Why Our Medical Colleges Need Digital Resources and Telemedicine

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Dr.T.V.Rao MD
If we teach todays students as
We taught yesterdays, we rob
Them of tomorrow.

John Dewey
The Ministry of health in coordination with Medical Council of India planning to reduce the Teaching
staff in Medical colleges, fine we need more Medical College and more Doctors to take care of the
system, However it is going to produce more skill less doctors, If you sincerely ask the Medical
students, they say our problem is not learning theory and in reality we cannot face the real life
situations The Indian modern system of Medicine needs a review to think what really is happening
very few seniors come out with new ideas in the system, many seniors, administrators and
Professors have lost the contact with the realities of the system, However we have reached a stage
we have to teach the Students with Technology, If the matters to run with few Teachers we have no
way make the system better than with e-learning resources and Telemedicine as barriers to the
success of telemedicine projects in developing countries include the time and resource constraints
experienced by local medical staff which inhibit them from undertaking the documentation and
referral process to request the information. In the coming years, telemedicine will likely play a
significant role in our careers and as such, we must have an understanding of both its benefits and
limitations. Despite the obvious potential of telemedicine, several questions remain in the minds of
the public, doctors and also medical students, however it has be answered by Administers and
academic faculty The linking of elective opportunities for medical students with a telemedicine
project not only provides a clear purpose to the elective experience for the student but also
mitigates this barrier to telemedicine. I wish we all train our Medical students in real Time situation
with Telemedicine, and make the Doctors to live to the situation, long-distance care is possible
through the use of telemedicine using technology to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of
health care delivery. In addition to making care more convenient for our patients, Telemedicine
allows our physicians to connect with patients throughout the region to expand our reach, and to
serve a population greater than we can accommodate in our physical facilities. Another feature of
telemedicine is the use of tele mentoring the process of supervising a patient procedure, such as
surgery, from a distance. In addition to using technology to mentor off-site physicians and other
clinicians, tele mentoring allows our physicians to keep up with medical advances and it decreases
the demand for hospital beds. Many Medical colleges in India to be connected with best resources in
India with our supporting centre of excellence in India Like All India Institute of Medical Sciences, PGI
Chandigarh KMC, CMC an many others in the country it enables same patients primary care
physician coordinating their care by sharing medical history, X-ray images, test results and other
resources electronically a process called store and forward with consulting physicians based in
remote medical colleges and hospital even in a Primary health centres
However many of students are prepared for challenges in Digital learning then who are our students
* Medical students
Nursing students

Physician assistant students

Respiratory therapy students
Physical therapy students
Laboratory Technology students
They are technophiles with the broad band resources 3 G and upcoming 4 G services
They are fast and multi-tasking
On the internet a lot
looking for balance
The future
Is it possible to develop resources if the students are motivated with teacher participation never
forget some students are greater technophiles than their our teachers
Elements of Student-User Cantered Design in
Telemedicine Education
Involve students in designing their own telemedicine training programs
Create a program that gives students scaffolded, authentic experiences each year
Meet with them at regular intervals to get feedback on telemedicine implementations and
telemedicine training programs
Keep these programs flexible and agile to allow for iterative development
Encourage them to bring ideas for adjacent possible innovation to your teams
Never forget our Todays students are innovators of tomorrow
We students are the Ambassadors of colleges and universities
However if we establish a Cell to Monitor the utility of digital advances in Medicine and initiation of
Elements of Student-User Cantered Design in
Telemedicine Implementation in Education

Involve students in designing their own telemedicine training programs

Create a program that gives students scaffolded, authentic experiences each year
Meet with them at regular intervals to get feedback on telemedicine implementations and
telemedicine training programs
Keep these programs flexible and agile to allow for iterative development
Encourage them to bring ideas for adjacent possible innovation to your teams
In the coming years, telemedicine will likely play a significant role in our careers and as such, we
must have an understanding of both its benefits and limitations. Despite the obvious potential of
telemedicine, several questions remain in the minds of the public, doctors and also medical
students. The first is: do we really require telemedicine? I answer to the problem remain, yes as
tomorrows teaching and learning is a blended learning and we cannot progress with didactic
lectures and age old thinking of the many Teachers,
Ref advancing to real time learning in Medicine
Dr.T. V, Rao MD Professor of Microbiology, Freelancer

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