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Department of Language Teaching Methodology

Observation and Analytic Protocol

Trainee Teacher: Tanja Ivanovska 860182
Observation Date:20th October 2009
Time: Start:14:15 End: 14:50
School: 133 SOU A.S. Pushkin
Mentor Teacher: Iliyana Blagoeva
Section A: Basic descriptive information <include details about teacher, grade level, details about
These students are 12th grade and this is their first lesson today. English is their second language,
so they have five English classes a week.
Some of the students have been late for the class and some of them were not interesting in the
class and were talking with each other. The teacher is trying to calm them down and want to get their
intention with asking questions about their holidays about their day.
Their book is called English in Mind and it is divided into different sections.
Section B: Teaching and learning procedures
Procedure (contents and participation
structure, instructional time, etc.)
The teacher gives them one task in which they
should translate few sentences into English. The
teacher is explaining what they are supposed to
do in this task. She gives them ten minutes.
Students are asked to read the answers and also
to write the correct sentences on the blackboard.
Teaching and learning activities
Students are familiar with this task of
translations. Next task is reading exercise. They
learn some useful collocations and phrase.
Teacher is explaining some unfamiliar words and
asks volunteers to give examples of synonyms.
Some of them are more creative and want to
accomplish the task perfectly, those who do not
listen are supposed to answer additional question.

At the end of the class the teacher gives them

Analysis, Evaluation, Recommendation

This is a good start for the students, some of them

are more creative and work more quickly; they
seem to study English with all their heart and
strive to be the best in the group.

Most of the students are speaking on their mother

language, and those who are interesting in the
class are using their target language. The reading
exercise helps students to learn new words and to
improve their pronunciation.
The main goal here is: speaking, reading,
listening, remembering, and writing.

With the homework students are expected to do

the exercise in order to learn and remember the
topic that has been learning in the class.

Section C: Overall ratings of the lesson <include summaries of the objectives and contents of the
The teacher starts the lesson with translation task. The teacher dictates sentences and gives
students 5 min. to translate them in English. The students should be familiar with Modal verbs,
because the sentence that they have to translate contains modals. They should be able to translate the
sentences that the teacher gives them and they should know to use the right modal verb. Teacher also
tries to make the students who are not listening translate a sentence, which is a good way to make all
of the students active and also shows the students what they should try to improve. Teacher corrects
the mistakes.
Next task is reading exercise. They learn some useful collocations and phrase. Teacher is
explaining some unfamiliar words and asks volunteers to give examples of synonyms.
Some of them are more creative and want to accomplish the task perfectly, those who do not listen are
supposed to answer additional question.
Section D: Overall assessment of the quality of the lesson <is this a good lesson, why?
I think that this is a good lesson because students have been doing very well all exercises that
have been given to them. And with the reading exercise students are feeling motivated and stimulated
to talk.
Section E: Recommendation <how can the efficacy of the lesson be improved?>
I think that the teacher shouldnt spend so much time to calm them down, this time could be
more useful by spending it for doing more exercise or speak on some topic to improve their

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