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in Our

Media refers to the vast array of means of communication and information that
even extends beyond national borders and connects the entire world. This gives
an idea of the scope of the role media can play and plays in the present world.
Be it news, entertainment, advertisement, campaigns or any other area that
needs to reach out to a section of society, media is a supporting pillar for all of
them. It is therefore very important to look into and understand the role of media
in our society, how its power can be utilised to its full potential and how can its
arms reach those who still dont have access to it.
News is one of the major fields that receives the attention of almost
everybody who is connected to media. People who are up to date with latest
technology have now access to apps of various forms of media and get the latest
information instantly with the touch of a finger. The other means are the news
channels, which reach out to even the most remote areas, thanks to the advance
of DTH technology. This has helped in highlighting the conditions of the sufferers
who are otherwise ignored, by putting pressure on the concerned authorities. It
also checks the accountability of the governments as it asks them questions on
behalf of a large population. Media has exposed numerous scams, recent
examples being the 2G and the CWG. It was also the one of the major reasons of
the success of the Anna Movement, uniting the country against corrupt practices.
It has helped reduce social and cultural divide that has plagued our country from
a very long time by making people familiar with cultures of other religions,
classes and sects across the states and countries. News channels have launched
various campaigns like road safety, cleaning of our rivers and have also
promoted welfare schemes of the government like the Swachh Bharat, Beti
Bachao, Jan Dhan Yojana etc. They have also contributed in relief work after
natural disasters not only in terms of financial aid, but also by encouraging
common people in helping those affected. Nepal earthquake was one such
example when they helped in transporting essential goods from people in India
to the needy ones in Nepal.
But then there are other areas in which media needs to play a more
effective role. The large variety of news channels now available has increased
competition but now channels give undue attention to irrelevant topics to better
their TRP ratings. Many programmes that require very liitle time are
unnecessarily hyped and sensationalised which not only wastes the time of the
viewers but also hijacks the space for other important issues that eventually
dont get attention. These times can be devoted to discussions on issues related
to development of the country. Media should have a greater realisation of the
fact that it is an important means of educating the people in remote sections
from all age groups. There needs to be a more constructive criticism of
government policies and decisions and issues should not be politicised
unnecessarily. Many a times we have seen efforts to resolve issues after
something has happened. For example, qualities and strength of buildings were
reported after a major earthquake occurred, investigations into fake degree
rackets were started after many powerful leaders were exposed. Media needs to

be more proactive. It also needs to search for solutions to various issues by

having healthy discussions rather than just highlighting the issues.
Another area which the media encompasses is of
entertainment. Today we have various TV serials, reality shows, games and
sports, music channels and many more options to refresh ourselves. Social
networking apps such as facebook, twitter and Whatsapp allow people to express
their views, share opinions and even stay in touch of people you like. Because
people are now connected across the globe, it has helped in creating a well of
opportunities for people to show their talents in numerous fields such as music,
drama, comedy, cookery etc. Children get entertained through cartoon channels.
TV shows attract a lot of people and thus shape their mindset in many ways too.
For example, a serial highlighting the effects of child marriage was very popular
with viewers.
Electronic and print media has also created large job opportunities
directly or indirectly and has very much helped in the success of other fields of
work as well. Today we have large number of journalists, news readers, column
writers, newspaper distributors, magazine sellers etc. Many new start-ups have
become successful using the resources of media. Some have their whole
business dependent on it. Examples include facebook, Twitter, Flipkart etc.
Increasing number of media institutes are now being set up to meet the
demands of the growing industry.
Thus it would not be wrong to say that media is as important to a
country as are its other functional pillars like the executive and the judiciary. It
must make every effort to use its power and reach to educate people, criticise
wrong doers and ineffective policies, and raise the voice of the unheard. It must
also take care that only the truth is presented and false rumours are not spread.
Media has a very important role to play in the present and in the future.

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