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Volume 7, Issue 4 February 28, 2010


ASSEMBLY TIMES As “The Lord’s Prayer” would have it: rest because he doesn’t know what it is

Sunday Morning:
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be to be faithless!
your name, your kingdom come, your How profoundly God trusts in his peo-
10:00am Bible Class
will be done on earth as it is in ple! What an awful burden trusting can
11:00am Worship
heaven,” and then we ask for bread, be when pain and loss and chronic dif-
Thursday Evening: then we ask for forgiveness and then ficulties and lack of understanding as-
7:00pm Bible Study we ask for divine guidance and protec- sault people who believe his promises.
___ tion from satanic agendas (Matthew They don’t know what God’s up to half
CONTACT INFO 6:9-13). the time, they don’t know how present
The Master calls Christians to seek first reality fits into his agenda and it so
1 Christina Street the reign of God and his righteousness often seems his promises are empty or,
Village of Kenosee Lake and the other necessities of life will be at least, overstated; and yet here he
given to them as well (Matthew comes, asking them to trust him. Is
Box 184
6:33). How that last sentence must that not a majestic challenge even
S0C 2S0
(306)577-2477 gall some seriously hurting and impov- though it must at times seem almost
onthe- erished Christians. Explain it how we unbearable? Millions say: In God we will, they live to please God, they want trust! And hosts of them are below the
___ his will in their lives and everywhere bottom rung of the
LEADERSHIP else and still they economic and social
live in soul-crushing 55-1234 ladder. The other
o call (800)5 ____________
For more inf ____________
_________ ____________ 150 to
Elders: ____________ an d women 0-
conditions and many actively see
king me n
ect a life
side of that coin is
YHWH - sted can exp
ople intere
Cameron Husband ty with. Pe suffering. En
of them die in those spend eterni nd ed by God saying: In man
even while r. Call (ou
Harold Floyd joy and peace and ful l surrende
conditions. long intimate I trust! One is as
Dale King to - Him! ____________
This much is clear: if ____________ ndly kitten astonishing as the
____________ gle s is a frie
Jim Sedor CAT– Snug
FOR LOST face. Call
LOOKING with orange
rner. Calico
God is faithless to a t in the southeast co other!

Minister: single trusting soul Yes, yes, tell me all

Rolland Bouchard then he isn’t to be trusted. about our sinfulness and you’ll be
It can’t be that he is faithful to “most” speaking to the converted but don’t
of his commitments and ignores the tell me we’re to see ourselves as crawl-

Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see and
Volume 7, Issue 4 February 28, 2010

ing things that leave a trail of slime everywhere we go. G.K. Chester- ASSEMBLY, February 28, 2010
ton’s complaint against the wise Marcus Aurelius was that he didn’t Step By Step
THRIFT STORE DAYS the back of the auditorium. out financially or any other way please “command the impossible,” the way Jesus did. Jesus Loves Me
We will be working the thrift store More Details will be coming very soon. send cheques or inquiries to: Make your requests for food, jobs and the other necessities of life in
This Little Light of Mine
March 23 & 25  Attention Haiti Mission light of your prior request that God's reign become God’s will done on
April 20 & 22 CHURCH SCRAP BOOK! Strathmore Boulevard Church of Christ Children’s Time—Cody
earth and in your life. That’s what Jesus called for. Seek first a life that
May 18 & 20 If you have any photos that you would 346 Strathmore Blvd conforms to God’s righteousness and the rest will follow! How Deep The Father’s Love
More dates coming very soon. like to be put into a church scrapbook Toronto, Ontario M4C 1N3
When? Lord’s Supper
 please talk to Ronda. 
That’s a good question, an often necessary question. If God is faithful Above All
Here is a list of upcoming Homemakers BERNICE the rest will follow when God chooses. God’s great enterprise has not
We are working on a new Phone list, Lesson
Circle events. For more information talk Bernice Lawrence has been moved from please fill out the form at the back of the yet ended and it will not end until every promise of his is fulfilled to
to Judith. I Just Want To Be Where You Are
the Moosomin Hospital back to Redvers auditorium and we’ll publish soon. The every seeking, trusting soul. One day he will make this world com-
March 12 - Spa Moose Jaw. Caring and Sharing
Health Centre attached to the Redvers First draft is done, but we need a few pletely better and all those who gave their lives in trusting obedience
April - Public Speaker/ to be an-
nounced. Hospital. (3 Blocks south of the school more details before we can print one for to him will smile and say, “He did what he promised!” Jesus is the an- Announcements
May - Greenhouse. on the main drag) everyone. Please Take one more look. ticipation and guarantee of all that (2 Corinthians 1:20).
June - Tea house.  Thanks. Rolland
The specific details will be announced as In seeking God’s reign and his righteousness we’re not to make our
each activity comes up. own determinations of what must happen but are to trust him and
The Strathmore Boulevard church of ANNOUNCMENTS AND
 allow him to work toward his overarching purpose for the world and
Christ will be continuing support efforts in PRAYER REQUESTS
SONSHINE/CHORUS TOUR not just us. How we would run the show or map out God’s righteous-
Haiti by sending funds to the church Submit any requests by Thursday
We will be hosting the Western Christian
there. They are also going to be sending each week to Rolland. ness (his faithfulness to his commitments) is not necessarily how he
College Chorus on Thursday, March 18, FOR INFOMRATION ON HOW YOU CAN
relief workers and building supplies chooses to do it or express his faithfulness (his righteousness). In con- SPONSOR A CHILD THROUGH COMPASSION
2010. There will be many students that
(construction materials, food, clothing, 577-8418 forming our lives to his will and purposes (which is seeking his right- OR FOR A WAY TO SUPPORT THE RELIEF
will need billeting on Thursday night. If
water, etc.) to begin the rebuilding proc- eousness) we will be and do what we know is like him and the rest EFFORTS IN HAITI VISIT
you are able to help host some of these
ess. They will be going down in April to
students please see the signup sheet at we’ll work toward (note especially Romans 12:2 in this connection).
help out. If you are interested in helping
But again, what a challenge he lays before his elect people (the NT But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit,
church, the body of Jesus Christ—Ephesians 1:22-23). It's certain to whom the Father will send in my
THE FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER... generate protests and groans in deeply troubled times (see Jeremiah name, will teach you all
12:1-3a) but it is what it is—God's call. God is determined to bring things and will remind you of eve-
 Marie McMillan—Continued  Brent Peterson—continued re-  Our Shepherds—leadership and creation to a glorious finale with Jesus as its Lord and he calls his NT rything I have said to you. Peace I
Heal concerns covery care elect to bear witness to and to live out that purpose before all nations. leave with you; my peace I give
 Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard -  Chris Cornforth—continued
you. I do not give to you as the
Missionaries in Mexico  Pamela King—General prayers health concerns. So however difficult life is for so many of his people, Jesus showed us
for Her well being
world gives. Do not let your hearts
 Bernice Lawrence—Struggling  Health and well being of our by life and teaching: “Before you ask for bread or any of life’s necessi-
ties pray this…” be troubled and do not be afraid.
with heal problems, recently  Joe Fox—Surgery for His knee congregation.
Jim McGuiggan
moved to Redvers Care Facility. and subsequent unemploy-  Our Community John 14:26-27

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