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The God Who Works

What did you learn from todays lesson, and how will you
apply it to your life?
Do you believe that all God does is good? How can you
grow in your appreciation of Gods creation and work
this week?


Do you trust that God is at work in your life? In what area

do you need to trust Him more? How will you declare your
dependence on God every day?

Thank God for who He is and what He has done. Thank God
for His faithfulness and goodness.
Pray that you would always trust and submit to Him, knowing
that He is at work and His work is good.
Pray that you would delight in God and in the work you do,
and that your godly example will lead many others to Him.

What do you like best about working? Why?

2015 by VICTORY
All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV), Copyright 2001
by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Permission to photocopy this material is granted for local church use. This is not for sale.

Who is the most hardworking person you know?

Recall an instance explaining this.
Are you a creative person? Whats the most
creative thing youve done?


But Jesus answered them, My Father is working

until now, and I am working. JOHN 5:17

And God saw everything that he had made, and behold,

it was very good. And there was evening and there was
morning, the sixth day. GENESIS 1:31

Jesus spoke condently about God the Father workingeven

until now. God works, and this is a reection of His nature and
character. In this lesson, we will look at these truths about God
working from the story of creation in Genesis 1 and 2.

Gods work is good.

Everything God made was very good. Thats just how

God is. He never makes anything substandard or broken.
Despite the presence of sin in the world, creation retains its
goodness. Since we are made in Gods image and likeness,
what kind of work should we do?

God is at work.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

God created the world, and He has always been at work.

In fact, He is the only One who can make something out
of nothing. He is the ultimate miracle-worker, and He takes
pleasure in His work. What do you particularly admire about
creation? How do you think God thought of it and made it?

God delights in His work.

And on the seventh day God nished his work that he had
done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work
that he had done. 3So God blessed the seventh day and
made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that
he had done in creation. GENESIS 2:2,3

The word rested here means to cease and desist from

exertion. It also means to celebrate. God was delighted
with his work. When he looked at the nished work of His
creation, it gave Him pleasure. (See also Psalm 104:31.)
How can we, like God, delight in the work we do?

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