused of campuses is fair, rather than discrediting all and after intercourse. Not only should verbal
Opinions Columnist
rape and narrowly escaped libelous scandal. allegations of sexual assault. consent be necessary (but not necessarily
But research on campus sexual assault tells One of the most contentious issues is what sufficient) before sex, but partners should
a different story. A Department of Justice constitutes consent in the first place. If two communicate their boundaries clearly at all
A disturbing opinions column ran in the Daily report issued in 2000, titled “The Sexual Vic- (or, I suppose, more) students are both in- times during the process.
Princetonian on Feb. 22 (“The real ‘Sex on a timization of College Women” and available toxicated — significantly intoxicated — can 3. Refrain from consuming significant
Saturday Night’ ” by Iulia Neagu). The thesis from the National Institute of Justice at www. either of them legitimately consent to having amounts of alcohol if we ourselves plan on
was that a girl becoming significantly intoxi-, found that intercourse? Legally speaking, no. being sexually active. Though I earnestly hope
cated is “equivalent to agreeing to anything 95.2 percent of women sampled who had been But is this legal definition workable in an it does not happen often, I must acknowledge
that might happen to her while in this state,” that both men and women on this campus at
and that a serious injustice is done to men times consume alcohol with the intention of
by women who — Neagu alleges — falsely garnering the courage they feel they need to
cry rape when both parties had sex while Is it too hard to ask that both men and women on find a sexual partner. A good rule of thumb:
intoxicated. If you need to be drunk to do it, you shouldn’t
What is most troubling is the idea that men this campus simply refrain from having sex with be doing it at all.
or women who choose to drink implicitly ac- partners who are significantly intoxicated? The above suggestions are not designed to
cept whatever may happen to them while they be a silver bullet against instances of sexual
are under the influence. Does an intoxicated assault. They are merely a plea for all parties
individual implicitly consent to being robbed? involved in sexual intercourse to be more re-
Punched? Stabbed? Of course not. But there raped in college did not report their assaults. environment in which alcohol and sexual ac- sponsible for themselves and more respectful
lurks in Neagu’s opinion a more interesting, Of those, 46.9 percent did not report because tivity often go hand in hand? We cannot walk of each other.
and less clean-cut, question. they did not want other people to know. around with breathalyzers and monitor the Too often in considering these situations,
But before we get there, let’s just be crystal Anecdotes about friends-of-friends false- BACs of all potential sexual partners. Here we gravitate toward hypotheticals that lend
clear. Men and women can consume alcohol, ly accused of rape are powerful, and when are some things that we can do: themselves to relatively simple ethical judg-
meet each other at parties, engage in sexual blown out of proportion, they can have the 1. Be more aware and considerate of the ments. The truth is, sexual assault on college
activity that does not include intercourse … pronounced and detrimental effect of disem- level of intoxication of our sexual partners. Is campuses is not a black-and-white issue. The
and still not intend to have sex. For that matter, powering men and women who have been it too hard to ask that both men and women more responsibly all of us act, the better we
no series of interaction is capable of obtaining sexually assaulted, who may fear judgment and on this campus simply refrain from having can protect ourselves from any involvement
implicit consent for any “next step” in physical disbelief encouraged by these very stories. sex with partners who are significantly in- in sexual assault.
intimacy. The only way to truly and completely False rape accusations have the power toxicated? I cannot make some bright line
ascertain consent is verbally, and even then, to ruin the reputations and college careers distinction as to what state is “too intoxicated”
only without coercion. There is no such thing of the accused (even more, if prosecution to have sex. But we should be able to respect Andrea Matthews ’11 realizes she is
as “asking for it,” without literally and honestly continues off campus), and cast doubt on the ourselves and each other enough to choose about to become significantly less
asking for it. legitimacy of true accusations. But the seri- partners who can lucidly consent — not only popular at parties.

Brown students for Palestine (and Israel)

support human rights and equality. port the goal of the campaign, which is divest- existence of Israel to my left and my right,
During this week, I anticipate you will hear ment of Brown University funds from Israeli I say, don’t feel delegitimized. Please don’t
ROBERTA GOLDMAN no mention of life happening within Israel companies. Nevertheless, I am a practiced let what feels like an omnipresent voice of
Guest Columnist that is the opposite of apartheid. There are critic of the Israeli government and army. I condemnation against Israel alienate you or
places in Israel, like the cities of Lod, Jaffa am grieved by Palestinian suffering caused by your views. Contrary to the campaign’s frame,
and Acre, where Christians, Jews, Muslims, their decisions. I want to fight for a Palestin- you can support Palestine AND Israel. Ask
blacks, whites, Arabs and Asians work to- ian state that has self-governance, equality, around, and you will soon realize you are far
As students, university life bombards us each gether toward common goals like eradicating stability and prosperity. I believe in the right from alone.
day with words. We listen to professors lecture, inner-city violence, educating at-risk children to self-determination for both Israelis and This campaign pains me because it blames
talk with our friends and read words of great or providing food for the hungry. In this melt- Palestinians. I dream of the day when the one group and exonerates the other. It crimi-
scholars. Words represent concepts through ing pot, citizens live together and possess Palestinian state will be established alongside nalizes one group and victimizes the other. It
which we understand the world. They are the same rights. Obviously, inequality exists the existing Israeli state. I acknowledge this offers only a simplified and single-sided view
the content of the way we think, the tenets in in Israel as in any nation, including ours, but will require a reduction of Israeli lands and a of a very complex situation. My suspicion is
which we believe and the activities in which we that most students believe in both states. Don’t
engage. Language is our most powerful tool let this week divide the Brown campus. End
of knowledge, and it should not be distorted. the polarization that Israel Apartheid Week
“The cheapening of words is a great moral Instead of acknowledging both this positive creates. The world, the Middle East and this
danger,” a fellow student told me yesterday.
For this reason, we carry a deep and heavy
reality and the unbearable reality experienced campus are divided by enough issues. Let’s
make this an issue about which Brown can
burden: The burden of intellectual honesty by Palestinians in the territories, this week unite. We as the Brown community can sup-
and ethical responsibility for the words we port both the creation of a Palestinian state and
choose. compacts the many things that Israel is into the the defense of the existing Israeli country.
There is an event happening on campus
now which makes me question whether we
simple title of apartheid. I lost a close friend, an Israeli veteran and
the most adamant pursuer of peace and justice
value the urgency of our responsibility to use I have ever met, about two weeks ago. If he
language properly. One goal of Israel Apart- were here, I strongly believe he would have
heid Week is clear just from its title: to associ- within its borders Israel is not racially divided. relocation of Israeli settlers in the Palestinian been writing this article instead of me. A few
ate Israel with a hateful regime of oppression, Instead of acknowledging both this positive territories of the West Bank. I only wish that months ago, Avi Schaefer ’13 wrote, “Only
segregation and discrimination. The charged reality and the unbearable reality experienced those supporting the creation of the Palestin- through recognition of the other side will
language used by its organizers conveys a by Palestinians in the territories, this week ian state would express with the same fervor there be peace.” Let’s recognize each other
message that we, as human beings committed compacts the many things that Israel is into the enduring importance of the existence of and use our words toward a constructive end.
to morality, couldn’t possibly disagree with. the simple title of apartheid. It substitutes a the state of Israel instead of vilifying Israel and Brown should move forward together, not
Having a huge sign on the Main Green that bold and ugly concept for the challenge of calling for divestment from its economy. backwards apart.
asks, “Do You Want Your School Profiting from understanding an exceptionally nuanced and All students are entitled to advocate their
Apartheid?” leaves no room for objection. This politically complex circumstance. Imposing personal beliefs, but not to the extent that
presentation makes opinions on the Israeli- this historical paradigm rife with associations they trample upon fellow students’ beliefs. Roberta Goldman ’13 wrote this column
Palestinian conflict mutually exclusive: If you will take us nowhere except backward. I feel trampled by the terminology of this in memory of Avi Schaefer ’13. She can
are pro-Israel, you support apartheid. If you I am a Brown student for Palestine in the campaign and think others fighting for peace be contacted at
are pro-Palestine, or perhaps anti-Israel, you most literal sense of the phrase. I don’t sup- may as well. To those voices that support the
Today 4 City to revitalize site of former club to day to m o r r o w

The Brown Daily Herald

A sprawling spring sports preview

Thursday, March 4, 2010
38 / 28 41 / 26
Page 12

t h e n e w s i n i m ag e s inside

Inside today’s Post-

Secrets of safewalk, boozing it up
in brew-nonia, Lorrie Moore and the
post-9/11 novel, the philosophy of
Ratty Gourmet, spring film preview,
and celebrating Presidents’ Day the
Irish Way
Plus!: a new satire column, Brown

band Dorado gets naked, and Post-
’s got some ideas for balancing the

c a l e n da r comics
Today, March 4 tomorrow, March 5 Cabernet Voltaire | Abe Pressman

6 p.M. — “The Palestinian Refugee 12 P.M. — Peace Corps Info Session,

Issue in Israel-American Relations Career Development Center
since 1967,” Joukowsky Forum

8 P.M. — Lulu, Stuart Theatre all day — 2010 French Film Festival,
Cable Car Cinema

Sharpe Refectory Verney-Woolley Dining Hall
Dot Comic | Eshan Mitra and Brendan Hainline
Lunch — Vegan Nuggets, Zucchini Lunch — Honey Mustard Chicken
Yianchi, Canadian Bacon, Cheddar Sandwich, Vegetarian Pot Pie,
Mashed Potatoes Chocolate Flake Cookies

Dinner — Vegetarian Tamale Pie, Dinner — Vegan Paella, Pork

Creole Eggplant, Salt and Pepper Jerk Medallions in Portobello Sauce,
Chicken, Sugar Snap Peas Rainbow Sprinkle Cake

Fruitopia | Andy Kim

Hippomaniac | Mat Becker

Island Republic | Kevin Grubb

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