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Combinatorial Mathematics

T. Singh
Department of Mathematics
BITS Pilani KK Birla Goa, Campus Goa

5th August 2015

Combinatorial Principle
Combinatorial principle that can be used to solve a variety of
interesting problems. This principle is known as PHP, Dirichlet
drawer principle and shoebox principle.
PHP in simple form If n + 1 objects are put into n boxes, then at
least one box contains two are more of the objects.
Note that neither the PHP nor its proof gives any help in finding
the box that contains two or more objects.
Whenever PHP is applied to prove the existence of an arrangement
or some phenomenon, it will give no indication of how to construct
the arrangement.
T. Singh


Combinatorial Principle
Combinatorial principle that can be used to solve a variety of
interesting problems. This principle is known as PHP, Dirichlet
drawer principle and shoebox principle.
PHP in simple form If n + 1 objects are put into n boxes, then at
least one box contains two are more of the objects.
Note that neither the PHP nor its proof gives any help in finding
the box that contains two or more objects.
Whenever PHP is applied to prove the existence of an arrangement
or some phenomenon, it will give no indication of how to construct
the arrangement.
T. Singh


Combinatorial Principle
Combinatorial principle that can be used to solve a variety of
interesting problems. This principle is known as PHP, Dirichlet
drawer principle and shoebox principle.
PHP in simple form If n + 1 objects are put into n boxes, then at
least one box contains two are more of the objects.
Note that neither the PHP nor its proof gives any help in finding
the box that contains two or more objects.
Whenever PHP is applied to prove the existence of an arrangement
or some phenomenon, it will give no indication of how to construct
the arrangement.
T. Singh


PHP contd.

There are other principles related to the PHP that are worth
If n objects are put into n boxes and no box is empty, then
each box contains exactly one object.
If n objects are put into n box and no box gets more than one
object, then each box has an object in it.

T. Singh


PHP contd.

There are other principles related to the PHP that are worth
If n objects are put into n boxes and no box is empty, then
each box contains exactly one object.
If n objects are put into n box and no box gets more than one
object, then each box has an object in it.

T. Singh


More abstract formulations of the three principles enunciated thus

far are the following.
Let f : X Y be a function from the set X to Y .
If X has more elements that Y then f is not one to one.
If X and Y have the same number of elements and f is onto
then f is one to one.
If X and Y have the same number of elements and f is one to
one then f is onto.

T. Singh


More abstract formulations of the three principles enunciated thus

far are the following.
Let f : X Y be a function from the set X to Y .
If X has more elements that Y then f is not one to one.
If X and Y have the same number of elements and f is onto
then f is one to one.
If X and Y have the same number of elements and f is one to
one then f is onto.

T. Singh


More abstract formulations of the three principles enunciated thus

far are the following.
Let f : X Y be a function from the set X to Y .
If X has more elements that Y then f is not one to one.
If X and Y have the same number of elements and f is onto
then f is one to one.
If X and Y have the same number of elements and f is one to
one then f is onto.

T. Singh


Chinese Remainder Theorem

Let m and n be relatively prime positive integers and let a and b
be integers where 0 a m 1 and 0 b n 1. Then there is
a positive integer x such that the remainder when x is divided by
m is a and the remainder when x is divided by n is b.

T. Singh


PHP strong form

Let q1 , q2 , , qn be positive integers. If ni=1 qi n + 1 objects
are put into n boxes, then either the first box contains at least q1
objects or the second box contains at least q2 objects, ..., or the
nth box contains qn objects.

T. Singh


PHP contd.
In the elementary mathematics the strong form of PHP is most
often applied in the special case when q1 , q2 , , qn are equal to
some integer r .
If n(r 1) + 1 objects are put into n boxes, then at least one of
the boxes contains r or more of the objects.
If the average of n non negative integers m1 , m2 , , mn is greater
than r 1, then at least one of the integers is greater than or
equal to r .

T. Singh


PHP contd.
In the elementary mathematics the strong form of PHP is most
often applied in the special case when q1 , q2 , , qn are equal to
some integer r .
If n(r 1) + 1 objects are put into n boxes, then at least one of
the boxes contains r or more of the objects.
If the average of n non negative integers m1 , m2 , , mn is greater
than r 1, then at least one of the integers is greater than or
equal to r .

T. Singh


PHP contd.
In the elementary mathematics the strong form of PHP is most
often applied in the special case when q1 , q2 , , qn are equal to
some integer r .
If n(r 1) + 1 objects are put into n boxes, then at least one of
the boxes contains r or more of the objects.
If the average of n non negative integers m1 , m2 , , mn is greater
than r 1, then at least one of the integers is greater than or
equal to r .

T. Singh


PHP contd.

Another average principle is as follows:

If the average of n non negative integers m1 , m2 , , mn is less
than r + 1, then at least one of the integers is less than r + 1.
If the average of n non negative integers m1 , m2 , , mn is at least
r , then at least one of the integers m1 , m2 , , mn satisfies mi r .

T. Singh


PHP contd.

Another average principle is as follows:

If the average of n non negative integers m1 , m2 , , mn is less
than r + 1, then at least one of the integers is less than r + 1.
If the average of n non negative integers m1 , m2 , , mn is at least
r , then at least one of the integers m1 , m2 , , mn satisfies mi r .

T. Singh


Ramsey Theorem

Of six(or more) people, either there are three, each pair of whom
are acquainted, or there are three, each of whom are unacquainted.
K6 K3 , K3 is the assertion that no matter how the edges of K6
are colored with the colors red and blue, there is always a
monochromatic triangle.

T. Singh


Ramsey Theorem

Of six(or more) people, either there are three, each pair of whom
are acquainted, or there are three, each of whom are unacquainted.
K6 K3 , K3 is the assertion that no matter how the edges of K6
are colored with the colors red and blue, there is always a
monochromatic triangle.

T. Singh


Ramsey Theorem

Of six(or more) people, either there are three, each pair of whom
are acquainted, or there are three, each of whom are unacquainted.
K6 K3 , K3 is the assertion that no matter how the edges of K6
are colored with the colors red and blue, there is always a
monochromatic triangle.

T. Singh


Ramsey Theorem contd.

More generally, Ramseys theorem can stated as as

If m 2 and n 2 are integers, then there is a positive integer p
such that Kp Km , Kn .
The Ramsey number r (m, n) is the smallest positive integer p such
that Kp Km , Kn .

T. Singh


Ramsey Theorem contd.

More generally, Ramseys theorem can stated as as

If m 2 and n 2 are integers, then there is a positive integer p
such that Kp Km , Kn .
The Ramsey number r (m, n) is the smallest positive integer p such
that Kp Km , Kn .

T. Singh


Ramsey Theorem contd.

More generally, Ramseys theorem can stated as as

If m 2 and n 2 are integers, then there is a positive integer p
such that Kp Km , Kn .
The Ramsey number r (m, n) is the smallest positive integer p such
that Kp Km , Kn .

T. Singh


Generalized Ramsey Theorem

Given integers t 2 and integers m1 , m2 , , mk t, there exists
an integer p such that Kpt Kmt 1 , Kmt 2 , . . . , Kmt k .
The smallest such integer p is the Ramsey number
rt (m1 , m2 , , mk ) = p.
Note that when t = 1, then r1 (m1 , m2 , , mk ) is the smallest
integer p such that if the element of set of p elements are colored
with one of the colors c1 , c2 , , ck then either there are mi
elements of color ci .
So r1 (m1 , m2 , , mk ) = ki=1 mi k + 1.
Which is most generalized form of strong form of PHP.
T. Singh


Generalized Ramsey Theorem

Given integers t 2 and integers m1 , m2 , , mk t, there exists
an integer p such that Kpt Kmt 1 , Kmt 2 , . . . , Kmt k .
The smallest such integer p is the Ramsey number
rt (m1 , m2 , , mk ) = p.
Note that when t = 1, then r1 (m1 , m2 , , mk ) is the smallest
integer p such that if the element of set of p elements are colored
with one of the colors c1 , c2 , , ck then either there are mi
elements of color ci .
So r1 (m1 , m2 , , mk ) = ki=1 mi k + 1.
Which is most generalized form of strong form of PHP.
T. Singh


Generalized Ramsey Theorem

Given integers t 2 and integers m1 , m2 , , mk t, there exists
an integer p such that Kpt Kmt 1 , Kmt 2 , . . . , Kmt k .
The smallest such integer p is the Ramsey number
rt (m1 , m2 , , mk ) = p.
Note that when t = 1, then r1 (m1 , m2 , , mk ) is the smallest
integer p such that if the element of set of p elements are colored
with one of the colors c1 , c2 , , ck then either there are mi
elements of color ci .
So r1 (m1 , m2 , , mk ) = ki=1 mi k + 1.
Which is most generalized form of strong form of PHP.
T. Singh


Generalized Ramsey Theorem

Given integers t 2 and integers m1 , m2 , , mk t, there exists
an integer p such that Kpt Kmt 1 , Kmt 2 , . . . , Kmt k .
The smallest such integer p is the Ramsey number
rt (m1 , m2 , , mk ) = p.
Note that when t = 1, then r1 (m1 , m2 , , mk ) is the smallest
integer p such that if the element of set of p elements are colored
with one of the colors c1 , c2 , , ck then either there are mi
elements of color ci .
So r1 (m1 , m2 , , mk ) = ki=1 mi k + 1.
Which is most generalized form of strong form of PHP.
T. Singh


Thank you

T. Singh


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