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The Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins University

Instructor: Jenny Xie


Office Hours: TBA

IFP 1 and IFP 2 are required for admission to a major in The Writing Seminars. This course
introduces the student to basic strategies in writing fiction and poetry, and in the critical analysis
of literature.
Students are expected to have an excellent grasp of English and good writing skills. Enrollment
in IFP 1 is based on successful completion of a diagnostic quiz. Failure to pass the quiz will
result in removal from the class roster.
Plagiarism Policy
A student who is found to have plagiarized an assignment in IFP will receive an F for the course,
and a notation will be made in departmental records. Students enrolled in IFP 1 and 2 are
required to sign s statement acknowledging that they understand this policy.
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction, 8th ed., edited by Bausch, Cassill.
The Norton Anthology of Poetry, 5th Ed., edited by Ferguson, Salter, Stallworthy.
1) Students read assigned texts and discuss them in the classroom.
2) Students write assigned fiction and poetry exercises each week, sharing these with their
peers according to a fixed schedule.
3) Class discusses student work in a workshop setting.
4) As appropriate, students have one-on-one conferences with the instructor.
Grades will be based on careful reading of the assigned literature, class participation, weekly
assignments, and revisions. Ultimately, students will hand in a final portfolio containing the best
of the written work, revised to the best of the students ability.
Assignments and Final Portfolio (60%)
Participation (35%)
Workshop letters

Literary Reading (5%)

During the semester, you will attend at least two literary readings and turn in a typed response (2
pages, double-spaced) for both of them. Respond to an element of craft that especially interested
you in the writers work (e.g. her use of metaphor, point of view, poetic meter), or to several such
Readings will be listed on the department web site ( In addition, MFA candidates host a weekly reading series in the Tudor and
Stuart Room (Wednesdays at 7 PM, Gilman 388).
1 No penalty
2 No pentalty
3 -10% to final calculated grade
4 -20%
5 -30%
6 -40%
Two unexcused tardy arrivals to class equal one absence.
Assignments and Workshop Letters
Each week, students will complete one writing assignment and a number of workshop letters.
You will find the prompt on Blackboard (
Students up for workshop are responsible for bringing enough copies to class on Tuesday. This
gives other students ample opportunity to read and comment on these drafts before Thursday
workshop. (You must be present for your own workshop, or you fail that assignment!)
Students who are not presenting that week are responsible for marking up their peers stories.
Annotations: editing suggestions, praises, questions, etc., written directly on the draft
Workshop letter: a brief, two-paragraph summary on what the writer is doing well, what
could be improved, etc. Comments should be constructive and respectful. Do not address
grammar issues.
Please print two copies of the workshop letterone for the writer, and one for me.
*Keep digital copies of all your assignmentsdo not delete or throw them away! Youll need
them for your final portfolio.
**Late assignments are not accepted unless you make arrangements with me several days in

Honor Code Statement

I understand the academic integrity policies of Johns Hopkins University and the additional
plagiarism policy within the course Introduction to Fiction and Poetry offered by The Writing
Seminars. I agree I will not knowingly plagiarize or aid any other student in plagiarizing any
material. I understand that plagiarism in IFP 1 or 2 will result in immediate failure in the course
and my inability to register for other courses in The Writing Seminars.

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