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Expected Learning Outcomes

1. Identify building components affecting building

energy use.
2. Identify engineering models for modeling some
building components defining energy
3. Use software, supported by the Department of
Energy, for the simulation of buildings.
4. Use climate files on simulation of buildings.
5. Analyze options for reducing energy
consumption in buildings.

Introduction to EnergyPlus
This course in not intended to give
expertise on using EnergyPlus. This
course will strive to give students the
fundamentals of the software in order
that can be understood as a simulation
engine in other software/interfaces as
BEopt and OpenStudio.


EnergyPlus is a whole building energy simulation

program that engineers, architects, and researchers
use to model energy and water use in buildings.
Modeling the performance of a building with
EnergyPlus enables building professionals to
optimize the building design to use less energy and

EnergyPlus models heating, cooling, lighting,

ventilation, other energy flows, and water use.
EnergyPlus includes many innovative simulation
capabilities: time-steps less than an hour, modular
systems and plant integrated with heat balancebased zone simulation, multizone air flow, thermal
comfort, water use, natural ventilation, and
photovoltaic systems.

Documents also available from

the software installation.

Getting Started with EnergyPlus

EnergyPlus is not a user interface. It is intended to be the
simulation engine around which a third-party interface
can be wrapped.
EnergyPlus is currently not a life cycle cost analysis tool.
It produces results that can then be fed into an LCC
EnergyPlus is not an architect or design engineer
replacement. It does not check input, verify the
acceptability or range of various parameters (expect for a
limited number of very basic checks), or attempt to
interpret the results.

Getting Started with EnergyPlus

No program is able to handle every simulation
situation. However, it is the intent of EnergyPlus to
handle as many building and HVAC design options
future versions of the program will attempt to
address other issues that are important to the built
Another advantage of EnergyPlus is that the source
code of the program is available and open for public
inspection, revision, etc.

Getting Started with EnergyPlus

The modularity of
EnergyPlus makes it
easier for other
developers to
quickly add other
simulation modules.
This means that it
will be significantly
easier to establish
links to other

Getting Started with EnergyPlus

One of the strong points of EnergyPlus is the integration of all aspects of

the simulationloads, systems, and plants.
system and plant output is allowed to directly impact the building
thermal response rather than calculating all loads first, then simulating
systems and plants.

Getting Started with EnergyPlus

Engineering Reference Document
The Engineering Reference provides more in-depth
knowledge into the theoretical basis behind the various
calculations contained in the program. This reference
includes more information on modeling equations,
limitations, literature references, etc. The document

Getting Started with EnergyPlus

A Methodology for Using Energyplus

Step 1: Plan Ahead
Step 2: "Zone" the Building
Step 3: Prepare to Construct the Building Model

Getting Started with EnergyPlus

A Methodology for Using Energyplus

Step 1: Plan Ahead
Obtain location and design climate information for
the city in which your building is located.
Obtain sufficient building construction information to
allow specification of overall building geometry and
surface constructions.
Obtain sufficient building use information to allow
specification of the lighting and other equipment
(e.g. electric, gas, etc.) and the number of people in
each area of the building.

Getting Started with EnergyPlus

A Methodology for Using Energyplus

/ Step 1: Plan Ahead
Obtain sufficient building thermostatic control
information to allow specification of the temperature
control strategy for each area of the building.
Obtain sufficient HVAC operation information to
allow specification and scheduling of the fan
Obtain sufficient central plant information to allow
specification and scheduling of the boilers, chillers
and other plant equipment.

Getting Started with EnergyPlus

A Methodology for Using Energyplus

Step 2: "Zone" the Building
A "zone" is a thermal, not a geometric, concept.
A zone is an air volume at a uniform temperature
plus all the heat transfer and heat storage surfaces
bounding or inside of that air volume.
Heat transfer surfaces are expected to separate
spaces of significantly different temperatures.
Heat storage surfaces are normally interior surfaces
that separate spaces maintained at the same

Getting Started with EnergyPlus

A Methodology for Using Energyplus

Step 3: Prepare to Construct the Building Model
Specifically the building model must:
1. Determine heat transfer and heat storage surfaces.
2. Define equivalent surfaces.
3. Specify surfaces and subsurfaces (windows, doors,
etc.) construction and materials.
4. Compile surface and subsurface information.

EnergyPlus Example File Generator

EnergyPlus Example File Generator

It is a Web-based service available that creates and
runs EnergyPlus input files for simple models of
commercial buildings.
Main characteristics of the building to be modeled
can be customized.
Input files and annual results summary files are sent
to the specified e-mail address.

EnergyPlus Example File Generator

Commercial Reference Buildings

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What is a Thermal Zone?

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