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UUM SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO, Document Scanning Lead Sheet ‘Sep-01-2015 2:46 pm Case Number: CGC-15-547713 Filing Date: Sep-01-2015 2:34 Filed by: ARLENE RAMOS. Juke Box: 001 Image: 05058007 COMPLAINT AIMEE EMMRICH ET AL VS. UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. ET AL 001005058007 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned. SUM-100 SUMMONS Eee coer vos omy (CITACION JUDICIAL) eotornna " NOTICE To DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDAD Uber Technologies, Inc., Rasier LLC, Rasier-CA LLC, Bobbie Joe ‘Laughlin, Carlos Beltran, Does 1 to 20 YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): Aimee Emrich, Sebastien Simpson NOTICE You have Boon sved. The cou may deci apall you wii your beng heard ulaws you respond win 90 days: Read to formation below. ‘You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS alter this summons and logs! papers are eerved on you fo fo a wlan response al this cout and havea copy served onto pant. Altiar or phone cal wil not protect you. Your wien response mus be In proper lgel fom i you want fe court o hear your ‘cate. There may be a court form hal you can ute for your response. You can tnd have cout forme and mare information a the Galfonla Cours ‘Online Salt Help Center (nm, your county lw ibrary oF the courthouse nearest you. I you cannot pay te lng Fee, a {he court car for a fo wah form. you do not fe your response on ene, you may toe the case by dofau, and your wages, money, and property maybe an wou ter wang ane a ottonny you watt con here are other loge requremenis. You may want o cal an alomey ght away. i'you do not know an attorney, you may went ocala alorney foferal service. If you canoot afford an allorney, you may be elle ot ree legal services rom a nonproh legal arvces program, You con locate ‘hese nonprofit groups atthe Calola Legal Services Web ste (wun dawhelpcalforia or), the Calfonla Courts Onine Sek Help Conor (on coutnfo.ea gowsehel), oF by contacting your local court or couny bar associalon, NOTE: The court hes a stlutry Hon for walved fees ond ‘costs on any sotlemento arbivtion award of $10,000 or moran a cv case, The cour len mt be paid before the cour il lms he ess, JAVISO! Lohan demendede. Sino responde dentro de 20d, a core puede decid en su conta sh escuchar su verano fa Informacion @ ‘ondacién. Tian 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO desputs de quo le entogven este cactény papees logeles pre prosenar une respuest por escilo en esta ‘corte hacer que se entreque une copie ef demandenl. Una cela o une lerads aaléica no bo protegan Su reepuesl por esc lone que ester ‘2nformato aga correcta 3 desea que procesen su caso en fa corte. Es posble que haya un formulero que usted pueda veer pare su respuesta ‘Puede encontrar estos fomueros de fe corte y més Informacién en of Centra de Ayu doles Crtas do Caso ( gov), nla ‘bot delays de au condado o en le corte que fe que mas cere. S10 puede pega a cuote de presentaion pide al serotaio def corte que le d8 un formulas do exenctn do pago de cuotes. Sno presenta su respuesta lampo, puede pardrolcato por Incumplnieto ya corte fe dit quer su sueco, nary bisnes sin mds advetonce ‘Hay otros requis legales. Es recomendable que lems aun sbogedo nmodlalamente. Sino conoce un abogedo, puede Bamara un serio de ‘emistin a abogedos. Sino puede pager a un ebogede, os posbe que cumpla con os requsoe para obtener servis legals gratios de Un ‘Programa de servicios legates sn nes de ucro, Puede encontrar ests grupos ain fhes Ge lucro enol silo web de Calorie Lege! Services, {twa iuhelpcalorie.or) en of Centro de Ayuda de as Cotes de Cello, (www. 0 ponléndose an contacto con le corte oe! ‘colegio de abogados oeaes. AVISO: Pr ly, I corte ene darsco a reclamar ls cuolesy ls cestoe axentoe por poner un gravamen sora _evlgularracuperaién de $10,000 6 ms de vlorecbide mediante un acuerdo o una conceal de arhlraje on un caso de derecho ch. Te que agar el gravemen de a corte entes de quota cote pueda desecher ol cao. ‘Tho name and address of the cour le Cy aeaCAEP APT OT REE Sa caf OES -5.4 7713 ie name, secrets yee Tumibet of laos allomey, pli wihout an atoney, is: a nombre ls deci yo ndmoro do llseno. dmandanto,o del demandare gue no 7 "Thomas G Lewellyn, 1131 Harbor Bay Parkway Suite 142, Alatneda CX 94908 STOSSe GOO pare: SEP 012015 CLERK lor, by Aili. AMOS. + Doputy are: OF THECOURT Clty, Ral pony (For proof of service of this summons, use Proof of Service of Summons (form POS-O10),) {Para probe de entogs de osta tain use ol ormutaro Prot of Serdca of Surman” {POS-010). NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You ore sored {od on an ind defendant 2] ene poron sued under io flo ame of sect: BY FAX 3, Cento pect under; [cP 4.10 (corporation) CoP 41660 (nino) [5 CoP Ate20Qdotnctconortony FE} cop 4107 orsortee (1 CoP 416.40 fassoctation or partnership) [—] CCP 418.80 (euhosizod person) 7) other (spocity): 4. [1 by personal delivery on (date): age tors ‘SUMMONS costo Pe a8 SNeN 30, a. PLD-PI.001 Tree MT FoR counTusE ORY 1151 Harbor Bay Parkway Suite 142 Alameda CA 94502. ‘vaernoneno. 510-337-1600 FAxNO, (pion: 510-337-7904 SNromeyrenpumny Plantift ence uFCpeas COUNTY ‘or San Francisco F ear ee Hance CA 94102 Supers Cea cas Leelee SEP 01 2015 PLANTIFE ATHICS EMINIICR, SebASTICN STRPSOR . CLERK,OF THE COURT] DEFENDANT: Uber Technologies, Inc., Rasier LLC, Rasier-Ca UBC, Bobbie Joe Laughlin, Carlos Beltray % TZ owes 110 ‘COMPLAINT—Personal injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death [5 AMENDED (Number): ‘Type (chook all that apply): C2] MoTOR VEHICLE — [) OTHER (specify): Fo Property Damage Wrongful Death Personal injury Other Damages (specify): ‘Jurisdiction (check al that apply): ASE HOMaER (2) ACTION Is A LIMITED CIVIL CASE ‘Amount demanded [_] does not exceed $10,000 {) exceods $10,000, but doos not exceed $25,000 = ol (2 serione an ure Se ec tome C= 15-547713 (3 ACTION IS RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint 2) from timited to uniimited [from untimited to limited 1. Plaintiff (name or names): Aimee Emmrich, Sebastien Simpson Seeders heer ‘Technologies, Inc., Rasi¢ ie” Rasier-CA. Lic, Bobbie Joe Laughlin, Carlos Beltran 2. This pleading, including attachments and exhibits, consists of the following number of pages: 4 3. Each plaintiff named above Is a competent adult 8. (_] except pleintiff (name): (1) () a corporation qualified to do business in California (2) [_) an unincorporated entity (describe): 3) [3 a public entity (describe): () (J aminor [—) anadutt (@) () for whom a guardian or conservator of the estate or a guardian ad litem has been appointed (>) (1) other (specity): ©) [J other (specity): b. [—) except piaintif (name): (1) (=) a corporation qualified to do business in California (2) [__] an unincorporated entity (describe): (3) (2) 2 public entity (describe): @ [J aminor (—) an adult (@) [1] for whom a guardian or conservator of the estate or a guardian ad litem has been appointed (0) [) other (specity): (©) [J other (specity): etormaion about edaonal plants who re not competent ads shown In ltachment 3. Rone eee ‘COMPLAINT—Personal Inury, Proporiy Ra Fe urn omen a7) Damage, Wrongful Death PLD-PI.001 ‘SHORT TILE: 4. 1) Patni ¢name}: Is doing business under the fetilous name (specify): ‘and has complied with the fictitious business name laws. 6. Each defendant named above is @ natural person 2. [2 excopt defendant (name): () [_] a business organization, form unknown @ LH) a corporation ®) [| an unincorporated enty (descnbo): (4) [J a public entity deserbe): ©) other epecty: , [2 oxcopt dofondant (name): Rasier LLC (1) [—) a business organization, form unknown 2 © ecomporation @) anunincorporated entity (describe): (@ [2 2 public entity (describe): © LZ other (spectty: ‘Uber Technologies Inc ¢. [3] except defendant (nome}: Rasier-CA LLC (1) (2) 2 business organization, form unknown (2) (_) a corporation (©) ES) enrnncorporated ety (dosrbe): (4) [J a pubic entiy (dascribe): ©) (2 pes (pe ity Corporation d. (except defendant (name): (1) [1 business organization, form unknown @ [2 acorporation (©) [5] anunincorporated ently (descrbe) (#) (a pubic entity (deseribe): ©) (J other (specify): Limited Liability Corporation [1 Information about addtional defendants who are not natural persons ls contained in Atlachment 6. 8 Tho renames of defendants sued as Dows are unknown plat a, [2] Doe defendants (spacily Doe numbers) ‘were the agonts or employees of ther ‘named defendants and acted within the scope of that agency or employment. ». CZ) bow detent (sect Doe umbes 1t020 are peraons whose capaci re unknown to 7. [1 Defendants who are joinod under Code of Chil Procedure section 382 are (names): 8. This courtis the proper court because 8, [J atleast one defendant now resides in is Jursdiclonal area, ». CZ the principal place of business of a defendant corporation or unincorporated association Is In ls jurisdictional area. & [1 injury to person or damage to personal property occurred ints jurisdictional area, 4d. =] other fepecity): 9. Plaintit is required to comply with a clalme statute, and ‘& (_] has complied with appicable claims statutes, or b. [1] is excused from complying because (spect): FED Pt ey ‘COMPLAINT—Personal injury, Property Pastors Damage, Wrongful Death PLD-PI-001 ‘SHORT TITLE: ASE WONDER 10. The folowing causes of action are altached and the statements above apply to each (oach complaint must heve one or more causes of action attached): a. C2] Motor Vahicio b. [ General Negligence &. [=] Intentional Tort &. 5 Products Liabitty ¢. [—) Premises Liebility £. =) otner (spect): 11, Plt nas sutered 2. [A] wage loss , [A lose of se of property ©. [7 hospital and medial expenses 4. (2 generl damage ©. [7 propary damage 1. [#7 loss of eaming capacity 3. I abner damage (specty): 0 eT eres apa) both pl 12. [1] The damages claimed for wrongful death and the relalonships of plant to the deceased are ‘a. (1 listed in Attachment 12. ». [7] as follows: 13, The relief sought inthis compiaint Is within the jurisdiction ofthis court. 14 ‘The amount of damages Is (in cases for porsona! Injury or wrongful death, you must chock (1): (1) LZ) according to proof @) (J Inthe amount of $ 15. [] The paragraphs of this complaint alleged on information and bolle are a8 follows (spactly paragraph numbers): Date; August 31, 2015 Thomas G, Lewellyn A g 2 (TYPE OR PROT RAME) WHGNATURE OF PLARTTIFF OR ATTORNEY) Pibr0o1 ae dy 2) ‘COMPLAINT—Pereonal Injury, Property Pearson Damage, Wrongful Death PLD-P1-001(1) SHORT TITLE: SE ABER CAUSE OF ACTION—Motor Vehicle ‘umber ATTACHMENT TO [#7] Complaint [—] Cross - Complaint {Uso a soparate cause of action form for each couse of action) Piaintit (name): Aimee Emmtich, Sebastien Simpson Mv. 4. v2. Plain loge the acts of defendants were negigen: the acts were the legal (roximete) cause of ries ‘and damages to pln tho ects occurred on (dato): June 7, 2015 al (place): Highway 680 Northbound, in an unincorporated area of Contra Costa County, State of California. DEFENDANTS. 2. [¥) The delendants who operated a motor vehicle are (namos): Bobbie Joe Laughlin, Carlos Beltran J) does 1 to 20 ». C7) The defendants who employed the persons who operated a motor vehicle In the course of thelr employment ‘are (names): Uber Technologies, Inc., Rasier LLC, Rasier-CA LLC , were the employers of Bobbie Joe Se » 2 c. [27] The defendants who owned the motor vehicle which was operated with thelr permission are (names): Bobbie Joe Laughlin, Carlos Beltran TZ does 1 to 20 [21 The defendants who enlrusied the motor vehicle are (names): Uber Technologies, Inc., Rasier LLC, Rasier-CA LLC, Doom 1 © 2 (CZ) The defendants who were the agents and employees of the other defendants and acted within the scope of the agency were (names): Uber Technologies, Inc., Rasier LLC, Rasier-CA LLC, Bobbie Joe Laughlin, Carlos Beltran 2) Does to [1 The defendanis who are lable to plains for other reasons and the reasons forthe labilty are. 7 sted in Attachment MV-2¢ [__] ae follows: Uber Technologies, Inc., Rasier LLC, Rasier-CA LLC, Bobbie Joe Laughlin, were a joint venture, Uber Technologies, Inc., Rasier LLC, Rasier-CA LLC, Bobbie Joe Laughlin, were common carriers. TZ coe 1 wo 20 Page ed rage tt free Opie ‘CAUSE OF ACTION—Motor Vehicle Coot Ca cna 2 oat Sy Cocca e e CM-010 Cramer ase erate Teta oy Peavey He ‘Alameda CA 94102 sexeevone no; 510-337-1600 raxvo: 510-337-7904 F J ols E D rove, Fm pany jr siecrsomee. 400 MeATster ser 012015 = 400 McAllister cnvmozecooe San Francisco CLERKjOF THE COURT _BRANCH NAME: By, Dee ‘CASE NAME: Emmrrich et al v Uber Technologies Ine. et al CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ‘Complex Case Designation — a Untied Cel timtea | nee eons CBE" 547713 Amount (Amount “poe Se, tan | eree aureus anand ‘exceeds $25,000) _ $25,000 or less) (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.402) ad Hams 1-6 below must bo completed (680 instructions Or pago 2). [- Check one box below forthe case type thet best describes his case: Auto Tort, Contract Provitonaly Complex Cl Litigation oes TED oroch ot contactwarany (08) (Gal Rule of Cour rales 3400-2409) Uninsured motors (46) Rule 3,740 cobetions (09) [1 Antirustrade reputation (03) (Other colectons 08) ‘Consieton detect (1) Insurance coverage (18) Mass tot (40) TO other contract 97) F) securtins tigation (26) Produet aby (24) Foal Property [1] eenwonmentaTode tot (90 Medica! malpractice (48) C1 Eminent domeininvarse 1 insurance coverage cats arising rom the © oer Pupcrw0 (23 ‘condemnation (4) ‘hove lated prowBlonaly complox care on-PuPOMND (Other Tort Wong von (3) pes any Business twnfar busts prec (07) L] Other ral propery 26) Enforcement of Judgment 2) ct ints (08) Uniawful Dotalner CE Enforcement of wdgment 20) TEI Dotammation (13) ‘Commercial (31) ‘Miscellaneous Civil Compfaint TE Feaus (16) Resident (32) © roe J teteectuel property (19) C1 brags ey 1 omer compan (not speciiod above) (42) {J Professional negigence (25) sJuiilat Review Miscellaneous Civil Petition ‘Other non-PUPDND tort (36) o Temes tan J Partnership and corporate governence (21) Employmant re: rb = ‘Wrongful termination (36) 2) wait of mandate (02) Toner pin et pete above 8) Other (15) [_} other jue review (20) 2. This ca is [Tis not complex under rule 3.400 of the Califomia Rules of Court. ifthe case is complex, mark the factors requing exceptional judicial management: 2.) Large number of separately represented parties d. _] Lerge number of witnesses b.[[] Extensive motion practice rang diffcult or novel e. _] Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts Issues that willbe time-consuming te resolve In thor courte, states, or counties, o na federl court c. [1] Substantial amount of documentary evidence £. [71 Substantial postudgment judicial supervision Remedies sought (chock al that apply): monetary b.[—] nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relief. (—]punitive thre are any known related cases, fie and sore a notice of elated case. (You may yo: September 1, 2015 Pflomas G. Lewellyn under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Instuions Code) (Cal. Rus of Cour, rule 3.220) Falore to Me may resul in sanctions, + Flihis cover sheot in adlton to any cover sheot required by local cout re, * Unless his isa collections case under rule 3.740 or a complex caso, ths cover sheet wil be used for saliscal purposes ony. "papeampeaer GWVIL GASE COVER SHEET SSS Slant ‘roemeseet 2 Number of causes of ection (speci): 1 negligence motor vehicle fom cypo1s) v’” BY FAX Ta RTE B WOTICE + Ith cage i compex under rule 3.400 et sq, of the Calforia Rules of Cour, you must serve a copy of tis cover sheet onal Twiscase LJis Le] isnot actass action suit. + Plaintif must file this cover sheet with the fist paper fled in the action or proceeding (except smell claims cases or cases filed ‘other parties to the action or proceeding. cmo10 INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO COMPLETE THE COVER SHEET To Plaintitfs and Others Filing First Papers. if you aro fing a frst paper ((or example, @ complain) In a civil case, you must ‘compote and flo, slong with your fist paper, the Cif Case Cover Sheet contained on page 1. This information wil be used fo comple station about the types and numbers of cases fled. You must complete ems 1 through 6 on the sheet. In tem 1, you must check 30_box for tho case ype that best describes the caso, ifthe case fits both a general and a more specific type of case listed in Kern 1, ‘check the more specific one. ithe case has muliple causes of action, check the box that best indicates the primary cause of action, To asst you in completing the sheet, examples of the cases that belong under each case type In llem 1 are provided below. A cover sheet must be fied only with your lis counsel, or both to sanctions under rules: To Parts In Rule 3.740 Collections Cases. A “colections case" under rule 3.740 is defined es an action for recovery of money ‘owed Ina sum stated tobe certain that Is not more then $26,000, exclusive of interest and attomey/s fees, arlang from a transaction in ‘hich propery, services, or money was acquired on credit. A collections case does not include an action seeking the following: (1) tort ‘damages, (2) puniive demages, (3) recovery of real property, (4) recovery of personal property, of (6) a prejudgment writ of ‘altachment, The idenifcalion of a case as a rule 8.740 colecons case on this form means that It wll be exempt fom the generat \imo-for-sorvce requirements and case management rules, unless a defendant fles a reeponsive pleading. A rule 9.740 collections ‘caso wil be subject to the requirements fr service and obieining a judgment in rule 3.740. ‘To Partoa In Complex Cases. In complox cases only, parios must also uso the Givil Case Cover Shoot to designate whsthor the case is complex. If plintif belioves the case ls complex under ruls 3.400 ofthe Caiifonla Rules of Court, this must be indicated by completing the appropriate baxes in iteme 1 and 2. If plinif designates a case as complex, the cover sheet must be served wih the ‘complaint on al parties to the action. A defendant may fle and sorve no lalor than the time of its first appearance a joindar in the Blalntife designation, a countr-designation that the case Is not complex, of, the plalntif has made no designation, a designation that he case le comple. CASE TYPES AND EXAMPLES. Auto Tor Provstonaly Complex Ct Ligation (Ca. ‘Ato 22} Persons! iryPropey Ron of Court Rules 3400-3.409) ‘DamegotrongiulDean “Aras Trace Reuttion 03) Untsured Mott (4) (0 Serna eel 0, ‘oft cin subject 2 ‘Secures Ligation total checks tom Envionmontaoxe Ton (20) Insoed of uo) inane om ‘ther IPOD (Poreonat nu apes mere hy niggers Contin gen ro este rar) itr taut ‘mist gery Award volotCreaton of yo cma conina on lores oy Sens rut agrenton Ural fee ea psoas Dope one ocoment of pment "Eminent Bomslnfewerse ‘Miscellaneous Civil Complaint ‘Condemnation (14), RICO (27) wor enon 8) ie onto ot sect ter Real Prpaty (oat Me (28) se ony MetgeeFaecoare Inlnctve Ret Oni (non Torsunen i ects lon Sa Poot to ‘Ober Commercial Complaint ‘reco ‘ne Unlawful Detar ard Compl (Commercial 1) Miscellaneous Civil Petition Reset 2) ree rn) te cve nes Boga! re SowmnreeG “hoe oc (ta Pen ho spected above) (43) iettent Worle sure ESBeponan Aut ecion Sota Seatac Potton er Name Changs ‘Wilt-Othor Limiled Court Case can iw ‘vtongful Termination (98) ‘Other Employment (1 Foviw of Heals Otter Order Notice of Appeal-Labor ‘Commissioner Appoats Other Judell Review ea ara IVIL CASE COVER SHEET mens

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