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S. Allian
nce witth FSA and
a ISIIL in Sixx Photo
byy Rick Sterlin
ng / Octoberr 1st, 2014
The follow
wing six phottographs conffirm that a fav
vorite moderrate rebel leaader, Abdel Jaabbar al-Okaiidi, is
allieed with ISIL.
The first photograph
iss from Spring
g 2013 and sho
ows Okaidi w
with the Ameriican who has been the prin
coorrdinator of US
S policy on Syyria. The last two photograaphs are from
m a meeting daays ago when
Congresssmen Adam Kinzinger
p Illinois) and
d George Hollding (Rep. No
orth Carolinaa) met with Ok
nd other mod
derate rebels in Turkey.
Other ph
hotos show Ok
kaidi with ISIL fighters and
d being intervviewed about his relationsh
hip with ISIL. The
photogrraphs are from
m videos iden
ntified at botto

Photo 1 /

May 201
13/ Okaidi with
Robertt S. Ford, US
S Ambassad
dor and Coo
ordinator off the Friend
ds of

Photo 2 / August 20
013 / Okaidii with ISIL fighters
at M
Menagh Air Base, Syria
a. ISIL leader is
Abu Janda
al to Okaidiis left.

3. / August
2013 / ISIL Lead
der Abu Jan
ndal at Mena
agh Air Base, Syria.

Photo 4 / Novemberr 2013 / Interv

view with Oka
aidi My relattionship with the brothers of ISIL is goo

Photo 5 / Sept 24, 20

014/ Okaidi at meeting with US Co
ongress mem

Photo 6 / Sept 24 20
014 / Congre
essman Kin
nzinger afterr meeting O
Okaidi and o
other mode
els who the
e US is armiing, supplyiing and payiing salaries

By fund
ding moderate rebels
like FSA Colonel Okaiidi, the US iis in effectiv
ve alliance w
nder intern
national law
w it is illegal to encourag
ge, supportt and aid millitary and
paramillitary activiities againstt another Sttate.
See the full videos heere:
1) FSA leader Okaidi
with US
S Ambassado
or Ford and IS
SIL leader plu
us interview w
with Okaidi:
2) Okaid
di and Repressentative Kinzzinger in Turk
Scott Bro
onstein and Drew
Griffin, CNN, Syrian
n Rebel Group
ps Unite to Fiight ISIS, Sep
ptember 29, 2
Rick Sterrling is activee with the Syrria Solidarity
y Movement a
and Mt Diablo
o Peace and J
Justice Centerr. He
can be
b emailed att: rsterling1@
Read other arrticles by Rick






ISIS An American-CIA-Mossad-Saudi Intel Covert Operation

By Feroze Mithiborwala
13 September, 2014

~ Fidel Castro Compares NATO to Nazi-SS, slams US, Israel for

creating ISIS'
~ US Retd Lt. Gen. Ian McInerny -We have helped create ISIS
~ US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) document obtained by Judicial
Watch under Freedom of Information confirms that the US intelligence
community foresaw the rise of ISIS three years ago, as a direct
consequence of the US support to extremist rebels in Syria. According to
the newly declassified US document, the Pentagon foresaw the likely rise
of theIslamic State as a direct consequence of the strategy, but described
this outcome as a strategic opportunity to isolate the Syrian regime.The
August 2012 Information Intelligence Report (IIR) reveals that the
overwhelming core of the Syrian insurgency at that time was dominated by
a range of Islamist militant groups, including al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). (June
9, 2015)
~ UN Reveals Israels Support for ISIS - UN Disengagement Observer Force
(UNDOF) UN observers in the Golan Heights and was submitted to
the 15 members of the UN Security Council at the beginning of December

On the ominous thirteenth anniversary of the 9/11 WTC false flag terror
attacks that set the stage for a perpetual state of warfare, terror & chaos,
Obama once again is set to launch another series of wars. ISIS provides the
perfect raison d'etre for the re-intervention of the US-Nato occupation forces
in Iraq, Syria & the Middle-East region.
Every war against terror only leads to even more wars & more terror.
Countries such as Iraq & Syria, which had no presence of the Al Qaeda, but
after US-Nato interventions, these very terror organizations have taken root.
Far worse & fanatical organizations such as the ISIS have now grown into
veritable armies with modern advanced weaponry and thousands of footsoldiers swarming towards the hornets nest.
In our estimation the spread of terror is directly linked to certain imperialist
powers and collaborator governments, that fund, mobilize, train, provide safe
havens & weapons. These terror gangs are then deployed to achieve their
strategic objectives of global hegemony & control over natural resources,
namely Oil & Gas.
In terms of the rise of the ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq & Syria) the question that
we must ask ourselves is that, is it possible for a terrorist organization to grow
as powerful as on view, without the backing of certain nations & intelligence
agencies? This is precisely what we will seek to achieve.
Firstly there are 4 key regional & geopolitical reasons due to which
we witness a global crisis all the way from the Middle East to
Eastern Europe to the borders of Russia.

In the
t year 20
007 large Oil & Gas finds werre discoverred in the Eastern
Mediterranean reegion, maiinly to enrrich the co
ountries naamely Syrria, Lebano
ne, Israel & Cyprus. The volum
me of Gas finds for b
both Iran & Qatar aalso
d increased
d proportiions.
Thee battle ov
ver the com
mpetition & control of the Pip
peline routtes betweeen,
namelyy the Iran-Iraq-Syria
a Pipeline & the Qattari pipelin
ne, that neeeded acceess
via Syriia to reach
h the Mediiterranean
n coastlinee as both p
pipelines w
went on via
Turkey into Euro

If Russia
& Irran were to have sov
vereign co
ontrol overr their Oil--Gas
resourcces which they
transsported via
a their pip
pelines, theen Russia & Iran wo
vely contro
ol upto 50%
% of Gas exports
to Europe. T
Thereby crreating a
greaterr energy, fiinancial & market in
n between the Europ
pean natio
Russia & Iran & thus
challeenging thee hegemon
ny of the U

Russia is building
g the Sou
uth-Stream pipeline to circcumvent th
he Ukraniaan
quagmiire. Russia
a has effecctively cou
untered thee Western
n backed N
ne .
srael axiis: Also in the afterm
math of th
he Israeli d
defeat at th
hands of
o the Hezzbollah led
d Lebanesee resistancce in 2006
6, the strattegic calcu
began to
t shift dra
astically, with
w a rediirection off US policyy in the reegion. Thiss
hinged on counteering the rise
r of the axis of thee Resistan
nce, also reeferred to as
the Shitte Bloc, na
amely Iran
n, Iraq, Syyria, Leban
non, Yemeen & all the way into
ne. With a drastic seectarian Su
unni-Shitee civil warr already in
n the offin
ng in
Iraq, th
he Saudis, Israel & th
he US beg
gan to operrate with m
multiple ccommon
strategiic objectiv

The Imperial-Zionist Israeli agenda was to essentially foment religious,

sectarian & ethnic divisions & civil wars, leading to the partition &
balkanization of those nations, into smaller warring statelets, to be then
controlled by an all powerful Israel. This strategy appears in three documents:
The Oded Yinon plan of 1982.
A Clean Break, Strategy for securing the realm, authored by Benjamin
Netanyahu & other Zio-Neoconservatives (1996).
The Project for the New American Century (1997).
Post 9/11, we then had the revelation by General Wesley Clark that the
Neoconservative Lobby had plans to target 7' countries in 5' years, namely
Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan and ending with Iran.
The ideological and strategic alliance evolved during the Bush regime when in
2007 a new doctrine, referred to as the Redirection emerged. It openly
advocated targeting Iran, tilting the balance of power away from the Shite
Bloc (essentially the Resistance or the anti-Colonial Bloc vs the Colonial
Collaborator Bloc of the Arab Gulf Monarchs & Turkey) that the war on Iraq
had disturbed, widening the Sunni-Shia split, for a close alliance between US,
Saudi Arabia & Israel.
The current crisis that we are witness to, unfolded in Libya in early 2011,
where now an advanced welfare state' has been reduced to a warring Failed
State - due to rampaging US-Nato forces who armed the most fanatical
elements amongst the Islamists, including the al Qaeda. Thus there were Iraqi
fighters who fought in Libya, amongst myriad others.
The heavy weapons from the Libyan war theatre and Nato Supply bases in
Zagreb, Croatia that were transported to Southern Turkey and smuggled

across the
t Syrian
n border to
o be suppliied to the Free Syriaan Army ((FSA), the
Jabhat al Nusra (Al
( Qaeda of Syria) and
a otherr not so mo
oderate reebels . . .
The enttire concocted narra
ative of M
Moderate R
Rebels is an utter liie, if not a
poor fig
gment of Obama's
kewed ima
agination.. On the grround thee FSA, Nussra,
as well as the ISIS, function
n togetherr & are intterchangeaable. The F
ander Jam
mal Mahrouf (April 2014)
stateed that FS
SA & Nusrra worked
In Junee 2014, forr all practiical purposes the Jaabhat al Nu
usra (al Qaaeda of Syyria)
& the IS
SIS had merged

The jihadist netw

work createed by the CIA,
di Intel sin
nce 1979, h
has now
ded to an extent
wheere now foreign Jihaadists miliitants, merrcenaries,,
terrorissts are mobilized fro
om across 80 countrries and in
nclude eveen those frrom
many of
o the key Western-N
Nato countries, such
h as the US
SA, Britain
n, France,,
m, Australlia amongsst others.
Clearly the US ha
as played a key role in creatin
ng ISIS, wh
hich has been accepted
by Retd
d Lt. Gen. Ian McIneerny.

And yet Senator John Mcain has been photographed openly hobnobbing with
the latest version of Bin Laden, al-Bakr al Baghdadi 2.0.
Haaretz (Feb 2014): Reported that the US, Saudi, Jordan & Israel were all in
the process of helping the Syrian rebels plan an attack on Southern Syria.
Israel has also provided direct assistance in military operations.

Then PBS (May 2014)

carrried a repo
ort of rebells who weere intervieewed as
stating that they were train
ned in secrret bases iin Qatar.
Similarr reports also
a exist of
o CIA conttrolled traaining cam
mps in Turrkey. Israeel
too sup
pports the ISIS, Jabh
hat al Nussra, FSA & the otherr militant g
groups witth
camps & field hospitals in the
t Golan Heights, in occupieed Syria.

The role of US Seenator Joh

hn Mccain
n, leader, R
n Party, on
nly furtherr
proves the compllicity of th
he US junta
a at the hiighest leveels.

4 th of Feb
bruary 20
011: Accord
ding to thee Report o
of the Foreeign

gence Serv
vices, Nato
o organized
d a meetin
ng to launcch the Araab Spring iin
Libya & Syria. Th
his meetin
ng was chaired by Seenator Joh
hn Mccain.

2 2011: Mccain
meet Saad Haariri in Beeirut & gavve him thee

responssibility to oversee weapons

ansfers in
nto Syria.

3: He visiteed Idlib seecretly & m
met up witth the miliitants &

terrorissts of the FSA

F & Nussra. Here we
w have ph
hs of Mccaain with A
Bakr al Baghdadii the self-d
declared Calipha.
Evven at thiss juncture,, there was a
$10 milllion pricee on al-Bag
ghdadi's head,
and M
Mccain co
ould be pro
osecuted ffor
contactt with a terrrorist. A month
priior to this meeting, aal Baghdaadi had
alreadyy created th
he ISIS.

The fa
act that th
he US reg
gime is directly
unding th
he mode
erate rebe
the Fre
ee Syrian
n Army is
s a stated
d fact of U
US policy

Senatorr John Mccain with FSA

F figherrs, with al--Baghdadii in the rig
corner below
h the Syrian flag in the backgground.

John Mccain
h top lead
ders of the Free Syriaan Army & the Jabh
hat al Nusrra
(Al Qaeeda of Syriia)

The ISIS has beeen brutal in it's masssacres, esp

pecially taargeting alll those
Infidells & Kafirss who reffused to co
onvert to IIslam, espeecially thee Yezidis,
ans, Shia'ss & even th
hose Sunn
ni's who reefused to ssubmit to ttheir extreeme
n of Islam.

pread massacre & etthnic clean
nsing of Arrab Christtians, Sunn
nis, Shiass &
h Yezidis is
i the norm
m for the ISIS,
as weell as the JJabhat al N
Nusra, thee Al
Qaeda of
o Syria.
The Sa
ar-Turkiish role:

Also rep
ports statee that the Qataris' paid $2.5 m
million to A
Abu Bakr al-Baghdaadi
to creatte the ISIS
S & becom
me the futu
ure Caliphaa. After th
he major gaas finds in
2007, the Qatari''s firstly trried to con
nvince President Asssad to abaandon the
aq-Syria (IIS) pipeliine and beecome a paart of the Qatari pip
peline. Asssad
said tha
at he woulld not betrray his Ru
ussian frien
nd & ally.
Then acccording to
t Roland
d Dumas (ex-Frencch Foreign
n Ministerr) in 2009,
Qatar paid
$10 billion to th
he Turkish
h Foreign M
Minister M
Mr. Dovuttoglu, with
plan to destabilisse & overth
hrow the Assad
Govvernment. It was alsso at this ttime
his Brittish counteerparts infformed hiim that theey were in
n the proceess of send
armed fighters
o Syria. (C
Christoff Lehman
d emails fro
om Pentag
gon reportts revealed
d by Stratffor state th
hat joint USUK traiining of Syyrian rebell forces sin
nce 2011 tto bring ab
bout the co
ollapse of the
Assad regime
om within
n. It was after
the S
Saudi failure in Syriaa that morre
than 20
0,000 merrcenaries were
ated by thee army, th
hat the Sau
udis went on
a world
dwide huntt and mob
bilized jiha
adists from
m across m
more than 80 countrries.

Finally it was on the 10th of

o June 20
014, that tthe world ffinally wok
ke up to th
threat of
o ISIS, aftter the falll of Mosull. The ISIS
S were out there boaasting abou
their ta
anks, anti-aircraft gu
uns, anti-ttank missiiles, heavyy ammunittion,
Humveees, helicop
pters alll of which they captu
ured from
m the Iraqi army, wh
did nott even put up a fight. The Iraq
qi army thaat the US h
had been ttraining att
great co
ost, collapsed along sectarian lines.

penly traveeling acrosss Iraq in June
4. Not a sin
ngle dronee or aeriall
attack by
b the Am
merican forrces.

arading a captured

Strangeely even th
hough the ISIS weree paradingg openly w
with all theeir captureed
Americcan weaponry, the US
U chose not
n to attacck, which iis against standard US
Militaryy doctrinee, that callss for captu
ured weap
pons to be destroyed
d so that th
do not fall
f into th
he hands of
o the enem
my. At thaat very tim
me the US w
conduccting dronee strikes in
n Pakistan
n, but chosse not to aattack ISIS
S in Iraq.
So is Ob
bama a weeak Presid
dent, or ev
ven a no-w
war peace lloving man
n, who onlly
goes to war as thee last option? That is
i certainlyy not the ccase. Obam
ma's strateegy
has beeen to wagee war by prroxy, wherreby they ffoment civvil wars & strife, wh

deployiing aerial attacks

& drones, ev
ven as myrriad proxiies groups fight the
land wa
ar. This is evident accross Libyya, Somaliaa, Iraq, Yeemen, Leb
banon &
d other theeatres of war.
Then another
n we are frequentl
ly asked-- why affter
ng the IS
SIS, as yo
ou say, is the US b
bombing its own c
It's onlyy a repeat of recent history. The
T US entthroned Saaddam in 1963, used
him aga
ainst Iran and then destroyed
d him and similarly w
with the A
Al Qaeda &
the Taliiban in Affghanistan
n. Yet we teend to forgget . . . unffortunatelly.

US Sen
nator Lindssey Graha
am warns of
o a comin
ng 9/11 atttack. Fear Mongerin
ng to
justify the
t wars in
n the Midd
dle-East iss part of th
he Neocon

The strategy is essentially to:

Build up a dictator or an extremist group/s to be used to wage proxy

wars against opponents. During this phase, crimes committed by proxies are
swept under the carpet Problem.

Then after the nasty bad guys' have outlived their usefulness & served

their purpose, then it's time to pull the plug & demonise them for all their
barbarism. This works well when the public has no clue as to where these
nasty bad guys' come from the first place Reaction.

Finally when the public finally begs the government to do something, a

solution is proposed. This would usually mean military intervention couched

in a humanitarian framework. This also leads to the reduction of freedoms in
our nations & societies Solution.
Thus the ISIS has proved invaluable to the US-Nato strategic gameplan as
there now exists a popular support back home to neutralize the ISIS threat
that supposedly poses a threat to America. Therefore ISIS has provided a
perfect alibi for the US-Nato forces to return back to the region as part of its
re-colonization programme.
ISIS has also proved very useful in the Syrian theatre as today the ISIS does
control upto 30% of territory and provides the perfect pretext for the US to
invade Syria. The US-Nato allies could possibly enforce a no-fly zone in the
ISIS held areas, thus preventing any role for the sovereign state & the Syrian
Arab Army. As the ISIS retreats in the face of US bombing, that very territory
would be handed over to the FSA & Jabhat al Nusra-Qaeda militants &
mercenaries, surely with many ISIS mercenaries morphing into moderate

Thus effectively partitioning Syria!

The Syrian government has stated that they will not bear the violation of their
sovereignty & Russia too has warned the US on this count.
Entrap Russia: It was also in this very period that the Russian-US-Nato crisis
over Ukraine began to emerge as a serious situation that could lead to a
regional or a global war.
The steps to counter ISIS are as follows:

Work towards national political solutions, power sharing, constitutional

democratic reforms, free & fair elections - to avoid civil wars, through regional
& international mediation, whilst limiting the role of the US-EU & Nato
institutions & military forces.

Stop the physical routes from across the Turkish, Jordan, Israel, Iraq &

Lebanon into Syria.

Shut down all safe-havens & camps active in Saudi, Jordan, Qatar,

Turkey, Israel & all other destinations.

Shut down all sources of funding from Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain,

Turkey & supply of weapons from US, Britain, France & other Western

Support the Governments battling this terror plague with satellite &

intelligence reports so that the Army can perform better.

Stop media propaganda & hate speech to stem the tide of publicity,

hatred & fear.

Identify & prosecute all those governments & private sources that are

funding & arming terrorists so that a precedent is set.

Thus the regional & the international situation is indeed fraught with danger,
even as the US-Nato forces continue with their belligerence & war mongering.
There is a need for an international alliance to counter the political, financial
& military hegemony of the Western Imperial-Zionist axis. There is also a dire
need for the popular resistance forces to counter the religious fanaticism that
is being foisted within our societies by anti-democratic religious regressive
obscurantist extremists who only weaken & divide our common struggles.
These are the very elements that are indoctrinated to fight the proxy wars.
There is thus a dire need for spiritual democracies to emerge as a counter to
illiberal & regressive religious fanatics much in the spirit of liberation
theology. Where religion is redeemed from fanatics & texts interpreted with an
all encompassing vision of love, compassion, universalism, mutual-respect &
equality - thus liberating humanity from the religion & culture of fear, hatred
and violence.

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