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Angeline B.



Chapter I Summary and Reflection

Quantitative analysis is a method of managerial decision-making which uses a scientific
approach. There must be an input of data which must undergo a process to be able to weed out
the irrelevant information. In analysing the said data, both qualitative and quantitative factors
must be considered. These factors are interdependent on each other and a change in one
qualitative factor may vary the quantitative factor which can have an effect on the results of the
analysis and could drastically affect the decision-making process as well.
In the quantitative analysis approach, we are given the following steps: defining the problem
which allows us to concentrate on the relevant aspects of the problem; developing a problem
which uses models composed of either physical, scale, schematic, or mathematical; acquiring
input data in which accurate data must be fed in order to lessen the chances of getting misleading
results; developing a solution where the model is manipulated in order to arrive at the best
solution to the problem; testing the solution where the data and the model is tested for its
accuracy because the solution is highly dependent on the input data and the model; analysing
the results and sensitivity analysis where it is determined how the solutions will change with a
different model or input data; and last, implementing the results where the results are put into real
and actual use.
In the quantitative approach, some problems may arise like conflicting viewpoints, the impact of
quantitative analysis models on other departments, beginning assumptions, outdated solutions,
fitting textbook models, understanding the model, acquiring good and relevant input data, and
other problems. It seems like these problems are likely to arise before, during and after the
process. But the biggest problem of all would have to be during the implementation where either
the management or the employees are reluctant and resistant to the change that the solution
For me, quantitative analysis is a more effective means of coming up with a solution to a
problem because of the use of logic and reason. Emotions and mere guesswork are disregarded.
It is important to make a managerial decision without the interplay of emotions and whims to
cloud ones judgement because of the effect it will have on a large-scale. A managerial decision
usually does not only involve the employees themselves but it may have an effect on all the
stakeholders. That is why the best way to come up with a decision, though it may be hard, is with
the quantitative analysis in order to ensure the credibility and integrity of the input data and the
result of the analysis.

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