Eng345 Ch1 P

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Mathematical Modeling

Mathematical Modeling
Define the problem and gather relevant data
Formulate a mathematical model to represent the
Develop a procedure for driving solutions to the
Test the model and refine it as needed
Prepare for the application of the model

Define purpose
Field data

Conceptual model
Mathematical model


Numerical formulation
Computer program
code verified?



Model design
field data

Field data

Presentation of results

Field data

includes sensitivity analyses

Mathematical Modeling
Define the Problem
Mostly, problems described in vague and imprecise manner
It is the process of developing a well defined statement of
the problem
Defining the objective, constraints, inter relationships,
possible alternative actions
All variables should be considered
Privatizing the water network of a city, all parties should be
considered: the owner who desires profit; the employees
who desire steady employment; the people who desire low
priced and high quality water; the government which desire
a continuous services and fair taxes

Mathematical Modeling
Formulate a Mathematical Model
Put the problem in a form suitable for analysis
This form called models or idealized representation
Examples include: the law of motion. Chemical reactions,
Mathematical model is the set of equations that describe the
The factors that affect the system output called variables, for
example, product type, price, production time, etc are the
decision variables that affect the profit of an organization

Mathematical Modeling
Formulate a Mathematical Model
The form that represent the relationship between these
decision variables and the profit is called Objective
Any restrictions applied to the variables called Constraints
So, mathematical model is to choose the variables that
maximize the objective function and respect the constraints
One of the most used models is the linear programming
In LP models: objective function and constraints are linear
Sometimes, it is necessary to do some simplification of the
problem to make it solvable

Let us consider construction site layout planning problem to

locate the temporary facilities on site

Mathematical Modeling
Formulate a Mathematical Model

Overlap constraints
Restricted area constraints
Site boundary constraints

Mathematical Modeling
Solution Procedure
Defining the steps of driving a solution
Writing a computer program
Using available software shells
Choosing among optimal solutions or applying heuristic

Mathematical Modeling
Model Testing
The procedure used should be tested to make sure that it is
Using benchmark problems
Trying problems solved previously using another procedure
This step is called model validation
Upon this validation, the model should be refined or

Mathematical Modeling
Procedure for Model Application
After model testing and having an acceptable developed
model, it is necessary to install a welldocumented system
for how to apply the model.
This step includes: the model, application procedure, its
limitations and any other necessary steps for implementation

Mathematical Modeling
The final step is to implement the developed system
This is the most important step as it ensures that the model
has been translated into an operating procedure

This model deals with the development and expansion of an
electric power system for a specific region
Data Needed (gather relevant data)
The new power station will be sited not far from the grid
network of existing power lines
Demand over the next twenty years
The cost to build and operate various sizes of hydroelectric
plants, cool-fired electric plants, and nuclear power plants
Power losses along the segments of the network would
likely be important

The objective
The objective is to meet demands for power at the least total
cost where cost is the cost of building and operating the
expanded system of power plant
The constraints
Each city must be assigned sufficient power resources from
among all the plants, previously established or newly built.
Decision Variables
Decision variables may be building a plant of specific type
or not. For example, decision variables may be 1 or 0. A
variable for a plant of type k at site i built to size j would be
1 if such plant were established and 0 other wise

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